Bill Nye to debate evolution with creationists

'Bill Nye the Science Guy' to Debate Evolution at Kentucky's Creation Museum - ABC News

Be ready for the ultimate smackdown.


Evolution battle stirs as Texas delays new biology text - World news - Europe | NBC News


6% of Scientists identify as Republican | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Can you grow stupid? Seems that Republicans can. Guess they want to take their children out of any future competition. I just hope they don't all end up on welfare.
Why bother? All debating the God Squad does is give it some level of legitimacy in the eyes of a scientifically illiterate public. All it does is tell the world "the ideas of creationists are worth discussing" instead of just publicly ridiculing their notions. It isn't like anyone's position is going to change because of stunts like this since fencesitters won't be watching.

Even beyond that, why not send in a biologist? For all the good Bull Nye does in promoting science, he's not a scientists (he's an engineer by training) and certainly not a evolutionary biologist. There are enough witty and engaging biologists out there who can captivate an audience.

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