Bill Gates, Another Rich Fool


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
"When I see Bill or Melinda make a pronouncement on education, I am reminded of the song in “Fiddler on the Roof”: “When you’re rich, they think you really know.""

Gates a college dropout who lucked out by buying software that has sold billions now presumes to know more than experienced teachers. But given his business practice of killing competition by offering similar software bundled with Windows, why would anyone expect morals from the man? And check out his outsourcing to India effort. Interesting articles, enjoy. And please shoot the writers if you disagree.

"I am puzzled by what I read in the column cited here. I am also puzzled by the Gates Foundation’s persistent funding of groups that want to privatize public education. I am puzzled by their funding of “astroturf” groups of young teachers who insist that they don’t want any job protections, don’t want to be rewarded for their experience (of which they have little) or for any additional degrees, and certainly don’t want to be represented by a collective bargaining unit.

I am puzzled by their funding of groups that are promoting an anti-teacher, anti-public education agenda in state after state. And I am puzzled by the hundreds of millions they have poured into the quixotic search to guarantee that every single classroom has a teacher that knows how to raise test scores."

Microsoft imitates their own nonsense, good for them.

"If you were on a team of 10 people, you walked in the first day knowing that, no matter how good everyone was, 2 people were going to get a great review, 7 were going to get mediocre reviews, and 1 was going to get a terrible review,” says a former software developer. “It leads to employees focusing on competing with each other rather than competing with other companies." Microsoft

Microsoft outsourcing high-end jobs, union says -
Liberals are disgusted with a system that encourage the dismantling of the USA.

I wonder why so many people like you CRU, think its a great idea.

I can only conclude that you love the masters more than your neighbors.
Liberals hate charter schools where minority students score 10% higher in reading and 20% higher in math than thier trapped on the Democrat public school plantation students

Why do Democrats hate successful minorities? Do they fear educated minorities will leave the Democratic plantation of food stamps and unemployment?
Why do Democrats need to keep minority children trapped in public school hellhole
Imagine that.

A bunch of rw's saying that a man who could buy Ireland and earned every cent himself, is a "fool".

Same bunch of rw's humping Mittens' leg even though the KNOW he plans to take every penny they will ever have and every penny their kids will ever have.

Imagine that.

Apparently, you idiots are all part of the ONE PERCENT because the only other explanation for your truly idiotic posts is that you are true cretins.
Why do Democrats need to keep minority children trapped in public school hellhole

Yeah. Screw education. YOu didn't get any and look how you turned out, right?

After all, if all goes well, they'll soon be cleaning the school bathrooms.

Do you fools ever THINK before you type?
Why do Democrats need to keep minority children trapped in public school hellhole

Yeah. Screw education. YOu didn't get any and look how you turned out, right?

After all, if all goes well, they'll soon be cleaning the school bathrooms.

Do you fools ever THINK before you type?

What do you have against minorities getting a good education?
Rich "fools" and successful fools ain't your enemy lefties. The fools who make the rules are the only ones you need to worry about.
"When I see Bill or Melinda make a pronouncement on education, I am reminded of the song in “Fiddler on the Roof”: “When you’re rich, they think you really know.""

Gates a college dropout who lucked out by buying software that has sold billions now presumes to know more than experienced teachers. But given his business practice of killing competition by offering similar software bundled with Windows, why would anyone expect morals from the man?

And how many hundreds of thousands of lives have you saved?
"When I see Bill or Melinda make a pronouncement on education, I am reminded of the song in “Fiddler on the Roof”: “When you’re rich, they think you really know.""

Gates a college dropout who lucked out by buying software that has sold billions now presumes to know more than experienced teachers. But given his business practice of killing competition by offering similar software bundled with Windows, why would anyone expect morals from the man? And check out his outsourcing to India effort. Interesting articles, enjoy. And please shoot the writers if you disagree.

"I am puzzled by what I read in the column cited here. I am also puzzled by the Gates Foundation’s persistent funding of groups that want to privatize public education. I am puzzled by their funding of “astroturf” groups of young teachers who insist that they don’t want any job protections, don’t want to be rewarded for their experience (of which they have little) or for any additional degrees, and certainly don’t want to be represented by a collective bargaining unit.

I am puzzled by their funding of groups that are promoting an anti-teacher, anti-public education agenda in state after state. And I am puzzled by the hundreds of millions they have poured into the quixotic search to guarantee that every single classroom has a teacher that knows how to raise test scores."

Microsoft imitates their own nonsense, good for them.

"If you were on a team of 10 people, you walked in the first day knowing that, no matter how good everyone was, 2 people were going to get a great review, 7 were going to get mediocre reviews, and 1 was going to get a terrible review,” says a former software developer. “It leads to employees focusing on competing with each other rather than competing with other companies." Microsoft

Microsoft outsourcing high-end jobs, union says -

"I am puzzled by what I read in the column cited here. I am also puzzled by the Gates Foundation’s persistent funding of groups that want to privatize public education. I am puzzled by their funding of “astroturf” groups of young teachers who insist that they don’t want any job protections, don’t want to be rewarded for their experience (of which they have little) or for any additional degrees, and certainly don’t want to be represented by a collective bargaining unit.

I think the author of this blurb may be puzzled with breathing.

yes of course great god gubermint is the other avenues will be explored............

so bill gates is a con now? is that the play? really? or you just don't like it when someone off the reservation?
"Core morality tells us that people have a right to what they earn by their own efforts freely exercised. It is this part of core morality that Ayn Rand objectivists, libertarians, and other right wingers tap into when they insist that taxation is slavery... The trouble with such arguments is that nothing is earned, nothing is deserved. Even if there really were moral rights to the fruit of our freely exercised abilities and talents, these talents and abilities are never freely acquired or exercised. Just as your innate and acquired intelligence and abilities are unearned, so also are your ambitions, along with the discipline, the willingness to train, and other traits that have to be combined with your talents and abilities to produce anything worthwhile at all.... We don't earn our inborn (excuse the expression "God given") talents and abilities. We had nothing to do with whether these traits were conferred all of us are not. Similarly, we didn't earn the acquired character traits needed to convert these talents into achievements. They, too, were the result of deterministic processes (genetic and cultural) that were set in motion long before we were born. That is what excludes the possibility that we earned or deserve them. We were just lucky to have the combination of hardwired abilities and learned ambitions that resulted in the world beating a path to our door....No one ever earned or deserved the traits that resulted in the inequalities we enjoy -greater income and wealth, better health and longer life, admiration and social distinction, comfort, and leisure. Therefore, no one, including us, has a right to those inequalities. Core morality may permit unearned inequalities, but it is certainly not going to require them without some further moral reason to do so." Alex Rosenberg 'The Atheist's Guide to Reality'

And on an easier to understand level for my wingnut friends:
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Democrats live in constant fear of people getting educated and leaving their plantation


Is Obamacare law? How about Roe V Wade or DADT? Has the Dept of ED, NEA, PBS or the Fed been eliminated?

What do white conservative christians get for their unwavering support of republicans?

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