Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years

Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.
all this bullshit of "trump will destroy the world" needs to stop.

he's not blown up anything more than 2 years in. hell we didn't have 2 months before he was sworn in before we'd all be dead.
he's not "pushed the button"

in fact, he's yet to do a single negative thing of consequence that the left keeps selling he'll do. i get it, people hate him, but stop the bullshit fear mongering.
Time Europe took care of itself.

Let’s see how their socialism does when we stop supporting them.

And Russia would love it. You & Trump love helping the Russians.

1. Germany buying Russian gas helps the Russians finance their military.
2. The US borrowing $25b a year to keep troops in the EU is not helping the US at all
3. The US can be part of NATO like Canada, if there is a war call us, then we save $25b a year
4. $25b a year x 70 years since 1950 is almost $2Trillion spent defending the EU, of the US $22T National Debt, almost 10%.
5. Trump requiring that the EU members spend their NATO commitments is a good thing, so says Stoltenberg

NATO's Stoltenberg Credits Trump as Allies Increase Defense Spending

6. So Trump is strengthening NATO, not weakening it.
Time Europe took care of itself.

Let’s see how their socialism does when we stop supporting them.

And Russia would love it. You & Trump love helping the Russians.

1. Germany buying Russian gas helps the Russians finance their military.
2. The US borrowing $25b a year to keep troops in the EU is not helping the US at all
3. The US can be part of NATO like Canada, if there is a war call us, then we save $25b a year
4. $25b a year x 70 years since 1950 is almost $2Trillion spent defending the EU, of the US $22T National Debt, almost 10%.
5. Trump requiring that the EU members spend their NATO commitments is a good thing, so says Stoltenberg

NATO's Stoltenberg Credits Trump as Allies Increase Defense Spending

6. So Trump is strengthening NATO, not weakening it.

1) We trade with Russia. Are you claiming we don't?
2) We want this for quick response. This is to our advantage
3) So you ant our military presence to be like Canada's?
4) For example, where did Trump park those soldiers & bombers when he sent them to the Middle East? Bases in other countries????
5) NATO countries were already meerting a plan. Trump was too fucking stupid to know it.
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.
all this bullshit of "trump will destroy the world" needs to stop.

he's not blown up anything more than 2 years in. hell we didn't have 2 months before he was sworn in before we'd all be dead.
he's not "pushed the button"

in fact, he's yet to do a single negative thing of consequence that the left keeps selling he'll do. i get it, people hate him, but stop the bullshit fear mongering.

He almost got us into a war in NK. He almost got us in a war with Iran.

He keeps insulting our allies while praising our enemies.
Time Europe took care of itself.

Let’s see how their socialism does when we stop supporting them.

And Russia would love it. You & Trump love helping the Russians.
David, that's so not called for.
Russia would love it if NATO broke up. With NATO, we have friendly nations right on Russia's borders. Nations that are sworn to assist us if the need arose.

Trump is against NATO. He as insulted them. He lies about their payments.

He & Putin have the same goals.

Not surprising at all that Russia helped Trump win.
Idiotic. Europe is socialist and see Trump as a catalyst for a rising conservative movement in Europe. It’s not about NATO, it’s about internal politics.

Almost all of Europe's Conservative movements have National Healthcare.
Not sure if having National Healthcare makes one particularly Socialist, more like it makes them particularly sensible.

As for Trump & Europe..... He will alienate the last true American ally in Europe at this rate.... Being Poland... If he f*cks with NATO, and continues demanding Poles pay Jews compensations.

Pretty soon it will just be the USA, and Israel who are being attacked by all aides.... Including from within.
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.
all this bullshit of "trump will destroy the world" needs to stop.

he's not blown up anything more than 2 years in. hell we didn't have 2 months before he was sworn in before we'd all be dead.
he's not "pushed the button"

in fact, he's yet to do a single negative thing of consequence that the left keeps selling he'll do. i get it, people hate him, but stop the bullshit fear mongering.

He almost got us into a war in NK. He almost got us in a war with Iran.

He keeps insulting our allies while praising our enemies.
Trump is not “insulting” our allies and “praising” our enemies. Nice try Zibignew Brizinsky (sp?...don’t give a shit)
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.

The problem is this.
There's a ton of friction in the USA, and I suspect if Trump wins, or loses there will be chaos, and the start of an Civil War.

Divided we fall.
The Left went more Left, and the Right went more Right.
Both got more obnoxious, and stupid.

There's already fighting in the streets.

Now, here's the thing, if there's a Civil War, not only will Russia invade Europe, and the Middle-East a lot more.
China will invade Korea, Japan, etc.

Well, if we don't come back to our senses quick.

Then we lost the game & our country forever.

Because, Russia, and China, will probably use Mexico / Proxies to collapse, and eventually conquer the USA.
You've seen "Red Dawn" once too often... the US is strong, and will remain that way for centuries to come...

As to another Civil War... not gonna happen... not even close... folks are far too busy living the Good Life.

Haha, wow.

No, not really.
Actually, not even close.

52% of generation Z is White.

Basically once the older generations die off....

The country will be very, very Democrat, and then the Whites who object.

Basically, either the USA is going to die in Multiculturalism, or die by Civil War.

I don't see much, if any chance of the USA surviving.... Other than it's Russian, and Chinese overlords sparing it some mercy.

Maybe you weren't around in the 1950's and the 1960's and the 1970's but the US goes thru political cycles. In 2008 rightly or wrongly the Bush admin took the fall for the "Great Recession" and the democrats took control of DC. Then after 8-years of Obama the GOP took control of DC. In 2020 who knows how that will play out. The US voters generally "throw the bums out" no matter which party is in power. The EU looks to be going thru cycles of socialist then conservative cycles too. Your "projections" that the US will become very democrat is incorrect. Even in 2020, my projection is that the old union democrats will reject socialism and vote for Trump. Politics runs in cycles, and always will, no matter the demographic shifts. (Hispanics are generally Catholic, as they move into the middle class they bring their conservative values) The US has better political and economic systems than the Russians or the Chinese.
The US will become ‘minority white’ in 2045, Census projects
"The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations."
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.

The problem is this.
There's a ton of friction in the USA, and I suspect if Trump wins, or loses there will be chaos, and the start of an Civil War.

Divided we fall.
The Left went more Left, and the Right went more Right.
Both got more obnoxious, and stupid.

There's already fighting in the streets.

Now, here's the thing, if there's a Civil War, not only will Russia invade Europe, and the Middle-East a lot more.
China will invade Korea, Japan, etc.

Well, if we don't come back to our senses quick.

Then we lost the game & our country forever.

Because, Russia, and China, will probably use Mexico / Proxies to collapse, and eventually conquer the USA.
You've seen "Red Dawn" once too often... the US is strong, and will remain that way for centuries to come...

As to another Civil War... not gonna happen... not even close... folks are far too busy living the Good Life.

Haha, wow.

No, not really.
Actually, not even close.

52% of generation Z is White.

Basically once the older generations die off....

The country will be very, very Democrat, and then the Whites who object.

Basically, either the USA is going to die in Multiculturalism, or die by Civil War.

I don't see much, if any chance of the USA surviving.... Other than it's Russian, and Chinese overlords sparing it some mercy.

Maybe you weren't around in the 1950's and the 1960's and the 1970's but the US goes thru political cycles. In 2008 rightly or wrongly the Bush admin took the fall for the "Great Recession" and the democrats took control of DC. Then after 8-years of Obama the GOP took control of DC. In 2020 who knows how that will play out. The US voters generally "throw the bums out" no matter which party is in power. The EU looks to be going thru cycles of socialist then conservative cycles too. Your "projections" that the US will become very democrat is incorrect. Even in 2020, my projection is that the old union democrats will reject socialism and vote for Trump. Politics runs in cycles, and always will, no matter the demographic shifts. (Hispanics are generally Catholic, as they move into the middle class they bring their conservative values) The US has better political and economic systems than the Russians or the Chinese.
The US will become ‘minority white’ in 2045, Census projects
"The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations."

This is a totally different situation.

First off Republicans mock Latinos a lot.
Republican values are mostly just Anglo values, and things like standing against national healthcare, or welfare don't appeal to anybody else in the majority.

It might come as a surprise, but 56% of White Millennials had voted Trump, nearly as much as White Baby Boomers.

The problem is Millennials have a lot more Latinos in it's ranks.
Time Europe took care of itself.

Let’s see how their socialism does when we stop supporting them.

And Russia would love it. You & Trump love helping the Russians.
David, that's so not called for.
Russia would love it if NATO broke up. With NATO, we have friendly nations right on Russia's borders. Nations that are sworn to assist us if the need arose.

Trump is against NATO. He as insulted them. He lies about their payments.

He & Putin have the same goals.

Not surprising at all that Russia helped Trump win.
Idiotic. Europe is socialist and see Trump as a catalyst for a rising conservative movement in Europe. It’s not about NATO, it’s about internal politics.

Almost all of Europe's Conservative movements have National Healthcare.
Not sure if having National Healthcare makes one particularly Socialist, more like it makes them particularly sensible.

As for Trump & Europe..... He will alienate the last true American ally in Europe at this rate.... Being Poland... If he f*cks with NATO, and continues demanding Poles pay Jews compensations.

Pretty soon it will just be the USA, and Israel who are being attacked by all aides.... Including from within.
So you are saying the Red Dawn just might happen? Thank God, that almost 1/2 of the US population have weapons. And from within, please anytime you libs feel like going to war, bring it on, the sleeping Giant is waiting...
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.

The problem is this.
There's a ton of friction in the USA, and I suspect if Trump wins, or loses there will be chaos, and the start of an Civil War.

Divided we fall.
The Left went more Left, and the Right went more Right.
Both got more obnoxious, and stupid.

There's already fighting in the streets.

Now, here's the thing, if there's a Civil War, not only will Russia invade Europe, and the Middle-East a lot more.
China will invade Korea, Japan, etc.

Well, if we don't come back to our senses quick.

Then we lost the game & our country forever.

Because, Russia, and China, will probably use Mexico / Proxies to collapse, and eventually conquer the USA.
You've seen "Red Dawn" once too often... the US is strong, and will remain that way for centuries to come...

As to another Civil War... not gonna happen... not even close... folks are far too busy living the Good Life.

Haha, wow.

No, not really.
Actually, not even close.

52% of generation Z is White.

Basically once the older generations die off....

The country will be very, very Democrat, and then the Whites who object.

Basically, either the USA is going to die in Multiculturalism, or die by Civil War.

I don't see much, if any chance of the USA surviving.... Other than it's Russian, and Chinese overlords sparing it some mercy.

Maybe you weren't around in the 1950's and the 1960's and the 1970's but the US goes thru political cycles. In 2008 rightly or wrongly the Bush admin took the fall for the "Great Recession" and the democrats took control of DC. Then after 8-years of Obama the GOP took control of DC. In 2020 who knows how that will play out. The US voters generally "throw the bums out" no matter which party is in power. The EU looks to be going thru cycles of socialist then conservative cycles too. Your "projections" that the US will become very democrat is incorrect. Even in 2020, my projection is that the old union democrats will reject socialism and vote for Trump. Politics runs in cycles, and always will, no matter the demographic shifts. (Hispanics are generally Catholic, as they move into the middle class they bring their conservative values) The US has better political and economic systems than the Russians or the Chinese.
The US will become ‘minority white’ in 2045, Census projects
"The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations."

This is a totally different situation.

First off Republicans mock Latinos a lot.
Republican values are mostly just Anglo values, and things like standing against national healthcare, or welfare don't appeal to anybody else in the majority.

It might come as a surprise, but 56% of White Millennials had voted Trump, nearly as much as White Baby Boomers.

The problem is Millennials have a lot more Latinos in it's ranks.
We only mock Latinos that here illegally, not those who came here the proper way. Now the libtardoviches, they mock the Latinos, as only able to do jobs that even "blacks" wont do, thus mocking black people also. You need so just STFU sob., because you are an idiot and FASCIST...
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.

The problem is this.
There's a ton of friction in the USA, and I suspect if Trump wins, or loses there will be chaos, and the start of an Civil War.

Divided we fall.
The Left went more Left, and the Right went more Right.
Both got more obnoxious, and stupid.

There's already fighting in the streets.

Now, here's the thing, if there's a Civil War, not only will Russia invade Europe, and the Middle-East a lot more.
China will invade Korea, Japan, etc.

Well, if we don't come back to our senses quick.

Then we lost the game & our country forever.

Because, Russia, and China, will probably use Mexico / Proxies to collapse, and eventually conquer the USA.
You've seen "Red Dawn" once too often... the US is strong, and will remain that way for centuries to come...

As to another Civil War... not gonna happen... not even close... folks are far too busy living the Good Life.

Haha, wow.

No, not really.
Actually, not even close.

52% of generation Z is White.

Basically once the older generations die off....

The country will be very, very Democrat, and then the Whites who object.

Basically, either the USA is going to die in Multiculturalism, or die by Civil War.

I don't see much, if any chance of the USA surviving.... Other than it's Russian, and Chinese overlords sparing it some mercy.

Maybe you weren't around in the 1950's and the 1960's and the 1970's but the US goes thru political cycles. In 2008 rightly or wrongly the Bush admin took the fall for the "Great Recession" and the democrats took control of DC. Then after 8-years of Obama the GOP took control of DC. In 2020 who knows how that will play out. The US voters generally "throw the bums out" no matter which party is in power. The EU looks to be going thru cycles of socialist then conservative cycles too. Your "projections" that the US will become very democrat is incorrect. Even in 2020, my projection is that the old union democrats will reject socialism and vote for Trump. Politics runs in cycles, and always will, no matter the demographic shifts. (Hispanics are generally Catholic, as they move into the middle class they bring their conservative values) The US has better political and economic systems than the Russians or the Chinese.
The US will become ‘minority white’ in 2045, Census projects
"The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations."

This is a totally different situation.

First off Republicans mock Latinos a lot.
Republican values are mostly just Anglo values, and things like standing against national healthcare, or welfare don't appeal to anybody else in the majority.

It might come as a surprise, but 56% of White Millennials had voted Trump, nearly as much as White Baby Boomers.

The problem is Millennials have a lot more Latinos in it's ranks.
Sob: "First off Republicans mock Latinos a lot.":
Not really. I Love Lucy and Ricky Ricardo fixed that.
Sob: "Republican values are mostly just Anglo values"
You're ignoring the fact that Anglo values are pretty universal, so your racist argument against Republican is fulla prunes.
Sob: "standing against national healthcare"
We believe in individual accomplishments, not standing in line for a health crisis needing immediate intervention.
Sob: "welfare"
We were taught at an early age that accepting things from the disinterested obligates you to them, so we are chary of handouts, sir.

And Russia would love it. You & Trump love helping the Russians.
David, that's so not called for.
Russia would love it if NATO broke up. With NATO, we have friendly nations right on Russia's borders. Nations that are sworn to assist us if the need arose.

Trump is against NATO. He as insulted them. He lies about their payments.

He & Putin have the same goals.

Not surprising at all that Russia helped Trump win.
Idiotic. Europe is socialist and see Trump as a catalyst for a rising conservative movement in Europe. It’s not about NATO, it’s about internal politics.

Almost all of Europe's Conservative movements have National Healthcare.
Not sure if having National Healthcare makes one particularly Socialist, more like it makes them particularly sensible.

As for Trump & Europe..... He will alienate the last true American ally in Europe at this rate.... Being Poland... If he f*cks with NATO, and continues demanding Poles pay Jews compensations.

Pretty soon it will just be the USA, and Israel who are being attacked by all aides.... Including from within.
So you are saying the Red Dawn just might happen? Thank God, that almost 1/2 of the US population have weapons. And from within, please anytime you libs feel like going to war, bring it on, the sleeping Giant is waiting...

I'm saying just that.
That in a Civil War... Russia & China would take advantage & start invading other countries, and even likely use Mexico & Mexicans to invade the US from within as a "Proxy"

I'm not a Lib, you actually are the Lib.

You are a Classical Liberal.

I'm not really your enemy, LOL @ you think so.

I might attack both sides, but I'm, slightly more on the Republican side.

Even though you both are clowns.
The problem is this.
There's a ton of friction in the USA, and I suspect if Trump wins, or loses there will be chaos, and the start of an Civil War.

Divided we fall.
The Left went more Left, and the Right went more Right.
Both got more obnoxious, and stupid.

There's already fighting in the streets.

Now, here's the thing, if there's a Civil War, not only will Russia invade Europe, and the Middle-East a lot more.
China will invade Korea, Japan, etc.

Well, if we don't come back to our senses quick.

Then we lost the game & our country forever.

Because, Russia, and China, will probably use Mexico / Proxies to collapse, and eventually conquer the USA.
You've seen "Red Dawn" once too often... the US is strong, and will remain that way for centuries to come...

As to another Civil War... not gonna happen... not even close... folks are far too busy living the Good Life.

Haha, wow.

No, not really.
Actually, not even close.

52% of generation Z is White.

Basically once the older generations die off....

The country will be very, very Democrat, and then the Whites who object.

Basically, either the USA is going to die in Multiculturalism, or die by Civil War.

I don't see much, if any chance of the USA surviving.... Other than it's Russian, and Chinese overlords sparing it some mercy.

Maybe you weren't around in the 1950's and the 1960's and the 1970's but the US goes thru political cycles. In 2008 rightly or wrongly the Bush admin took the fall for the "Great Recession" and the democrats took control of DC. Then after 8-years of Obama the GOP took control of DC. In 2020 who knows how that will play out. The US voters generally "throw the bums out" no matter which party is in power. The EU looks to be going thru cycles of socialist then conservative cycles too. Your "projections" that the US will become very democrat is incorrect. Even in 2020, my projection is that the old union democrats will reject socialism and vote for Trump. Politics runs in cycles, and always will, no matter the demographic shifts. (Hispanics are generally Catholic, as they move into the middle class they bring their conservative values) The US has better political and economic systems than the Russians or the Chinese.
The US will become ‘minority white’ in 2045, Census projects
"The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations."

This is a totally different situation.

First off Republicans mock Latinos a lot.
Republican values are mostly just Anglo values, and things like standing against national healthcare, or welfare don't appeal to anybody else in the majority.

It might come as a surprise, but 56% of White Millennials had voted Trump, nearly as much as White Baby Boomers.

The problem is Millennials have a lot more Latinos in it's ranks.
Sob: "First off Republicans mock Latinos a lot.":
Not really. I Love Lucy and Ricky Ricardo fixed that.
Sob: "Republican values are mostly just Anglo values"
You're ignoring the fact that Anglo values are pretty universal, so your racist argument against Republican is fulla prunes.
Sob: "standing against national healthcare"
We believe in individual accomplishments, not standing in line for a health crisis needing immediate intervention.
Sob: "welfare"
We were taught at an early age that accepting things from the disinterested obligates you to them, so we are chary of handouts, sir.

Every country that can afford National healthcare, has it, even Mexico.

Basically just goofy Anglos in the USA kick, and scream about National Healthcare.

Because even Anglos in the UK< Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have National Healthcare...

You aren't going to gain popularity from Latinos.

Between mocking them, and being alien in values, you are destined by be replaced.
David, that's so not called for.
Russia would love it if NATO broke up. With NATO, we have friendly nations right on Russia's borders. Nations that are sworn to assist us if the need arose.

Trump is against NATO. He as insulted them. He lies about their payments.

He & Putin have the same goals.

Not surprising at all that Russia helped Trump win.
Idiotic. Europe is socialist and see Trump as a catalyst for a rising conservative movement in Europe. It’s not about NATO, it’s about internal politics.

Almost all of Europe's Conservative movements have National Healthcare.
Not sure if having National Healthcare makes one particularly Socialist, more like it makes them particularly sensible.

As for Trump & Europe..... He will alienate the last true American ally in Europe at this rate.... Being Poland... If he f*cks with NATO, and continues demanding Poles pay Jews compensations.

Pretty soon it will just be the USA, and Israel who are being attacked by all aides.... Including from within.
So you are saying the Red Dawn just might happen? Thank God, that almost 1/2 of the US population have weapons. And from within, please anytime you libs feel like going to war, bring it on, the sleeping Giant is waiting...

I'm saying just that.
That in a Civil War... Russia & China would take advantage & start invading other countries, and even likely use Mexico & Mexicans to invade the US from within as a "Proxy"

I'm not a Lib, you actually are the Lib.

You are a Classical Liberal.

I'm not really your enemy, LOL @ you think so.

I might attack both sides, but I'm, slightly more on the Republican side.

Even though you both are clowns.
I vote straight line Republic ever since the Clinton administration proved how unreliable Democrats are with prevarication, obfuscation, deprivation, and expropriation.
Biden is an idiot who will say whatever it takes to get your vote. If he gets elected, or any one of those other Dem yahoos, we'll get what we deserve.

Well Sanders will rip off his testicles and Harris will chop off his dick. But I still think Biden will get the nom.
You've seen "Red Dawn" once too often... the US is strong, and will remain that way for centuries to come...

As to another Civil War... not gonna happen... not even close... folks are far too busy living the Good Life.

Haha, wow.

No, not really.
Actually, not even close.

52% of generation Z is White.

Basically once the older generations die off....

The country will be very, very Democrat, and then the Whites who object.

Basically, either the USA is going to die in Multiculturalism, or die by Civil War.

I don't see much, if any chance of the USA surviving.... Other than it's Russian, and Chinese overlords sparing it some mercy.

Maybe you weren't around in the 1950's and the 1960's and the 1970's but the US goes thru political cycles. In 2008 rightly or wrongly the Bush admin took the fall for the "Great Recession" and the democrats took control of DC. Then after 8-years of Obama the GOP took control of DC. In 2020 who knows how that will play out. The US voters generally "throw the bums out" no matter which party is in power. The EU looks to be going thru cycles of socialist then conservative cycles too. Your "projections" that the US will become very democrat is incorrect. Even in 2020, my projection is that the old union democrats will reject socialism and vote for Trump. Politics runs in cycles, and always will, no matter the demographic shifts. (Hispanics are generally Catholic, as they move into the middle class they bring their conservative values) The US has better political and economic systems than the Russians or the Chinese.
The US will become ‘minority white’ in 2045, Census projects
"The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations."

This is a totally different situation.

First off Republicans mock Latinos a lot.
Republican values are mostly just Anglo values, and things like standing against national healthcare, or welfare don't appeal to anybody else in the majority.

It might come as a surprise, but 56% of White Millennials had voted Trump, nearly as much as White Baby Boomers.

The problem is Millennials have a lot more Latinos in it's ranks.
Sob: "First off Republicans mock Latinos a lot.":
Not really. I Love Lucy and Ricky Ricardo fixed that.
Sob: "Republican values are mostly just Anglo values"
You're ignoring the fact that Anglo values are pretty universal, so your racist argument against Republican is fulla prunes.
Sob: "standing against national healthcare"
We believe in individual accomplishments, not standing in line for a health crisis needing immediate intervention.
Sob: "welfare"
We were taught at an early age that accepting things from the disinterested obligates you to them, so we are chary of handouts, sir.

Every country that can afford National healthcare, has it, even Mexico.

Basically just goofy Anglos in the USA kick, and scream about National Healthcare.

Because even Anglos in the UK< Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have National Healthcare...

You aren't going to gain popularity from Latinos.

Between mocking them, and being alien in values, you are destined by be replaced.
Every country that can afford national healthcare has it, yet every rich person comes to the US because they dont want to wait months to be seen which could end up killing them. You are such a moron.

President Trump is loved by legal Latinos here in the US because they hate those illegal ones who are breaking the law. You again are such a moron.

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