Biden leads in all six swing states - CNBC


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
Reinforcing the many other polls showing the same thing.


I originally titled this thread "Trump leads in all six swing states!" lol

I can't believe I posted something a cultist would post.


Maybe some foreshadowing in your near misstep, or just what you really think may happen when you put the vastly inaccurate polls away.

I can't believe these polls are accurate. They are probably even worse off than Hillarys polls. Trump has pulled in how many people over the last week alone for his rallies?

Those people and their families are all voting Trump. If he even 50,000 in one county that's an assured, what, 75,000 from that crowd and their family alone? At least. Multiply that by so many locations, and that's just who is showing up in person.
I originally titled this thread "Trump leads in all six swing states!" lol

I can't believe I posted something a cultist would post.


Maybe some foreshadowing in your near misstep, or just what you really think may happen when you put the vastly inaccurate polls away.

I can't believe these polls are accurate. They are probably even worse off than Hillarys polls. Trump has pulled in how many people over the last week alone for his rallies?

Those people and their families are all voting Trump. If he even 50,000 in one county that's an assured, what, 75,000 from that crowd alone? Multiply that by so many locations, and that's just who is showing up in person.
Actual people voting and still taking polls from people who answer land can't make this shit up.
I can't believe these polls are accurate. They are probably even worse off than Hillarys polls. Trump has pulled in how many people over the last week alone for his rallies?

Of course you can't. You are a part of the Trump cult.

That means disbelieving everything and all evidence that contradicts your Orange Jesus.

But don't worry. There are at least 60 million other Americans who share your affliction.
I can't believe these polls are accurate. They are probably even worse off than Hillarys polls. Trump has pulled in how many people over the last week alone for his rallies?

Of course you can't. You are a part of the Trump cult.

That means disbelieving everything and all evidence that contradicts your Orange Jesus.

But don't worry. There are at least 60 million other Americans who share your affliction.

If tomorrow another hundred million vote and let say Trump get over half the vote then it is clear so many people are in love with the guy that has Garfield looking Hair...

With that written my adopted brother who is far left in thinking even believe Trump can still win, so it ain’t over until that fat lady sings and damn it Toro do not have Roseanne sing!!!
Reinforcing the many other polls showing the same thing.

View attachment 410403

Everything is lining up like 2016...except for the three key states. WI, MI, and PA. If Biden takes those, every other state can hold as 2016. Game Over.
This is what some random guy on Fox News forum stated. If true, how is Penn even in play?:

"Trump won PA by 44k votes in 2016. Since then Republicans have registered 200k MORE people than Democrats. Several counties that used to have more registered D's than R's are now the opposite. If you want to look at Erie county specifically: in 2016 there were 97k registered D vs 67k registered R, now in 2020 there are 98k registered D vs 74k registered R. That's a 6k swing towards Republicans."
I think many Trump supports have underestimated the amount of fraud the Left has been able to generate.

There's gonna be some VERY contradictory results from this 170% voter turnout in many blue areas.
I think many Trump supports have underestimated the amount of fraud the Left has been able to generate.

There's gonna be some VERY contradictory results from this 170% voter turnout in many blue areas.

So then where are the lawyers? If it isn't on the level people need to be held accountable and any false results confronted.
Reinforcing the many other polls showing the same thing.

View attachment 410403

hmm. with the exception of Michigan and Wisconsin, the others are all pretty close. Bit like 2016. Here's hoping the Orange Buffoon gets his arse whipped.

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