Biden to demonize Trump

That's right. Americans are tired of
1. Chaos
2. Disfunction
3. Extremism

That's what voting for Trump and his MAGATs gets you.
Dude. That's what Democrats do. Why you wanna flip the script like that unless y'all are actually self aware enough to feel

guilty about the evil that y'all are perpetrating and all that like has been going on for a long time.

You just admitted Americans are tired of Democrats.


Yeah absolutely nothing illegal in that phone call! And what about that fake water main break, you've got to be kidding me. What a sham! Who was it that told them to stop counting ballots at 3:00 a.m. anyway it happened in 5 or 6 swing States as they rolled the trucks in. We know that you guys stole this election, you will steal the next one if you have a chance. Fucking police state pigs. Dishonest bastards. What about those women stuffing the same ballots through the machine all night long! You know you all are going to get what you deserve. And it ain't going to be good

Sure you "know" they stole the election, just like you "know" the Earth is flat.

I mean, democracy is FUCKED when you have loads of people going around believing absolute trash and countries like Russia and China can use this to create problems.

This is why Trump is dangerous.
Sure you "know" they stole the election, just like you "know" the Earth is flat.

I mean, democracy is FUCKED when you have loads of people going around believing absolute trash and countries like Russia and China can use this to create problems.

This is why Trump is dangerous.
That's why Biden is so dangerous
Sure you "know" they stole the election, just like you "know" the Earth is flat.

I mean, democracy is FUCKED when you have loads of people going around believing absolute trash and countries like Russia and China can use this to create problems.

This is why Trump is dangerous.
The 2020 election was stolen. It was fucking obvious. And the years of hysterics stopping people from investigating what supposedly did not happen, make it obvious too. Why is that?
Yeah I read through it, really didn't sound criminal to me. If you have a smooth brain and a small mind you could equate illegality to it, easily. I think that's what's Happening Here

The problem with illegal and legal here is a very thin line. Trump clearly tried to stop himself from threatening explicitly.
The problem for me is that if you look at this behavior and then put it on to what happened on Jan 6th, then it shows he broke the law.
The problem with illegal and legal here is a very thin line. Trump clearly tried to stop himself from threatening explicitly.
The problem for me is that if you look at this behavior and then put it on to what happened on Jan 6th, then it shows he broke the law.
You people have milked J6 to long. People are wise to it. The release of the tapes shattered the narrative.
Same with your side, you didn't seem to have a problem jailing January 6th protesters without a trial or due process. Hypocrites
Huh?? A lot of those idiot goobers pleaded guilty....because they were guilty.

Liberals never claimed to be "originalists" -- taking every word in the Constitution literally and ignoring the broader intent. That is what stupid conservative judges do. Hence, the recent misguided Dobbs abortion decision.

For conservative justices on the Supreme Court to completely ignore the 14th Amendment now would be incredible hypocrisy.
Tell that to the families of the people that your side murdered when those riots were incited. Tell that to the people whose businesses you burnt down. Tell it to all the people you hurt. If I remember right Hillary Clinton tried to steal an election in 2016. How'd that go for you
Tell the same thing to your racist and fascist Trump supporters who tried to overthrow our democracy.

I thought you fascists loved the cops....why did you injure 140 of them on Jan 6? How can Repugs be so full of shit??

You people went way too far on Jan 6. And it's why the fascist Repug Party will never control the White House again and it's why they will never have complete control of Congress ever again.
In today's speech Biden will talk about Trump leading an insurrection on 1/6/2021. This is all Biden has as he has not accomplished anything positive to talk about.

Sure you "know" they stole the election, just like you "know" the Earth is flat.

I mean, democracy is FUCKED when you have loads of people going around believing absolute trash and countries like Russia and China can use this to create problems.

This is why Trump is dangerous.
Progs believe that Republicans believe that the earth is flat. In school I was taught what revolutions and insurrections were. Lots of violence. And Progs are the near the only ones who do the violence.
Yeah I remember when Trump tried to keep Biden off the ballot, said nobody. Yeah I remember when Trump filed 91 political persecution charges against Biden, said nobody. Try again
Biden doesn't meet the criteria to be kept off a ballot. Biden isn't responsible for Trump taking off with a truck load full of government property/documents. Biden didn't cook Trump's books.
Try again, crackpot
In today's speech Biden will talk about Trump leading an insurrection on 1/6/2021. This is all Biden has as he has not accomplished anything positive to talk about.

Biden has no accomplishments to run on and Americans don't feel good about their lot in life so Biden has only one thing to run on - orange man bad.
Biden has no accomplishments to run on and Americans don't feel good about their lot in life so Biden has only one thing to run on - orange man bad.
It happens to be true. Trump is a threat to democracy in the U.S. and only a blithering idiot does not see that threat...especially after Jan 6.
It happens to be true. Trump is a threat to democracy in the U.S. and only a blithering idiot does not see that threat...especially after Jan 6.
It is Democrats who are already taking democracy away. Only a blithering idiot does not see that threat.
While I agree it doesn't really take a genius to point out all the terrible things tRump has done that doesn't mean you have to be an idiot to do it.

Critical thinking is not exactly your strength, is it.
Like I said, Biden- president for stupid people like you.

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