Billboard by LGBT in Kim Hometown

Arson is not civil disobedience. Personally I think the billboard is silly but claiming it is 'harassing the whole town' is even sillier.

I wouldn't burn it...too dangerous, unintended consequences like a wildfire or a fireman getting hurt.

Personally, I'd get creative with some white paint and a sharpie...

"Dear Kim Davis, the Fact that you can't sell your daughter for three goats and a cow, means we've already redefined marriage."

Planting Peace, is well known
for trolling anti-gay groups with large gestures. You might remember they we're the ones who painted this rainbow house directly across the street from the Westboro Baptist Church (aka the "god hates fags" a-holes)!"
Arson is not civil disobedience. Personally I think the billboard is silly but claiming it is 'harassing the whole town' is even sillier.

I wouldn't burn it...too dangerous, unintended consequences like a wildfire or a fireman getting hurt.

Personally, I'd get creative with some white paint and a sharpie...

"Dear Kim Davis, the Fact that you can't sell your daughter for three goats and a cow, means we've already redefined marriage."

Planting Peace, is well known
for trolling anti-gay groups with large gestures. You might remember they we're the ones who painted this rainbow house directly across the street from the Westboro Baptist Church (aka the "god hates fags" a-holes)!"
As I said...vandalism is cool these days. :D

Amen! That's what the religious Christian freaks don't understand - or won't recognize. Our Constitution treats all religions the same. Christians are no better than Muslims and Scientologists. They are all equal cults in the eyes of the law.
Arson is not civil disobedience. Personally I think the billboard is silly but claiming it is 'harassing the whole town' is even sillier.

I wouldn't burn it...too dangerous, unintended consequences like a wildfire or a fireman getting hurt.

Personally, I'd get creative with some white paint and a sharpie...

"Dear Kim Davis, the Fact that you can't sell your daughter for three goats and a cow, means we've already redefined marriage."

Planting Peace, is well known
for trolling anti-gay groups with large gestures. You might remember they we're the ones who painted this rainbow house directly across the street from the Westboro Baptist Church (aka the "god hates fags" a-holes)!"
As I said...vandalism is cool these days. :D

Bah, they'll get more donations for the vandalism. Hell, they might just vandalize it themselves.
Gay Couple Gets Marriage License From Kim Davis Deputy

On Friday, Mr. Yates and Mr. Smith, with clasped hands and tight smiles, made their way through a dense thicket of reporters and photographers and stood before an employee of the clerk’s office, one of five who had told Judge Bunning the day before that they would issue licenses in Ms. Davis’s absence.

they call harassing a whole town, fighting back. but anyone with honor would call that something cowards would do. they can't stand up to one person so they go after anyone who is close by. if that is a whole town of innocent people who had nothing to do with the person, they show they mean nothing to a bunch of cowards

I'm not seeing how anyone else in this town is beign bothered by this sign, Staph.

the fact is, you are selectively reading your Big Book of Fairy Stories to rationalize your homophobia. You wouldn't want to live by biblical law any more than I would. You'd probably get stoned before I would.
Arson is not civil disobedience. Personally I think the billboard is silly but claiming it is 'harassing the whole town' is even sillier.

I wouldn't burn it...too dangerous, unintended consequences like a wildfire or a fireman getting hurt.

Personally, I'd get creative with some white paint and a sharpie...

"Dear Kim Davis, the Fact that you can't sell your daughter for three goats and a cow, means we've already redefined marriage."

Planting Peace, is well known
for trolling anti-gay groups with large gestures. You might remember they we're the ones who painted this rainbow house directly across the street from the Westboro Baptist Church (aka the "god hates fags" a-holes)!"
As I said...vandalism is cool these days. :D

Time to pull out those paint guns from the attic.
Arson is not civil disobedience. Personally I think the billboard is silly but claiming it is 'harassing the whole town' is even sillier.

I wouldn't burn it...too dangerous, unintended consequences like a wildfire or a fireman getting hurt.

Personally, I'd get creative with some white paint and a sharpie...

"Dear Kim Davis, the Fact that you can't sell your daughter for three goats and a cow, means we've already redefined marriage."

Planting Peace, is well known
for trolling anti-gay groups with large gestures. You might remember they we're the ones who painted this rainbow house directly across the street from the Westboro Baptist Church (aka the "god hates fags" a-holes)!"
As I said...vandalism is cool these days. :D

Time to pull out those paint guns from the attic.

That would be a great idea nationwide to use paint guns on fundy churches and make them rainbow color! there are plenty cross groveling nests all over America so all people can get in on the fun in their town!! Thanks for the great idea!!
"Dear Kim Davis, the Fact that you can't sell your daughter for three goats and a cow means we've already redefined marriage."
No we didn't. That was never legal here. The dumb fucks have no clue what genders are, how are they supposed to understand what happened in the Iron Age?
You see who the Intolerant people are now. and they always have been

Yes we do and it's YOU and the rest of the those who use Christianity as an excuse to discriminate against others.

Jesus turned no one away, not the poor, the unclean or the sinners. He rebuked those who did, or who criticized Him for His compassion.

Love one another as I have loved you. I see no love in Kim Davis' actions or treatment of others.
the vindictiveness of you people is damn scary. I hope all you all out there who might still disagree with this ruling. now take a look at what's going to be coming at you, you cross them. . you think all they wanted was to be able to marry. Well take a good look at this billboard and they don't care if they harass the WHOLE town. all they care about is it's for their vindictive pleasures to shove it in your all face. You unleashed the monster now you will live it

It's called fighting back.
It's called forcing faggots perverse behavior on us.
Sorry to hear you were forced to marry someone of the same gender. Those faggots failed to force their perverse behavior on me as I married someone of the opposite gender despite their faggoty perverse agenda.
You see who the Intolerant people are now. and they always have been

Yes we do and it's YOU and the rest of the those who use Christianity as an excuse to discriminate against others.

Jesus turned no one away, not the poor, the unclean or the sinners. He rebuked those who did, or who criticized Him for His compassion.

Love one another as I have loved you. I see no love in Kim Davis' actions or treatment of others.
It isn't discrimination, activists love misusing the term for political gain. I don't agree with Kim, she should have quit, but the bakers, photographers, etc. should have the right to not participate in what they believe to be wrong, whether you approve of the bible or not, which you misrepresent as well. Jesus said go and sin no more, you ignore that because it doesn't fit your purpose.
Great, we already have a disturbingly long thread on this, and now a new one appears.

But of course. they can't just win. they have a need to shove it down peoples throats. but then they'll wonder why people won't accept them

The thing of it is, Davis knows a sizeable percentage of the population hates her, so this billboard is not going to be of any surprise to her like the left wants to believe. But hey, it's their money if they want to spend it on billboards be my guest.
The only ppl who hate her are the faggot extremists. Her constituents are behind her.

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