BIG TECH EXODUS: Gab Reportedly Receiving ‘Thousands’ Of Resumes From Silicon Valley Employees As Facebook, Twitter Stock Prices Plunge

Twitter closed up today.

Facebook closed up.

Amazon, up.
Yahoo says Twitter is down, nimrod.

I would say the nimrod here is you.

Yahoo says you're a liar and I say you're a very special kind of stupid.

View attachment 442403
Conservatives are as stupid as they are dishonest.

And they’re fools if they think anyone will believe their ridiculous lies.
  • Funny
Reactions: DBA
Twitter closed up today.

Facebook closed up.

Amazon, up.

Their chinese masters will prop them up. Have no fear. Big Tech is a wholly owned subsidiary of the chinese communist party. They won't let them fail. Obedient little slaves, like you, will parrot whatever your masters tell you to.

If by Chinese you mean the Federal Reserve you are correct. They aren't going to let anything happen.
You dip shit libs keep believing losing millions of customers doesn't have a negative impact.

Millions? Got a link?

Sure here

Didn't think you did.

Thinking, not your strong suit.

I'm not the one who made a claim and can't back it up.

Common sense doesn't require backing up. You will understand when you grow up.
You dip shit libs keep believing losing millions of customers doesn't have a negative impact.

Millions? Got a link?

Sure here

Didn't think you did.

Thinking, not your strong suit.

I'm not the one who made a claim and can't back it up.

Common sense doesn't require backing up. You will understand when you grow up.

Twitter closed up today.

Facebook closed up.

Amazon, up.
Yahoo says Twitter is down, nimrod.

47.22 USD +0.18 (0.38%)

Yeah, it's up 0.38% after dropping 9 points since the beginning of the month.



  • TwitterChart.jpg
    61.4 KB · Views: 36
The big tech NAZis thought they wouldn't have to pay a price for imposing censorship on 75 million people.
Free speech social media platform is reportedly receiving requests from “thousands of people” employed in the Silicon valley tech industry as the website explodes in popularity, amidst the latest wave of censorious new policies deployed by fringe-left executives at Big Tech monopolies such as Facebook and Twitter.
The official Gab Twitter account first reported over the weekend that the company was receiving requests for employment from large numbers of employees in the tech industry:
“Silicon Valley should see our inbox right now. Looks like half of their employees want to leave and come work for Gab. Panic in SV!”
Silicon Valley should see our inbox right now.
Looks like half of their employees want to leave and come work for Gab.
Panic in SV!
— (@getongab) January 10, 2021
Gab further elaborated on the news in a follow-up tweet: “We are getting resumes from senior level employees at Big Tech companies. Hearing that many people are putting in their two weeks too. Internal civil war among staff and executives. Panic in Silicon Valley. The house of cards falls. The exodus has begun.”
Silicon Valley should see our inbox right now.
Looks like half of their employees want to leave and come work for Gab.
Panic in SV!
— (@getongab) January 10, 2021
Most recently, Gab revealed on Monday that the numbers of people seeking to leave their jobs in Big Tech and find employment at Gab had swelled into the thousands, stating “I think half of Silicon Valley just reached out looking for a job, I’m not joking. It’s thousands of people. Panic in the Valley! We will be hiring American citizens Will get back to folks as soon as we are able to.”

Over the weekend, Gab fulfilled the promise of founder and CEO Andrew Torba to add an additional ten servers to the website in an effort to handle the tremendous influx in traffic seen over the past few days.
As National File reported, Gab had previously promised to upgrade the server system after reportedly speaking with President Donald Trump’s team about a possible move to the platform after last week’s Facebook and Twitter purge.
Both Twitter and Facebook have seen stock prices plunge after fanatically purging non-liberal content from their websites.

Well there's this:

  • Overall, we rate National File an extreme right Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracy website based on the promotion of unproven/debunked claims and a Strong Pseudoscience purveyor based on using junk science to support claims.

Then there's also the idea that all of his quotes come from Gab - the entity that now hopes to take over from Twitter and Parler, which is really selling the idea that they're going to be the next big thing because of Trump. Stock prices for FaceBook and Twitter have dipped but not horribly. The idea that either company is going to lose membership because people aren't allowed to lie without consequences is quite laughable.

Do you people really think that once Trump has been impeached for a second time, and and is barred from running for any public office in the USA ever again, that people will really continue to support his craziness? Corporate and business donors have already pulled financing from the Republican Party in general and those who supported Trump's attempts to overturn the election in particular.

Big business votes for Republicans because they cut taxes and let them keep all of the money, not because they're pushing white nationalism and racial animus. None of Trump's policies are good for business - that is the selling of American products to your trading partners. Not his trade wars, not his covid response, and certainly not his attempt to end democracy in the USA.

Trump will become and have lots of "apprentices" step up with him directing them (if the dem/communists don't kill him off)........

Trump is going to be broke, unemployed, and fending off creditors for all of the money owes. Since the last two banks in the world who would lend to him are cutting off his credit, he's going to be in some deep shit. The kinds of people who backed his loans, and the amounts of money involved don't lend to good outcomes for deadbeats.

We would never kill Trump off. Leaving him broken pariah that people laugh at when he goes by, is so much more appealling.
The big tech NAZis thought they wouldn't have to pay a price for imposing censorship on 75 million people.
Free speech social media platform is reportedly receiving requests from “thousands of people” employed in the Silicon valley tech industry as the website explodes in popularity, amidst the latest wave of censorious new policies deployed by fringe-left executives at Big Tech monopolies such as Facebook and Twitter.
The official Gab Twitter account first reported over the weekend that the company was receiving requests for employment from large numbers of employees in the tech industry:
“Silicon Valley should see our inbox right now. Looks like half of their employees want to leave and come work for Gab. Panic in SV!”
Silicon Valley should see our inbox right now.
Looks like half of their employees want to leave and come work for Gab.
Panic in SV!
— (@getongab) January 10, 2021
Gab further elaborated on the news in a follow-up tweet: “We are getting resumes from senior level employees at Big Tech companies. Hearing that many people are putting in their two weeks too. Internal civil war among staff and executives. Panic in Silicon Valley. The house of cards falls. The exodus has begun.”
Silicon Valley should see our inbox right now.
Looks like half of their employees want to leave and come work for Gab.
Panic in SV!
— (@getongab) January 10, 2021
Most recently, Gab revealed on Monday that the numbers of people seeking to leave their jobs in Big Tech and find employment at Gab had swelled into the thousands, stating “I think half of Silicon Valley just reached out looking for a job, I’m not joking. It’s thousands of people. Panic in the Valley! We will be hiring American citizens Will get back to folks as soon as we are able to.”

Over the weekend, Gab fulfilled the promise of founder and CEO Andrew Torba to add an additional ten servers to the website in an effort to handle the tremendous influx in traffic seen over the past few days.
As National File reported, Gab had previously promised to upgrade the server system after reportedly speaking with President Donald Trump’s team about a possible move to the platform after last week’s Facebook and Twitter purge.
Both Twitter and Facebook have seen stock prices plunge after fanatically purging non-liberal content from their websites.



What are those?
Twitter closed up today.

Facebook closed up.

Amazon, up.
Yahoo says Twitter is down, nimrod.

47.22 USD +0.18 (0.38%)

Yeah, it's up 0.38% after dropping 9 points since the beginning of the month.

View attachment 442421

Wow, 9 whole points. it's as bad as that. The stock has dropped to the same price it was back last October, but 8 points higher than it was back on November 2nd, and about the same as it was a month ago on December 10th.

In fact, this whole business of the Twitter stock price is just another attempt by Trump to make himself appear to be WAY more important than he really is, to the platform.

We'll see who's doing better 6 months from now - Twitter without Trump, or Trump without Twitter.
Twitter closed up today.

Facebook closed up.

Amazon, up.
Yahoo says Twitter is down, nimrod.

47.22 USD +0.18 (0.38%)

Yeah, it's up 0.38% after dropping 9 points since the beginning of the month.

View attachment 442421

Wow, 9 whole points. it's as bad as that. The stock has dropped to the same price it was back last October, but 8 points higher than it was back on November 2nd, and about the same as it was a month ago on December 10th.

In fact, this whole business of the Twitter stock price is just another attempt by Trump to make himself appear to be WAY more important than he really is, to the platform.

We'll see who's doing better 6 months from now - Twitter without Trump, or Trump without Twitter.
That's 20% of its max value, shit for brains.
Twitter closed up today.

Facebook closed up.

Amazon, up.
Yahoo says Twitter is down, nimrod.

I would say the nimrod here is you.

Yahoo says you're a liar and I say you're a very special kind of stupid.

View attachment 442403
Conservatives are as stupid as they are dishonest.

And they’re fools if they think anyone will believe their ridiculous lies.

All the idiot had to do was not be so lazy and do a very simple and quick search on the stock prices.

Or stop reading far right propaganda sites.

Seriously, that stupid trump person is just either too lazy or too stupid to find information for himself.

But what do you expect from people who believe Barak Obama is a muslim from Kenya and Michelle is a man?
Twitter closed up today.

Facebook closed up.

Amazon, up.
Yahoo says Twitter is down, nimrod.

I would say the nimrod here is you.

Yahoo says you're a liar and I say you're a very special kind of stupid.

View attachment 442403
Conservatives are as stupid as they are dishonest.

And they’re fools if they think anyone will believe their ridiculous lies.

All the idiot had to do was not be so lazy and do a very simple and quick search on the stock prices.

Or stop reading far right propaganda sites.

Seriously, that stupid trump person is just either too lazy or too stupid to find information for himself.

But what do you expect from people who believe Barak Obama is a muslim from Kenya and Michelle is a man?
I posted the chart, you fucking NAZI moron.
Twitter closed up today.

Facebook closed up.

Amazon, up.
Yahoo says Twitter is down, nimrod.

I would say the nimrod here is you.

Yahoo says you're a liar and I say you're a very special kind of stupid.

View attachment 442403
Conservatives are as stupid as they are dishonest.

And they’re fools if they think anyone will believe their ridiculous lies.

All the idiot had to do was not be so lazy and do a very simple and quick search on the stock prices.

Or stop reading far right propaganda sites.

Seriously, that stupid trump person is just either too lazy or too stupid to find information for himself.

But what do you expect from people who believe Barak Obama is a muslim from Kenya and Michelle is a man?
I posted the chart, you fucking NAZI moron.

You posted a chart which showed that Twitter is down $2 over its peak of $68.62 over the past year. But you didn’t read the chart you posted or you would’ve noticed the Twitter has more than doubled its stock price from its 52 week low of $33 and change, so a little bit of profit taking at the peak of its price, is hardly surprising.

Gone are the days when Trump’s stupid Tweets or threats could affect the price of a stock. Trump is now a dottering old fool who thinks he stills wields power.

I’m seriously wondering if Trump could pass a cognitive test. Especially considering one of the questions is “Who is the President of the United States?”.

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