Zone1 Black Actress Calls Royal Family Too White

Red hair .. blonde hair .. brunette .. it all feels the same, and I'm sure Charles didn't care about hair color.

Or looks.

Or better yet, the whole "Royal'' family should park in a line in the "No Parking'' fire lane right in front of the store so they don't have to walk twenty yards...
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And the royal family of Nigeria is awfully black.

Its what genetics and family is all about.
I don't have one opinion of the royal family one way or the other, but how is this not considered racist when if it was a white person saying that black people were too black then it would be everywhere in the news?

Happens all the time.

Here are other examples.

Number one

"This article is more than 2 months old

I’m a Man City fan. Despite the backlash, it’s time to sink these ships"​

Essentially Lester Holloway is a journalist who has always been working for ethnic media outlets.
He said the Manchester City badge is racist because....

It has ships on it.

Ships = part of the slave trade = racist.
Only Manchester didn't become a port until well after the slave trade was gone, well after the US had got rid of slavery too.

"I’ve long been aware that the ship on the badges of both Manchester football clubs represents the city’s historic seafaring trade. I’ve also long known that cotton transported from slave plantations in the deep south formed a huge part of that trade."

So the guy, in his first paragraph, manages to put two and two together and come up with "da fuk?"
Yes, boats were used to transport slaves to the US and cotton to the UK.
No, they did NOT transport slavery cotton to Manchester, never happened, EVER.

"Some fans mistakenly claimed that the ships couldn’t be related to slavery because Britain abolished the transportation of enslaved people in 1807, and slavery itself in 1833, while the Manchester ship canal was only opened in 1894."

And then who actually states why his argument is so fucking bad. But puts "mistakenly" in there.

"In reality, Manchester was handling slave cotton from 1781"
But not from the ships coming into Manchester. So, if Manchester City had COTTON on its badge, well... maybe, but ships.... my word.

Number two

A black theater group has a "black out", which is essentially "don't fucking come here if you're not black"

Imagine having a "white out" where white people discuss things they don't want black people to find out about, it's be carnage.

"Performance initially touted as welcoming 'an all-Black identifying audience'"
I don't have one opinion of the royal family one way or the other, but how is this not considered racist when if it was a white person saying that black people were too black then it would be everywhere in the news?

Apparently, she lacks the intelligence to understand the concept of how royalty and biological family works.
Let's break it down for her.
Old Style Monarchy: A king or queen rules. He or she is married off to other what they call high-born royalty for alliance purposes. Since England is part of Europe and for centuries and whites were the people that migrated to the unpopulated European region several millennia ago, the royalty was and is, white. Fast forward to the present era. Royalty is no longer bound by the antiquated rules of marriage for nation alliances sake. The kings, queens, princes, princesses, dukes, earls and such, are free to marry who they fall in love with (with some expected criticism from the common folk, as they may have their preferences). The royal family standing on the balcony was all white, because they fell in love with and married other whites. No mystery there. After all, it's not a damn job where they have to interview people for the "occupation" of being a person of royalty.

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