Biden sees Sanitized Version of El Paso

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

That wall 👆 is Trump's wall, here used to shield Biden from the sight of the illegals waiting to swarm. This is the wall that Biden said was so racist that it would never be finished while he was president.

Where was his "Mister ___________ tear down that wall!" moment? Oh, yeah. He would have to put his own name in since he owns it now. Maybe he'll leave that little part of it up for more photo ops.

After 50 years in Washington, D.C., and nearly two years after taking office and promptly triggering the worst border crises in American history, President Biden finally took a trip down to the Southwest border – sort of. The administration announced late last week that the President would be making a very short stop in El Paso on Sunday en-route to Mexico, including visiting a processing center for the thousands of illegal aliens who are apprehended in the sector every week.

However, what actually occurred was little more than a sanitized photo-op designed to gaslight Americans into believing that the border is closed and that everything is under control. Of course, the opposite is true. In fact, before Biden’s visit, El Paso cleared out makeshift homeless camps that were full of recent border crossers. Moreover, the Democratic mayor of El Paso has recently facilitated the busing of illegal aliens out of the city due to overcrowding issues.

Uh-huh. When Democrats bus illegals away, its KEWL!

Clearly, the situation in El Paso – or anywhere else along the border – is not nearly as rosy as the administration would like Americans to believe. Since he took office, the sector has seen a massive increase in both the nationwide share and total number of annual illegal border crossings. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2022, the El Paso sector accounted for 322,798 of a total 2,378,944 recorded encounters along the Southwest border. Recent trends also show that El Paso is becoming a preferred crossing location for would-be illegal migrants, moving from around 1/8th of the Southwest border apprehension and confirmed “gotaway” totals in previous years to 1/4th of the total now.

Additionally, there has already been more than 2.6 thousand pounds of drugs seized in the sector through only two months of FY 2023, and cartel violence is a constant threat. Among the drug seizures so far in FY 2023, Border Patrol agents have seized enough fentanyl to potentially kill 9,000 Americans. Who knows how much more has been successfully smuggled into the country’s interior, and how many Americans have died as a result.

I knew that this would be a farce. Same exact farce as when Harris went "to the border." Democrats have gall, I gotta hand that to 'em.

Who pays for the buses to take Migrants away from Democrat run El Paso?

Anyone? Anyone?
As predicted, just another Democrat dog and pony show. The "resources" he promised are to help speed up the processing of the illegals NOTHING for security or stopping the flow.
View attachment 746353

That wall 👆 is Trump's wall, here used to shield Biden from the sight of the illegals waiting to swarm. This is the wall that Biden said was so racist that it would never be finished while he was president.

Where was his "Mister ___________ tear down that wall!" moment? Oh, yeah. He would have to put his own name in since he owns it now. Maybe he'll leave that little part of it up for more photo ops.

After 50 years in Washington, D.C., and nearly two years after taking office and promptly triggering the worst border crises in American history, President Biden finally took a trip down to the Southwest border – sort of. The administration announced late last week that the President would be making a very short stop in El Paso on Sunday en-route to Mexico, including visiting a processing center for the thousands of illegal aliens who are apprehended in the sector every week.

However, what actually occurred was little more than a sanitized photo-op designed to gaslight Americans into believing that the border is closed and that everything is under control. Of course, the opposite is true. In fact, before Biden’s visit, El Paso cleared out makeshift homeless camps that were full of recent border crossers. Moreover, the Democratic mayor of El Paso has recently facilitated the busing of illegal aliens out of the city due to overcrowding issues.

Uh-huh. When Democrats bus illegals away, its KEWL!

Clearly, the situation in El Paso – or anywhere else along the border – is not nearly as rosy as the administration would like Americans to believe. Since he took office, the sector has seen a massive increase in both the nationwide share and total number of annual illegal border crossings. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2022, the El Paso sector accounted for 322,798 of a total 2,378,944 recorded encounters along the Southwest border. Recent trends also show that El Paso is becoming a preferred crossing location for would-be illegal migrants, moving from around 1/8th of the Southwest border apprehension and confirmed “gotaway” totals in previous years to 1/4th of the total now.

Additionally, there has already been more than 2.6 thousand pounds of drugs seized in the sector through only two months of FY 2023, and cartel violence is a constant threat. Among the drug seizures so far in FY 2023, Border Patrol agents have seized enough fentanyl to potentially kill 9,000 Americans. Who knows how much more has been successfully smuggled into the country’s interior, and how many Americans have died as a result.

I knew that this would be a farce. Same exact farce as when Harris went "to the border." Democrats have gall, I gotta hand that to 'em.

Who pays for the buses to take Migrants away from Democrat run El Paso?

Anyone? Anyone?
Here is what I do not and would not understand.
The city of El Paso could not possibly be happy with the migrant population problem, so why would they clean it up? What is the point. Are they striving for less money and recources at the border because they are happy with it? Seem self-defeating, to me.

Then, I look at the photo op with the boarder patrol guys in front of a nice clean wall and policed up area, all smiles, etc., and I come to the same questions. Is the border patrol happy with the manning levels, the funding levels, etc.

Is everybody in that Texas town really wanting funding cuts and personnel cuts? I don't get it. But if they are happy and everything is everything at the border when the boss shows up, I guess resources really do need to go elsewhere, as the people down there, on the front lines of the situation, understand their situation best. I personally do not approve, but maybe the people on the front lines know it better than I, close to a thousand miles away, up here in Tennessee.

Whatever they think best.
To think Cali was such a nice decent State, no more after the Rats took power.

Cali before the Rats..... seems like another time, another place wonderful place. Sad.
Wish I had, had the time and resources to see it back then. Now figure, I can skip it.
Wish I had, had the time and resources to see it back then. Now figure, I can skip it.

Cali was wonderful....before.....but now is a piece of hell....very sad what the Rats are doing to America
Here is what I do not and would not understand.
The city of El Paso could not possibly be happy with the migrant population problem, so why would they clean it up? What is the point. Are they striving for less money and recources at the border because they are happy with it? Seem self-defeating, to me.

Then, I look at the photo op with the boarder patrol guys in front of a nice clean wall and policed up area, all smiles, etc., and I come to the same questions. Is the border patrol happy with the manning levels, the funding levels, etc.

Is everybody in that Texas town really wanting funding cuts and personnel cuts? I don't get it. But if they are happy and everything is everything at the border when the boss shows up, I guess resources really do need to go elsewhere, as the people down there, on the front lines of the situation, understand their situation best. I personally do not approve, but maybe the people on the front lines know it better than I, close to a thousand miles away, up here in Tennessee.

Whatever they think best.
I doubt that the rank-and-file of El Paso citizenry, are happy that their shelters are so overcrowded that the number of homeless migrants on their streets is skyrocketing. The Democratic Mayor may enjoy sucking up to his Party, but that doesn't mean the people like it.

Don't forget, Biden is claiming simultaneously that the massive illegal migration is not happening and that it is all Trump's fault. The Dem mayor is singing that song, and El Pasoans were dumb enough to vote Democrat for years, so they must believe that migrants are not flooding the border and that their streets have not turned into homeless encampments.

Here's the before and after:


Many El Pasoans, especially wealthy Democrats, never drove past the before, and the MSM was certainly not showing it to them. But the after, they see and they swallow it.

If what you say is correct, though, I'm fine with the citiznes of El Paso letting their city be a northern province of Cuidad Juarez. Just means that the next GOP president will need to re-position that part of the wall.
I doubt that the rank-and-file of El Paso citizenry, are happy that their shelters are so overcrowded that the number of homeless migrants on their streets is skyrocketing. The Democratic Mayor may enjoy sucking up to his Party, but that doesn't mean the people like it.

Don't forget, Biden is claiming simultaneously that the massive illegal migration is not happening and that it is all Trump's fault. The Dem mayor is singing that song, and El Pasoans were dumb enough to vote Democrat for years, so they must believe that migrants are not flooding the border and that their streets have not turned into homeless encampments.

Here's the before and after:

View attachment 746380

Many El Pasoans, especially wealthy Democrats, never drove past the before, and the MSM was certainly not showing it to them. But the after, they see and they swallow it.

If what you say is correct, though, I'm fine with the citiznes of El Paso letting their city be a northern province of Cuidad Juarez. Just means that the next GOP president will need to re-position that part of the wall.
Well, I'm not for ceding El Paso to Mexico. Like I said, I'm a thousand miles away, but making it look nice for the big guy is not in the best interests of that town, nor of the Border Patrol in that region. I don't know what the answer is down there. After two damned years, I am pretty sure Joe doesn't know what the answer is down there. To me, it would be like going to Jackson, MS with a shtpot full of infrastructure money while the citizen are on a boil water order and the mayor shaking hands and saying, it all good in the Jackson, MS hood. So I would take them at their word and the situation shown, leave and dedicate resources elsewhere.
Well, I'm not for ceding El Paso to Mexico.
Neither am I. I meant "if" the citizens of El Paso really want their city be that. Who knows what they think, with the news blackout of all information not favorable to Biden.
Like I said, I'm a thousand miles away, but making it look nice for the big guy is not in the best interests of that town, nor of the Border Patrol in that region. I don't know what the answer is down there. After two damned years, I am pretty sure Joe doesn't know what the answer is down there. To me, it would be like going to Jackson, MS with a shtpot full of infrastructure money while the citizen are on a boil water order and the mayor shaking hands and saying, it all good in the Jackson, MS hood. So I would take them at their word and the situation shown, leave and dedicate resources elsewhere.
I see what you're saying. But if El Paso is to remain the United States, we can't let it be surrendered to foreign enemies. Same for Jackson, though the enemies be domestic.
Neither am I. I meant "if" the citizens of El Paso really want their city be that. Who knows what they think, with the news blackout of all information not favorable to Biden.

I see what you're saying. But if El Paso is to remain the United States, we can't let it be surrendered to foreign enemies. Same for Jackson, though the enemies be domestic.
What news blackout? I am aware the border is a hot mess, sense long before Joe screwed it up worse and have seen news reports. I am no enemy of Joe. Hell, I voted for him. But, that does not mean I approve of his border policies if that is what they can be called. Seems more like an absence of border policy, to me.

I do know about allocation of resources though, and if you want to show me how good your department is and has been, I would allocate to help departments that are asking for help, if this were a business situation.

It just seems, they shouldn't be giving Joe a blow job, but showing him, they are Fkd without help and change from the top.

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