Bill Clinton: "Writing is on the wall for Hussien Obama"


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Bill Clinton calls for Obama to change his anti business policies and redefine the horrible image he has in the business community. His recommendation was to stop criticising Romney's record at Bain which can backfire bigtime and it plays into the whole anti business and anti capitalist image. He also noticed that Obama and the Democrat party have veered too far to the left, and Obama needs to learn how Clinton governed, which was to cut deals and make concessions with the republican majority congress. Of which there will be none between now and election day. So basically what Clinton is saying is Hussein's goose is cooked, barring some miracle or act of Allah.

Now there's an intelligent, wise man, a president who lead this country into an amazing era of progress and prosperity, calling it like it is without having to be afraid of any political consequences. Kudos to Clinton, one of the greatest presidents this country has had.
Between bites of a Big Mac, Clinton also said Obama is totally wasting the opportunity to use the Oval Office as a chick magnet. He said Obama would have a clearer head if he got some head.
Bill Clinton calls for Obama to change his anti business policies and redefine the horrible image he has in the business community. His recommendation was to stop criticising Romney's record at Bain which can backfire bigtime and it plays into the whole anti business and anti capitalist image. He also noticed that Obama and the Democrat party have veered too far to the left, and Obama needs to learn how Clinton governed, which was to cut deals and make concessions with the republican majority congress. Of which there will be none between now and election day. So basically what Clinton is saying is Hussein's goose is cooked, barring some miracle or act of Allah.

Now there's an intelligent, wise man, a president who lead this country into an amazing era of progress and prosperity, calling it like it is without having to be afraid of any political consequences. Kudos to Clinton, one of the greatest presidents this country has had.

Link or it's another one of your lies.
Bill Clinton calls for Obama to change his anti business policies and redefine the horrible image he has in the business community. His recommendation was to stop criticising Romney's record at Bain which can backfire bigtime and it plays into the whole anti business and anti capitalist image. He also noticed that Obama and the Democrat party have veered too far to the left, and Obama needs to learn how Clinton governed, which was to cut deals and make concessions with the republican majority congress. Of which there will be none between now and election day. So basically what Clinton is saying is Hussein's goose is cooked, barring some miracle or act of Allah.

Now there's an intelligent, wise man, a president who lead this country into an amazing era of progress and prosperity, calling it like it is without having to be afraid of any political consequences. Kudos to Clinton, one of the greatest presidents this country has had.

Objectively speaking, having Republican Congress helped Clinton. He was never as left as his wife and many of the people she surrounded them with. He was a Southern Democrat and knew how not to stand in the way of Capitalism. If Obama wins in '12 and all of Congress is Republican, it won't be as civil as it was with Clinton. Obama has never shown a capability to work across the aisle. It's not in him.
Bill Clinton calls Romney's experience with a Bain a Sterling accomplishment and agrees it qualifies him for presidency...

Of Course Bill is still burning over what Obama did to him in the 08 campaign- and old Bill never forgets a slight. I love his clever way of sticking it to Obama. When democrats eat their own it's always entertaining.

Bill Clinton – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
I was watching a democrat operative discussing this just this afternoon. He said it was Clinton's revenge for the way Hillary was treated. Bill also said that he liked Donald Trump. Is Clinton subtlely sabotaging obama? Sure looks that way.
The humor in this is amazing as some democrats are turning on one of their heroes. Obama has a knack for bringing out the worst in people as he is such a schmuck.
Bill Clinton calls for Obama to change his anti business policies and redefine the horrible image he has in the business community. His recommendation was to stop criticising Romney's record at Bain which can backfire bigtime and it plays into the whole anti business and anti capitalist image. He also noticed that Obama and the Democrat party have veered too far to the left, and Obama needs to learn how Clinton governed, which was to cut deals and make concessions with the republican majority congress. Of which there will be none between now and election day. So basically what Clinton is saying is Hussein's goose is cooked, barring some miracle or act of Allah.

Now there's an intelligent, wise man, a president who lead this country into an amazing era of progress and prosperity, calling it like it is without having to be afraid of any political consequences. Kudos to Clinton, one of the greatest presidents this country has had.

I was watching a democrat operative discussing this just this afternoon. He said it was Clinton's revenge for the way Hillary was treated. Bill also said that he liked Donald Trump. Is Clinton subtlely sabotaging obama? Sure looks that way.

Preparing the way for Hillary in 2016... Better chances of Hillary winning, running against Romney in 4 years, then against a beleaguered populace turned off by democrats devastated after 4 more years of Obama.
Hillary won't run in 2016. She's done.

Never underestimate the political aspirations of the Clinton's- never!
Hillary is well liked by democrats- Bill even more so. I predict a definite run from Hillary in 2016.
I was watching a democrat operative discussing this just this afternoon. He said it was Clinton's revenge for the way Hillary was treated. Bill also said that he liked Donald Trump. Is Clinton subtlely sabotaging obama? Sure looks that way.
Yes, in many ways the radical leftists of the Democrat machine extracted their revenge of Bill Clinton's unacceptable compromises with the Republicans ie Welfare Reform, on Hillary. If you recall it was the big wigs in the party such Ted Keneddy that brought about Hillary's demise as the Democrat nominee for 2008 by endorsing Obama. So Bill Clinton is now showing that the knife cuts both ways. I am not a big fan of Hillary, but whatever she is she's far better than the BS artist socialist with no experience we have in office today. The economy would have turned around by now and we would have been in better place internationally.
Bill Clinton calls for Obama to change his anti business policies and redefine the horrible image he has in the business community. His recommendation was to stop criticising Romney's record at Bain which can backfire bigtime and it plays into the whole anti business and anti capitalist image. He also noticed that Obama and the Democrat party have veered too far to the left, and Obama needs to learn how Clinton governed, which was to cut deals and make concessions with the republican majority congress. Of which there will be none between now and election day. So basically what Clinton is saying is Hussein's goose is cooked, barring some miracle or act of Allah.

Now there's an intelligent, wise man, a president who lead this country into an amazing era of progress and prosperity, calling it like it is without having to be afraid of any political consequences. Kudos to Clinton, one of the greatest presidents this country has had.

Holy shit...there are so many fallacies in this post I wouldn't know where to begin.
Clinton sold his soul to create a market boom to secure a re-election.
Clinton not only looked the other way when the derivative market began to raise serious eyebrows, he directly assisted in legislation to remove SEC authority over it so it could continue.
Clinton fantastically broadened the scope of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Clinton is the man with the pen who writ the mortgage collapse.
Clinton is by no means the chairman of the board of the men who created this mess - but he is a senior member by all accounts.
He was a deal maker all right - this much you are correct on. He would make any deal - damn the long term consequences if there was a quick payoff politically.
Bill Clinton calls for Obama to change his anti business policies and redefine the horrible image he has in the business community. His recommendation was to stop criticising Romney's record at Bain which can backfire bigtime and it plays into the whole anti business and anti capitalist image. He also noticed that Obama and the Democrat party have veered too far to the left, and Obama needs to learn how Clinton governed, which was to cut deals and make concessions with the republican majority congress. Of which there will be none between now and election day. So basically what Clinton is saying is Hussein's goose is cooked, barring some miracle or act of Allah.

Now there's an intelligent, wise man, a president who lead this country into an amazing era of progress and prosperity, calling it like it is without having to be afraid of any political consequences. Kudos to Clinton, one of the greatest presidents this country has had.

[ame=]Globalist Puppet Mitt Romney Is A Con - Works For NEW WORLD ORDER! - YouTube[/ame]
Clinton not only looked the other way when the derivative market began to raise serious eyebrows, he directly assisted in legislation to remove SEC authority over it so it could continue.
Clinton fantastically broadened the scope of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Clinton is the man with the pen who writ the mortgage collapse.
Clinton is by no means the chairman of the board of the men who created this mess - but he is a senior member by all accounts.

The most despicable hunk of POTUS feces, ever.
Bill Clinton calls for Obama to change his anti business policies and redefine the horrible image he has in the business community. His recommendation was to stop criticising Romney's record at Bain which can backfire bigtime and it plays into the whole anti business and anti capitalist image. He also noticed that Obama and the Democrat party have veered too far to the left, and Obama needs to learn how Clinton governed, which was to cut deals and make concessions with the republican majority congress. Of which there will be none between now and election day. So basically what Clinton is saying is Hussein's goose is cooked, barring some miracle or act of Allah.

Now there's an intelligent, wise man, a president who lead this country into an amazing era of progress and prosperity, calling it like it is without having to be afraid of any political consequences. Kudos to Clinton, one of the greatest presidents this country has had.
You're taking a lot of literary license with Clinton's statement. Clinton was recommending campaign strategy. He made it quite clear that he believe Obama would be far better for the economy than Romney. Nice try.

"Clinton suggested it was dangerous for Democrats to go after Romney's record at Bain Capital. He said, "I don't think that we ought to get into the position where we say this is bad work," Clinton said. "This is good work." Instead, the former president argued that the Obama campaign should turn its focus to the "real issue" of what Romney will do as president and how it stacks up against Obama's record. He told CNN that he believes Obama will win re-election when that comparison is made.

"The Obama proposals and the Obama record will be far better for the American economy and most Americans than those that Gov. Romney has laid out," Clinton said. "And that's what the election ought to be about."

Bill Clinton criticizes Obama's Bain attacks, praises Romney's

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