Biden’s 2022 Setting Up For Political Disaster


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden’s 2022 Setting Up For Political Disaster

President Joe Biden faces an avalanche of problems when he returns to the White House in the new year.
3 Jan 2022
For starters, Covid – the virus he vowed to ‘shut down’ the moment he entered office – is out of control. Just weeks ago, he warned the unvaccinated that they face a “winter of severe illness and death.”
Yet the most vaccinated major US cities are setting new records for Covid infections, vaccinated athletes are collapsing across the world, and 2/3 of the Belgian staff at a fully vaccinated antarctic base have Covid.
Now, the CDC has pivoted to a ‘pox party’ strategy by essentially encouraging people to spread the mildly symptomatic Omicron variant with a shortened quarantine period (5 days vs. 10), followed by ‘get back to work with a mask’ for five more days. The agency also dropped end-of-infection PCR testing guidelines because ‘they can remain positive for up to 12 weeks.’

Oh, and Biden now insists there’s no federal solution to Covid. Loyal Church of Covid adherents are undoubtedly crestfallen ahead of midterms.
At the end of the day, his fortunes are intertwined with COVID,” Democratic strategist Joel Payne tells The Hill. “Joe Biden is president because of COVID, but Dems are struggling right now because of COVID. And until they can find someone to figure this out, people are going to be mad about COVID.”
Next up, the Democrat exodus, as at least 23 Democratic members of Congress have announced that they won’t seek reelection this year – setting Republicans up for a potential red wave that would dash Democrats’ plan for wanton spending.
Finally, Biden will have to deal with Donald Trump.
“He remains the 800-pound gorilla in the room, and I think President Biden in 2020 ran offering himself as the alternative to the status quo, and President Trump may have the opportunity to flip that script on him,” said GOP strategist Colin Reed, who suggested that 2024 will likely include ‘strong Republican contenders other than Trump.’
“There’s just a lot of holes to poke in the Biden record, and a Republican candidate, be it Donald Trump or anyone else, is going to have a lot of material to work with.

While the White House team might push to bring B-B-B back again, primaries begin around April and I would guess that a quarter of the House Democratic members aren’t that thrilled to chat over this. Maybe if they had a better leader than Pelosi...something could be generated. I see zero accomplishments for the next sixty days.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats during this administration have attempted to push their agenda and finding public resistance to their dystopian ideological projects.
Meanwhile, we should not forget that within the past year, Joey Xi has created weak and confused messages concerning Foreign Policy.
There's China's demands with Taiwan and Russian threatening the Ukraine and NATO Allies.
There's no doubt that is year will be interesting and unfortunately more dangerous both within America by riots funded by PM/DSA Democrats, and international unrest coming from China, Russia, Iran and other belligerent countries that find Bai Dung policies weak.

Biden’s 2022 Setting Up For Political Disaster

President Joe Biden faces an avalanche of problems when he returns to the White House in the new year.
3 Jan 2022
For starters, Covid – the virus he vowed to ‘shut down’ the moment he entered office – is out of control. Just weeks ago, he warned the unvaccinated that they face a “winter of severe illness and death.”
Yet the most vaccinated major US cities are setting new records for Covid infections, vaccinated athletes are collapsing across the world, and 2/3 of the Belgian staff at a fully vaccinated antarctic base have Covid.
Now, the CDC has pivoted to a ‘pox party’ strategy by essentially encouraging people to spread the mildly symptomatic Omicron variant with a shortened quarantine period (5 days vs. 10), followed by ‘get back to work with a mask’ for five more days. The agency also dropped end-of-infection PCR testing guidelines because ‘they can remain positive for up to 12 weeks.’

Oh, and Biden now insists there’s no federal solution to Covid. Loyal Church of Covid adherents are undoubtedly crestfallen ahead of midterms.
At the end of the day, his fortunes are intertwined with COVID,” Democratic strategist Joel Payne tells The Hill. “Joe Biden is president because of COVID, but Dems are struggling right now because of COVID. And until they can find someone to figure this out, people are going to be mad about COVID.”
Next up, the Democrat exodus, as at least 23 Democratic members of Congress have announced that they won’t seek reelection this year – setting Republicans up for a potential red wave that would dash Democrats’ plan for wanton spending.
Finally, Biden will have to deal with Donald Trump.
“He remains the 800-pound gorilla in the room, and I think President Biden in 2020 ran offering himself as the alternative to the status quo, and President Trump may have the opportunity to flip that script on him,” said GOP strategist Colin Reed, who suggested that 2024 will likely include ‘strong Republican contenders other than Trump.’
“There’s just a lot of holes to poke in the Biden record, and a Republican candidate, be it Donald Trump or anyone else, is going to have a lot of material to work with.

While the White House team might push to bring B-B-B back again, primaries begin around April and I would guess that a quarter of the House Democratic members aren’t that thrilled to chat over this. Maybe if they had a better leader than Pelosi...something could be generated. I see zero accomplishments for the next sixty days.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats during this administration have attempted to push their agenda and finding public resistance to their dystopian ideological projects.
Meanwhile, we should not forget that within the past year, Joey Xi has created weak and confused messages concerning Foreign Policy.
There's China's demands with Taiwan and Russian threatening the Ukraine and NATO Allies.
There's no doubt that is year will be interesting and unfortunately more dangerous both within America by riots funded by PM/DSA Democrats, and international unrest coming from China, Russia, Iran and other belligerent countries that find Bai Dung policies weak.

The Democrats are planning for Voting Rights protests in 2022.
They are also campaigning to paint the Republicans as a threat to "democracy".
Next up, the Democrat exodus, as at least 23 Democratic members of Congress have announced that they won’t seek reelection this year – setting Republicans up for a potential red wave that would dash Democrats’ plan for wanton spending.

I find this one interesting. About that many Repubs were not seeking reelection in 2018 and I do not recall any of the folks on the right having this same view of things for Trump or the party
I'd say the Dems have their work cut out for them this year. They sure made a mess of 2021.

I'd also say the Reps will sweep congress in 2022. Most Americans have seen whats going on at the border and don't like it one bit. Oh and lets not mention the thousands of illegals Bidung has bussed and flown all over the country. Dumping them in town and cities across the nations. Folks ain't to happy with that shit either.

The walking, talking disaster has paved the way for a big Rep win in 2022. No. I'm not a Rep. LOL
They want to destroy democracy.
True, democrats do want to destroy democracy.
Dems want elections controlled from DC and not by the states.
Dems want their mail-in scam to continue
Dems want illegals to vote
Dems want kids to vote
Dems want elections to last weeks until enough votes can be "found" to win.
Dems do NOT want voter ID laws
Dems do NOT want signature matching laws
Dems want to add DC & PR as a state
Dems want to pack the USSC to keep control of elections

Biden’s 2022 Setting Up For Political Disaster

President Joe Biden faces an avalanche of problems when he returns to the White House in the new year.
3 Jan 2022
For starters, Covid – the virus he vowed to ‘shut down’ the moment he entered office – is out of control. Just weeks ago, he warned the unvaccinated that they face a “winter of severe illness and death.”
Yet the most vaccinated major US cities are setting new records for Covid infections, vaccinated athletes are collapsing across the world, and 2/3 of the Belgian staff at a fully vaccinated antarctic base have Covid.
Now, the CDC has pivoted to a ‘pox party’ strategy by essentially encouraging people to spread the mildly symptomatic Omicron variant with a shortened quarantine period (5 days vs. 10), followed by ‘get back to work with a mask’ for five more days. The agency also dropped end-of-infection PCR testing guidelines because ‘they can remain positive for up to 12 weeks.’

Oh, and Biden now insists there’s no federal solution to Covid. Loyal Church of Covid adherents are undoubtedly crestfallen ahead of midterms.
At the end of the day, his fortunes are intertwined with COVID,” Democratic strategist Joel Payne tells The Hill. “Joe Biden is president because of COVID, but Dems are struggling right now because of COVID. And until they can find someone to figure this out, people are going to be mad about COVID.”
Next up, the Democrat exodus, as at least 23 Democratic members of Congress have announced that they won’t seek reelection this year – setting Republicans up for a potential red wave that would dash Democrats’ plan for wanton spending.
Finally, Biden will have to deal with Donald Trump.
“He remains the 800-pound gorilla in the room, and I think President Biden in 2020 ran offering himself as the alternative to the status quo, and President Trump may have the opportunity to flip that script on him,” said GOP strategist Colin Reed, who suggested that 2024 will likely include ‘strong Republican contenders other than Trump.’
“There’s just a lot of holes to poke in the Biden record, and a Republican candidate, be it Donald Trump or anyone else, is going to have a lot of material to work with.

While the White House team might push to bring B-B-B back again, primaries begin around April and I would guess that a quarter of the House Democratic members aren’t that thrilled to chat over this. Maybe if they had a better leader than Pelosi...something could be generated. I see zero accomplishments for the next sixty days.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats during this administration have attempted to push their agenda and finding public resistance to their dystopian ideological projects.
Meanwhile, we should not forget that within the past year, Joey Xi has created weak and confused messages concerning Foreign Policy.
There's China's demands with Taiwan and Russian threatening the Ukraine and NATO Allies.
There's no doubt that is year will be interesting and unfortunately more dangerous both within America by riots funded by PM/DSA Democrats, and international unrest coming from China, Russia, Iran and other belligerent countries that find Bai Dung policies weak.

You just don't understand

The higher number of deaths from Covid under Biden, the higher crime, the higher inflation, taxation, illegal immigration, the Afghanistan debacle, it is all Trump's fault that the DNC is powerless to stop.

Besides, January 6th.

The DNC may be powerless to stop and prevent all of those things, but they can control the weather if only you elect them again.

Wink, wink. Trust me on this one.
If you only look for the worst in other people, that is what you will find. Look around to many always angry people, how & why did this happen?
The Democrats are planning for Voting Rights protests in 2022.
They are also campaigning to paint the Republicans as a threat to "democracy".

The entire free world has declared the Republican Party a "threat to democracy", fool. That happens when you mount a coup to overthrow the election, and then you let the guy who lead the coup attempt run for President.

Biden’s 2022 Setting Up For Political Disaster

President Joe Biden faces an avalanche of problems when he returns to the White House in the new year.
3 Jan 2022
For starters, Covid – the virus he vowed to ‘shut down’ the moment he entered office – is out of control. Just weeks ago, he warned the unvaccinated that they face a “winter of severe illness and death.”
Yet the most vaccinated major US cities are setting new records for Covid infections, vaccinated athletes are collapsing across the world, and 2/3 of the Belgian staff at a fully vaccinated antarctic base have Covid.
Now, the CDC has pivoted to a ‘pox party’ strategy by essentially encouraging people to spread the mildly symptomatic Omicron variant with a shortened quarantine period (5 days vs. 10), followed by ‘get back to work with a mask’ for five more days. The agency also dropped end-of-infection PCR testing guidelines because ‘they can remain positive for up to 12 weeks.’

Oh, and Biden now insists there’s no federal solution to Covid. Loyal Church of Covid adherents are undoubtedly crestfallen ahead of midterms.
At the end of the day, his fortunes are intertwined with COVID,” Democratic strategist Joel Payne tells The Hill. “Joe Biden is president because of COVID, but Dems are struggling right now because of COVID. And until they can find someone to figure this out, people are going to be mad about COVID.”
Next up, the Democrat exodus, as at least 23 Democratic members of Congress have announced that they won’t seek reelection this year – setting Republicans up for a potential red wave that would dash Democrats’ plan for wanton spending.
Finally, Biden will have to deal with Donald Trump.
“He remains the 800-pound gorilla in the room, and I think President Biden in 2020 ran offering himself as the alternative to the status quo, and President Trump may have the opportunity to flip that script on him,” said GOP strategist Colin Reed, who suggested that 2024 will likely include ‘strong Republican contenders other than Trump.’
“There’s just a lot of holes to poke in the Biden record, and a Republican candidate, be it Donald Trump or anyone else, is going to have a lot of material to work with.

While the White House team might push to bring B-B-B back again, primaries begin around April and I would guess that a quarter of the House Democratic members aren’t that thrilled to chat over this. Maybe if they had a better leader than Pelosi...something could be generated. I see zero accomplishments for the next sixty days.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats during this administration have attempted to push their agenda and finding public resistance to their dystopian ideological projects.
Meanwhile, we should not forget that within the past year, Joey Xi has created weak and confused messages concerning Foreign Policy.
There's China's demands with Taiwan and Russian threatening the Ukraine and NATO Allies.
There's no doubt that is year will be interesting and unfortunately more dangerous both within America by riots funded by PM/DSA Democrats, and international unrest coming from China, Russia, Iran and other belligerent countries that find Bai Dung policies weak.

I don't want to wait until 2024 to reinstate President Trump to the election he won, phony votes cast aside.

I think we should get the ball rolling to oust the poseurs in the WH, and we need to get them out before there's a bloodbath in the Ukraine that takes out innocent men, women, and children to sate the commie in people who want a easy way not to have to serve all in their nation equally. We need to get mean about revisiting the antiCommunist law passed in 1954 under the auspices of a man who knew the best and the worst of the world in WWII, President Dwight David Eisenhower who had a worldwide reputation for straight shooting and no nonsense from the peanut gallery. I brought in the newspaper my mama liked to read in the afternoons back then, and his picture was on the front page. I asked her who he was, and she said really good things about the general every American loved for getting us out of Europe from WWII. Everyone hated Fascists at the time, and the biggest pity in the world was that a large number of Germans hated Hilter's blood party and were relieved when the Allied won the War over the murderous Axis who was secretly killing off an ethnic population of people throughout Europe and with plans to do likewise in the Land of Milk and Honey.

Biden’s 2022 Setting Up For Political Disaster

President Joe Biden faces an avalanche of problems when he returns to the White House in the new year.
3 Jan 2022
For starters, Covid – the virus he vowed to ‘shut down’ the moment he entered office – is out of control. Just weeks ago, he warned the unvaccinated that they face a “winter of severe illness and death.”
Yet the most vaccinated major US cities are setting new records for Covid infections, vaccinated athletes are collapsing across the world, and 2/3 of the Belgian staff at a fully vaccinated antarctic base have Covid.
Now, the CDC has pivoted to a ‘pox party’ strategy by essentially encouraging people to spread the mildly symptomatic Omicron variant with a shortened quarantine period (5 days vs. 10), followed by ‘get back to work with a mask’ for five more days. The agency also dropped end-of-infection PCR testing guidelines because ‘they can remain positive for up to 12 weeks.’

Oh, and Biden now insists there’s no federal solution to Covid. Loyal Church of Covid adherents are undoubtedly crestfallen ahead of midterms.
At the end of the day, his fortunes are intertwined with COVID,” Democratic strategist Joel Payne tells The Hill. “Joe Biden is president because of COVID, but Dems are struggling right now because of COVID. And until they can find someone to figure this out, people are going to be mad about COVID.”
Next up, the Democrat exodus, as at least 23 Democratic members of Congress have announced that they won’t seek reelection this year – setting Republicans up for a potential red wave that would dash Democrats’ plan for wanton spending.
Finally, Biden will have to deal with Donald Trump.
“He remains the 800-pound gorilla in the room, and I think President Biden in 2020 ran offering himself as the alternative to the status quo, and President Trump may have the opportunity to flip that script on him,” said GOP strategist Colin Reed, who suggested that 2024 will likely include ‘strong Republican contenders other than Trump.’
“There’s just a lot of holes to poke in the Biden record, and a Republican candidate, be it Donald Trump or anyone else, is going to have a lot of material to work with.

While the White House team might push to bring B-B-B back again, primaries begin around April and I would guess that a quarter of the House Democratic members aren’t that thrilled to chat over this. Maybe if they had a better leader than Pelosi...something could be generated. I see zero accomplishments for the next sixty days.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats during this administration have attempted to push their agenda and finding public resistance to their dystopian ideological projects.
Meanwhile, we should not forget that within the past year, Joey Xi has created weak and confused messages concerning Foreign Policy.
There's China's demands with Taiwan and Russian threatening the Ukraine and NATO Allies.
There's no doubt that is year will be interesting and unfortunately more dangerous both within America by riots funded by PM/DSA Democrats, and international unrest coming from China, Russia, Iran and other belligerent countries that find Bai Dung policies weak.

Trump is all the Dems have left. Remove trumps mouth and the Dems lose by a landslide up and down the ballots. People do not want socialism and people do not want Trump.
Trump is all the Dems have left. Remove trumps mouth and the Dems lose by a landslide up and down the ballots. People do not want socialism and people do not want Trump.
I don't think so. Republicans have gracefully continued to serve the American voter, and everyone knows it. We go with the Republican candidate who gets the most votes from within. Right now, that happens to be President Donald John Trump. We tend to like people who put their cards on top of the table and wins anyway. That's our man. Of course, not everyone in the party may have a different person in mind. The one I want will enforce the anti-Communist law of 1954 instituted by Dwight D. Eisenhower, who ran on the Republican ticket and was President twice. I don't ever want to see another Communist face on the Presidential ballots.
We know you republicans are a threat to democracy.

You have it exactly backwards. Aren't you from Canada where your guy decided to freeze the bank accounts of those that were protesting government overreach? Even if you aren't a Cannuck, I be you supported that nonsense.

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