Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years

Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.

Biden is a damn fool that needs to retire.
He used his Vice Presidency to get a millionaire's job for his son. It's nice to do for one's own, but threatening a foreign country with cessation of funding in order to achieve personal fortune for self and family, that's abuse of power. Fool? I don't think he thought he'd ever get caught, but instead of being called on the carpet for it, He's close to getting the nomination for President from his party.

When I was growing up, teachers taught that we're all equal under the law, whether we are President or a dishwasher. Now, with instant information via the internet, we're finding out instead of equality, our leaders are demanding royalty privileges when nobody's looking.

However, it could be that instead of NATO ceasing to exist, President Trump has the skilled deal to bring peace on earth, which should be the #1 goal of not only NATO, but also the UN.

I pray for our nation, OKTexas, our President, for sure, and what's happening to the pathetic Democrats and their socialism that is more like communism than it is socialism. And I'm tired of all politicians putting the wrecking ball on conserving a little money to pay the national debt down.

Oh, yes, and I just think former Vice-President Biden is mistaken about NATO. If it fails, it will not be due to President Trump, I'm pretty sure. Seems it was going down considerably all by itself before President Trump even decided to run for President.
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.

Biden is a damn fool that needs to retire.

Problem is, every Dem is just as mentally ill.

Yep, the fact is Trump has strengthened the NATO alliance.


rump hates NATO. He lied about them meeting a payment schedule.

Yeah, what ever commie, the civilian in charge of NATO is very pleased with Trumps actions, so I guess your opinion doesn't count for much.

Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.

Biden is a damn fool that needs to retire.
He used his Vice Presidency to get a millionaire's job for his son. It's nice to do for one's own, but threatening a foreign country with cessation of funding in order to achieve personal fortune for self and family, that's abuse of power. Fool? I don't think he thought he'd ever get caught, but instead of being called on the carpet for it, He's close to getting the nomination for President from his party.

When I was growing up, teachers taught that we're all equal under the law, whether we are President or a dishwasher. Now, with instant information via the internet, we're finding out instead of equality, our leaders are demanding royalty privileges when nobody's looking.

However, it could be that instead of NATO ceasing to exist, President Trump has the skilled deal to bring peace on earth, which should be the #1 goal of not only NATO, but also the UN.

I pray for our nation, OKTexas, our President, for sure, and what's happening to the pathetic Democrats and their socialism that is more like communism than it is socialism. And I'm tired of all politicians putting the wrecking ball on conserving a little money to pay the national debt down.

Oh, yes, and I just think former Vice-President Biden is mistaken about NATO. If it fails, it will not be due to President Trump, I'm pretty sure. Seems it was going down considerably all by itself before President Trump even decided to run for President.

Yep, Biden may wish his boss hadn't signed the international agreement on corruption. It makes him responsible for bribery in his enriching his family, he doesn't have to personally profit.

Time Europe took care of itself.

Let’s see how their socialism does when we stop supporting them.

First off, Europe is a buffer.

Second off, that's some mighty fine logic, considering you're a Zionist.

Thirdly, countries like Poland, and Britain who are actual US allies, unlike the Zion.... Can be overwhelmed by the Putin / Russian menace.
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.
Only an uneducated America hating POS like you would think ending NATO was a good thing.

So did Trump make you this fucking stupids or were you always this fucking stupid.

He's not the brightest.

Because...... Then Putin can perhaps create something similar to the Warsaw Pact... (Over time at least)

The fact is, Putin obviously wants to invade further than Crimea.

He's just waiting for the idiots to make their move to help him, in some of the Western idiot countries.
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.
3 cheers for Donald J Trump, President of the US. Why should the USA foot the bill to protect shithole countries like France and Germany who have totally gone to the Muslim way. No more NATO, no more UN, win win for the president.

First off all Europe isn't just France, and Germany.

It's got Poland, and Britain two actual allies.

Poland, and Britain are trying to up their military spending, but it takes time.

BTW, France isn't so bad..... They only helped give the USA it's independence, gave the USA it's Statue of Liberty, only fought as an ally with the USA in 2 World Wars.

Especially, when the French Nationalists of LePenn are growing more powerful.
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.

The problem is this.
There's a ton of friction in the USA, and I suspect if Trump wins, or loses there will be chaos, and the start of an Civil War.

Divided we fall.
The Left went more Left, and the Right went more Right.
Both got more obnoxious, and stupid.

There's already fighting in the streets.

Now, here's the thing, if there's a Civil War, not only will Russia invade Europe, and the Middle-East a lot more.
China will invade Korea, Japan, etc.

Well, if we don't come back to our senses quick.

Then we lost the game & our country forever.

Because, Russia, and China, will probably use Mexico / Proxies to collapse, and eventually conquer the USA.
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.

The problem is this.
There's a ton of friction in the USA, and I suspect if Trump wins, or loses there will be chaos, and the start of an Civil War.

Divided we fall.
The Left went more Left, and the Right went more Right.
Both got more obnoxious, and stupid.

There's already fighting in the streets.

Now, here's the thing, if there's a Civil War, not only will Russia invade Europe, and the Middle-East a lot more.
China will invade Korea, Japan, etc.

Well, if we don't come back to our senses quick.

Then we lost the game & our country forever.

Because, Russia, and China, will probably use Mexico / Proxies to collapse, and eventually conquer the USA.
You've seen "Red Dawn" once too often... the US is strong, and will remain that way for centuries to come...

As to another Civil War... not gonna happen... not even close... folks are far too busy living the Good Life.
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.

The problem is this.
There's a ton of friction in the USA, and I suspect if Trump wins, or loses there will be chaos, and the start of an Civil War.

Divided we fall.
The Left went more Left, and the Right went more Right.
Both got more obnoxious, and stupid.

There's already fighting in the streets.

Now, here's the thing, if there's a Civil War, not only will Russia invade Europe, and the Middle-East a lot more.
China will invade Korea, Japan, etc.

Well, if we don't come back to our senses quick.

Then we lost the game & our country forever.

Because, Russia, and China, will probably use Mexico / Proxies to collapse, and eventually conquer the USA.
You've seen "Red Dawn" once too often... the US is strong, and will remain that way for centuries to come...

As to another Civil War... not gonna happen... not even close... folks are far too busy living the Good Life.

Haha, wow.

No, not really.
Actually, not even close.

52% of generation Z is White.

Basically once the older generations die off....

The country will be very, very Democrat, and then the Whites who object.

Basically, either the USA is going to die in Multiculturalism, or die by Civil War.

I don't see much, if any chance of the USA surviving.... Other than it's Russian, and Chinese overlords sparing it some mercy.
Time Europe took care of itself.

Let’s see how their socialism does when we stop supporting them.

And Russia would love it. You & Trump love helping the Russians.
David, that's so not called for.
Russia would love it if NATO broke up. With NATO, we have friendly nations right on Russia's borders. Nations that are sworn to assist us if the need arose.

Trump is against NATO. He as insulted them. He lies about their payments.

He & Putin have the same goals.

Not surprising at all that Russia helped Trump win.
Time Europe took care of itself.

Let’s see how their socialism does when we stop supporting them.

And Russia would love it. You & Trump love helping the Russians.
David, that's so not called for.
Russia would love it if NATO broke up. With NATO, we have friendly nations right on Russia's borders. Nations that are sworn to assist us if the need arose.

Trump is against NATO. He as insulted them. He lies about their payments.

He & Putin have the same goals.

Not surprising at all that Russia helped Trump win.
Idiotic. Europe is socialist and see Trump as a catalyst for a rising conservative movement in Europe. It’s not about NATO, it’s about internal politics.

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