polls don't mean squat


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
The United States
All the polls in the world don't mean squat. We will have to wait and see if those who voted for the repeal of collective bargaining rights, will be re-elected. That more so than any other poll will actually show what the people of Wisconsin reallt wanted.

I hope all the other state employees see this and ready themselves. i.e. police, fire, etc. The politicians it seams have nothing to worry about.
Unless you've seen "Waiting for Superman" you may lean union. I am wayyyyy more for the taxpayers. Civil service is more than enough protection for State workers. The proof in the pudding is if state workers strike, can the governor replace them?
I support that State employees get like Federal employees, i.e. no sweetheart scam deals and outrageous benefits at taxpayer expense.
The governor should be able to replace them, but not force them back to work. Everyone has a right to walk off the job and be fired. I believe the question would be more like, how bad do the states need their teachers if there is a mass firing? After this descision in Wisconsin I wonder if the fire departments and police departments are shitting themselves.
I could understand the police being concerned a bit with their union. But Firefighters are largely volunteers from the community. Only in rather large cities are their professional Firefighters.

And your right polls dont mean squat. But I would guess that the recall of the politicians that have fled the state in an attempt to deny the people the opportunity to voice their desires to break the union elites will demonstrate how much the people actually approved as well.

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