Bill Barr Ramps Up His Showdown With ‘Troubled Man’ Trump in Stunning CBS Interview: He’s Like ‘A Defiant 9-Year-Old’

So many professionals who have worked with Trump talk about him in the same way: Petulant, damaged, ignorant child.

How in the world is it that so many people choose to overlook that obvious fact? Are they THAT desperate?
Never underestimate American stupidity + greed.
The election was stolen and only scared stuoid people say it was not. You are either one or the other or you could be blessed and are both.

Just the facts Ma'am
He was always Deep State and never had any loyalty to Trump.
It is also obvious that Trump lost the election

As a candidate, Trump proclaimed: “I am going to be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.”

As president, Trump saw 100 months of continuous U.S. monthly job gains end in February 2019 as the economy slowed. In 2020, job growth collapsed entirely when COVID-19 went from being a localized problem in Wuhan, China, to a global pandemic.

Jan. 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” — Trump in a CNBC interview.

Jan. 30: “We think we have it very well under control. We have very little problem in this country at this moment — five — and those people are all recuperating successfully. But we’re working very closely with China and other countries, and we think it’s going to have a very good ending for us … that I can assure you.” — Trump in a speech in Michigan.

Feb. 27: “It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.” — Trump at a White House meeting with African American leaders.

The election was not stolen, he just screwed up the COVID-19 issue
Admit it. The Covid-19 issue was a Chinese Wuhan Lab wild card funded by Anthony Fauci who lied about it. Source: Dr. Anthony Fauci is caught in his biggest COVID lie yet. However, I really don't think Dr. Fauci knew that a worldwide pandemic that killed millions would result by a good will gesture to the Chinese researchers. It wasn't a President who intentionally caused the pandemic, and while some doctors thought it might be a big problem, others thought it was just another flu epidemic that would go away as fast as it started. I just don't get it that we could blame game anybody for intentionally causing a worldwide killing machine that the Wuhan virus called Covid-19 became. It did create a great deal of worldwide anger when Covid victims had a 1 in 10 chance of dying from their "flu" case that Covid was thought to be in the start of the pandemic. It was a sad deal, indeed, When you observe Fauci well, he did a lot to kill off other diseases such as HIV (the Human Immunodeficiency Virus.) The man was a hero who eventually got that virus under control, and his influence and experience helped lower the death rate of that disease. How could we use people who intended to find ways to fight viruses catch the disease in the lab, and before symptoms showed up had already infected thirty or forty people in their circle of family and friends. Covid started a run that nobody could stop since when symptoms finally did show up, the victim had already exposed friends and families by the dozens per victim. We never saw anything quite like that in our lifetimes, and it finally dawned on researchers to wear special hazmat protective clothing and impregnable face covers to prevent at least one vector route which was airborne, touch infective, and numerous other never before known vector routes. I've heard it's going to take another swipe at the world of human beings this year. When I went to the doctor's today with a case of bronchitis that wouldn't go away, I was asked to wear a mask in case it was covid. A quick nasal swab was shown I didn't have Covid, so I just seemed to have had a very stubborn bronchial pneumonia for the last few weeks, which will soon be in the past thanks to my excellent family physician.

I hope that the next time a pandemic rolls around that nobody has a clue to its insidious vector routes, that we fare better having had a lesson from Covid's killing spree. :( But let's not jump all over a medical community much less politicians who never guessed it would kill off 10% of its victims. The world had plagues hundreds of years ago that frequently took down half the population of some areas. We're getting better at controlling wayfaring diseases, but some are so complicated with re to vector routes, we need to be more merciful to those who people demand do something about getting rid of a threat, and be grateful we only lost less than one percent of our population rather than half as they dealt with in the days of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who died of multiple issues including headaches, depression, swelling, and liver or kidney failure. I read his history of physical problems, but just as he started feeling better, he took ill and died shortly after. He thought he'd been poisoned, but the pathologist/physician said the symptoms he had were not the same as poison, but he thought he had a streptococcal infection that caused his headaches, severe swelling, and other issues. Strep is nasty stuff and they didn't have penicillin back then. Some of his closest relatives and friends blamed his physician, his rival Saleri, etc., but his work took him into crowds and the end of life at age 35 was common back then. He also may have been careless about wearing sufficient clothing in cold weather, which we know today is a threat to people's health. His mind was preoccupied with creating beautiful works of music that people totally loved, and he was working on several major projects when he became ill, and his family relations were not good due to his preoccupation with creating fine music.

I have a feeling the Covid virus experiments that worked--wearing protective masks and clothing--cleared up at least two vectors of disease transmission that may well mean mankind will survive far worse viruses than Covid with what the medical community learned from the pandemic the disease caused world wide. There are also some states and even countries than had a better chance of survival, and reasons might be anything from local personal habits, isolation from disease hot spots, water ph, specific foods eaten, and a myriad of other reasons why some areas escaped with fewer cases of Covid than others that made hospitals close their doors to more patients since there were no rooms left for them to care for patients in separate areas from other health issues or surgeries which of necessity were isolated from covid cases. We shouldn't blame the healers, and we should thank the politicians that helped healthy people avoid habits that invite illness, even with what seemed like monumental overkill to populations unaccustomed to diseases with too many vector routes, which covid seemed to be. We lost a lot of caregivers, too, who succumbed to disease due to any of a myriad of reasons such as being in a hurry to care for more patients with their overloaded populations and some caregivers had to give up work for a few weeks until all symptoms of their case of Covid subsided.
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