Biden to Netanyahu: The US won’t support Israel.

And if you listen very hard, the tune will come to you at last.

The final question put before the Tribunal was: "Do the combination of crimes imputed to the Government of the United States in its war in Vietnam constitute the crime of genocide?" The Tribunal voted unanimously that "the United States Government [is] guilty of geno- cide against the people in Vietnam."
So you are saying. lBJ was a war criminal and guilty of genocide?
No, it’s my own.

You know without a doubt where you stand when someone fears or hates you. There’s no subtlety or question about what they might do.

Interesting that you see no difference between people fearing you or hating you. For most people, the word "hate" is not one in daily useage, but with you right wingers, it's used constantly. Anyone who disagrees with you "hates" you. Anyone who doesn't live like you, "hates" you. Anyone who doesn't look like you, "hates" you. This is classic projection. Nobody hates you because you're not important to them. You, and people like you are, irrelevant to their lives.

The reality is that no sane person wastes their time or energy on "hating" others. You cannot get ahead when you spend all of your time and energy on "getting even". That's why Donald Trump has been a lifelong failure at everything he does. He wants to get even with everyone who so much as disagrees with him. How dare they!!!

Your assumptions of "what they might do" say more about what YOU would LIKE to do than they say about what your perceived "enemies" would actually do to you. Your "enemies" would just leave you alone and let you live your sad miserable life.
Israel bombed an Iranian embassy in Syria earlier this month. The missile strike from Iran was retaliatory.

Iran’s retaliatory strike was telegraphed ahead of time and we were well prepared, and failed to achieve any significant damage.

Escalating further is idiotic.
Agreed but the strike was not retaliatory. Israel's strike was military in nature, it killed a Iranian General who was using a consulate for military purposes in the region!
Interesting that you see no difference between people fearing you or hating you. For most people, the word "hate" is not one in daily useage, but with you right wingers, it's used constantly. Anyone who disagrees with you "hates" you. Anyone who doesn't live like you, "hates" you. Anyone who doesn't look like you, "hates" you. This is classic projection. Nobody hates you because you're not important to them. You, and people like you are, irrelevant to their lives.

The reality is that no sane person wastes their time or energy on "hating" others. You cannot get ahead when you spend all of your time and energy on "getting even". That's why Donald Trump has been a lifelong failure at everything he does. He wants to get even with everyone who so much as disagrees with him. How dare they!!!

Your assumptions of "what they might do" say more about what YOU would LIKE to do than they say about what your perceived "enemies" would actually do to you. Your "enemies" would just leave you alone and let you live your sad miserable life.
That is a lie as anything you disagree with you consider hate, and hate that viewpoint! See, you are are on the wrong side of things, and have guilt for it, so you lash out!
That’s fine. I would rather be killed by a mob in front of me than a coward behind me. Of course Caesar didn’t even get that minimal respect.

Which is why I don’t even trust those who are supposed to be my friends.

And yet you vote for Trump who personifies the word "coward".

So if you hate your enemies and don't trust your friends, who does that leave???? You certainly can't trust yourself, since you don't have the common sense God gave a goose.
And yet you vote for Trump who personifies the word "coward".

So if you hate your enemies and don't trust your friends, who does that leave???? You certainly can't trust yourself, since you don't have the common sense God gave a goose.
Trump projected peace through strength, and Biden appeases, how dare you even compare them!
That is a lie as anything you disagree with you consider hate, and hate that viewpoint! See, you are are on the wrong side of things, and have guilt for it, so you lash out!

Pointing out inconsistencies and projections is now "lashing out". Not to mention, I'm calling out the hate in his post, not hating on the poster.

And then you accuse me of having guilt for things you're doing in YOUR country. That's the very definition of projection and lashing out.
Since we are apparently using Palestine and Hamas interchangeably, should we do the same with Mexico and the cartels, or illegal immigrants and ms 13? That would certainly make things more bitchable, and help with virtue signaling.
It would also be true.
Agreed but the strike was not retaliatory. Israel's strike was military in nature, it killed an Iranian General who was using a consulate for military purposes in the region!
Irans attack on Israel was retaliatory for Israel’s strike. It doesn’t matter if you consider it military or not.
Your assumptions of "what they might do" say more about what YOU would LIKE to do than they say about what your perceived "enemies" would actually do to you
You’re right. Given the power, about 97% if the human population would likely disappear instantly, permanently, and very painfully.
You don't remember, do you?

Off topic trolling.

You right wing idiots want to start WW3.

Israel started this when they bombed an Iranian consulate building. So what Biden is telling Netanyahu is that if you want to start some shit, you're on your own. America should have done this 40 years ago.
Your support of terrorism is noted.
So you are saying. lBJ was a war criminal and guilty of genocide?
Your question was of anybody accusing LBJ of committing geneocide. Not if he was guilty of it.

I don’t recall anyone saying LBJ was committing genocide
And yet you vote for Trump who personifies the word "coward".
No, actually I do not support Mr Trump. I voted for him in 2016, for a very specific reason. He failed that trust. I did not support him in 2020 and I won’t this year either. Get your facts straight.
So if you hate your enemies and don't trust your friends, who does that leave????
Me, Myself, and I. Thats all I actually need. Though I do enjoy the company of my dogs.
I think Biden is doing the right thing. It was a strategic miscalculation on Israel’s part to bomb the consulate and there was restraint on Iran’s part to keep the response minimally destructive.

We should do all we can to prevent this from becoming a much larger conflict.

This article provides a good analysis.

Washington had poured diplomatic efforts into preventing escalation in recent months and, despite firm military support for Israel, is certain to be pushing Netanyahu to moderate any Israeli response. But the attack on Damascus – which the US was quick to say it had not been informed about – was a reminder of President Joe Biden’s limited leverage in Israel, despite the country’s reliance on US military support.

While it was highly significant that Jordan joined the effort to shoot down incoming Iranian munitions, the broadening scope of the conflict presses on lines of fracture, not least in Iraq.

The decision, almost certainly coordinated between Hezbollah and Tehran, for the Lebanese Shia group not to deploy its huge arsenal of heavy rockets during the Iranian attack also suggests that for now at least there is a small window of opportunity to stop the conflict deepening further still.

The burning question is whether, as Vakil suggests, Israel will feel content to portray its defence against Iran’s attack as a “success” in and of itself or whether it will risk striking back at Iran and further escalating the war.

“Iran’s retaliation was choreographed and telegraphed,” wrote HA Hellyer, a Middle East expert and senior fellow at the Royal United Services Institute, on X in the immediate aftermath of Iran’s attack.

“[There was] almost zero chance it was going to inflict damage on Israel with that level of warning. The point was to make a scene, and it did that. Iran’s payoff? Reputational advancement as ‘resistance’ internationally.

“We need de-escalation, and it’s imperative [Washington] DC convinces Tel Aviv of its determination not to be drawn into an offensive war with Iran. Netanyahu has been expressing his desire for one for a long time, but will hold back if he is sure the US won’t stand alongside.”
Iran coordinated, funded, and armed Hamas for the Oct 7 attack, as they have been doing for decades. So stop with the Israel started it bullshit.

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