Biden’s Open Border: Watch as Agents OPEN Gates for Illegals to Walk In

The foreign enemy invaders should be shot on sight and left in the desert to rot to dissuade other invaders. When they see millions of bones along the border they may think twice.
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The foreign enemy invaders should be shot on sight and left in the desert to rot to dissuade other invaders. When they see millions of bones along the border they may think twice.

They're breaking into our home and our government is too cowardly to do what it takes to stop them.

Why aren't the aliens staying at home and fighting to improve their own countries? Why are they running away from their problems?

They're breaking into our home and our government is too cowardly to do what it takes to stop them.

Why aren't the aliens staying at home and fighting to improve their own countries? Why are they running away from their problems?
Many of them are still fighting the Mexican-American war. They do not accept that states like California, Arizona, etc, are no longer are part of Mexico. They do not accept the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Kinda like the Nazis did not accept the treaty of Versailles.
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I've come to hate almost everything about Biden and his entire administration.

But, imo, his total lack of interest in sealing our border against what can only be called an invasion is unbelievable.

It's my biggest voting issue and I'll do everything I can to get the traitorous Democrats out of office.

If the border is to be sealed, and our country protected, it will take angry American citizens to do it. Our government, is fucking worthless.
It is my biggest issue, as well. One of the quickest ways to weaken America is to bring in millions of semi-literate, unskilled illegal aliens who will immediately settle in areas and bring down property values and the caliber of the schools - all while requiring honest Americans taxpayers to educate their children and provide them free meals.

Mark Kelly - the astronaut turned congressperson - voted AGAINST hiring 20,000 border agents and FOR 87,000 new IRS agents to instill fear in middle Income Americans. I imagine others voted the same way, because the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act did include the new army of IRS agents and nothing about border agents. IOW, the Democrats are siding against middle-income Americans while protecting illegal aliens.
I found out in 1980 what a mistake I made by electing Ronald Reagan and then he and the Dems gave amnesty to several millions of illegals in the US, I was against the move but I have no choice but to accept the situation since I have no power to exorcize the laws written by both parties over the last fifty years regarding immigration. If you don't like it then use yer power of exoticization to relive your dislike. Calling me names will never accomplish satiation. The drugz always make it no matter who is El Presidente, si, because Americans buy them and ingest them.
No one cares. No one has ever cared about what you think because you post nonsense all fucking day, every fucking day. You turned yourself into a joke that no one takes seriously. You have an enormous post count, buts its all useless horseshit. I will never understand why you waste so much time with your weird posts.
No one cares. No one has ever cared about what you think because you post nonsense all fucking day, every fucking day. You turned yourself into a joke that no one takes seriously. You have an enormous post count, buts its all useless horseshit. I will never understand why you waste so much time with your weird posts.
Look Margaret it's one of them there ass spelunkers.
Unbelievable! :rolleyes:

Come on in!!!!!! come on in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All hellholes of the world feel free to cross the border!

Come on in.....get welfare, get all the goodies Americans will not have!

Come on in and infect everybody with your exotic diseases!!!!!!

Come on in........ this Circus of a stolen Administration wants to replace Americans!!!!!!

All are welcome!!!
I agree it's scandalous but doesn't "exotic diseases" sound just a little bit racist?
I agree it's scandalous but doesn't "exotic diseases" sound just a little bit racist? "exotic" diseases developed in Africa. Ebola, West Nile Virus, Monkey Pox, and more. There will likely be many more to come.

Many "exotic" diseases originated in Africa. Ebola, West Nile Virus, Monkey Pox, and more. And in the future the world can look forward to many more of these "gifts" from Africa.

They've never produced much of anything, but Gawd love 'em, they're the best at producing contagious and deadly diseases.

Showing that many diseases come from Africa is not "wacist." Unless the TRUTH is now considered "wacist."

Of course, there are a lot of soft-hearted, self-righteous qunts who think every widdle thang is wacist.
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Many "exotic" diseases originated in Africa. Ebola, West Nile Virus, Monkey Pox, and more. And in the future the world can look forward to many more of these "gifts" from Africa.

They've never produced much of anything, but Gawd love 'em, they're the best at producing contagious and deadly diseases.

Showing that many diseases come from Africa is not "wacist." Unless the TRUTH is now considered "wacist."

Of course, there are a lot of soft-hearted, self-righteous qunts who think every widdle thang is wacist.
You said it in a racist tone, stop denying it. Most of the "exotic" (as you call them) diseases originate from Asia & Africa as their climate is generally more adequate for the proliferation of bacteria and viruses that eventually form new diseases, who then quickly spread due to the poor hygienic conditions of those areas. I'd like to highlight the fact that it's absolutely not the general population's fault for their poor hygienic conditions but the real fault is ours, US & Europe, two global powers that have both been exercising capitalist exploitation for centuries now both in Asia & Africa, hence not permitting the self-determination and development of said regions.
You said it in a racist tone, stop denying it. Most of the "exotic" (as you call them) diseases originate from Asia & Africa as their climate is generally more adequate for the proliferation of bacteria and viruses that eventually form new diseases, who then quickly spread due to the poor hygienic conditions of those areas. I'd like to highlight the fact that it's absolutely not the general population's fault for their poor hygienic conditions but the real fault is ours, US & Europe, two global powers that have both been exercising capitalist exploitation for centuries now both in Asia & Africa, hence not permitting the self-determination and development of said regions.
You're full of shit.

I don't have to phrase my statements in a tone that pleases YOU. I couldn't care less about you or any sissy remotely like you.

Quit trying to act like you're the negroes' Great White Savior. You're a clown. And I'd bet blacks who read your self-righteous garbage laugh at your sorry ass.

Sorry if my crude "tone" offends you.

I really mean it...
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You're full of shit.

I don't have to phrase my statements in a tone that pleases YOU. I couldn't care less about you or any sissy remotely like you.

Quit trying to act like you're the negroes' Great White Hope. You're a clown. And I'd bet blacks who read your self-righteous garbage laugh at your sorry ass.

Sorry if my crude "tone" offends you.

I really mean it...
The exchange you just had with the liberal above demonstrates their double standards between bigotry for a “protected” minority and bigotry for an “unprotected” minority.

For the protected minority of blacks, anything and everything is racist. It doesn’t matter if the content itself wasn’t racist, if the tone of the comment isn’t to a liberal’s approval, as interpreted by said liberal, the person is called racist. If someone points out that using race as a factor in admissions, and that using skin color to make decisions is racist, that person is accused of being racist. Or AP classes are racist. Or Aunt Jemima syrup is racist. And on and on.

Then what happens with REAL bigotry against the unprotected minority of Jews. A liberal mayor attends a Farrakhan rally and then blames a snowstorm on “greedy Jews“ - and he is rewarded with re-election. A chapter president of the NAACP passes out flyers with an antisemitic cartoon, and the other liberals rally around him when Jews call for his ouster. Even when Jews were attacked in their own synagogue, on Shabbos, Biden’s first response was that there was no reason to think this had anything to with Jews.

Liberals jump down the throat of anyone who, in their mind, doesn’t have the right TONE when speaking of some racial issue, and then tell Jewish groups to F off, effectively, when they complain about virulent antisemitic Democrats.

More double standards and hypocrisy from leftists.
The exchange you just had with the liberal above demonstrates their double standards between bigotry for a “protected” minority and bigotry for an “unprotected” minority.

For the protected minority of blacks, anything and everything is racist. It doesn’t matter if the content itself wasn’t racist, if the tone of the comment isn’t to a liberal’s approval, as interpreted by said liberal, the person is called racist. If someone points out that using race as a factor in admissions, and that using skin color to make decisions is racist, that person is accused of being racist. Or AP classes are racist. Or Aunt Jemima syrup is racist. And on and on.

Then what happens with REAL bigotry against the unprotected minority of Jews. A liberal mayor attends a Farrakhan rally and then blames a snowstorm on “greedy Jews“ - and he is rewarded with re-election. A chapter president of the NAACP passes out flyers with an antisemitic cartoon, and the other liberals rally around him when Jews call for his ouster. Even when Jews were attacked in their own synagogue, on Shabbos, Biden’s first response was that there was no reason to think this had anything to with Jews.

Liberals jump down the throat of anyone who, in their mind, doesn’t have the right TONE when speaking of some racial issue, and then tell Jewish groups to F off, effectively, when they complain about virulent antisemitic Democrats.

More double standards and hypocrisy from leftists.
There were a couple of statements the guy made that I found ludicrous.

First he blames the warm climate for the spread of diseases (partly true). But says nothing about how these Africans often keep their animals in their homes, or otherwise live and mingle closely with many animals.

ihealyou then goes on to blame whitey for the poor hygiene practiced by africans. But he doesn't offer to move there so he can wash their filthy asses for them. I mean, come on! Put your money where your big mouth is. Lol...

In truth, I got so hot because I'm sick of woke wusses trying to tell us how we should speak, what we can and cannot say, and what words are acceptable (to their wimpy asses). I'm starting to see red when I hear them call every little thing racist. Screw them. Every last one of them.

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