Bismark Tribune: "Trump's deportation idea similar to 1930s mass removals"

WWII cannot be fought over and over pretending that this time we lose.

It's a liberal thing. In their heads they relive events over and over.

They replay the civil war endlessly. Only in their outcome the south rejects all things southern.

They relive WWII only this time Germany not only wins but the Allies are worse than Nazis. Japan is able to flood the country with Japanese nationals and wins the war.

Every election from now on is the reliving of obama.

Liberals have no sense of time passing them by.
So. Here's an idea, illegals get the hell out of our country!
And here's the ignorance and hate common to most on the right.

One is not 'illegal' until such time as he has been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization.

Undocumented immigrants are entitled to due process of the law, they are entitled to apply for refugee or aslyee status and remain while the application is being processed, and they are afforded the presumption of innocence until a determination of their status is made.

Your unwarranted fear and hatred of Hispanic immigrants is exceeded only by your ignorance and contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

^ Herr Goebbels, Patron Saint of Modern Progressives
So. Here's an idea, illegals get the hell out of our country!
And here's the ignorance and hate common to most on the right.

One is not 'illegal' until such time as he has been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization.

Undocumented immigrants are entitled to due process of the law, they are entitled to apply for refugee or aslyee status and remain while the application is being processed, and they are afforded the presumption of innocence until a determination of their status is made.

Your unwarranted fear and hatred of Hispanic immigrants is exceeded only by your ignorance and contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

They are not immigrants dummy they are criminals who sneaked into our country illegally. Immigrants apply for a visa and come here legally at our discretion.
There is a lot of information at this link, stuff I did not know:

Trump's deportation idea similar to 1930s mass removals

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's call for mass deportation of millions of immigrants living in the U.S. illegally, as well as their American-born children, bears similarities to a large-scale removal that many Mexican-American families faced 85 years ago.

During the Great Depression, counties and cities in the American Southwest and Midwest forced Mexican immigrants and their families to leave the U.S. over concerns they were taking jobs away from whites despite their legal right to stay.

The result: Around 500,000 to 1 million Mexican immigrants and Mexican Americans were pushed out of the country during the 1930s repatriation, as the removal is sometimes called.

During that time, immigrants were rounded up and sent to Mexico, sometimes in public places and often without formal proceedings. Others, scared under the threat of violence, left voluntarily.

About 60 percent of those who left were American citizens, according to various studies on the 1930s repatriation. Later testimonies show families lost most of their possessions and some family members died trying to return. Neighborhoods in cities such as Houston, San Antonio and Los Angeles became empty.

There is more at the link, you should read it all.

Now, there are differences here: the 1930s "repatriations" were of legal US citizens. What Trump is proposing is aimed at illegal immigrants. But the tenor of this stuff sounds very, very familiar to me.

I just don't see how the GOP can even get 20% of the Latino vote in 2016 if it keeps this stuff up.

Soon, a plethora of Latino polling will be coming out and I suspect that the results are going to look very, very grim for the GOP, and not just for Donald Trump in particular.

Discuss. Are you aware of the 1930s repatriations?


The Mexican Repatriation
refers to a forced return to Mexico of people of Mexican descent from the United States between 1929 and 1936.[1][2] The mandate, carried out by American authorities, took place without due process.[3] The Immigration and Naturalization Service targeted Mexicans in California, Texas, and Colorado because of "the proximity of the Mexican border, the physical distinctiveness of mestizos, and easily identifiable barrios."[4] Studies have provided conflicting numbers for how many Mexicans were repatriated during the Great Depression, but estimates range from 500,000 to 2 million.[5][6] In 2005, the State of California passed an official "Apology Act" to those forced to relocate to Mexico, an estimated 1.2 million of whom were United States citizens.[7][8]"

Goebbels was a shrinking violet compare to modern Progressives

You must be referring to Democraps..........the 'Baby Parts Party'. Now that's a party Goebbels could've gotten behind!

You can see how they influenced each other, first FDR influenced Mengele with his Tuskegee Experiment, now Modern Progressives took everything they learned from Mengele and added a whole new dimension: I don't believe the Nazi ever sold body parts for profits, that's our Progressives
Why does the left want to enslave poor people from other countries to clean their toilets and mow their lawns? I see they haven't really changed their stripes since the civil war.
There is nothing illegal about deporting illegals. They SHOULD be deported and leave on their own once they have liquidated their house and belongings. Rewarding criminal acts is foolish and expensive for this country. Don't break up families...leave together.
There is a lot of information at this link, stuff I did not know:

Trump's deportation idea similar to 1930s mass removals

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's call for mass deportation of millions of immigrants living in the U.S. illegally, as well as their American-born children, bears similarities to a large-scale removal that many Mexican-American families faced 85 years ago.

During the Great Depression, counties and cities in the American Southwest and Midwest forced Mexican immigrants and their families to leave the U.S. over concerns they were taking jobs away from whites despite their legal right to stay.

The result: Around 500,000 to 1 million Mexican immigrants and Mexican Americans were pushed out of the country during the 1930s repatriation, as the removal is sometimes called.

During that time, immigrants were rounded up and sent to Mexico, sometimes in public places and often without formal proceedings. Others, scared under the threat of violence, left voluntarily.

About 60 percent of those who left were American citizens, according to various studies on the 1930s repatriation. Later testimonies show families lost most of their possessions and some family members died trying to return. Neighborhoods in cities such as Houston, San Antonio and Los Angeles became empty.

There is more at the link, you should read it all.

Now, there are differences here: the 1930s "repatriations" were of legal US citizens. What Trump is proposing is aimed at illegal immigrants. But the tenor of this stuff sounds very, very familiar to me.

I just don't see how the GOP can even get 20% of the Latino vote in 2016 if it keeps this stuff up.

Soon, a plethora of Latino polling will be coming out and I suspect that the results are going to look very, very grim for the GOP, and not just for Donald Trump in particular.

Discuss. Are you aware of the 1930s repatriations?

Do you mean the law that says illegals can't live here has existed for a long time and was enforced. There goes the argument that this law can't be enforced.
These threads crack me up.

Right now Venezuela is in the process of deporting thousands of Columbian illegals.

Other countries understand that their borders need to be secure and that their own citizens come before illegal aliens.

Including fucking Mexico. :lol: Have you ever seen their laws?

Not liberals in the US though.
These threads crack me up.

Right now Venezuela is in the process of deporting thousands of Columbian illegals.

Other countries understand that their borders need to be secure and that their own citizens come before illegal aliens.

Including fucking Mexico. :lol: Have you ever seen their laws?

Not liberals in the US though.
See, the problem is, "illegal immigrants" barely do any of the harm you guys rant about.
There is nothing illegal about deporting illegals. They SHOULD be deported and leave on their own once they have liquidated their house and belongings. Rewarding criminal acts is foolish and expensive for this country. Don't break up families...leave together.



These threads crack me up.

Right now Venezuela is in the process of deporting thousands of Columbian illegals.

Other countries understand that their borders need to be secure and that their own citizens come before illegal aliens.

Including fucking Mexico. :lol: Have you ever seen their laws?

Not liberals in the US though.
See, the problem is, "illegal immigrants" barely do any of the harm you guys rant about.

I couldn't give a rats ass if every female illegal alien was as kind as Mary Poppins or every male illegal alien was as talented as Albert Einstein.

The process for becoming a legal immigrant is in place. Millions have followed that process over the decades and have become not only legal immigrants but then wonderful citizens of America.


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