Big Scary Government Shutdown Looms Over The Country!!! OMYGARD!!! OH TEH NOESSS!!!

Why should a shut down be any different.

And government never really shuts down it's just political theater

Correct, political theater that waste even more money. It is stupid and despite what you all think, it does actually effect people in this country.
Shutdowns cost more than they save.
I think government workers should NOT receive pay for the time they don’t work during a shutdown. It would keep these shutdowns from happening.

And if a shutdown happened, and Congress knew that govt workers were losing pay? They’d hustle and approve the over-spending within a day or so. In the meantime, govt workers, although missing a couple of days of pay, could rest easy knowing their job was secure and they’d be back to getting paid.

Compare that to the regular working people who suffer permanent job loss when their companies fail to make a profit. I myself was caught up in a layoff when the company I worked for had a bad turn in fortunes, and I and thousands others were laid off. Took me months without pay to find a replacement job.
I think government workers should NOT receive pay for the time they don’t work during a shutdown. It would keep these shutdowns from happening.

Well, Trump himself signed the law that requires them to be paid once it is over. But I do agree it would help to stop them from happening.


If they shut Canadian government down for an hour, Canadians would be jumping off of bridges.

Bottom line: "don't be like Canada".

Where do you live, because it sure as fuck is not Canada

Canada had no government for 6 months. Inflation stalled, the unemployment rate went down. The civil servants did a much better job than the Conservatives who were in power at the time.
Shutting the Federal, State and Local governments down indefinitely would be great.
No it is not

It is stupid expensive...and results in a downgrade of the nation's credit rating

That's a BAD thing
I agree. Hell half the Government could vanish tomorrow and nobody would even know or care.


Start telling us who... I want half of them...

According to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the federal workforce is composed of an estimated 2.1 million civilian workers

So 1% is 21,000 Workers...
Think of the INTEREST they'd earn on the billions of dollars in salaries they would delay having to pay like they did for 5-6 weeks back in 2019 when Trump shut the government down as part of his hissy fit for not being given the money he wanted to build a wall on the southern border of the U.S.

Missing Paychecks Due to Trump Shutdown Total $2 Billion Every 2 Weeks

Actually, tons of federal employees “work” from home three or four days a week, and on top of that claim they are working 10 hour days to give them a four-day work week. I know many who work in the office only ONCE a week. Some of the abuse in that is extreme. Some years ago, it was discovered how many govt workers logged onto the computer and then headed out to the golf course all day.

We could save a fortune by reducing the work week by one day every two week, and cutting 10% from government compensation. Other than at the very top - the SES and some GS15s - government works are overpaid.
Actually, tons of federal employees “work” from home three or four days a week, and on top of that claim they are working 10 hour days to give them a four-day work week. I know many who work in the office only ONCE a week. Some of the abuse in that is extreme. Some years ago, it was discovered how many govt workers logged onto the computer and then headed out to the golf course all day.

We could save a fortune by reducing the work week by one day every two week, and cutting 10% from government compensation. Other than at the very top - the SES and some GS15s - government works are overpaid.

Amazing how many people in so many areas that you "know".
No it is not

It is stupid expensive...and results in a downgrade of the nation's credit rating

That's a BAD thing
Oh, now we are supposed to worry about our credit rating? When we are trying to pass $3.5 trillion budgets, our credit rating isn’t important but if government shuts down, only now we need to worry about it?

Raise taxes on everyone, cut spending in every department of government and then we can secure we keep a good credit rating.
Oh, now we are supposed to worry about our credit rating? When we are trying to pass $3.5 trillion budgets, our credit rating isn’t important but if government shuts down, only now we need to worry about it?

Raise taxes on everyone, cut spending in every department of government and then we can secure we keep a good credit rating.
Yup. I worked for government for a year - couldn’t stand the boredom and red tape where nothing got done so I went into private - and you wouldn’t believe the way they threw money away. That’s what happens when there’s no profit concerns, and no concerns about whether you’re working for a solvent organization and your job could be lost.
Does anyone besides Pelosi and Schumer really give a sh*t? :laughing0301:

I thought there would have been ten threads on this already. Remember back before the Pandemic when a government shutdown was the end of the Democracy or Republic, depending on whether you were a Democrat or Republic? Remember how both parties would try to blame each other, and it became a contest to see which side was responsible? Good old days, they were.

"Democrats are scrambling to avoid a possible government shutdown in less than 72 hours as they desperately seek an agreement with the GOP during a day of frantic cross-aisle talks.

The state of talks had not improved by Wednesday afternoon, with GOP leaders dug in on their opposition to Democrats’ plans and the party’s right flank vowing to use its procedural powers to trigger a brief weekend shutdown over President Joe Biden's vaccine mandate. But some senior Democrats believe a deal could be within reach."

Tick, tick: House ends day with no shutdown deal
Shutting down the Capital and the WH to keep them from destroying this country would be a good start.
Defund Washington D.C.

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