Biden The Narcissist Is Putting Up Signs Taking Credit For Infrastructure Projects


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"On a grassy roadside nearby, a white sign announces who’s behind the work: “Project funded by President Joe Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.” For Biden, taking credit for an improving economy — including the jobs and growth made possible by the trillion-dollar public works law — has become a political imperative, one that will help determine whether he is reelected to a second term next year. Even as Democrats relish a recent hot streak of positive economic data, they acknowledge it won’t benefit Biden politically unless voters begin to associate him with the improvements.

Three-quarters of Americans describe economic conditions in the country as poor, according to the CNN poll – despite better than expected economic growth, and experts from the Federal Reserve to Goldman Sachs to Bank of America now saying a recession is no longer likely in the next year. On Friday, government data showed the economy added 187,000 jobs in July, slightly lower than expected but still a sign of robust hiring. The report showed the unemployment rate ticking down to 3.5%, near a historic low. Consumer sentiment tracked by the University of Michigan rose 13% in July, the second straight month of improvement. And wages are now rising faster than prices. White House aides acknowledge it will take time both for Americans to start feeling the effects of a stronger economy and to associate Biden with those improvements. But they see recent data as encouraging tailwinds."

So Biden thinks putting up these signs is a good idea -- but voters are constantly feeling that the country is on the wrong track economically and that Biden's policies are making things worse. I personally think Biden is just an egomaniac who just wants to slap his name on things and take credit for it -- even tho he had nothing to do with it. Congress passed the infrastructure bill, Biden just signed it. So if a Republican in Congress who voted against the infrastructure bill and called is Communist, wants to take credit for a project in their home state that was created by that infrastructure bill -- Biden is wrong to step in and try to take credit for it.

Americans are suffering under his economic policies, real unemployment is probably upwards to around 23% -- wages have decreased by 45% since Biden took office; inflation is over 17%; GDP is down by 76% and wokeism is destroying families and women's soccer teams across the country.....and instead of solving these problems, he is resorting to these high school pranks? Next, Biden is going to insist his signature will be placed on senior's Social Security checks and try to take credit for that....he will probably be even delay the time seniors receive their SS checks, just so he can slap his name on them. This man is a disgrace.

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