Birth of the People's Party

I haven't seen any numbers from Madison today, fool; however, 57% of the center-right in Wisconsin currently holds negative views of the little fascist in the governor's office.

"March 19

How many do you think will show up?
Whatever side you're on, George..... I'll be on the opposite.
'Sorry to hear that, CG.

I was confusing you with a winner.

Well, at least no one will confuse you with a winner, George; Winners don't whine. You on the other hand, not only whine, you weep and wail and gnash your teeth. I must say that's quite an overreaction to the fact that one state finally ended the extortion of taxpayer funds from its coffers by public employee unions, and other states may do the same. For all the red herring you've thrown out here (enough for a good-sized fish fry) you're as transparent as a showroom window, and I notice you have yet to deny this, since I first called you on it. You've railed against the "richest five percent" of Americans, "big corporations", and now, "400 Americans"; which is it exactly? Make up your mind who the latest scapegoat is, because I promise you, every time you offer up another inconsistency because the last one didn't resonate, I'm going to call you on it. Why? Because I don't like lying, hypocritical leftist whiners, that is why! I've got as much sympathy for you and your "Peoples Party" of whining losers, as I have for the Neo-Nazi loons who called for "Racial Holy War" when Obama was elected-NONE!

Most Americans, who are neither extreme ideological conservatives, nor extreme ideological liberals, simply will not buy your collectivist spiel, nor will they respond well to your threats of violence, direct or implied. Most Americans prefer an orderly society, and will not support any group of loons attempting to turn our streets into something resembling Northern Ireland. Try it, and you'll be put down hard and quickly, as you should be.

By the way genius, know who owns those corporations you whine about? Well, if you have a pension plan, an IRA, a 401-K or simply invest, YOU probably do, and YOU reap some of those "obscene profits" in the form of dividends. Are you going to give those back? No? I didn't think so. As for your "social contract", I never signed on to the idea that if I was smart enough, and industrious enough, and lucky enough, to be prosperous, I would give it all over to a collectivist government to redistribute. I've never voted for a politician who advocated any such thing, and I will not, (no matter what you and others like you threaten!) I note, with some disgust, that you, little Robin Hood, want government to do the taking for you; I'm not surprised, since you and the rest of your sort haven't the moxie to even manage simple theft without government assistance! You, start a revolt? Bring it on, however you and the rest of the losers, cowards and failures want to. I'll be waiting, on the other side. We'll thrash you at the ballot box, and should you resort to the cartridge box, well, you'll be more than a bit out of your league.

In short, here's a quarter, call someone who cares. Better yet, go join your fellow Marxists, in someplace like China or North Korea, where they have the sort of state, and the sort of ideology, you seem to prefer. In the meantime, cry me a river! Incidentally, the Bible records that Samson took out a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass, and I'll gladly take on a thousand of your kind, with the wishbone of a chicken!
Are you taking Wisconsin seriously?

"What’s happening in Wisconsin is, instead, a power grab — an attempt to exploit the fiscal crisis to destroy the last major counterweight to the political power of corporations and the wealthy.

"And the power grab goes beyond union-busting. The bill in question is 144 pages long, and there are some extraordinary things hidden deep inside.

"For example, the bill includes language that would allow officials appointed by the governor to make sweeping cuts in health coverage for low-income families without having to go through the normal legislative process."

"And then there’s this: 'Notwithstanding ss. 13.48 (14) (am) and 16.705 (1), the department may sell any state-owned heating, cooling, and power plant or may contract with a private entity for the operation of any such plant, with or without solicitation of bids, for any amount that the department determines to be in the best interest of the state.

"'Notwithstanding ss. 196.49 and 196.80, no approval or certification of the public service commission is necessary for a public utility to purchase, or contract for the operation of, such a plant, and any such purchase is considered to be in the public interest and to comply with the criteria for certification of a project under s. 196.49 (3) (b).'"

Are the conservatives you know in favor of allowing Walker or any politician to sell off public assets without taking bids to anyone he/she chooses?

Isn't that what dying communists in Russia did?

Ah, ha! NOW, I understand what's behind this Trotskyite drivel! One more butt-hurt liberal, crying because his precious union got busted! Oh my God, the sky is gonna fall! The poor workers will all starve! Oh, the humanity, think of the children.....and just you wait, you evil conservatives, we're gonna make you pay at the polls for this, and if that doesn't work, we'll....we'll...we'll start a violent revolt against you, that's what we'll do! That about sum it up, George?

I haven't seen a bunch of libbies implode like this, since the election of 2004, when a bunch of you declared this republic officially dead, and threatened to leave (of course, virtually none of you actually did). Of course, the sky didn't fall after all, and just two years later, you got to watch conservatives do essentially the same, after the election of Obama. Of course, your side learned nothing from what the other side had done some years back with one-party rule, so it proceeded to make the same mistake (enact a purely partisan, ideological agenda) and pay the same price (how'd you like the mid-term elections?). This is just the latest smackdown in this little partisan game of reprisal and counter-reprisal that's marked American politics over the last twenty years. You lost a political fight. Get over it (isn't that what you told conservatives to do, when the shoe was on the other foot?).
Do you agree?

"U.S. corporations are sitting on $2 trillion in cash -- trillion, not billion. The same people who shipped millions of jobs overseas, caused the financial crisis, and pay themselves multimillion-dollar bonuses every year are now sitting on a mountain of cash.

I'm informed that the amount is $4 TRILLION.

"Yet both state and local governments feel the need to give them more tax cuts.

They dance with the ones that brought them to the ball, George.

"To what end?

Money and power, what else?

"So they can create more profits and sit on bigger piles of cash, so they can play monopoly as they buy each other out, or so they can give themselves even bigger bonuses?

I take it you don't buy into the GREED IS GOOD philosophy?

"There is no indication that they are interested in doing anything to spur the economy."

The Crisis is...

Have you noticed over the last decade how Republicans AND Democrats have taken turns covering up for corporations who do nothing to spur the economy?

Most of the players here do NOT get that.

They're still duped by the good cop bad cop game the duelopoly has set up to stay in power.

And you have to understand human nature to know why that game works so well.

People WANT to feel superior to others.

Each partiy's narrative appeals to the conceits of their supporters.

The right wing dupes get to think that liberals don't get capitalism and are kneejerking fools because THAT is the well crafted narrative that they are listening to.

The LEFT gets to thing that the conservatives don't get humanism, and are selfish bastards because THAT is the well crafted narrativer that THEY are listening to.

IN BOTH cases clinging to their brand of propagada invention allows them to feel intellectually and morally superior to the other side.

Divide and conquer is a well understand method of controlling the people.

And it doesn't even matter if 2/3's of the population sees right through the sham, either.

The duelopoly has so much power, and enough dupes that it really doesn't have to give a rat's ass if most people understand the scam.

Those who get it?

Are effectively marginalized such that they can do nothing about it.

Until things get very VERY bad, this shamocracy is going to thrive.
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I haven't seen any numbers from Madison today, fool; however, 57% of the center-right in Wisconsin currently holds negative views of the little fascist in the governor's office.

"March 19

How many do you think will show up?

Fascist Governor? really? You mean he emulates the current POTUS?
They both serve the same 1% of Americans.

FLUSH Scott and Barry and ALL elected Republicans AND Democrats ASAP.
.......................Global class war from Cairo to Madison to Ohio, Indiana and beyond is building.

Get ready to rumble...

Hmmmmm, in Madison the Govenor is in fact standing with the People against the marxist Union thugs who have been robbing the People blind. The now ex-union thugs are going to learn that they are the servants in WI NOT the Masters. Its up to them how painful the Learning is going to be. The People will gladly supply pain at any level required.
Ah, ha! NOW, I understand what's behind this Trotskyite drivel! One more butt-hurt liberal, crying because his precious union got busted! Oh my God, the sky is gonna fall! The poor workers will all starve! Oh, the humanity, think of the children.....and just you wait, you evil conservatives, we're gonna make you pay at the polls for this, and if that doesn't work, we'll....we'll...we'll start a violent revolt against you, that's what we'll do! That about sum it up, George?

I haven't seen a bunch of libbies implode like this, since the election of 2004, when a bunch of you declared this republic officially dead, and threatened to leave (of course, virtually none of you actually did). Of course, the sky didn't fall after all, and just two years later, you got to watch conservatives do essentially the same, after the election of Obama. Of course, your side learned nothing from what the other side had done some years back with one-party rule, so it proceeded to make the same mistake (enact a purely partisan, ideological agenda) and pay the same price (how'd you like the mid-term elections?). This is just the latest smackdown in this little partisan game of reprisal and counter-reprisal that's marked American politics over the last twenty years. You lost a political fight. Get over it (isn't that what you told conservatives to do, when the shoe was on the other foot?).
Do you agree?

I'm informed that the amount is $4 TRILLION.

They dance with the ones that brought them to the ball, George.

Money and power, what else?

I take it you don't buy into the GREED IS GOOD philosophy?

"There is no indication that they are interested in doing anything to spur the economy."

The Crisis is...

Have you noticed over the last decade how Republicans AND Democrats have taken turns covering up for corporations who do nothing to spur the economy?

Most of the players here do NOT get that.

They're still duped by the good cop bad cop game the duelopoly has set up to stay in power.

And you have to understand human nature to know why that game works so well.

People WANT to feel superior to others.

Each partiy's narrative appeals to the conceits of their supporters.

The right wing dupes get to think that liberals don't get capitalism and are kneejerking fools because THAT is the well crafted narrative that they are listening to.

The LEFT gets to thing that the conservatives don't get humanism, and are selfish bastards because THAT is the well crafted narrativer that THEY are listening to.

IN BOTH cases clinging to their brand of propagada invention allows them to feel intellectually and morally superior to the other side.

Divide and conquer is a well understand method of controlling the people.

And it doesn't even matter if 2/3's of the population sees right through the sham, either.

The duelopoly has so much power, and enough dupes that it really doesn't have to give a rat's ass if most people understand the scam.

Those who get it?

Are effectively marginalized such that they can do nothing about it.

Until things get very VERY bad, this shamocracy is going to thrive.
And then what happens?

"Every time a politician tells you he wants to make the government more business friendly, what he’s really telling you is that he wants to increase taxes on your children and grandchildren.

"Every environmental law that is weakened will mean a cleanup to be paid for by future generations.

"Every bad business practice that is endured will be funded by taxpayers having to clean up the mess at some later date.

"Now we are told that everyone must sacrifice to bring state and federal government budgets in line. But somehow the sacrifices once again all fall on those at the bottom of the economic ladder. Once again businesses are given tax cuts, money is found to increase spending on roads, but education, health care and help for the poorest in our society are cut.

"There isn’t a financial crisis at either the state or the federal government.

"The crisis is our unwillingness to ask those who have gained the most from our society pay a fair and equitable share from the wealth this society has allowed them to accumulate. It is the honest, Christian, and patriotic thing to do."

The Crisis is...

Without divide and conquer it would be much harder for government and the rich parasites it serves to socialize cost and privatize profit.

The propaganda both sides cling to works much better at the national level where patriotism becomes a club in the hands of government and the elites.

Public banking at a state or even municipal level COULD knee-cap Wall Street and cut off the money flow to the rich parasites who buy and sell Republicans AND Democrats as routinely as we buy newspapers.

It has worked in North Dakota for almost 100 years.

Webof Debt
Whatever side you're on, George..... I'll be on the opposite.
'Sorry to hear that, CG.

I was confusing you with a winner.

Well, at least no one will confuse you with a winner, George; Winners don't whine. You on the other hand, not only whine, you weep and wail and gnash your teeth. I must say that's quite an overreaction to the fact that one state finally ended the extortion of taxpayer funds from its coffers by public employee unions, and other states may do the same. For all the red herring you've thrown out here (enough for a good-sized fish fry) you're as transparent as a showroom window, and I notice you have yet to deny this, since I first called you on it. You've railed against the "richest five percent" of Americans, "big corporations", and now, "400 Americans"; which is it exactly? Make up your mind who the latest scapegoat is, because I promise you, every time you offer up another inconsistency because the last one didn't resonate, I'm going to call you on it. Why? Because I don't like lying, hypocritical leftist whiners, that is why! I've got as much sympathy for you and your "Peoples Party" of whining losers, as I have for the Neo-Nazi loons who called for "Racial Holy War" when Obama was elected-NONE!

Most Americans, who are neither extreme ideological conservatives, nor extreme ideological liberals, simply will not buy your collectivist spiel, nor will they respond well to your threats of violence, direct or implied. Most Americans prefer an orderly society, and will not support any group of loons attempting to turn our streets into something resembling Northern Ireland. Try it, and you'll be put down hard and quickly, as you should be.

By the way genius, know who owns those corporations you whine about? Well, if you have a pension plan, an IRA, a 401-K or simply invest, YOU probably do, and YOU reap some of those "obscene profits" in the form of dividends. Are you going to give those back? No? I didn't think so. As for your "social contract", I never signed on to the idea that if I was smart enough, and industrious enough, and lucky enough, to be prosperous, I would give it all over to a collectivist government to redistribute. I've never voted for a politician who advocated any such thing, and I will not, (no matter what you and others like you threaten!) I note, with some disgust, that you, little Robin Hood, want government to do the taking for you; I'm not surprised, since you and the rest of your sort haven't the moxie to even manage simple theft without government assistance! You, start a revolt? Bring it on, however you and the rest of the losers, cowards and failures want to. I'll be waiting, on the other side. We'll thrash you at the ballot box, and should you resort to the cartridge box, well, you'll be more than a bit out of your league.

In short, here's a quarter, call someone who cares. Better yet, go join your fellow Marxists, in someplace like China or North Korea, where they have the sort of state, and the sort of ideology, you seem to prefer. In the meantime, cry me a river! Incidentally, the Bible records that Samson took out a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass, and I'll gladly take on a thousand of your kind, with the wishbone of a chicken!
Incidentally, the Bible is another in a long line of LIES the rich tell.

What do you know for sure about a bronze-age "god" who endorsed chattel slavery? 'Think he might have had a vested interest in profit, Einstein?

Or maybe you prefer the Christian re-write that makes a slave of Rome's Empire into a "god". ('think there might have been a few rich Romans chuckling about that one?)

If you're arrogant/ignorant/ stupid enough to believe those "gods" lead to freedom, that probably explains why you can't connect the dots between big business (Wall Street), the richest 5% of US taxpayers and a state that exists primarily "as the socially acceptable object of anger, protest and rage.." to deflect public criticism from big business and the economic parasites it serves.

Since the richest 1% of Americans receive by far the greatest percentage of corporate profits, your pathetic ploy of democratic 401ks rises to the same level of reality as your slave religion.

I have no idea how 200 million private guns in America will divide WHEN NOT IF enough Americans wake up to a class war the rich have been waging against them for generations. I'm pretty sure they won't be swinging many chicken bones.

I'm not so sure about you, however.
It's not a new party., SEIU, AFSCME, the remnants of ACORN etc. have been around for ages.

And the coffee is still cold and weak. WTF?
.......................Global class war from Cairo to Madison to Ohio, Indiana and beyond is building.

Get ready to rumble...

Hmmmmm, in Madison the Govenor is in fact standing with the People against the marxist Union thugs who have been robbing the People blind. The now ex-union thugs are going to learn that they are the servants in WI NOT the Masters. Its up to them how painful the Learning is going to be. The People will gladly supply pain at any level required.

You should mention that to the Wisconsin UNIONIZED firefighters who withdrew ALL their money from a bank that supported the punk governor's last election campaign.

And you should definitely tell John Nichols and the 100,000 UNION supporters who partied in Madison yesterday.

"That movement now proposes to recall at least three Republican state senators who backed the bill, shifting control of the chamber to the Democrats and restoring a system of checks and balances to what is now one-party government in Wisconsin."

The thugs who have been robbing the people blind are on Wall Street. Walker and Obama are not at all confused about their Masters.

Are you?

Only fools,tools and stools would pick a fight with organized labor in Wisconsin. If you want some of that pain, go for it.

I guarantee the People of Wisconsin will make it a Learning experience for you.
It's not a new party., SEIU, AFSCME, the remnants of ACORN etc. have been around for ages.

And the coffee is still cold and weak. WTF?

Speaking of Coffee? What ever happened to the leftist Counter to the TEA Party in the form of the Coffee Party?

It turned into WTF, a wholly owned subsidiary of

Fo shizzle.
"It was the largest political rally ever in Madison.

"And it was one of the largest pro-labor rallies in American history.

"From the start, the numbers have told the story of Wisconsin’s resistance, and its resilience.

"The tens.

"The hundreds.

"The thousands.

"The tens of thousands.

"The hundreds of thousands.

"Wisconsinites from every background, every religion, every politics and every job have filled the Capitol Square for the past month.

"Their message has been clear and unequivocal. They oppose Scott Walker’s assault on working families.

"They oppose the lawless actions of legislative leaders who are more determined to advance the governor’s political agenda than to respect their colleagues or to serve the interests of the whole state."


Did anybody count how many Walker supporters were marching in Madison yesterday?

Why would anyone pick a fight with organized labor in Wisconsin?

All of the above...
Once again for the cheap seats:

Union pensions are DEFERRED PAYMENTS. The State only gets involved when they screw up the investments or siphon off funds for other fiscal situations.

Collective bargaining by unions has always supported the State through tough fiscal times. Case in point, the Wisconsin unions AGREED to the increased payments to their benefits and pensions. Historically, the unions bailed out New York during the Ford Administration.

Unions and collective bargaining DID NOT create the fiscal mess the country is currently in, which lessened federal funding to the States. They were NOT responsible for the S&L scandal, Enron, or the Wall St./mortgage banking debacle.

Since unions are a prime backer/campaigner for the Dem party, weakening if not dismantling them via punitive financial moves by GOP politicos points to upcoming elections.

In Wisconsin, the Koch brothers industries would benefit from non-union input regarding their 17 business there, and would also benefit from Walker selling of public utilities to private industries.

At first, Walker and the Wisconsin GOP stated that banning collective bargaining on pensions and benefits was crucial to the budget. Then, they remove this aspect from the fiscal bill in order to repeal a 50 year old Wisconsin law to this effect. So by their own convoluted logic, the Wisconsin GOP inadvertently admitted that eliminating collective bargaining had NOTHING to do with balancing the budget.
Once again for the cheap seats:

Union pensions are DEFERRED PAYMENTS. The State only gets involved when they screw up the investments or siphon off funds for other fiscal situations.

Collective bargaining by unions has always supported the State through tough fiscal times. Case in point, the Wisconsin unions AGREED to the increased payments to their benefits and pensions. Historically, the unions bailed out New York during the Ford Administration.

Unions and collective bargaining DID NOT create the fiscal mess the country is currently in, which lessened federal funding to the States. They were NOT responsible for the S&L scandal, Enron, or the Wall St./mortgage banking debacle.

Since unions are a prime backer/campaigner for the Dem party, weakening if not dismantling them via punitive financial moves by GOP politicos points to upcoming elections.

In Wisconsin, the Koch brothers industries would benefit from non-union input regarding their 17 business there, and would also benefit from Walker selling of public utilities to private industries.

At first, Walker and the Wisconsin GOP stated that banning collective bargaining on pensions and benefits was crucial to the budget. Then, they remove this aspect from the fiscal bill in order to repeal a 50 year old Wisconsin law to this effect. So by their own convoluted logic, the Wisconsin GOP inadvertently admitted that eliminating collective bargaining had NOTHING to do with balancing the budget.

And DEFERRED on the backs of the TAXPAYER...
Once again for the cheap seats:

Union pensions are DEFERRED PAYMENTS. The State only gets involved when they screw up the investments or siphon off funds for other fiscal situations.

Collective bargaining by unions has always supported the State through tough fiscal times. Case in point, the Wisconsin unions AGREED to the increased payments to their benefits and pensions. Historically, the unions bailed out New York during the Ford Administration.

Unions and collective bargaining DID NOT create the fiscal mess the country is currently in, which lessened federal funding to the States. They were NOT responsible for the S&L scandal, Enron, or the Wall St./mortgage banking debacle.

Since unions are a prime backer/campaigner for the Dem party, weakening if not dismantling them via punitive financial moves by GOP politicos points to upcoming elections.

In Wisconsin, the Koch brothers industries would benefit from non-union input regarding their 17 business there, and would also benefit from Walker selling of public utilities to private industries.

At first, Walker and the Wisconsin GOP stated that banning collective bargaining on pensions and benefits was crucial to the budget. Then, they remove this aspect from the fiscal bill in order to repeal a 50 year old Wisconsin law to this effect. So by their own convoluted logic, the Wisconsin GOP inadvertently admitted that eliminating collective bargaining had NOTHING to do with balancing the budget.
It's called playing the game the same way your party of choice has played it for years-as an extension of war by other means. I'm not enamored of republicans, especially-it's just that I loathe the democrat party, so naturally I'll support ANYTHING that damages its interests, on the sensible grounds that whatever helps it, hurts me. I would vote for a one-eyed, one-eared, mangy, flea ridden yellow cur, before I'd vote for a democrat, any democrat. As far as the rest, welcome to hardball politics-we learned it from the democrats.
"It was the largest political rally ever in Madison.

"And it was one of the largest pro-labor rallies in American history.

"From the start, the numbers have told the story of Wisconsin’s resistance, and its resilience.

"The tens.

"The hundreds.

"The thousands.

"The tens of thousands.

"The hundreds of thousands.

"Wisconsinites from every background, every religion, every politics and every job have filled the Capitol Square for the past month.

"Their message has been clear and unequivocal. They oppose Scott Walker’s assault on working families.

"They oppose the lawless actions of legislative leaders who are more determined to advance the governor’s political agenda than to respect their colleagues or to serve the interests of the whole state."


Did anybody count how many Walker supporters were marching in Madison yesterday?

Why would anyone pick a fight with organized labor in Wisconsin?

All of the above...
Nope; as evidenced by the above, you all are obviously too dumb to even count, much less fight. And about that chicken bone-I don't believe in using excessive force, and I don't need a sledgehammer, to swat a mosquito. Calm down son, before you threat yourself to death.
............You should mention that to the Wisconsin UNIONIZED firefighters .......................

The Gov made a mistake to not eliminate the cop & fire unions. One he will hopefully correct.

As to a recall go ahead & try.

BTW, ya won't be able to import Voters as easily as you have the State Capitol 'rent a mob'.
............You should mention that to the Wisconsin UNIONIZED firefighters .......................

The Gov made a mistake to not eliminate the cop & fire unions. One he will hopefully correct.

As to a recall go ahead & try.

BTW, ya won't be able to import Voters as easily as you have the State Capitol 'rent a mob'.

Firefighters and Police weren't the problem. THEY get rid of their non-performing trash because it's a matter of PUBLIC SAFETY, and they know it.

Teachers, POOR ONES are granted tenure and thus benefits no matter what and good luck getting RID of them.

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