Birth control saves money. MORE RW idiocy...D'OH!

Paying for women's contraception prevents child abuse and abortions.
Thank you President Obama for standing up for the women of America.

They will remember in November who stood up for them.

OMG... Chris... you' officially lost it.. this is beyond fucking stupid.

Good old Chris....going where no moron has ever gone before.

Boldly reaching new parts of his large intestine.
she's an activist slut.

why does she have to fuck everybody on campus ??
One pill a day and she can not fuck or she can fuck hundreds in one day. Ask your wife or girlfriend to explain contraception to you.

then why is she such a slut if she doesn't "have to".. you know most of the pills are blanks... probably like what you're shooting. or are you saying you have to get laid for good health. is she a communist too, like obama ?
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if the guy buys the drinks, why can't the slut buy the rubbers.
there was a condom machine in the bathroom, some one wrote next to it on the wall "this is the worst gum i've ever bought".

Interesting. The guy's not a slut too?

he is if it's ladies' night and drinks are free... all guys are sluts, that's the whole point. we don't get free birth control from the socialist state. we should though. maybe some sort of condoms for clunkers initiative, give obama a chance to spend a little money.
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You hater dittoheads are the best arguments Dems have...Thanks again, morons!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

BTW, any fool would know we're not talking about condoms. What kind of fools are we dealing with anyway? LOL!:cuckoo::lol::eusa_angel:

I am not of any party. I have been a democrat and a republican. I am also not an "Independent". I have a four year degree. 3.7 GPA. I came from a working class family, you would probably call them stupid, but my mom was trained in Classical piano and she read extensively and I am not referring to "romance novels". We frequented art museums and I still enjoy them today. I have never watched American Idol, or Sex and the City; I rarely watch tv. I do love Jeopardy however. I have many gay friends and neighbors. And I DO mean friends not just acquaintances. I have black friends; we go back to childhood days. I am not for the death penalty, but I am against abortion although I would never tell any other woman that she should not have one.

My point here is to let you know that I am not a truck driving hillbilly with a front tooth missing, I do not drag my knuckles when I walk, I am an expert on correct grammar and read as fast as JFK did. `This is so you will kindly refrain from stereotyping me when you realize that I think Obama wants to pull this country down; that he is deliberately putting us in so much debt and that most people voted for him because of white guilt. I believe this country does better when the federal government stays out of state business. I believe the public school system has been deteriorating since the inception of the DOE in the seventies. Once we were first in the world in education, now we are dead last.

Just because someone does not have the same convictions that YOU have does not make them a Neanderthal. Perhaps you stereotype people because that justifies your own ideals when others do not agree.

BTW, I drive a Volvo. [/B]

Very nice. Now maybe you should pay attention to what's going on in the world so you're not a moron Pub dupe. LOL
Birth control coverage SAVES insurers MONEY. And will save huge amounts of welfare money, etc etc. Single mothers are 40% of welfare, and a vicious circle. Dittoheads....THIMK!!
#22 -Good point- and won't even cost THAT under ACA. More important it will save MANY unwanted pregnancies and abortions for the poor. And I said I had a Masters,

you dont have an advanced one would go to school to attain one and come off looking as stupid as you do in your posts.....
To ignorant brainwashed dittoheads:cuckoo:lol::lol::eusa_angel::...

If you believe those countries are so much better than this one, no one is stopping you from leaving and going to live there.

Duh, impossible. Those countries have their immigration laws and ID cards in working order. They don't have Pubs keeping cheap labor possible- they're also terrified Ugly 'Merican morons might show up THERE. Ignoramus.

you have a Masters?.....and you are not smart enough to figure out that the Republicans are only half the problem?......that other Party.....i am sure you have heard of them.....the Democrats?.....they are the other part of the problem Frankie.....if you would quit sucking their balls you might have figured this out......fucking Dittohead....
Vulgar twerp. No it's all Pubs...wouldn't happen without them- Boom and bust corruption, greed, and BULLSHYTTE since 1872.... Period. Keep ranting though...very amusing.
Let's character assassinate women and ignore ALL FACTS. Georgetown has private insurance so even if BC cost money, it wouldn't cost the public. When do the dupes figure out health care choice , affordable and guaranteed care under ACA, is good for EVERYONE but greedy corporate slimeballs? Dittoheads, save yourselves...

If there is one reason on the planet to believe in abortion it's you.

If there is one reason to make me switch to believing in the morning after pill it's you.

Man you are one slime of a human.

Don't you dare make the Jesuits fund abortions and birth control.

Fuck you. Freedom of religion.
his report answers that question. It found the costs to educate a high school graduate vary depending on where you live. Costs range from a high of $265,395 (Tyrrell County Schools) to a low of $100,736 (Randolph County). On average, it cost North Carolinians $142,027 to educate one student through high school.

How Much Does It Cost to Educate A High School Graduate? - Civitas Institute

and that is in NC not one of the more expensive places to live in the USA.

and this does not include the 40+% that are born on medicaid because their mother is unwed.

Those on welfare, etc.
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Do you lefties still want to go down the Eugenics path? Go ahead but pay for it out of your own pocket and leave the Catholic church an other religious groups alone. That's all we ask of you neo-nazis.
I am just quoting facts, you can whine eugenics if you want, that is the logical conclusion from an absolutist mind I suppose.
We're talking about all the people who work for the Jesuits, who are in little danger of getting pregnant themselves- and IT DOESN"T COST ANYTHING TO THE INSURERS...morons.
Vulgar twerp. No it's all Pubs...wouldn't happen without them- Boom and bust corruption, greed, and BULLSHYTTE since 1872.... Period. Keep ranting though...very amusing.

explain the Illegal Immigration problem in California you stupid Fuck.....lets see you blame the Republicans for you even have a High School Education? express yourself pretty poorly for a so-called "Educated" person....if you indeed have a degree you should be ashamed of yourself.....your spelling is bad,your choice of words......your posts look like a person who could not get past 10th grade.... your a FRAUD Frankie....
Pubs love illegal workers and refuse to allow a good work/ID card or enforce laws on illegal employers, while distracting the dupes with BS about useless fences and laws that just harass hispanics...dolt. LOL!
Good night, sleep well.
Pubs love illegal workers and refuse to allow a good work/ID card or enforce laws on illegal employers, while distracting the dupes with BS about useless fences and laws that just harass hispanics...dolt. LOL!
Good night, sleep well.

More left wing horse crap. You guys should get yourselves some new writers. The present ones are rippping you off.

Those laws have driven a lot of illegals out of AZ.

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