Biden Insults the British, Makes Bizarre Comment About Pentagon Leaks, and Ticks Off a Dog in Ireland


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Oh goody, what treats does the Left's version of George W. (only way more senile!) have in store for us today?

I hear he's overseas addressing pressing matters that concern all Americans.

Let's check in, shall we?

During his remarks in Dundalk, Ireland, he managed to insult the British because of his confusion about a rugby team.

Biden claimed that a famous Irish rugby player Rob Kearny had given him the shamrock tie he was wearing.

In Ireland, Biden told a story about a rugby player who "beat the hell out of the Black and Tans."

...the problem with that is that the rugby team they beat was the “All Blacks,” not the “Black and Tans.” The Black and Tans were a part of the British military that brutally oppressed the Irish.

That created a bit of a problem, as the Daily Mail noted.

Former Democratic Unionist party leader Arlene Foster said on the eve of his arrival that the US president ‘hates the UK’ – forcing Biden’s senior aide, Amanda Sloat, to insist on Wednesday that he was ‘not anti-British’.

Yet Biden’s reference to the Black and Tans has only served to reinforce the idea of his pro-nationalist attitude.

Hhhmmm. Unfortunate. Maybe he meant Black and Trans?

Anyway, then there was this awesome moment:

Next up, he was asked about the most consequential, controversial intelligence leak since Edward Snowden.

And when he finally answered, we get this:

Really???? He's probably telling the truth that he has no knowledge of anything "contemporaneous", because his handlers didn't bother to tell him.
It's not like he's actually the President or anything. (Well....don't get me started on that little ball o' wax.)

And we finish with this:

Dogs know.

So there you have it folks.

Sure, the Nation may be spiraling downward into an unsecure Banana Republic. Sure hyperinflation could be on the way. And maybe World War III really does beckon around the next corner.

But, if the President has to escape on a whimsical jaunt on the tax payer dime that fixes none of this - at least it's going swimmingly!

It's like if Frank Drebin from Police Squad and the Admiral from Hot Shots formed into a hybrid and then stole the oval office.....with Chinese money.
Wow! The dog can actually say "fuck Joe Biden "

He said to the pack leader Joe Biden with an extreme Swiss language color: "What are you actually doing here near my food bowl with all your people?".

Ps: By the way: The wonderful president with the dog is not Donald. Donald has a bird.

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Oh goody, what treats does the Left's version of George W. (only way more senile!) have in store for us today?

I hear he's overseas addressing pressing matters that concern all Americans.

Let's check in, shall we?

Hhhmmm. Unfortunate. Maybe he meant Black and Trans?

Anyway, then there was this awesome moment:

Next up, he was asked about the most consequential, controversial intelligence leak since Edward Snowden.

And when he finally answered, we get this:

Really???? He's probably telling the truth that he has no knowledge of anything "contemporaneous", because his handlers didn't bother to tell him.
It's not like he's actually the President or anything. (Well....don't get me started on that little ball o' wax.)

And we finish with this:

Dogs know.

So there you have it folks.

Sure, the Nation may be spiraling downward into an unsecure Banana Republic. Sure hyperinflation could be on the way. And maybe World War III really does beckon around the next corner.

But, if the President has to escape on a whimsical jaunt on the tax payer dime that fixes none of this - at least it's going swimmingly!

It's like if Frank Drebin from Police Squad and the Admiral from Hot Shots formed into a hybrid and then stole the oval office.....with Chinese money.

My god he is an embarrassment to the people of the US.

These Moon Bats were idiots voting for the sonofabitch and then ignoring the fact he stole the election. What the hell were they thinking?
Biden is unfamiliar with Rugby?


A man of such depth and nuance, you've got an eye for detail and a mind for deduction, nor did you ignore any of the relevance of why this cock up mattered. (To use the English jargon.)

I do admire you so.
And this, ladies, gentlemen and others, is why Biden was not invited to King Charles' coronation.
Charlie has cut back the procession from 3 hours ( for St Elizabeth) to two hours .
But Dr Jill Mengele informed them that there is no possibility of Piss Pants not living up to his name if asked to wait that long .
Charlie has cut back the procession from 3 hours ( for St Elizabeth) to two hours .
But Dr Jill Mengele informed them that there is no possibility of Piss Pants not living up to his name if asked to wait that long .
The last time fuckwad Biden met Camilla he let loose with a very loud, wet, smelly fart. She still tells jokes about it. It's not surprising that she doesn't want that smelling up her coronation.
Oh goody, what treats does the Left's version of George W. (only way more senile!) have in store for us today?

I hear he's overseas addressing pressing matters that concern all Americans.

Let's check in, shall we?

Hhhmmm. Unfortunate. Maybe he meant Black and Trans?

Anyway, then there was this awesome moment:

Next up, he was asked about the most consequential, controversial intelligence leak since Edward Snowden.

And when he finally answered, we get this:

Really???? He's probably telling the truth that he has no knowledge of anything "contemporaneous", because his handlers didn't bother to tell him.
It's not like he's actually the President or anything. (Well....don't get me started on that little ball o' wax.)

And we finish with this:

Dogs know.

So there you have it folks.

Sure, the Nation may be spiraling downward into an unsecure Banana Republic. Sure hyperinflation could be on the way. And maybe World War III really does beckon around the next corner.

But, if the President has to escape on a whimsical jaunt on the tax payer dime that fixes none of this - at least it's going swimmingly!

It's like if Frank Drebin from Police Squad and the Admiral from Hot Shots formed into a hybrid and then stole the oval office.....with Chinese money.

You must be SEETHING that trump will never step foot inside the White House again.
You must be SEETHING that trump will never step foot inside the White House again.


But you're seething that he'll never spend a day in jail.

So let's review: In 2016 your precious media told you Trump would never be President.

Then he was.

Then they told you he would definitely go to jail. Then Mueller said no proof of collusion, the documents case fell flat when it surfaced that China Joe did the same thing, and now you have the flimsiest case ever from a blatantly political fat ass NY DA who can barely tie his own shoe laces.

Not a great track record, is it?

Now they're telling you (again) he will never be back in the White House, and this time it's like super for reals.

Good luck with that! ;)
In another reflection of just how far the Canadian/U.s relationship has fallen, Biden is having far more fun and is speakinf much more time among the people in thw U.K thah he did in Canada. Is it possible that his advisors have explained how Canadas dishonest police state has hurt both countries?
The last time fuckwad Biden met Camilla he let loose with a very loud, wet, smelly fart. She still tells jokes about it. It's not surprising that she doesn't want that smelling up her coronation.

Camilla the whore who was sleeping with another man’s wife?
Who cares what she thinks?
Evidently whoever is writing the guest list cares. My opinion of the royal family has gone up several points.

Camilla was sleeping with another man's wife? Who is the wife she was sleeping with?
Princess Diane

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