Biden Destroying the US Military

US military halts gender-neutral Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) test as female soldiers were failing at a rate of 65%, according to a Pentagon study. Review to make it fair to "both genders" underway.

Why have standards at all?

I am sorry, but Biden has nothing to do with this. That test was designed years ago.

They're halting the test....which is something Biden's handlers elected to do.
The truth is....unless the standards are different...most of the females will fail.
The standards are different in Jump School. Women don't have to do chin-ups.
Haircut standards are different.
Uniform standards are different.
Height and weight standards are different.

This version was supposed to go in effect October of last year. I am well familiar with this as I work for the Army and my daughter is a Captain.

Regardless......the Pentagon has always been at odds with Donald J Trump....because Biden and the generals are all part of the same military establishment.
Why in the Hell didn't you notice this when his Defense Sec James Maddus quit over Trump's Syrian policies, I would ask?
The same people are still in charge today. Biden (or his communist handlers) hasn't gotten rid of all of them. Just the Neanderthals that believed the election was stolen.
Biden is a non-factor in this.
The Deep State runs this.

Thank you for agreeing with me. The Army started looking for a new test a long time ago. My daughter was in high school ROTC when they first tried a new test. It failed miserably. She finished high school, went through 4 years of college ROTC and had been a commissioned officer for over 4 years. They were still using the same test they did before she was in high school, consisting of push ups, sit ups, and a timed run. She hasn't done one since she was deployed to Kuwait 3 year ago.

When Obama was president they got rid of room inspections. The command couldn't go into a soldiers room without letting them know in advance. While Trump was president they started letting Muslims wear Turbans with their combat uniforms. Now they're weeding out white soldiers using Jan 6th as an excuse. So....the military has been slowly getting more and more wokish by the minute. At one time you couldn't put your Satanic alter in your room. Now they have a building set aside for that specific purpose.

Your first statement is incorrect. There were no changes in room inspections. How else would they know if you had a Confederate flag in your room?

The uniforms changes were for Sikhs, not Muslims. On that you are also incorrect.

The Naval Academy has a room set aside for Satanic group to meet, not an altar. That is the only reference I could find.

As for "weeding out white soldiers", I think your imagination is running away with you again.

I don't know where you are getting your information, but it is just plain wrong.

I am a member of 2 military websites, a Navy and Marine veteran website, a military officer's website, and a the American Legion. I have a daughter that is a staff officer with the 101st Airborne, and a son-in-law with the Air National Guard. What are your sources?

Weird.....I'm retired Special Forces from 5th Group....and I just retired from civil service from the Department of The Army last what do I know!!!!

My job was providing HVAC repairs in government facilities in Ft Campbell KY.
I went in their rooms and talked to people at all levels in the command structure.....but what do I know!!!

Apparently the people you talked to were even more full of shit than you are! Those head wounds you received and obviously forgot taking their toll?

Wannabe? Fuck you too! I can provide sources if you want them. Why is it you can't?

I told you that I work for Army Recruiting at Fort Knox and have for almost 3 years. I was also Navy enlisted, a Navy Officer, a DoD teacher, and supervised enlisted recruiting for 3 years. I was a MOUT role-player for 11 years, and helped trained more SFGs, Ranger units, and SEAL teams than I can recall. I think I know more about it than some HVAC tech!
US military halts gender-neutral Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) test as female soldiers were failing at a rate of 65%, according to a Pentagon study. Review to make it fair to "both genders" underway.

Why have standards at all?

I am sorry, but Biden has nothing to do with this. That test was designed years ago.

They're halting the test....which is something Biden's handlers elected to do.
The truth is....unless the standards are different...most of the females will fail.
The standards are different in Jump School. Women don't have to do chin-ups.
Haircut standards are different.
Uniform standards are different.
Height and weight standards are different.

This version was supposed to go in effect October of last year. I am well familiar with this as I work for the Army and my daughter is a Captain.

Regardless......the Pentagon has always been at odds with Donald J Trump....because Biden and the generals are all part of the same military establishment.
Why in the Hell didn't you notice this when his Defense Sec James Maddus quit over Trump's Syrian policies, I would ask?
The same people are still in charge today. Biden (or his communist handlers) hasn't gotten rid of all of them. Just the Neanderthals that believed the election was stolen.
Biden is a non-factor in this.
The Deep State runs this.

Thank you for agreeing with me. The Army started looking for a new test a long time ago. My daughter was in high school ROTC when they first tried a new test. It failed miserably. She finished high school, went through 4 years of college ROTC and had been a commissioned officer for over 4 years. They were still using the same test they did before she was in high school, consisting of push ups, sit ups, and a timed run. She hasn't done one since she was deployed to Kuwait 3 year ago.

When Obama was president they got rid of room inspections. The command couldn't go into a soldiers room without letting them know in advance. While Trump was president they started letting Muslims wear Turbans with their combat uniforms. Now they're weeding out white soldiers using Jan 6th as an excuse. So....the military has been slowly getting more and more wokish by the minute. At one time you couldn't put your Satanic alter in your room. Now they have a building set aside for that specific purpose.

Your first statement is incorrect. There were no changes in room inspections. How else would they know if you had a Confederate flag in your room?

The uniforms changes were for Sikhs, not Muslims. On that you are also incorrect.

The Naval Academy has a room set aside for Satanic group to meet, not an altar. That is the only reference I could find.

As for "weeding out white soldiers", I think your imagination is running away with you again.

I don't know where you are getting your information, but it is just plain wrong.

I am a member of 2 military websites, a Navy and Marine veteran website, a military officer's website, and a the American Legion. I have a daughter that is a staff officer with the 101st Airborne, and a son-in-law with the Air National Guard. What are your sources?

Weird.....I'm retired Special Forces from 5th Group....and I just retired from civil service from the Department of The Army last what do I know!!!!

My job was providing HVAC repairs in government facilities in Ft Campbell KY.
I went in their rooms and talked to people at all levels in the command structure.....but what do I know!!!

Apparently the people you talked to were even more full of shit than you are! Those head wounds you received and obviously forgot taking their toll?

Personally I think you just like arguing...even when you know jack squat about the facts.

Getting back to the focus of the thread.
Women have always been a problem in the military.
They have this habit of screwing their way up the Totem Pole.
It was rare when one of them doesn't cut corners or use their sex as an excuse to get out of a field problem.
I can count on one hand the women in all of my experience that actually did the same duty that the men did, which is why I'm a skeptic when the military talks about equality in the ranks.

You just accused my daughter of misconduct. I don't care that you were a man whore. You may apologize or be reported, you arrogant prick!
US military halts gender-neutral Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) test as female soldiers were failing at a rate of 65%, according to a Pentagon study. Review to make it fair to "both genders" underway.

Why have standards at all?

A US military will be turned against the population ....
They're working on it

Tick tock

US military halts gender-neutral Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) test as female soldiers were failing at a rate of 65%, according to a Pentagon study. Review to make it fair to "both genders" underway.

Why have standards at all?

The pathetic thing is that the military is just sitting back and allowing the gradual decline of the military's effectiveness. Of course, when you have Joint Chiefs of Staff who despite their claims, are pro-Marxism, you couldn't expect much else.

Rank of General is just a political position.More

Were you a draft dodger like Trump. He also mocks the military.

more like a Joe Xiden style of draft dodger

Biden reported for induction.. He was deferred because of asthma.. whereas Trump has always mocked the military as suckers and losers when he wasn't insulting God Star families.

Take a look at your standards.

LOL multiple times, didn't impact his HS football playing days amazing.
US military halts gender-neutral Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) test as female soldiers were failing at a rate of 65%, according to a Pentagon study. Review to make it fair to "both genders" underway.

Why have standards at all?

The pathetic thing is that the military is just sitting back and allowing the gradual decline of the military's effectiveness. Of course, when you have Joint Chiefs of Staff who despite their claims, are pro-Marxism, you couldn't expect much else.

Rank of General is just a political position.

Were you a draft dodger like Trump. He also mocks the military.

No, I was not a draft Dodger like Trump. I was a draft Dodger like Biden, Clinton and Schumer.
US military halts gender-neutral Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) test as female soldiers were failing at a rate of 65%, according to a Pentagon study. Review to make it fair to "both genders" underway.

Why have standards at all?

I am sorry, but Biden has nothing to do with this. That test was designed years ago.

They're halting the test....which is something Biden's handlers elected to do.
The truth is....unless the standards are different...most of the females will fail.
The standards are different in Jump School. Women don't have to do chin-ups.
Haircut standards are different.
Uniform standards are different.
Height and weight standards are different.

This version was supposed to go in effect October of last year. I am well familiar with this as I work for the Army and my daughter is a Captain.

Regardless......the Pentagon has always been at odds with Donald J Trump....because Biden and the generals are all part of the same military establishment.
Why in the Hell didn't you notice this when his Defense Sec James Maddus quit over Trump's Syrian policies, I would ask?
The same people are still in charge today. Biden (or his communist handlers) hasn't gotten rid of all of them. Just the Neanderthals that believed the election was stolen.
Biden is a non-factor in this.
The Deep State runs this.

Thank you for agreeing with me. The Army started looking for a new test a long time ago. My daughter was in high school ROTC when they first tried a new test. It failed miserably. She finished high school, went through 4 years of college ROTC and had been a commissioned officer for over 4 years. They were still using the same test they did before she was in high school, consisting of push ups, sit ups, and a timed run. She hasn't done one since she was deployed to Kuwait 3 year ago.

When Obama was president they got rid of room inspections. The command couldn't go into a soldiers room without letting them know in advance. While Trump was president they started letting Muslims wear Turbans with their combat uniforms. Now they're weeding out white soldiers using Jan 6th as an excuse. So....the military has been slowly getting more and more wokish by the minute. At one time you couldn't put your Satanic alter in your room. Now they have a building set aside for that specific purpose.

Your first statement is incorrect. There were no changes in room inspections. How else would they know if you had a Confederate flag in your room?

The uniforms changes were for Sikhs, not Muslims. On that you are also incorrect.

The Naval Academy has a room set aside for Satanic group to meet, not an altar. That is the only reference I could find.

As for "weeding out white soldiers", I think your imagination is running away with you again.

I don't know where you are getting your information, but it is just plain wrong.

I am a member of 2 military websites, a Navy and Marine veteran website, a military officer's website, and a the American Legion. I have a daughter that is a staff officer with the 101st Airborne, and a son-in-law with the Air National Guard. What are your sources?

Weird.....I'm retired Special Forces from 5th Group....and I just retired from civil service from the Department of The Army last what do I know!!!!

My job was providing HVAC repairs in government facilities in Ft Campbell KY.
I went in their rooms and talked to people at all levels in the command structure.....but what do I know!!!

Apparently the people you talked to were even more full of shit than you are! Those head wounds you received and obviously forgot taking their toll?

Personally I think you just like arguing...even when you know jack squat about the facts.

Getting back to the focus of the thread.
Women have always been a problem in the military.
They have this habit of screwing their way up the Totem Pole.
It was rare when one of them doesn't cut corners or use their sex as an excuse to get out of a field problem.
I can count on one hand the women in all of my experience that actually did the same duty that the men did, which is why I'm a skeptic when the military talks about equality in the ranks.

You just accused my daughter of misconduct. I don't care that you were a man whore. You may apologize or be reported, you arrogant prick!

Now it's clear you're a lying jerk. I never said anything about a specific person, so you can quit the Drama Queen act.
You sound like Joe Biden when he brought up his dead kid during the debate, knowing full-well that Trump wasn't talking about him. It makes me wonder if you're not just yanking my chain.

In all of my time in uniform I never....ever....screwed a female soldier in my unit.....EVER.
That never stopped my 1st Sgt though. The females in my unit in Germany made a point of screwing him so they could get out of PT and going to the field. In every unit I was assigned to while active-duty there were always females screwing their bosses to get special consideration. It was just a fact of life in the military.
US military halts gender-neutral Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) test as female soldiers were failing at a rate of 65%, according to a Pentagon study. Review to make it fair to "both genders" underway.

Why have standards at all?

I am sorry, but Biden has nothing to do with this. That test was designed years ago.

They're halting the test....which is something Biden's handlers elected to do.
The truth is....unless the standards are different...most of the females will fail.
The standards are different in Jump School. Women don't have to do chin-ups.
Haircut standards are different.
Uniform standards are different.
Height and weight standards are different.

This version was supposed to go in effect October of last year. I am well familiar with this as I work for the Army and my daughter is a Captain.

Regardless......the Pentagon has always been at odds with Donald J Trump....because Biden and the generals are all part of the same military establishment.
Why in the Hell didn't you notice this when his Defense Sec James Maddus quit over Trump's Syrian policies, I would ask?
The same people are still in charge today. Biden (or his communist handlers) hasn't gotten rid of all of them. Just the Neanderthals that believed the election was stolen.
Biden is a non-factor in this.
The Deep State runs this.

Thank you for agreeing with me. The Army started looking for a new test a long time ago. My daughter was in high school ROTC when they first tried a new test. It failed miserably. She finished high school, went through 4 years of college ROTC and had been a commissioned officer for over 4 years. They were still using the same test they did before she was in high school, consisting of push ups, sit ups, and a timed run. She hasn't done one since she was deployed to Kuwait 3 year ago.

When Obama was president they got rid of room inspections. The command couldn't go into a soldiers room without letting them know in advance. While Trump was president they started letting Muslims wear Turbans with their combat uniforms. Now they're weeding out white soldiers using Jan 6th as an excuse. So....the military has been slowly getting more and more wokish by the minute. At one time you couldn't put your Satanic alter in your room. Now they have a building set aside for that specific purpose.

Your first statement is incorrect. There were no changes in room inspections. How else would they know if you had a Confederate flag in your room?

The uniforms changes were for Sikhs, not Muslims. On that you are also incorrect.

The Naval Academy has a room set aside for Satanic group to meet, not an altar. That is the only reference I could find.

As for "weeding out white soldiers", I think your imagination is running away with you again.

I don't know where you are getting your information, but it is just plain wrong.

I am a member of 2 military websites, a Navy and Marine veteran website, a military officer's website, and a the American Legion. I have a daughter that is a staff officer with the 101st Airborne, and a son-in-law with the Air National Guard. What are your sources?

Weird.....I'm retired Special Forces from 5th Group....and I just retired from civil service from the Department of The Army last what do I know!!!!

My job was providing HVAC repairs in government facilities in Ft Campbell KY.
I went in their rooms and talked to people at all levels in the command structure.....but what do I know!!!

Apparently the people you talked to were even more full of shit than you are! Those head wounds you received and obviously forgot taking their toll?

Wannabe? Fuck you too! I can provide sources if you want them. Why is it you can't?

I told you that I work for Army Recruiting at Fort Knox and have for almost 3 years. I was also Navy enlisted, a Navy Officer, a DoD teacher, and supervised enlisted recruiting for 3 years. I was a MOUT role-player for 11 years, and helped trained more SFGs, Ranger units, and SEAL teams than I can recall. I think I know more about it than some HVAC tech!

Wow....I'm really impressed.
I was in the Navy for five years as an Hull Technician.
Being on a ship you didn't have the problem didn't come up much.
But I spent the rest of my time in the Army, in signal units at first (till I volunteered for Special Forces).
In AIT, at 67 Sig Batt at Ft Gordon, and 26th Sig Batt in Heilbronn Germany...the problem was the same. Women screwing their superiors to keep from having to do any tough duty. Once I got on an A Team at 5th Special Forces Group (Green Berets)....I never had to deal with it anymore.

This was before the ME TOO women couldn't falsely accuse anyone and drum them out of the service so easily.
I also know about MOUT training because I was a certified instructor (SOT Class 06/25/1991). I trained foreign troops. That was my primary mission on ODA 521. You can shove your role-playing shit up your ass. What you did was basically play the OPFOR role for SF students. You probably had MILES gear on whereas I did it in the real world.
You could say I had a well-rounded military career.
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US military halts gender-neutral Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) test as female soldiers were failing at a rate of 65%, according to a Pentagon study. Review to make it fair to "both genders" underway.

Why have standards at all?

I am sorry, but Biden has nothing to do with this. That test was designed years ago.

They're halting the test....which is something Biden's handlers elected to do.
The truth is....unless the standards are different...most of the females will fail.
The standards are different in Jump School. Women don't have to do chin-ups.
Haircut standards are different.
Uniform standards are different.
Height and weight standards are different.

This version was supposed to go in effect October of last year. I am well familiar with this as I work for the Army and my daughter is a Captain.

Regardless......the Pentagon has always been at odds with Donald J Trump....because Biden and the generals are all part of the same military establishment.
Why in the Hell didn't you notice this when his Defense Sec James Maddus quit over Trump's Syrian policies, I would ask?
The same people are still in charge today. Biden (or his communist handlers) hasn't gotten rid of all of them. Just the Neanderthals that believed the election was stolen.
Biden is a non-factor in this.
The Deep State runs this.

Thank you for agreeing with me. The Army started looking for a new test a long time ago. My daughter was in high school ROTC when they first tried a new test. It failed miserably. She finished high school, went through 4 years of college ROTC and had been a commissioned officer for over 4 years. They were still using the same test they did before she was in high school, consisting of push ups, sit ups, and a timed run. She hasn't done one since she was deployed to Kuwait 3 year ago.

When Obama was president they got rid of room inspections. The command couldn't go into a soldiers room without letting them know in advance. While Trump was president they started letting Muslims wear Turbans with their combat uniforms. Now they're weeding out white soldiers using Jan 6th as an excuse. So....the military has been slowly getting more and more wokish by the minute. At one time you couldn't put your Satanic alter in your room. Now they have a building set aside for that specific purpose.

Your first statement is incorrect. There were no changes in room inspections. How else would they know if you had a Confederate flag in your room?

The uniforms changes were for Sikhs, not Muslims. On that you are also incorrect.

The Naval Academy has a room set aside for Satanic group to meet, not an altar. That is the only reference I could find.

As for "weeding out white soldiers", I think your imagination is running away with you again.

I don't know where you are getting your information, but it is just plain wrong.

I am a member of 2 military websites, a Navy and Marine veteran website, a military officer's website, and a the American Legion. I have a daughter that is a staff officer with the 101st Airborne, and a son-in-law with the Air National Guard. What are your sources?

Weird.....I'm retired Special Forces from 5th Group....and I just retired from civil service from the Department of The Army last what do I know!!!!

My job was providing HVAC repairs in government facilities in Ft Campbell KY.
I went in their rooms and talked to people at all levels in the command structure.....but what do I know!!!

Apparently the people you talked to were even more full of shit than you are! Those head wounds you received and obviously forgot taking their toll?

Wannabe? Fuck you too! I can provide sources if you want them. Why is it you can't?

I told you that I work for Army Recruiting at Fort Knox and have for almost 3 years. I was also Navy enlisted, a Navy Officer, a DoD teacher, and supervised enlisted recruiting for 3 years. I was a MOUT role-player for 11 years, and helped trained more SFGs, Ranger units, and SEAL teams than I can recall. I think I know more about it than some HVAC tech!

Wow....I'm really impressed.
I was in the Navy for five years as an Hull Technician.
Being on a ship you didn't have the problem didn't come up much.
But I spent the rest of my time in the Army, in signal units at first (till I volunteered for Special Forces).
In AIT, at 67 Sig Batt at Ft Gordon, and 26th Sig Batt in Heilbronn Germany...the problem was the same. Women screwing their superiors to keep from having to do any tough duty. Once I got on an A Team at 5th Special Forces Group (Green Berets)....I never had to deal with it anymore.

This was before the ME TOO women couldn't falsely accuse anyone and drum them out of the service so easily.
I also know about MOUT training because I was a certified instructor (SOT Class 06/25/1991). I trained foreign troops. That was my primary mission on ODA 521. You can shove your role-playing shit up your ass. What you did was basically play the OPFOR role for SF students. You probably had MILES gear on whereas I did it in the real world.
You could say I had a well-rounded military career.

I hate liars and people who won't admit that their info is out of date. Have a nice life, fuckwad!
US military halts gender-neutral Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) test as female soldiers were failing at a rate of 65%, according to a Pentagon study. Review to make it fair to "both genders" underway.

Why have standards at all?

I am sorry, but Biden has nothing to do with this. That test was designed years ago.

They're halting the test....which is something Biden's handlers elected to do.
The truth is....unless the standards are different...most of the females will fail.
The standards are different in Jump School. Women don't have to do chin-ups.
Haircut standards are different.
Uniform standards are different.
Height and weight standards are different.

This version was supposed to go in effect October of last year. I am well familiar with this as I work for the Army and my daughter is a Captain.

Regardless......the Pentagon has always been at odds with Donald J Trump....because Biden and the generals are all part of the same military establishment.
Why in the Hell didn't you notice this when his Defense Sec James Maddus quit over Trump's Syrian policies, I would ask?
The same people are still in charge today. Biden (or his communist handlers) hasn't gotten rid of all of them. Just the Neanderthals that believed the election was stolen.
Biden is a non-factor in this.
The Deep State runs this.

Thank you for agreeing with me. The Army started looking for a new test a long time ago. My daughter was in high school ROTC when they first tried a new test. It failed miserably. She finished high school, went through 4 years of college ROTC and had been a commissioned officer for over 4 years. They were still using the same test they did before she was in high school, consisting of push ups, sit ups, and a timed run. She hasn't done one since she was deployed to Kuwait 3 year ago.

When Obama was president they got rid of room inspections. The command couldn't go into a soldiers room without letting them know in advance. While Trump was president they started letting Muslims wear Turbans with their combat uniforms. Now they're weeding out white soldiers using Jan 6th as an excuse. So....the military has been slowly getting more and more wokish by the minute. At one time you couldn't put your Satanic alter in your room. Now they have a building set aside for that specific purpose.

Your first statement is incorrect. There were no changes in room inspections. How else would they know if you had a Confederate flag in your room?

The uniforms changes were for Sikhs, not Muslims. On that you are also incorrect.

The Naval Academy has a room set aside for Satanic group to meet, not an altar. That is the only reference I could find.

As for "weeding out white soldiers", I think your imagination is running away with you again.

I don't know where you are getting your information, but it is just plain wrong.

I am a member of 2 military websites, a Navy and Marine veteran website, a military officer's website, and a the American Legion. I have a daughter that is a staff officer with the 101st Airborne, and a son-in-law with the Air National Guard. What are your sources?

Weird.....I'm retired Special Forces from 5th Group....and I just retired from civil service from the Department of The Army last what do I know!!!!

My job was providing HVAC repairs in government facilities in Ft Campbell KY.
I went in their rooms and talked to people at all levels in the command structure.....but what do I know!!!

Apparently the people you talked to were even more full of shit than you are! Those head wounds you received and obviously forgot taking their toll?

Wannabe? Fuck you too! I can provide sources if you want them. Why is it you can't?

I told you that I work for Army Recruiting at Fort Knox and have for almost 3 years. I was also Navy enlisted, a Navy Officer, a DoD teacher, and supervised enlisted recruiting for 3 years. I was a MOUT role-player for 11 years, and helped trained more SFGs, Ranger units, and SEAL teams than I can recall. I think I know more about it than some HVAC tech!

Wow....I'm really impressed.
I was in the Navy for five years as an Hull Technician.
Being on a ship you didn't have the problem didn't come up much.
But I spent the rest of my time in the Army, in signal units at first (till I volunteered for Special Forces).
In AIT, at 67 Sig Batt at Ft Gordon, and 26th Sig Batt in Heilbronn Germany...the problem was the same. Women screwing their superiors to keep from having to do any tough duty. Once I got on an A Team at 5th Special Forces Group (Green Berets)....I never had to deal with it anymore.

This was before the ME TOO women couldn't falsely accuse anyone and drum them out of the service so easily.
I also know about MOUT training because I was a certified instructor (SOT Class 06/25/1991). I trained foreign troops. That was my primary mission on ODA 521. You can shove your role-playing shit up your ass. What you did was basically play the OPFOR role for SF students. You probably had MILES gear on whereas I did it in the real world.
You could say I had a well-rounded military career.

I hate liars and people who won't admit that their info is out of date. Have a nice life, fuckwad!

I hate Jackasses that put their foot in their mouths and can never admit they were wrong. You claim to be involved in training...which is fine.....but won't admit that I have more experience in real-world situations.
You spent 11 years playing Army with role players....better known as the OPFOR.
I was the guy that trained the OPFOR and foreign troops. Never mind all of the time I spent deployed in hostile fire zones....or the fire fights I was involved in. That's why I got my CIB, you pathetic twat.

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