Big freaking ruh roh: Intel Chair pretty sure FBI had no warrant to record Flynn

Be very SPECIFIC and cite for us ANY law Flynn broke.
he broke
the logan act
The Logan act does NOT apply to an incoming administration you retard.
and it says that WHERE in the Logan Act?

We have ONE President at a time in this Nation.
It says it where is it specifically applies to private citizens, the new admin is not private citizens dumb ass.

They had not been sworn in, they were private citizens. I'm a fervent Conservative and supporter of President Donald Trump. These discussions took place before General Flynn was sworn into office. As I said, we have only one president at a time.
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Don't waste my time.. Go READ the Logan Act. It was primarily to stop plain VANILLA CITIZENS from negotiating with enemies of the USA.... Any OFFICIAL (or even INCOMING OFFICIAL) is given the courtesy of having any incidental intercepts NOT FLAGGED. That mean NOT TRANSCRIPTED. NOT Analyzed. And Definitely NOT RELEASED PUBLICLY !!!

Reagan solved the Iran hostage crisis 20 freaking minutes after his inauguration. You think that there weren't CONTACTS from his transistion staff??

Contacts are one thing, negotiations are an entirely different matter.
then please tell your congress critters you want a special investigation, done in the open, for the American citizens to have access!!!

I would love that. I fear that the progressives heads would explode when it was revealed who was actually behind the leaks however.
well, set your personal fears aside, and let us have an open, independent, investigation. Tell your representative!

It APPEARS that partisans in the Intel Community are actually running a covert operation to destabilize and delegitimize the election. That's the only way that all these "leaks" and daily disinformation is stoking the news cycle.

What you see publicly is that this is a DOMESTIC INSURGENCY and not necessarily a foreign one because of the # of agencies COOPERATING in these leaks and disinformation. And the fear I personally have is that the public is YET to see is the YEARS and MOUNTAINS of comprising, embarrassing, and bomb-making material that the 2 corrupt parties have bottled up in the Intel agencies. They've used this blackmail against EACH OTHER to hobble the operation, honesty and efficiency of our govt. And in EFFECT -- most of the current leadership and past party leadership would be collateral damage if this mountain of shit ever got released.

Leadership in America is now compromised in a way that any normal official in a position of power would LOSE their clearances instantaneously. Not just Gen Flynn..

And if by CHANCE -- Russia decided to STOKE an all-out destabilization, my opinion is, their PREFERRED outcome would be to contribute to the rise of a true "socialist friendly" party. One that continues to lurch farther left and is friendly to the idea of re-creating the OLD Soviet Union that Putin desires.

But that's just me talking.. We might yet find out why Saddam was REALLY hated by both BillyJeff Clinton and the Bushes. Or who was behind those anthrax attacks or even ---- who killed JFK.. :badgrin:
we just don't know everything that is going on here....look at coyote's response, I agree with all that she said.

it's weird that early on, all the clinton investigation intel leaks, and comey's actions, they truly did NOT want Clinton....and something changed....what happened?

I disagree. They did everything they could to protect her. The media were complicit as well. I would love to see a legit, non partisan investigation into what she did.

The FBI still has a full blown investigation going on concerning the scam aka the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation.
The obvious answer is that they were monitoring the Russian ambassador's calls, and Flynn got caught.
Be very SPECIFIC and cite for us ANY law Flynn broke.
he broke
the logan act

You have no evidence to support that.

Neither of you have any evidence to support either of your allegations.

Point of order: What allegation did I make?
well, set your personal fears aside, and let us have an open, independent, investigation. Tell your representative!

It APPEARS that partisans in the Intel Community are actually running a covert operation to destabilize and delegitimize the election. That's the only way that all these "leaks" and daily disinformation is stoking the news cycle.

What you see publicly is that this is a DOMESTIC INSURGENCY and not necessarily a foreign one because of the # of agencies COOPERATING in these leaks and disinformation. And the fear I personally have is that the public is YET to see is the YEARS and MOUNTAINS of comprising, embarrassing, and bomb-making material that the 2 corrupt parties have bottled up in the Intel agencies. They've used this blackmail against EACH OTHER to hobble the operation, honesty and efficiency of our govt. And in EFFECT -- most of the current leadership and past party leadership would be collateral damage if this mountain of shit ever got released.

Leadership in America is now compromised in a way that any normal official in a position of power would LOSE their clearances instantaneously. Not just Gen Flynn..

And if by CHANCE -- Russia decided to STOKE an all-out destabilization, my opinion is, their PREFERRED outcome would be to contribute to the rise of a true "socialist friendly" party. One that continues to lurch farther left and is friendly to the idea of re-creating the OLD Soviet Union that Putin desires.

But that's just me talking.. We might yet find out why Saddam was REALLY hated by both BillyJeff Clinton and the Bushes. Or who was behind those anthrax attacks or even ---- who killed JFK.. :badgrin:

Or maybe our intelligencies are composed of heroes who have risked their lives to protect this country from enemies, both foreign and domestic, and know a dangerous autocrat when they see one.

KremlinGate Enters Uncharted Waters as Russian Links Overwhelm DC

Evan McMullin: President Donald Trump Is a 'Domestic Enemy'

Heroes dont leak intel intercepts on incoming admins to the public. Heroes don't leak DAILY propaganda obtained by intel sources and methods to keep the "russian threat" in the news cycle.
leak or arrest him for breaking federal law, the Logan Act....maybe they thought leaking 'something's up', without leaking the actual conversation, after giving the President 2 weeks to do something, would be better than arresting the president's national security adviser on national tv.?

REMEMBER, the intel community KNOWS what is on these recordings of flynn's and the russian ambassador's....

They take an oath to protect us from foreign and DOMESTIC threats...

and the senate intelligence community or an independent committee investigating, will know as well, hopefully, and can sort this all out....

I DO NOT LIKE all of these leaks at all....I've NEVER seen anything like it!!! HOWEVER, this only sets the alarm off in my head that this is more, MUCH MORE than sour grapes on Obama being gone or Hillary losing...

C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
read or reread the Logan Act. Rodman didn't break it.

The allegation, is Flynn discussed with the Russian Ambassador, the sanctions put on the Russians by President Obama for interfering in our election process, and Flynn advised the Ambassador to tell Putin that when Trump is president, he would take the sanctions off or be easier on them, and to NOT over react to the sanctions....

When Putin did not retaliate, the intel community was suspicious, because Russia always retaliated when we punished them....and could not figure out why the Russians reacted so differently than the norm...they pulled the eaves dropping records on the Russian envoy to see what they could find out.... in these recordings, there were conversations with Flynn.
Don't waste my time.. Go READ the Logan Act. It was primarily to stop plain VANILLA CITIZENS from negotiating with enemies of the USA.... Any OFFICIAL (or even INCOMING OFFICIAL) is given the courtesy of having any incidental intercepts NOT FLAGGED. That mean NOT TRANSCRIPTED. NOT Analyzed. And Definitely NOT RELEASED PUBLICLY !!!

Reagan solved the Iran hostage crisis 20 freaking minutes after his inauguration. You think that there weren't CONTACTS from his transistion staff??

Contacts are one thing, negotiations are an entirely different matter.

Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.
Don't waste my time.. Go READ the Logan Act. It was primarily to stop plain VANILLA CITIZENS from negotiating with enemies of the USA.... Any OFFICIAL (or even INCOMING OFFICIAL) is given the courtesy of having any incidental intercepts NOT FLAGGED. That mean NOT TRANSCRIPTED. NOT Analyzed. And Definitely NOT RELEASED PUBLICLY !!!

Reagan solved the Iran hostage crisis 20 freaking minutes after his inauguration. You think that there weren't CONTACTS from his transistion staff??

Contacts are one thing, negotiations are an entirely different matter.

Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.

Yet that's exactly what happened.
It looks like we are going to get our own Capitol Hill version of Swamp people. Aaaaayeeeeee! It's not only time to drain the swamp but to hook every leaking low down critter and drag em out.

There's got to be a political version Troy Landry in Washington who can finally nail the leakers in the Intelligence community.

Laissez les bons temps rouler baby!


“Any intelligence agency cannot listen to Americans’ phone calls,” Nunes told reporters Tuesday night. “If there’s inadvertent collection that you know is overseas there’s a whole process in place for that.”

He explained, “It’s pretty clear that’s not the case, so then they could have been listening to someone else and inadvertently picked up an American.

If that happens, there’s a whole process in place to where they have to immediately get rid of the information unless it’s like high level national security issue and then someone would have to unmask the name — someone at the highest levels.”

“So in this case it would be General Flynn and then how did that happen. T

hen if they did that, then how does all that get out to the public which is another leak of classified information,” Nunes added.

“I’m pretty sure the FBI didn’t have a warrant on Michael Flynn.”

GOP Intel Chair: ‘Pretty Sure FBI Didn’t Have Warrant’ To Record Flynn

Read more: GOP Intel Chair: ‘Pretty Sure FBI Didn’t Have Warrant’ To Record Flynn

I don't think Intelligence agencies need to get a warrant to record Russian Ambassadors and Diplomats and whom they're talking too--LOL The phone lines that were tapped were Russian phone lines.

Of all the dumbass things to do. Flynn knowing that 17 intelligence agencies confirmed that Russia was hacking DNC databases, actually calls the Russian ambassador the day after they were told to get the hell out of this country.


Regardless--it's out now, and there's no putting this one back in the bottle. In fact Obama ordered this tapping once he knew that it was the Russians that were doing the hacking, so I am certain there's a lot more, because it wasn't just Flynn that was in communication with them.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

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It APPEARS that partisans in the Intel Community are actually running a covert operation to destabilize and delegitimize the election. That's the only way that all these "leaks" and daily disinformation is stoking the news cycle.

What you see publicly is that this is a DOMESTIC INSURGENCY and not necessarily a foreign one because of the # of agencies COOPERATING in these leaks and disinformation. And the fear I personally have is that the public is YET to see is the YEARS and MOUNTAINS of comprising, embarrassing, and bomb-making material that the 2 corrupt parties have bottled up in the Intel agencies. They've used this blackmail against EACH OTHER to hobble the operation, honesty and efficiency of our govt. And in EFFECT -- most of the current leadership and past party leadership would be collateral damage if this mountain of shit ever got released.

Leadership in America is now compromised in a way that any normal official in a position of power would LOSE their clearances instantaneously. Not just Gen Flynn..

And if by CHANCE -- Russia decided to STOKE an all-out destabilization, my opinion is, their PREFERRED outcome would be to contribute to the rise of a true "socialist friendly" party. One that continues to lurch farther left and is friendly to the idea of re-creating the OLD Soviet Union that Putin desires.

But that's just me talking.. We might yet find out why Saddam was REALLY hated by both BillyJeff Clinton and the Bushes. Or who was behind those anthrax attacks or even ---- who killed JFK.. :badgrin:

Or maybe our intelligencies are composed of heroes who have risked their lives to protect this country from enemies, both foreign and domestic, and know a dangerous autocrat when they see one.

KremlinGate Enters Uncharted Waters as Russian Links Overwhelm DC

Evan McMullin: President Donald Trump Is a 'Domestic Enemy'

Heroes dont leak intel intercepts on incoming admins to the public. Heroes don't leak DAILY propaganda obtained by intel sources and methods to keep the "russian threat" in the news cycle.
leak or arrest him for breaking federal law, the Logan Act....maybe they thought leaking 'something's up', without leaking the actual conversation, after giving the President 2 weeks to do something, would be better than arresting the president's national security adviser on national tv.?

REMEMBER, the intel community KNOWS what is on these recordings of flynn's and the russian ambassador's....

They take an oath to protect us from foreign and DOMESTIC threats...

and the senate intelligence community or an independent committee investigating, will know as well, hopefully, and can sort this all out....

I DO NOT LIKE all of these leaks at all....I've NEVER seen anything like it!!! HOWEVER, this only sets the alarm off in my head that this is more, MUCH MORE than sour grapes on Obama being gone or Hillary losing...

C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
read or reread the Logan Act. Rodman didn't break it.

The allegation, is Flynn discussed with the Russian Ambassador, the sanctions put on the Russians by President Obama for interfering in our election process, and Flynn advised the Ambassador to tell Putin that when Trump is president, he would take the sanctions off or be easier on them, and to NOT over react to the sanctions....

When Putin did not retaliate, the intel community was suspicious, because Russia always retaliated when we punished them....and could not figure out why the Russians reacted so differently than the norm...they pulled the eaves dropping records on the Russian envoy to see what they could find out.... in these recordings, there were conversations with Flynn.

Nothing of that sort has been made public. So we'll never know. It's convenient isn't it? Obama leaned over on a hot mic to a Russian Ambassador before he was elected and told him "I'll have more flexible on this issue AFTER the election".. Did you cry and wimper about that "violation"?

PERSONALLY -- I dont trust Putin. Sanctions of SOME SORT seem to be required to keep him out of the Ukraine. The rest of this fairy tale seems more easily explainable as a distraction from the REAL WAR and insurrection going in the Intel community.

The Russians are our ONLY ride to the Space Station. They are NOT a "hot" enemy. And they have SAVED our sorry asses from yet another major MidEast FUBAR in Syria multiple times. Make up your freaking minds. You ridiculed Romney when he said the Russians were the greatest strategic threat to US interests. Changed 180degrees with the "reset button" and NOW --- you've changed again????
Don't waste my time.. Go READ the Logan Act. It was primarily to stop plain VANILLA CITIZENS from negotiating with enemies of the USA.... Any OFFICIAL (or even INCOMING OFFICIAL) is given the courtesy of having any incidental intercepts NOT FLAGGED. That mean NOT TRANSCRIPTED. NOT Analyzed. And Definitely NOT RELEASED PUBLICLY !!!

Reagan solved the Iran hostage crisis 20 freaking minutes after his inauguration. You think that there weren't CONTACTS from his transistion staff??

Contacts are one thing, negotiations are an entirely different matter.

Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.

BULLSHIT--you had no problems at all with the leaks coming out of DNC, in fact you and the comrade were cheering them on.

Trump has insulted the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security and 13 other intelligence agencies by continually denying their intelligence reports. Even at one point he stated: "I know people that know more than they do." What the Hell did you think they were going to do?--LOL This is just the beginning.

Don't waste my time.. Go READ the Logan Act. It was primarily to stop plain VANILLA CITIZENS from negotiating with enemies of the USA.... Any OFFICIAL (or even INCOMING OFFICIAL) is given the courtesy of having any incidental intercepts NOT FLAGGED. That mean NOT TRANSCRIPTED. NOT Analyzed. And Definitely NOT RELEASED PUBLICLY !!!

Reagan solved the Iran hostage crisis 20 freaking minutes after his inauguration. You think that there weren't CONTACTS from his transistion staff??

Contacts are one thing, negotiations are an entirely different matter.

Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.

BULLSHIT--you had no problems at all with the leaks coming out of DNC, in fact you and the comrade were cheering them on.

Trump has insulted the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security and 13 other intelligence agencies by continually denying their intelligence reports. Even at one point he stated: "I know people that know more than they do." What the Hell did you think they were going to do?--LOL This is just the beginning.


The DNC created their own problem. Had ANY US intelligence agency been given PROPER access to the equipment at the scene of the crime (or Hillary's workaround server) -- my bet is they would have found footprints from a DOZEN International spy agencies on those devices. But they were never inspected in pristine evidence form to MAKE that assessment. Even the conclusion of "russian hacking" was never made by any GOVT agency. Because no govt agency ever laid hands on those devices.

I could care less about political hijinks at the moment. NONE of that involved a virtual INSURRECTION inside own Intel operations.
Or maybe our intelligencies are composed of heroes who have risked their lives to protect this country from enemies, both foreign and domestic, and know a dangerous autocrat when they see one.

KremlinGate Enters Uncharted Waters as Russian Links Overwhelm DC

Evan McMullin: President Donald Trump Is a 'Domestic Enemy'

Heroes dont leak intel intercepts on incoming admins to the public. Heroes don't leak DAILY propaganda obtained by intel sources and methods to keep the "russian threat" in the news cycle.
leak or arrest him for breaking federal law, the Logan Act....maybe they thought leaking 'something's up', without leaking the actual conversation, after giving the President 2 weeks to do something, would be better than arresting the president's national security adviser on national tv.?

REMEMBER, the intel community KNOWS what is on these recordings of flynn's and the russian ambassador's....

They take an oath to protect us from foreign and DOMESTIC threats...

and the senate intelligence community or an independent committee investigating, will know as well, hopefully, and can sort this all out....

I DO NOT LIKE all of these leaks at all....I've NEVER seen anything like it!!! HOWEVER, this only sets the alarm off in my head that this is more, MUCH MORE than sour grapes on Obama being gone or Hillary losing...

C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
read or reread the Logan Act. Rodman didn't break it.

The allegation, is Flynn discussed with the Russian Ambassador, the sanctions put on the Russians by President Obama for interfering in our election process, and Flynn advised the Ambassador to tell Putin that when Trump is president, he would take the sanctions off or be easier on them, and to NOT over react to the sanctions....

When Putin did not retaliate, the intel community was suspicious, because Russia always retaliated when we punished them....and could not figure out why the Russians reacted so differently than the norm...they pulled the eaves dropping records on the Russian envoy to see what they could find out.... in these recordings, there were conversations with Flynn.

Nothing of that sort has been made public. So we'll never know. It's convenient isn't it? Obama leaned over on a hot mic to a Russian Ambassador before he was elected and told him "I'll have more flexible on this issue AFTER the election".. Did you cry and wimper about that "violation"?

PERSONALLY -- I dont trust Putin. Sanctions of SOME SORT seem to be required to keep him out of the Ukraine. The rest of this fairy tale seems more easily explainable as a distraction from the REAL WAR and insurrection going in the Intel community.

The Russians are our ONLY ride to the Space Station. They are NOT a "hot" enemy. And they have SAVED our sorry asses from yet another major MidEast FUBAR in Syria multiple times. Make up your freaking minds. You ridiculed Romney when he said the Russians were the greatest strategic threat to US interests. Changed 180degrees with the "reset button" and NOW --- you've changed again????

Of course you have a LINK to that claim--right?
Don't waste my time.. Go READ the Logan Act. It was primarily to stop plain VANILLA CITIZENS from negotiating with enemies of the USA.... Any OFFICIAL (or even INCOMING OFFICIAL) is given the courtesy of having any incidental intercepts NOT FLAGGED. That mean NOT TRANSCRIPTED. NOT Analyzed. And Definitely NOT RELEASED PUBLICLY !!!

Reagan solved the Iran hostage crisis 20 freaking minutes after his inauguration. You think that there weren't CONTACTS from his transistion staff??

Contacts are one thing, negotiations are an entirely different matter.

Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.

BULLSHIT--you had no problems at all with the leaks coming out of DNC, in fact you and the comrade were cheering them on.

Trump has insulted the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security and 13 other intelligence agencies by continually denying their intelligence reports. Even at one point he stated: "I know people that know more than they do." What the Hell did you think they were going to do?--LOL This is just the beginning.


So they're going to show him how relevant they are by proving how irrelevant they are, right?
I would love that. I fear that the progressives heads would explode when it was revealed who was actually behind the leaks however.
well, set your personal fears aside, and let us have an open, independent, investigation. Tell your representative!

It APPEARS that partisans in the Intel Community are actually running a covert operation to destabilize and delegitimize the election. That's the only way that all these "leaks" and daily disinformation is stoking the news cycle.

What you see publicly is that this is a DOMESTIC INSURGENCY and not necessarily a foreign one because of the # of agencies COOPERATING in these leaks and disinformation. And the fear I personally have is that the public is YET to see is the YEARS and MOUNTAINS of comprising, embarrassing, and bomb-making material that the 2 corrupt parties have bottled up in the Intel agencies. They've used this blackmail against EACH OTHER to hobble the operation, honesty and efficiency of our govt. And in EFFECT -- most of the current leadership and past party leadership would be collateral damage if this mountain of shit ever got released.

Leadership in America is now compromised in a way that any normal official in a position of power would LOSE their clearances instantaneously. Not just Gen Flynn..

And if by CHANCE -- Russia decided to STOKE an all-out destabilization, my opinion is, their PREFERRED outcome would be to contribute to the rise of a true "socialist friendly" party. One that continues to lurch farther left and is friendly to the idea of re-creating the OLD Soviet Union that Putin desires.

But that's just me talking.. We might yet find out why Saddam was REALLY hated by both BillyJeff Clinton and the Bushes. Or who was behind those anthrax attacks or even ---- who killed JFK.. :badgrin:

I'm not sure I see it in that way...quite.

For one thing, I am absolutely convinced Russia was behind the hacks and their purpose was to attempt to influence the election. I don't think you you can get all our diverse intelligence communities on the same page if it wasn't - too much turf fighting and more competition than cooperation.

I think there is another way of looking at what is happening, and that is by the precedents that have been set and the questions they lead to.

1. Why did Comey do what he did, at those exact times?
2. Why was most of the disinformation and the hacks and leaks pre-election directed towards Clinton?
3. Why did non-political, and traditionally non-partisan agencies/individuals such as military and intelligence come out in favor of Clinton or against Trump?
4. Trump repeatedly insults, dismisses, negates reports from the Intelligence communities.
5. Trump talks about a briefing in a manner which suggests he might lie to politicize it and he might not respect sensitive material in an impulse.
6. Leading figures in Trump's campaign with strong Russian ties.

1. Trump continues to degrade and insult the intelligence community when presented with evidence of Russia's involvement.
2. Trump surrounds himself with a close inner-circle of non-traditional outsider advisors: conspiracy theorists such as Flynn and Bannon, for example.
3. Trump's campaign staff, current advisors and cabinet include a number of people with strong Russian links.
4. Trump's Administration is in crisis mode - he has picked people who are competitive with each other, information is not shared along traditional chanels, if at all, there is internal fighting and a profound lack of trust inside.
5. Anomolies are showing up. Flynn talking with Russia - telling them not to worry about the sanctions - before Trump was even sworn into office.
6. Putin's highly unusual decision to not retaliate tit for tat in typical fashion over the expulsion of Russian spies and diplomats. It was this which flagged the Intelligence services to look over tapes of the wiretapping of Russian diplomats.
7. Flynn had lied to the VP, and the VP had defended him, and the VP was kept IN THE DARK for two weeks about this - a highly unusual lack of communication (and respect for) the man who is supposed to be closest to the President, and the #2 person in charge.

Resulting chaos
1. Leaks leaks leaks
2. Flynn resigns.

How to interpret it?
1. There is a deep distrust and unease of the President and his staff coming from the Intelligence community both civilian and military...and other agencies and a President who doesn't take it seriously. I don't ever recall such a situation before.
2. What if there are people in the Intelligence Agencies who are deeply and sincerely afraid that Trump and/or members of his staff are compromised?

It was a disturbing precedent to see key figures in Intelligence and the Military come out against Trump during the election campaign. They have traditionally been non-partisan. It's disturbing to see the amount of leaking, as well as the involvement of wikileaks (essentially a Russian proxy) and to see now, what could possibly be independent internal actions, like the leaking of this material. It's disturbing to see so many ties to Russia - a autocratic oligarchic regime, who has destabilzied a neighboring country, supported an uprising and is now suffering under sanctions that we have to power to ease.

Is it partisanship or fear for our country that is driving this?

Motive for Russia is easy - the sanctions are hurting.

If comey was ethical he would have recommended an indictment of hillary. He had to contort the law to come up with a reason to not do so. If the russki's were helping anyone it was her. As far as the intel leadership being partisan, there is NO doubt that they did. They were all obama appointments, and they all had a vested interest in hillary being elected. ALL of them.

I don't agree - and here's why.

When the FBI is investigating, they do not release info other then the bare minimum. When it's concluded - then either criminal indictment is handed down or the person is cleared. They never NEVER publically lambaste, go into detail or discuss any part of the investigation before it is concluded. Compare the way Comey handled and publicized Clinton's investigation to how they handled their investigation into Trump's Russian connections and you will see the absolute stark difference.

I also don't buy that because they were "Obama appointments" they would have a vested interest in Clinton's election. Appointments know it's for a term and many, in fact, don't last the whole term or resign in the second term. If this were the case we would have seen a whole lot of this behavior in prior transitions. The other thing is - Comey is a Republican. He is currently serving under Trump. He previously served under G.W. Bush. There is no guarantee he would have served under Clinton. What he did - that last minute email fiasco SHORTLY before the election itself - was in no way favorable to Clinton.

This is, in my opinion, why there are leaks.

Government workers shun Trump, give big money to Clinton
BY JONATHAN SWAN - 10/26/16 06:01 AM EDT

Federal government employees are opening their wallets to help Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump on Nov. 8.

Of the roughly $2 million that federal workers from 14 agencies spent on presidential politics by the end of September, about $1.9 million, or 95 percent, went to the Democratic nominee’s campaign, according to an analysis by The Hill.

Employees at all the agencies analyzed, without exception, are sending their campaign contributions overwhelmingly to Clinton over her Republican counterpart. Several agencies, such as the State Department, which Clinton once led, saw more than 99 percent of contributions going to Clinton.

Employees of the Department of Justice, which investigated Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of State, gave Clinton 97 percent of their donations. Trump received $8,756 from DOJ employees compared with $286,797 for Clinton. From IRS employees, Clinton received 94 percent of donations.


Government workers shun Trump, give big money to Clinton

Anyone found guilty of leaking the contents of those tapes should be made an example of with the most severe sentence possible.
Heroes dont leak intel intercepts on incoming admins to the public. Heroes don't leak DAILY propaganda obtained by intel sources and methods to keep the "russian threat" in the news cycle.
leak or arrest him for breaking federal law, the Logan Act....maybe they thought leaking 'something's up', without leaking the actual conversation, after giving the President 2 weeks to do something, would be better than arresting the president's national security adviser on national tv.?

REMEMBER, the intel community KNOWS what is on these recordings of flynn's and the russian ambassador's....

They take an oath to protect us from foreign and DOMESTIC threats...

and the senate intelligence community or an independent committee investigating, will know as well, hopefully, and can sort this all out....

I DO NOT LIKE all of these leaks at all....I've NEVER seen anything like it!!! HOWEVER, this only sets the alarm off in my head that this is more, MUCH MORE than sour grapes on Obama being gone or Hillary losing...

C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
read or reread the Logan Act. Rodman didn't break it.

The allegation, is Flynn discussed with the Russian Ambassador, the sanctions put on the Russians by President Obama for interfering in our election process, and Flynn advised the Ambassador to tell Putin that when Trump is president, he would take the sanctions off or be easier on them, and to NOT over react to the sanctions....

When Putin did not retaliate, the intel community was suspicious, because Russia always retaliated when we punished them....and could not figure out why the Russians reacted so differently than the norm...they pulled the eaves dropping records on the Russian envoy to see what they could find out.... in these recordings, there were conversations with Flynn.

Nothing of that sort has been made public. So we'll never know. It's convenient isn't it? Obama leaned over on a hot mic to a Russian Ambassador before he was elected and told him "I'll have more flexible on this issue AFTER the election".. Did you cry and wimper about that "violation"?

PERSONALLY -- I dont trust Putin. Sanctions of SOME SORT seem to be required to keep him out of the Ukraine. The rest of this fairy tale seems more easily explainable as a distraction from the REAL WAR and insurrection going in the Intel community.

The Russians are our ONLY ride to the Space Station. They are NOT a "hot" enemy. And they have SAVED our sorry asses from yet another major MidEast FUBAR in Syria multiple times. Make up your freaking minds. You ridiculed Romney when he said the Russians were the greatest strategic threat to US interests. Changed 180degrees with the "reset button" and NOW --- you've changed again????

Of course you have a LINK to that claim--right?

What claim? I never lie. I never fabricate anything. Not on USMB. Go look it up..
The top democrat sez: "we have bigger fish to fry" (than go after criminal behavior in the intelligence agencies). If nobody alleges that Flynn engaged in illegal activity what the hell are democrats trying to "fry"?
He lied to the FBI and the VP. What was he trying to hide. Why not tell the truth.
Don't prosecute him. Pull his security clearance and kick his sorry ass out of government.
It is sad. He has been a great soldier in the past and done much for our country. H E WENT OFF THE DEEP END AT SOME POINT.

There is no evidence that he lied to the FBI.
leak or arrest him for breaking federal law, the Logan Act....maybe they thought leaking 'something's up', without leaking the actual conversation, after giving the President 2 weeks to do something, would be better than arresting the president's national security adviser on national tv.?

REMEMBER, the intel community KNOWS what is on these recordings of flynn's and the russian ambassador's....

They take an oath to protect us from foreign and DOMESTIC threats...

and the senate intelligence community or an independent committee investigating, will know as well, hopefully, and can sort this all out....

I DO NOT LIKE all of these leaks at all....I've NEVER seen anything like it!!! HOWEVER, this only sets the alarm off in my head that this is more, MUCH MORE than sour grapes on Obama being gone or Hillary losing...

C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
read or reread the Logan Act. Rodman didn't break it.

The allegation, is Flynn discussed with the Russian Ambassador, the sanctions put on the Russians by President Obama for interfering in our election process, and Flynn advised the Ambassador to tell Putin that when Trump is president, he would take the sanctions off or be easier on them, and to NOT over react to the sanctions....

When Putin did not retaliate, the intel community was suspicious, because Russia always retaliated when we punished them....and could not figure out why the Russians reacted so differently than the norm...they pulled the eaves dropping records on the Russian envoy to see what they could find out.... in these recordings, there were conversations with Flynn.

Nothing of that sort has been made public. So we'll never know. It's convenient isn't it? Obama leaned over on a hot mic to a Russian Ambassador before he was elected and told him "I'll have more flexible on this issue AFTER the election".. Did you cry and wimper about that "violation"?

PERSONALLY -- I dont trust Putin. Sanctions of SOME SORT seem to be required to keep him out of the Ukraine. The rest of this fairy tale seems more easily explainable as a distraction from the REAL WAR and insurrection going in the Intel community.

The Russians are our ONLY ride to the Space Station. They are NOT a "hot" enemy. And they have SAVED our sorry asses from yet another major MidEast FUBAR in Syria multiple times. Make up your freaking minds. You ridiculed Romney when he said the Russians were the greatest strategic threat to US interests. Changed 180degrees with the "reset button" and NOW --- you've changed again????

Of course you have a LINK to that claim--right?

What claim? I never lie. I never fabricate anything. Not on USMB. Go look it up..

You stated that Obama leaned over an open mic before he was in office and said something to the Russians. I am asking for a link to that.
The top democrat sez: "we have bigger fish to fry" (than go after criminal behavior in the intelligence agencies). If nobody alleges that Flynn engaged in illegal activity what the hell are democrats trying to "fry"?
He lied to the FBI and the VP. What was he trying to hide. Why not tell the truth.
Don't prosecute him. Pull his security clearance and kick his sorry ass out of government.
It is sad. He has been a great soldier in the past and done much for our country. H E WENT OFF THE DEEP END AT SOME POINT.

What are you talking about that he lied to the freaking FBI? If he did he'd be charged right now.

Bullshit on that. And he did serve his country honorably for 33 years. He committed no crime. As NSA on the transition team it was his JOB to talk to many Ambassadors and security reps from all over the world.

It is not a crime to deal with Russia.

It is a crime if he discussed the sanctions.
C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
read or reread the Logan Act. Rodman didn't break it.

The allegation, is Flynn discussed with the Russian Ambassador, the sanctions put on the Russians by President Obama for interfering in our election process, and Flynn advised the Ambassador to tell Putin that when Trump is president, he would take the sanctions off or be easier on them, and to NOT over react to the sanctions....

When Putin did not retaliate, the intel community was suspicious, because Russia always retaliated when we punished them....and could not figure out why the Russians reacted so differently than the norm...they pulled the eaves dropping records on the Russian envoy to see what they could find out.... in these recordings, there were conversations with Flynn.

Nothing of that sort has been made public. So we'll never know. It's convenient isn't it? Obama leaned over on a hot mic to a Russian Ambassador before he was elected and told him "I'll have more flexible on this issue AFTER the election".. Did you cry and wimper about that "violation"?

PERSONALLY -- I dont trust Putin. Sanctions of SOME SORT seem to be required to keep him out of the Ukraine. The rest of this fairy tale seems more easily explainable as a distraction from the REAL WAR and insurrection going in the Intel community.

The Russians are our ONLY ride to the Space Station. They are NOT a "hot" enemy. And they have SAVED our sorry asses from yet another major MidEast FUBAR in Syria multiple times. Make up your freaking minds. You ridiculed Romney when he said the Russians were the greatest strategic threat to US interests. Changed 180degrees with the "reset button" and NOW --- you've changed again????

Of course you have a LINK to that claim--right?

What claim? I never lie. I never fabricate anything. Not on USMB. Go look it up..

You stated that Obama leaned over an open mic before he was in office and said something to the Russians. I am asking for a link to that.


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