"Biden is the cause of gas and inflation"

Shut down? Really? Shut down? Are you sure?

In the offshore segment, we expect drilling activity to increase year-on-year by about 10% in both 2021 and 2022. This will bring the number of offshore wells drilled to nearly 2,500 this year, from less than 2,300 in 2020, and we forecast that the corresponding number for 2022 will surpass 2,700.

Drilling activity is set for two consecutive years of growth but will lag pre-pandemic levels
New permits and leases you dumb fuck. The context is clear jackass.
1st post
Again, you equivocate and refuse to give specifics hahaha. Muh Conservative facts over feelings lol. A Google search, and less than three seconds I debunked the main Conservative talking point. This shit crazy.
Liar. Post something factual. Biden's "self-declared" war on fossil fuels caused a reduced supply.
When supply goes down, and demand goes up, the price goes up. Diesel fuel is over $6 a gallon. Everything moves by truck.
The KeystoneXL pipeline was almost complete, with $billions invested and Biden shut it down. That stupid decision cost 500,000 bbls of oil a day.
Biden shutdown the EastMed gas pipeline that could have provided the EU with non-Russian gas.
Biden approved the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline helping Russia.
Biden stopped the development of ANWR, Putin's whore strikes again.
Biden is Putin's whore, bought and paid for.

I'm glad you can google, you should be able to confirm all of these facts.
It says new wells will increase.

New Data: Biden’s First Year Drilling Permitting Stomps Trump’s By 34%

Are you sure he ended them? Really? Are you really sure?
You should probably learn to read before you post something.
WASHINGTON— New federal data shows the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658.

Nearly 2,000 of the drilling permits were approved on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management’s New Mexico office, followed by 843 in Wyoming, 285 in Montana and North Dakota, and 191 in Utah. In California, the Biden administration approved 187 permits — more than twice the 71 drilling permits Trump approved in that state in his first year.

The Rocky Mountain Region is not offshore nor is it the North Slope of Alaska where the most profitable and highest output wells we have are.

That's mostly shale and gas, not light or intermediate crude.
So if/when a Republican gets back into the WH and the price of oil and gas drops, and then inflation drops, that's because of Biden's policies, right? (DUH)
That makes no sense, so why would you say it?

To respond to your comment about Biden controlling the world's economy.
All you listed was pretty much fictional or irrelevant. Keystone wouldn't be built for years, and a pipeline doesn't create oil. The ANWR leases weren't even being used. The EastMed pipeline wouldn't have been built for years, and there will be a different pipeline instead. And the regulations thing is just fiction.

Go on. Explain to us how pipelines that wouldn't be built for years explain gas prices now. If you have to, use google, since you claim to be such an expert.
5th post
You should probably learn to read before you post something.

The Rocky Mountain Region is not offshore nor is it the North Slope of Alaska where the most profitable and highest output wells we have are.

That's mostly shale and gas, not light or intermediate crude.

I posted where offshore drilling is increasing. You said he ended it. Are you really sure of that? Quite positive?
That makes no sense, so why would you say it?

All you listed was pretty much fictional or irrelevant. Keystone wouldn't be built for years, and a pipeline doesn't create oil. The ANWR leases weren't even being used. The EastMed pipeline wouldn't have been built for years, and there will be a different pipeline instead. And the regulations thing is just fiction.

Go on. Explain to us how pipelines that wouldn't be built for years explain gas prices now. If you have to, use google, since you claim to be such an expert.
The Keystone extension would have been completed in a few months, a good bit of the work had already been done.

Leases in areas that aren't profitable or can't be reached are going to remain unused

The Fed's cut it up like a checkerboard and say, "these leases are available", that doesn't mean they all have oil, that it can be produced profitably, or that the areas are even accessible.
I posted where offshore drilling is increasing. You said he ended it. Are you really sure of that? Quite positive?
You're lying a gain, cutting off new exploration and production doesn't equate to turning off all of the exiting well already in production.

What you provided showed that your "gotcha' find is referencing drilling in the Rocky Mountain region and that means natural gas and shale, not crude oil.
You're lying a gain, cutting off new exploration and production doesn't equate to turning off all of the exiting well already in production.

What you provided showed that your "gotcha' find is referencing drilling in the Rocky Mountain region and that means natural gas and shale, not crude oil.

My link clearly noted offshore.

Drilling activity is set for two consecutive years of growth but will lag pre-pandemic levels

Offshore. You said he ended offshore drilling. Are you still really sure of that?

Among his first actions after taking office were to shut down drilling offshore and in the arctic, that puts an imediat choke hold on supply.
USA actually has one of the lowest gas prices compared to other western countries, and inflation is comparable to them as well. I haven't looked into this until recently, but have heard Fox whining about it non stop for months. Fake news.

Tell that to the Black Working People trying to keep their tanks full.
USA actually has one of the lowest gas prices compared to other western countries, and inflation is comparable to them as well. I haven't looked into this until recently, but have heard Fox whining about it non stop for months. Fake news.

You people need to go back and listen to Biden campaign speeches where he said it was time to rein in US energy companies. What you need to understand is such a statement sent a message to global oil markets that the US was restricting itself.
Among his first actions after taking office were to shut down drilling offshore and in the arctic, that puts an imediat choke hold on supply.

It's a simple equation, choke down the supply and the price goes up, increase the supply and price goes down.

I wish you folks would just quit lying and admit higher prices and reduced supply was the desire all along.

The only way EV's will ever be economically viable is to drive up the cost of petroleum and to provide subsidies for EV's.

Of course if millions of Americans make that switch our electrical grids will melt down nationwide and the price of electricity will then have to shoot through the roof as well.
I know that all sounds good, the problem is that it is just not backed by reality. Biden "attempted" to stop the issuing of new drilling permits on public lands and offshore. The key word there, "attempted".

I mean I have seen it posted here at least a hundred times. Biden caused gas prices to increase because he stopped drilling on public lands. He didn't stop drilling, he attempted to stop issuing new permits, and he failed. The reality,

He issued more permits in his first year than Trump. And when it comes to domestic production

21 months in a row of increasing oil and gas rigs. How long has Biden been president?
That makes no sense, so why would you say it?
All you listed was pretty much fictional or irrelevant. Keystone wouldn't be built for years, and a pipeline doesn't create oil. The ANWR leases weren't even being used. The EastMed pipeline wouldn't have been built for years, and there will be a different pipeline instead. And the regulations thing is just fiction.
Go on. Explain to us how pipelines that wouldn't be built for years explain gas prices now. If you have to, use google, since you claim to be such an expert.
1. Why do you think it makes no sense that the prices of oil & gas will go down when Republicans get back in power? They will re-open ANWR, finish the KeystoneXL pipeline, end the useless democrat over-regulations on the oil & gas industries, and end Xiden's "war on energy".
Does that make sense to you? Trump filled the SPR with cheap oil, Xiden emptied it.

2. KeystoneXL was nearing completion, it would have added 500,000 bbls a day of oil. Saying a pipeline doesn't create oil is moronic. Without pipeline capacity oil goes nowhere, and Xiden is hostile to pipelines.

3. ANWR was just approved and Xiden shut it down. Why would oil companies spend $billions developing oil fields if the democrats shut them down?

4. I can explain if you care to read an article. The oil industry blames Biden for being hostile to the energy industry, Biden said he would end fossil fuels by 2030, remember?
“It would have an immediate psychological impact on price,” Flynn said – noting a Keystone reboot announcement that would bring oil from the tar sands of Canada could knock off up to $10 from the price of oil just at the stroke of a pen, even if the pipeline were years away from production.

You post "comments" and "opinions" with no proof. Prove what you say this time...waiting...
15th post
Shut down? Really? Shut down? Are you sure?
That's right Biden SHUT IT DOWN by any and all means some illegal. Stopped issuing permits, we had to sue him to reverse that and after he only approved permits for the least desirable prospects while keeping the most promising shut down. Jacked up royalties 50% to suck the profit out of others. This clown has done everything he can to end fossil fuels just as he was caught promising to do during the campaign.
Well Joe Burden gas hit an all time record high today, the highest price ever recorded by AAA. Thanks Dems you bunch of dumb asses.

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