Big Business backing in 2014: Anybody but Tea Party

Republicans are largely to blame for making elections about who has the most $$$ (See- their challenging of the BCRA & Citizens United [brought by a conservative operative :eusa_shhh: ])

So donb't blame us Progressives for why the tea party is being ostracized by groups like Rove's superPAC.
The TEA party is being ostracized by Rove and the insider noeconservatives because they want a change from the status quo, which is certainly what establishment insiders like Rove want to preserve.
From the linked article :shock:

Big business to Tea Party: *Get out of our way - NBC
Dwight Schar, the executive chairman of home-building company NVR and former national finance chair of the Republican National Committee, went so far as to switch sides.

"As a Republican and especially as a Virginia businessman, I am supporting Terry McAuliffe for governor," Schar wrote in an endorsement. "Terry is going to work with both parties to enact mainstream solutions that reduce traffic, improve our schools, and develop our workforce for the global marketplace. Ken Cuccinelli's ideological agenda has divided Virginians and blocked progress on education and transportation for long enough."

tea party needs non-SOCON, serious candidates.
Nbc has nothing better to post about

ObamanoCare is failing causing millions of people to be HURT by it and they come up with the, tea party

our media is such a joke
From the linked article :shock:

Big business to Tea Party: *Get out of our way - NBC
Dwight Schar, the executive chairman of home-building company NVR and former national finance chair of the Republican National Committee, went so far as to switch sides.

"As a Republican and especially as a Virginia businessman, I am supporting Terry McAuliffe for governor," Schar wrote in an endorsement. "Terry is going to work with both parties to enact mainstream solutions that reduce traffic, improve our schools, and develop our workforce for the global marketplace. Ken Cuccinelli's ideological agenda has divided Virginians and blocked progress on education and transportation for long enough."

tea party needs non-SOCON, serious candidates.


Like we need your advice..........

Stick to your own kind. Your advice is nothing more than trash and should be circular filed with the rest of the Statist and Liberal Principles...............

So take you advice and shove it.......We don't need you around no more. As a matter of fact, you can take your like and send it out the door....................


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