Biden’s state department handed out blank Visas in Afghanistan retreat


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Who cares about TERRORISM when you can import Dem voters?

To call the Biden admin INCOMPETENT is an insult to incompetence.

Who cares about TERRORISM when you can import Dem voters?

To call the Biden admin INCOMPETENT is an insult to incompetence.

Stop running assclowns like Trump, Lyin Ted, Little Marco, Ron Grim Reaper Desantis, Lispin Lindsey, Jim Shorts Jordan, Louie Gomer Pyle Goehmert, Marjorie Butch Greene & a few more of that ilk & maybe if they ever do vote they'll vote for a sane Republican. But it's a short list.
Hey, you Biden asslicking communists, does this seem like a sound practice?
I would wager the intent was to import new voters for their side.

"Oh you're in a bad country in a bad situation. Here come to our country without question and we will hook you up"

Now imagine if they are made "for humanitarian reasons" or whatever citizens (which the public would cheer for) and allowed to vote. Do you think they would vote for the Dems that let them in and gave them stuff, or will they vote for the reps that say "you can come back after you take a citizenship and earn your American status"? They will vote for the free ride Dems.

It's what they are trying to do with all the illegals they are letting in the country which in the late 80s thanks to the removal of proposition 187 flipped California from red to blue by bringing in illegals.

I mean they evacuated the military before the citizens and it created such chaos and a sense of urgency that no one would even question carting in women and children to this country out of pity by the plane full. Was it a plan or a conspiracy? I don't know, but I do know it very easily created a window of opportunity to create a large amount of very grateful people who would blindly vote for their benefactors without question and have no real knowledge of our parties or system.
Who cares about TERRORISM when you can import Dem voters?

To call the Biden admin INCOMPETENT is an insult to incompetence.

Dems sure seem bloodthirsty, Biden gets nearly 200 people killed in Afghanistan now he's airlifting terrorists into our country. Should we just toss him in prison to rot? Talk about war crimes.
Dems sure seem bloodthirsty, Biden gets nearly 200 people killed in Afghanistan now he's airlifting terrorists into our country. Should we just toss him in prison to rot? Talk about war crimes.
He needs to resign at a minimum.

What should be done to traitors? Just in general.

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