Bill Clinton is the cause of the corona stock market drop !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
thats right Clinton and the left are to blame yet again for whats going on in the market due to plant closings and supply chain disruptions from China ! it was Clinton that allowed China into the World Trade Organization ! he also bestowed upon the Chicoms Most Favored Nation status ! with their ready and waiting low waged slave labor this allowed the China to become a mass producer of cheaper goods and even medical supplies ! and the cheap labor also drew companies and investors from all over the world ! Before the leftwing scumbag Clinton gave them the deal of the century the Chicoms had an economy smaller than France ! combine that with NAFTA that the scum implemented causing jobs and manufacturing to flood out of our country into theirs its no wonder the markets are suffering ! yet again another crisis made worse by democratic policies that have come back to bite us ! and i dont even want to talk about the Community Reinvestment Act ! and what is the lefts answer to these problems ?? a bunch of socialist and a full fledged communist trying to get the dem nomination ! folks we cannot let these evil people back in power !!The Elusive ‘Better Deal’ With China
thats right Clinton and the left are to blame yet again for whats going on in the market due to plant closings and supply chain disruptions from China ! it was Clinton that allowed China into the World Trade Organization ! he also bestowed upon the Chicoms Most Favored Nation status ! with their ready and waiting low waged slave labor this allowed the China to become a mass producer of cheaper goods and even medical supplies ! and the cheap labor also drew companies and investors from all over the world ! Before the leftwing scumbag Clinton gave them the deal of the century the Chicoms had an economy smaller than France ! combine that with NAFTA that the scum implemented causing jobs and manufacturing to flood out of our country into theirs its no wonder the markets are suffering ! yet again another crisis made worse by democratic policies that have come back to bite us ! and i dont even want to talk about the Community Reinvestment Act ! and what is the lefts answer to these problems ?? a bunch of socialist and a full fledged communist trying to get the dem nomination ! folks we cannot let these evil people back in power !!The Elusive ‘Better Deal’ With China
i see golfing gator thinks its funny .....refute that Bill Clinton allowed them into the World Trade Organization ! refute that he gave them Most Favored Nation status ! refute that their low wage slave work force and currency manipulation allowed their economy to skyrocket ! refute that nafta allowed companies to flood out of the country and set up shop in a communist cheap labor dictatorship like China ! refute it big boy !Refute that our dependence on China doesnt play a hand in whats going on right now !
thats right Clinton and the left are to blame yet again for whats going on in the market due to plant closings and supply chain disruptions from China ! it was Clinton that allowed China into the World Trade Organization ! he also bestowed upon the Chicoms Most Favored Nation status ! with their ready and waiting low waged slave labor this allowed the China to become a mass producer of cheaper goods and even medical supplies ! and the cheap labor also drew companies and investors from all over the world ! Before the leftwing scumbag Clinton gave them the deal of the century the Chicoms had an economy smaller than France ! combine that with NAFTA that the scum implemented causing jobs and manufacturing to flood out of our country into theirs its no wonder the markets are suffering ! yet again another crisis made worse by democratic policies that have come back to bite us ! and i dont even want to talk about the Community Reinvestment Act ! and what is the lefts answer to these problems ?? a bunch of socialist and a full fledged communist trying to get the dem nomination ! folks we cannot let these evil people back in power !!The Elusive ‘Better Deal’ With China
Cheap countries like China were going to dominate manual labor anyway-the world trade organization makes them be better employers at least. The rest of the deal Clinton wanted was to invest in cheap college and a training so that our workforce could get the good jobs that are now going to Germany and other smart countries that don't have a idiotic greedy mega-rich GOP. The Chinese are fantastic market for our products. And you're blaming the Chinese for the virus the.... That's crazy too.
thats right Clinton and the left are to blame yet again for whats going on in the market due to plant closings and supply chain disruptions from China ! it was Clinton that allowed China into the World Trade Organization ! he also bestowed upon the Chicoms Most Favored Nation status ! with their ready and waiting low waged slave labor this allowed the China to become a mass producer of cheaper goods and even medical supplies ! and the cheap labor also drew companies and investors from all over the world ! Before the leftwing scumbag Clinton gave them the deal of the century the Chicoms had an economy smaller than France ! combine that with NAFTA that the scum implemented causing jobs and manufacturing to flood out of our country into theirs its no wonder the markets are suffering ! yet again another crisis made worse by democratic policies that have come back to bite us ! and i dont even want to talk about the Community Reinvestment Act ! and what is the lefts answer to these problems ?? a bunch of socialist and a full fledged communist trying to get the dem nomination ! folks we cannot let these evil people back in power !!The Elusive ‘Better Deal’ With China
i see golfing gator thinks its funny .....refute that Bill Clinton allowed them into the World Trade Organization ! refute that he gave them Most Favored Nation status ! refute that their low wage slave work force and currency manipulation allowed their economy to skyrocket ! refute that nafta allowed companies to flood out of the country and set up shop in a communist cheap labor dictatorship like China ! refute it big boy !Refute that our dependence on China doesnt play a hand in whats going on right now !
What's going on right now? Trump stupid trade wars and tariff wars doing nothing but screwing up business? the coronavirus is not going to be that big a deal. Big enough. Like a very bad flu. Less than Half a percent die- old people. there are 16,000 people dead of the flu in the United States right now this season and nobody even knows about it with this ridiculous Hysteria.
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Everyone needs to panic immediately and sell all their 401k stocks...

Drive the prices down...please....
thats right Clinton and the left are to blame yet again for whats going on in the market due to plant closings and supply chain disruptions from China ! it was Clinton that allowed China into the World Trade Organization ! he also bestowed upon the Chicoms Most Favored Nation status ! with their ready and waiting low waged slave labor this allowed the China to become a mass producer of cheaper goods and even medical supplies ! and the cheap labor also drew companies and investors from all over the world ! Before the leftwing scumbag Clinton gave them the deal of the century the Chicoms had an economy smaller than France ! combine that with NAFTA that the scum implemented causing jobs and manufacturing to flood out of our country into theirs its no wonder the markets are suffering ! yet again another crisis made worse by democratic policies that have come back to bite us ! and i dont even want to talk about the Community Reinvestment Act ! and what is the lefts answer to these problems ?? a bunch of socialist and a full fledged communist trying to get the dem nomination ! folks we cannot let these evil people back in power !!The Elusive ‘Better Deal’ With China
i see golfing gator thinks its funny .....refute that Bill Clinton allowed them into the World Trade Organization ! refute that he gave them Most Favored Nation status ! refute that their low wage slave work force and currency manipulation allowed their economy to skyrocket ! refute that nafta allowed companies to flood out of the country and set up shop in a communist cheap labor dictatorship like China ! refute it big boy !Refute that our dependence on China doesnt play a hand in whats going on right now !
What's going on right now? Trump stupid trade wars and tariff wars doing nothing but screwing up business? the coronavirus is not going to be that big a deal. Big enough. Like a very bad flu. Half a percent die- old people. there are 16,000 people dead of the flu in the United States right now this season and nobody even knows about it with this ridiculous Hysteria.
the Hysteria is being aided by the left claiming that the POTUS and the CDC are not on top of things! they even lied about cuts to the CDC !AP fact-checkers find Biden, Bloomberg paint 'distorted picture' on Trump CDC funding
thats right Clinton and the left are to blame yet again for whats going on in the market due to plant closings and supply chain disruptions from China ! it was Clinton that allowed China into the World Trade Organization ! he also bestowed upon the Chicoms Most Favored Nation status ! with their ready and waiting low waged slave labor this allowed the China to become a mass producer of cheaper goods and even medical supplies ! and the cheap labor also drew companies and investors from all over the world ! Before the leftwing scumbag Clinton gave them the deal of the century the Chicoms had an economy smaller than France ! combine that with NAFTA that the scum implemented causing jobs and manufacturing to flood out of our country into theirs its no wonder the markets are suffering ! yet again another crisis made worse by democratic policies that have come back to bite us ! and i dont even want to talk about the Community Reinvestment Act ! and what is the lefts answer to these problems ?? a bunch of socialist and a full fledged communist trying to get the dem nomination ! folks we cannot let these evil people back in power !!The Elusive ‘Better Deal’ With China
i see golfing gator thinks its funny .....refute that Bill Clinton allowed them into the World Trade Organization ! refute that he gave them Most Favored Nation status ! refute that their low wage slave work force and currency manipulation allowed their economy to skyrocket ! refute that nafta allowed companies to flood out of the country and set up shop in a communist cheap labor dictatorship like China ! refute it big boy !Refute that our dependence on China doesnt play a hand in whats going on right now !
What's going on right now? Trump stupid trade wars and tariff wars doing nothing but screwing up business? the coronavirus is not going to be that big a deal. Big enough. Like a very bad flu. Half a percent die- old people. there are 16,000 people dead of the flu in the United States right now this season and nobody even knows about it with this ridiculous Hysteria.
this is short term ! when the economy rebounds the left will be disappointed once again ! the low taxes and less business busting leftist regulations are going to keep our economy moving in a positive direction ! and in a few weeks you and your comrades will look like idiots once again ! time after time the left has claimed that they finally have the means to destroy Trump and take the president down only to wind up looking like idiots and politically weaker in the process ! put your money where your mouth is little man ! if Trump looses the election i will leave us measageboard if he wins you leave permanently !
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thats right Clinton and the left are to blame yet again for whats going on in the market due to plant closings and supply chain disruptions from China ! it was Clinton that allowed China into the World Trade Organization ! he also bestowed upon the Chicoms Most Favored Nation status ! with their ready and waiting low waged slave labor this allowed the China to become a mass producer of cheaper goods and even medical supplies ! and the cheap labor also drew companies and investors from all over the world ! Before the leftwing scumbag Clinton gave them the deal of the century the Chicoms had an economy smaller than France ! combine that with NAFTA that the scum implemented causing jobs and manufacturing to flood out of our country into theirs its no wonder the markets are suffering ! yet again another crisis made worse by democratic policies that have come back to bite us ! and i dont even want to talk about the Community Reinvestment Act ! and what is the lefts answer to these problems ?? a bunch of socialist and a full fledged communist trying to get the dem nomination ! folks we cannot let these evil people back in power !!The Elusive ‘Better Deal’ With China
i see golfing gator thinks its funny .....refute that Bill Clinton allowed them into the World Trade Organization ! refute that he gave them Most Favored Nation status ! refute that their low wage slave work force and currency manipulation allowed their economy to skyrocket ! refute that nafta allowed companies to flood out of the country and set up shop in a communist cheap labor dictatorship like China ! refute it big boy !Refute that our dependence on China doesnt play a hand in whats going on right now !
What's going on right now? Trump stupid trade wars and tariff wars doing nothing but screwing up business? the coronavirus is not going to be that big a deal. Big enough. Like a very bad flu. Half a percent die- old people. there are 16,000 people dead of the flu in the United States right now this season and nobody even knows about it with this ridiculous Hysteria.
this is short term ! when the economy rebounds the left will be disappointed once again ! the low taxes and less business busting leftist regulations are going to keep our economy moving in a positive direction ! and in a few weeks you and you comrades will look like idiots once again ! time after time the left has claimed that they finally have the means to destroy Trump and take the president down only to wind up looking like idiots and politically weaker in the process ! put your money where your mouth is little man ! if Trump looses the election i will leave us measageboard if he wins you leave permanently !
Yes this is very short-term as I said. But inequality and upward mobility keeps getting worse and people are figuring it out. They are also figuring out that trumps economy ain't that great about the same as Obama's. they are also figuring out that fox is totally full of crap ditto Rush etc.
thats right Clinton and the left are to blame yet again for whats going on in the market due to plant closings and supply chain disruptions from China ! it was Clinton that allowed China into the World Trade Organization ! he also bestowed upon the Chicoms Most Favored Nation status ! with their ready and waiting low waged slave labor this allowed the China to become a mass producer of cheaper goods and even medical supplies ! and the cheap labor also drew companies and investors from all over the world ! Before the leftwing scumbag Clinton gave them the deal of the century the Chicoms had an economy smaller than France ! combine that with NAFTA that the scum implemented causing jobs and manufacturing to flood out of our country into theirs its no wonder the markets are suffering ! yet again another crisis made worse by democratic policies that have come back to bite us ! and i dont even want to talk about the Community Reinvestment Act ! and what is the lefts answer to these problems ?? a bunch of socialist and a full fledged communist trying to get the dem nomination ! folks we cannot let these evil people back in power !!The Elusive ‘Better Deal’ With China
i see golfing gator thinks its funny .....refute that Bill Clinton allowed them into the World Trade Organization ! refute that he gave them Most Favored Nation status ! refute that their low wage slave work force and currency manipulation allowed their economy to skyrocket ! refute that nafta allowed companies to flood out of the country and set up shop in a communist cheap labor dictatorship like China ! refute it big boy !Refute that our dependence on China doesnt play a hand in whats going on right now !
What's going on right now? Trump stupid trade wars and tariff wars doing nothing but screwing up business? the coronavirus is not going to be that big a deal. Big enough. Like a very bad flu. Half a percent die- old people. there are 16,000 people dead of the flu in the United States right now this season and nobody even knows about it with this ridiculous Hysteria.
the Hysteria is being aided by the left claiming that the POTUS and the CDC are not on top of things! they even lied about cuts to the CDC !AP fact-checkers find Biden, Bloomberg paint 'distorted picture' on Trump CDC funding
AP caught lying and the same SUCKERS swallow it whole!!!!
From your lying link:"They noted that while Trump has proposed cuts to the CDC and NIH, Congress has not approved those reductions. In fact, Congress has increased funding."

Whenever the Right say something is a "FACT" it never is. There have been NO increases or reductions because NO budget has been passed yet! If you were alert enough you would have noticed the lying AP did NOT name or link to any PASSED budget bill or act!!!!!
thats right Clinton and the left are to blame yet again for whats going on in the market due to plant closings and supply chain disruptions from China ! it was Clinton that allowed China into the World Trade Organization ! he also bestowed upon the Chicoms Most Favored Nation status ! with their ready and waiting low waged slave labor this allowed the China to become a mass producer of cheaper goods and even medical supplies ! and the cheap labor also drew companies and investors from all over the world ! Before the leftwing scumbag Clinton gave them the deal of the century the Chicoms had an economy smaller than France ! combine that with NAFTA that the scum implemented causing jobs and manufacturing to flood out of our country into theirs its no wonder the markets are suffering ! yet again another crisis made worse by democratic policies that have come back to bite us ! and i dont even want to talk about the Community Reinvestment Act ! and what is the lefts answer to these problems ?? a bunch of socialist and a full fledged communist trying to get the dem nomination ! folks we cannot let these evil people back in power !!The Elusive ‘Better Deal’ With China
Cheap countries like China were going to dominate manual labor anyway-the world trade organization makes them be better employers at least. The rest of the deal Clinton wanted was to invest in cheap college and a training so that our workforce could get the good jobs that are now going to Germany and other smart countries that don't have a idiotic greedy mega-rich GOP. The Chinese are fantastic market for our products. And you're blaming the Chinese for the virus the.... That's crazy too.
i didnt blame the communist country for the virus ! i blame the left for implementing policies that led to our dependency on them ! look pal you hate this country i've seen your posts ! so your opinions and views hold no more weight than other enemies of the US from the past to the present !
thats right Clinton and the left are to blame yet again for whats going on in the market due to plant closings and supply chain disruptions from China ! it was Clinton that allowed China into the World Trade Organization ! he also bestowed upon the Chicoms Most Favored Nation status ! with their ready and waiting low waged slave labor this allowed the China to become a mass producer of cheaper goods and even medical supplies ! and the cheap labor also drew companies and investors from all over the world ! Before the leftwing scumbag Clinton gave them the deal of the century the Chicoms had an economy smaller than France ! combine that with NAFTA that the scum implemented causing jobs and manufacturing to flood out of our country into theirs its no wonder the markets are suffering ! yet again another crisis made worse by democratic policies that have come back to bite us ! and i dont even want to talk about the Community Reinvestment Act ! and what is the lefts answer to these problems ?? a bunch of socialist and a full fledged communist trying to get the dem nomination ! folks we cannot let these evil people back in power !!The Elusive ‘Better Deal’ With China
i see golfing gator thinks its funny .....refute that Bill Clinton allowed them into the World Trade Organization ! refute that he gave them Most Favored Nation status ! refute that their low wage slave work force and currency manipulation allowed their economy to skyrocket ! refute that nafta allowed companies to flood out of the country and set up shop in a communist cheap labor dictatorship like China ! refute it big boy !Refute that our dependence on China doesnt play a hand in whats going on right now !
What's going on right now? Trump stupid trade wars and tariff wars doing nothing but screwing up business? the coronavirus is not going to be that big a deal. Big enough. Like a very bad flu. Half a percent die- old people. there are 16,000 people dead of the flu in the United States right now this season and nobody even knows about it with this ridiculous Hysteria.
the Hysteria is being aided by the left claiming that the POTUS and the CDC are not on top of things! they even lied about cuts to the CDC !AP fact-checkers find Biden, Bloomberg paint 'distorted picture' on Trump CDC funding
AP caught lying and the same SUCKERS swallow it whole!!!!
From your lying link:"They noted that while Trump has proposed cuts to the CDC and NIH, Congress has not approved those reductions. In fact, Congress has increased funding."

Whenever the Right say something is a "FACT" it never is. There have been NO increases or reductions because NO budget has been passed yet! If you were alert enough you would have noticed the lying AP did NOT name or link to any PASSED budget bill or act!!!!!
you idiot ! the point is there were no cuts ! your side claimed their were ! there weren't ! liars lying to call others liars ! a typical evil Alinsky communist tactic ! its the seriousness of the charges that matter not if they are or aren't true thats important ! a far left rules for radicals despicable tactic used daily by liars like you and your communist masters ! how much is Soros paying you to spout crap !
thats right Clinton and the left are to blame yet again for whats going on in the market due to plant closings and supply chain disruptions from China ! it was Clinton that allowed China into the World Trade Organization ! he also bestowed upon the Chicoms Most Favored Nation status ! with their ready and waiting low waged slave labor this allowed the China to become a mass producer of cheaper goods and even medical supplies ! and the cheap labor also drew companies and investors from all over the world ! Before the leftwing scumbag Clinton gave them the deal of the century the Chicoms had an economy smaller than France ! combine that with NAFTA that the scum implemented causing jobs and manufacturing to flood out of our country into theirs its no wonder the markets are suffering ! yet again another crisis made worse by democratic policies that have come back to bite us ! and i dont even want to talk about the Community Reinvestment Act ! and what is the lefts answer to these problems ?? a bunch of socialist and a full fledged communist trying to get the dem nomination ! folks we cannot let these evil people back in power !!The Elusive ‘Better Deal’ With China
thats right Clinton and the left are to blame yet again for whats going on in the market due to plant closings and supply chain disruptions from China ! it was Clinton that allowed China into the World Trade Organization ! he also bestowed upon the Chicoms Most Favored Nation status ! with their ready and waiting low waged slave labor this allowed the China to become a mass producer of cheaper goods and even medical supplies ! and the cheap labor also drew companies and investors from all over the world ! Before the leftwing scumbag Clinton gave them the deal of the century the Chicoms had an economy smaller than France ! combine that with NAFTA that the scum implemented causing jobs and manufacturing to flood out of our country into theirs its no wonder the markets are suffering ! yet again another crisis made worse by democratic policies that have come back to bite us ! and i dont even want to talk about the Community Reinvestment Act ! and what is the lefts answer to these problems ?? a bunch of socialist and a full fledged communist trying to get the dem nomination ! folks we cannot let these evil people back in power !!The Elusive ‘Better Deal’ With China
thats right Clinton and the left are to blame yet again for whats going on in the market due to plant closings and supply chain disruptions from China ! it was Clinton that allowed China into the World Trade Organization ! he also bestowed upon the Chicoms Most Favored Nation status ! with their ready and waiting low waged slave labor this allowed the China to become a mass producer of cheaper goods and even medical supplies ! and the cheap labor also drew companies and investors from all over the world ! Before the leftwing scumbag Clinton gave them the deal of the century the Chicoms had an economy smaller than France ! combine that with NAFTA that the scum implemented causing jobs and manufacturing to flood out of our country into theirs its no wonder the markets are suffering ! yet again another crisis made worse by democratic policies that have come back to bite us ! and i dont even want to talk about the Community Reinvestment Act ! and what is the lefts answer to these problems ?? a bunch of socialist and a full fledged communist trying to get the dem nomination ! folks we cannot let these evil people back in power !!The Elusive ‘Better Deal’ With China
you wont be laughing in nov Candyass !:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::auiqs.jpg:
thats right Clinton and the left are to blame yet again for whats going on in the market due to plant closings and supply chain disruptions from China ! it was Clinton that allowed China into the World Trade Organization ! he also bestowed upon the Chicoms Most Favored Nation status ! with their ready and waiting low waged slave labor this allowed the China to become a mass producer of cheaper goods and even medical supplies ! and the cheap labor also drew companies and investors from all over the world ! Before the leftwing scumbag Clinton gave them the deal of the century the Chicoms had an economy smaller than France ! combine that with NAFTA that the scum implemented causing jobs and manufacturing to flood out of our country into theirs its no wonder the markets are suffering ! yet again another crisis made worse by democratic policies that have come back to bite us ! and i dont even want to talk about the Community Reinvestment Act ! and what is the lefts answer to these problems ?? a bunch of socialist and a full fledged communist trying to get the dem nomination ! folks we cannot let these evil people back in power !!The Elusive ‘Better Deal’ With China
i see golfing gator thinks its funny .....refute that Bill Clinton allowed them into the World Trade Organization ! refute that he gave them Most Favored Nation status ! refute that their low wage slave work force and currency manipulation allowed their economy to skyrocket ! refute that nafta allowed companies to flood out of the country and set up shop in a communist cheap labor dictatorship like China ! refute it big boy !Refute that our dependence on China doesnt play a hand in whats going on right now !
What's going on right now? Trump stupid trade wars and tariff wars doing nothing but screwing up business? the coronavirus is not going to be that big a deal. Big enough. Like a very bad flu. Half a percent die- old people. there are 16,000 people dead of the flu in the United States right now this season and nobody even knows about it with this ridiculous Hysteria.
the Hysteria is being aided by the left claiming that the POTUS and the CDC are not on top of things! they even lied about cuts to the CDC !AP fact-checkers find Biden, Bloomberg paint 'distorted picture' on Trump CDC funding
AP caught lying and the same SUCKERS swallow it whole!!!!
From your lying link:"They noted that while Trump has proposed cuts to the CDC and NIH, Congress has not approved those reductions. In fact, Congress has increased funding."

Whenever the Right say something is a "FACT" it never is. There have been NO increases or reductions because NO budget has been passed yet! If you were alert enough you would have noticed the lying AP did NOT name or link to any PASSED budget bill or act!!!!!
you idiot ! the point is there were no cuts !
You IDIOT! The point is the AP lied about increases, there were NO increases. Claiming they lied about CUTS, Tramp's proposed budget clearly and undeniably contains cuts to CDC and NIH, by lying about increases does not disprove Tramp's budget cuts funding to the CDC and NIH!!!!! And YOUR own link says Tramp's BUDGET cuts funding to the CDC and NIH!!!!!
Again from YOUR own link: "Biden claimed that Trump had wiped out hikes in spending for the CDC and National Institutes of Health (NIH) with his budget."
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i see golfing gator thinks its funny .....refute that Bill Clinton allowed them into the World Trade Organization ! refute that he gave them Most Favored Nation status ! refute that their low wage slave work force and currency manipulation allowed their economy to skyrocket ! refute that nafta allowed companies to flood out of the country and set up shop in a communist cheap labor dictatorship like China ! refute it big boy !Refute that our dependence on China doesnt play a hand in whats going on right now !
What's going on right now? Trump stupid trade wars and tariff wars doing nothing but screwing up business? the coronavirus is not going to be that big a deal. Big enough. Like a very bad flu. Half a percent die- old people. there are 16,000 people dead of the flu in the United States right now this season and nobody even knows about it with this ridiculous Hysteria.
the Hysteria is being aided by the left claiming that the POTUS and the CDC are not on top of things! they even lied about cuts to the CDC !AP fact-checkers find Biden, Bloomberg paint 'distorted picture' on Trump CDC funding
AP caught lying and the same SUCKERS swallow it whole!!!!
From your lying link:"They noted that while Trump has proposed cuts to the CDC and NIH, Congress has not approved those reductions. In fact, Congress has increased funding."

Whenever the Right say something is a "FACT" it never is. There have been NO increases or reductions because NO budget has been passed yet! If you were alert enough you would have noticed the lying AP did NOT name or link to any PASSED budget bill or act!!!!!
you idiot ! the point is there were no cuts !
You IDIOT! The point is they lied about increases, there were NO increases. Claiming they lied about CUTS, Tramp's proposed budget clearly and undeniably contains cuts to CDC and NIH, by lying about increases does not disprove Tramp's budget cuts funding to the CDC and NIH!!!!!
the left claimed he gutted the cdc dumbass ! he didnt moron ! youve got your head so far up your own ass you've got skidmarks on your shoulder blades !
What's going on right now? Trump stupid trade wars and tariff wars doing nothing but screwing up business? the coronavirus is not going to be that big a deal. Big enough. Like a very bad flu. Half a percent die- old people. there are 16,000 people dead of the flu in the United States right now this season and nobody even knows about it with this ridiculous Hysteria.
the Hysteria is being aided by the left claiming that the POTUS and the CDC are not on top of things! they even lied about cuts to the CDC !AP fact-checkers find Biden, Bloomberg paint 'distorted picture' on Trump CDC funding
AP caught lying and the same SUCKERS swallow it whole!!!!
From your lying link:"They noted that while Trump has proposed cuts to the CDC and NIH, Congress has not approved those reductions. In fact, Congress has increased funding."

Whenever the Right say something is a "FACT" it never is. There have been NO increases or reductions because NO budget has been passed yet! If you were alert enough you would have noticed the lying AP did NOT name or link to any PASSED budget bill or act!!!!!
you idiot ! the point is there were no cuts !
You IDIOT! The point is they lied about increases, there were NO increases. Claiming they lied about CUTS, Tramp's proposed budget clearly and undeniably contains cuts to CDC and NIH, by lying about increases does not disprove Tramp's budget cuts funding to the CDC and NIH!!!!!
the left claimed he gutted the cdc dumbass ! he didnt moron ! youve got your head so far up your ass you've got skidmarks on your shoulder blades !
Again you continue to lie!
Your OWN link says they said Tramp's BUDGET cut financing for the CDC and NIH.

From YOUR own link: "Biden claimed that Trump had wiped out hikes in spending for the CDC and National Institutes of Health (NIH) with his budget."
the Hysteria is being aided by the left claiming that the POTUS and the CDC are not on top of things! they even lied about cuts to the CDC !AP fact-checkers find Biden, Bloomberg paint 'distorted picture' on Trump CDC funding
AP caught lying and the same SUCKERS swallow it whole!!!!
From your lying link:"They noted that while Trump has proposed cuts to the CDC and NIH, Congress has not approved those reductions. In fact, Congress has increased funding."

Whenever the Right say something is a "FACT" it never is. There have been NO increases or reductions because NO budget has been passed yet! If you were alert enough you would have noticed the lying AP did NOT name or link to any PASSED budget bill or act!!!!!
you idiot ! the point is there were no cuts !
You IDIOT! The point is they lied about increases, there were NO increases. Claiming they lied about CUTS, Tramp's proposed budget clearly and undeniably contains cuts to CDC and NIH, by lying about increases does not disprove Tramp's budget cuts funding to the CDC and NIH!!!!!
the left claimed he gutted the cdc dumbass ! he didnt moron ! youve got your head so far up your ass you've got skidmarks on your shoulder blades !
Again you continue to lie!
Your OWN link says they said Tramp's BUDGET cut financing for the CDC and NIH.

From YOUR own link: "Biden claimed that Trump had wiped out hikes in spending for the CDC and National Institutes of Health (NIH) with his budget."
there were no cuts dumbass ! read the whole post !

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