Big Orange Head Has His Feet In His Mouth....Again


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The Big Orange Head’s excuse makers stay busy, don’t they? Their's is the most difficult job in the entire Republican Party.

For example, Sunday, the Big Orange Head shoved his feet in his mouth again, and again he used Twitter to do it. He suggested to the world that the U.S. should ADD (yes, add) more money to healthcare. He went on saying that the Republicans had effectively killed Obamacare, and after repeal, would replace the program with something better.

Yes, the Big Orange Head shoved his “tweet feet” into his face and suggested increasing federal spending on healthcare. Perhaps, his demented old mind had a moment of lucid thought, and realized Australia has a publicly funded universal health care system. And, how that government has the skill to operate their program for considerably less than any plan designed by Ryan and his gang of crooks, as they are only interested in protecting the giant insurance providers. The congressional Republicans have proven time and again that, as far as the GOP is concerned, the poor and middle class can eat sh!t for healthcare.

But, whatever the reason for the Big Orange Head’s disastrous statement to Republican policies to protect the super-rich, Big Orange’s excuse makers were once again sent scrambling to explain this lapse.

However, their best effort was to offer that Big Orange “was just being nice and not pushing for the Australian system in America.”

Well, that sorry bit of reasoning should definitely put that hot potato to rest.

So, as the Republicans look ahead, they can carry on knowing that, as the party devoted to serving the fat cats, they CANNOT permit an efficient and affordable, government-run healthcare system to be established here. Such a program would be a total betrayal of their promise to all of corporate America.

The GOP leaders know their mindless, conservative followers will never question any policy that screws average Americans, in fact, they will defend them. (As the conservatives’ responses to this OP will prove.)

Hold The Phone. Trump Tweets He Now Wants More Money For Health Care



Too funny. Trump is an idiot but you are a bigger one. He doesn't do what you want you shove a knife into hic back, he DOES what you want and you STILL shove the knife into his back.

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