Bill O'Reilly: Obama's New Cheerleader


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

O'Reilly defended Obama's energy policies Thursday night and hammered on a oil-industry rep even though he admitted he didn't understand how gas prices worked. The oil-rep attempted to explain it too him, but O'Reilly interrupted him every time he made an attempt.

I've been watching O'Reilly less and less lately. I read his book "Pinheads and Patriots" the other day and noticed a trend in his thought processes.

He's been invited to the Obama White House and has admittedly sucked up to the President and the First Lady.

Deep down inside Bill O'Reilly feels that Obama is a good man.

I beg to differ.

A good man does not do what Obama has done. A good man does not hang around the kind of human trash Obama does. A good man could not sit in a church for 20 years and hear the racist rants of a pastor like Rev. Wright without walking out. A good man could not make friends with a terrorist like Bill Ayers, or suck up to George Soros, a man who promised to spend whatever it took to bring down this country. You cannot say, after witnessing the actions of this president, that Obama is a good man.

Bill O'Reilly is, after all, a journalist. He's a liberal, although a moderate liberal, but still a liberal. He cannot bring himself to believe the worst of the President, and maybe nobody should. It is after all hard to believe.
meh...he is an opportunist. He wants to ensure he gets an interview.
O'Reilly isn't worth an hour of your life any more....hasn't been for a long time.
He fits right in with the vanilla soda pop media that waste a whoole lot of time on topics that don't matter and are simple enough for their limited-minded viewers to absorb.
I have long thought that O`Reilly plays to both sides. He claims to be an Independent, and so , what more needs to be said. He is being PC for ratings, also.

I still like to watch his show, because of his guests, and because he doesn't let them spin, but often, gets his Irish up, too soon, and then all I hear is O`Reilly's voice. I hate when he interrupts my fave intellectual, Charles Krauthammer. I also like O`Reilly's "Talking Points," in the beginning of his show.
I have long thought that O`Reilly plays to both sides. He claims to be an Independent, and so , what more needs to be said. He is being PC for ratings, also.

I still like to watch his show, because of his guests, and because he doesn't let them spin, but often, gets his Irish up, too soon, and then all I hear is O`Reilly's voice. I hate when he interrupts my fave intellectual, Charles Krauthammer. I also like O`Reilly's "Talking Points," in the beginning of his show.

For some strange reason I can't stop staring at your avi. :eusa_angel:
I have long thought that O`Reilly plays to both sides. He claims to be an Independent, and so , what more needs to be said. He is being PC for ratings, also.

I still like to watch his show, because of his guests, and because he doesn't let them spin, but often, gets his Irish up, too soon, and then all I hear is O`Reilly's voice. I hate when he interrupts my fave intellectual, Charles Krauthammer. I also like O`Reilly's "Talking Points," in the beginning of his show.

He's in love with his own voice, can't seem to let his guests talk. Especially if he doesn't agree with their opinion, which is a problem on most of the Fox News shows. Don't tell me you're fair and balanced if you let the repub ramble on but the dem gets interrupted after 10 seconds. Not that agree with the dem, but I want both sides of the debate or I'm turning the channel. Or tuning out.
O'Reilly bends over backwards to appear tolerant of the Obama administration but he needn't even try because no matter what he says the left will continue to hate him. I take his opinions with a grain of salt and personally I think he is kind of pompous. Frequent guest Laura Ingraham is ten times smarter than he is.
I have long thought that O`Reilly plays to both sides. He claims to be an Independent, and so , what more needs to be said. He is being PC for ratings, also.

I still like to watch his show, because of his guests, and because he doesn't let them spin, but often, gets his Irish up, too soon, and then all I hear is O`Reilly's voice. I hate when he interrupts my fave intellectual, Charles Krauthammer. I also like O`Reilly's "Talking Points," in the beginning of his show.

He's in love with his own voice, can't seem to let his guests talk. Especially if he doesn't agree with their opinion, which is a problem on most of the Fox News shows. Don't tell me you're fair and balanced if you let the repub ramble on but the dem gets interrupted after 10 seconds. Not that agree with the dem, but I want both sides of the debate or I'm turning the channel. Or tuning out.

Turning the channel to what? Are you suggesting there is a news source out there that isn't giving a spin on things?
Bill O'Reilly isn't as smart as he thinks he is. A few nights ago, he was talking about the cost of gasoline and he claimed the government actually wants higher prices. O'Reilly said the higher the price, the more the Federal Government gets in taxes for each gallon sold. Mr. O failed to understand that the federal gasoline tax is a fixed amount per gallon (presently 18.4 cents), not a percentage of the sales price. In reality, the government gets less in total gasoline taxes when gas prices skyrocket since people tend to use less gasoline.

I don't know how many others caught this major screw up.
Hey now! O'Reilley is the darling of the over 65 right wingnut crowd. Living off the dole but claiming to be an independent.
While supporting Bush, the wars and the Tea Party.
I have long thought that O`Reilly plays to both sides. He claims to be an Independent, and so , what more needs to be said. He is being PC for ratings, also.

I still like to watch his show, because of his guests, and because he doesn't let them spin, but often, gets his Irish up, too soon, and then all I hear is O`Reilly's voice. I hate when he interrupts my fave intellectual, Charles Krauthammer. I also like O`Reilly's "Talking Points," in the beginning of his show.
Isn't that what Fox says they are? Fair and Balanced?
I like him at times, then I despise him, he was spinning it the other night when he blamed Big Oil for higher pump prices, he has taken this approach before, claims he is looking out for the little guy, what a load of crap, he knows the ethanol Tax Credit is the big bounce we had six weeks ago, his suck up is obvious, he needs to claim the Pinhead tag this week...
O'Reilly has said it himself. He's a Poplulist. This is what people of his philosophical bent do: claim to be "watching out for the little guy" without having any clear, principled through-line to his belief system (or professed belief system). I can see having a problem with subsidized oil companies being able to manipulate the market, but the root cause is the government interference. Subsidies are dangerous to all markets, they all lead to manipulation, resulting in skewed value. Unfortunately, he again fails to think it through to the fundamental level.
O'Reilly takes a lot of pride in pissing everyone off. He tries very hard to appear fair to everyone, he is wrong sometimes and I disagree with him, but since I'm not a liberal he's not a traitor to the cause.
O'Reilly has said it himself. He's a Poplulist. This is what people of his philosophical bent do: claim to be "watching out for the little guy" without having any clear, principled through-line to his belief system (or professed belief system). I can see having a problem with subsidized oil companies being able to manipulate the market, but the root cause is the government interference. Subsidies are dangerous to all markets, they all lead to manipulation, resulting in skewed value. Unfortunately, he again fails to think it through to the fundamental level.

The agriculture industry is heavily subsidized and for good reason. It's important for the nation to have a steady supply of food. It's worked out perfectly in this nation.

Wouldn't you say?
It's O'Reilly being O'Reilly. He's critical of the president when he doesn't agree with him, but gives him kudos when he does. Same way he was with Bush for eight years, Clinton before that, and is with other Democrats and Republicans and others all the time.
O'Reilly has said it himself. He's a Poplulist. This is what people of his philosophical bent do: claim to be "watching out for the little guy" without having any clear, principled through-line to his belief system (or professed belief system). I can see having a problem with subsidized oil companies being able to manipulate the market, but the root cause is the government interference. Subsidies are dangerous to all markets, they all lead to manipulation, resulting in skewed value. Unfortunately, he again fails to think it through to the fundamental level.

The agriculture industry is heavily subsidized and for good reason. It's important for the nation to have a steady supply of food. It's worked out perfectly in this nation.

Wouldn't you say?

Food, wheat, corn, is still our top export.
I like O'Reilly.

Do I believe every word that comes out of his mouth or think he is right all the time??

Hell no.

All in all I like his talking points and his guests. Worth watching in my book.

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