Biden delivers! You got to give him credit…

I present the CBO nonpartisan estimates and you present carnival barker talking points grounded in nonsense. If we cannot agree on facts then how are we supposed to debate? I don’t understand the assignment.
You mean 'facts' like Biden trying to change the / his own definition of 'Recession' to avoid reality?

You mean like Biden intentionally lying by declaring COVID Vaccines prevent people from getting COVID?

Like how Biden claimed he confronted the utcher of Khashogi on Uygher Genocide and secured a 'sweet' oul deal after begging the 'pariahs' for oil, only to have Saudi humiliate him by calling him a liar?

As soon as you present some facts maybe we can talk.
1. It’s Canada’s tar sands not the US’s
2. Tars Sands are hard and expensive to extract oil so US doesn’t use it (<5%) it was going over seas
3. We didn’t have expensive gas when Obama stopped the XL
4. We didn’t see prices drop when Trump restarted it.
5. The Supreme Court stopped the XL. Biden just revoked the permit.
6. Years from now we might have had up to 50k barrels in it. Maybe.

The pipeline was also going to carry US crude.

Tars Sands are hard and expensive to extract oil so US doesn’t use it

Much of it would be refined here.

We didn’t have expensive gas when Obama stopped the XL

He never approved it.
And we couldn't drill to lower prices. DURR

We didn’t see prices drop when Trump restarted it.

When you prove you're hostile to fossil fuels and have no problem costing
someone billions by stopping them mid-project, people are going to pull back.
You mean 'facts' like Biden trying to change the / his own definition of 'Recession' to avoid reality?

You mean like Biden intentionally lying by declaring COVID Vaccines prevent people from getting COVID?

Like how Biden claimed he confronted the utcher of Khashogi on Uygher Genocide and secured a 'sweet' oul deal after begging the 'pariahs' for oil, only to have Saudi humiliate him by calling him a liar?

As soon as you present some facts maybe we can talk.
That’s was a lot of deflection. I presented the cbo nonpartisan figures. The same ones conservatives used to attack BBB biil. This bill doesn’t spend all that.
1. It’s Canada’s tar sands not the US’s
2. Tars Sands are hard and expensive to extract oil so US doesn’t use it (<5%) it was going over seas

The Keystone XL pipeline was designed to transport oil to the Gulf Coast because refineries in the region are already equipped to process heavier crude oils, like those found in Canada’s Alberta province. The same kind of crude oil comes to the region from Latin America.

If the pipeline transfers as much crude oil to the Gulf Coast as the federal government expects, total imports would increase by about 25 percent.

Love him or hate him you gotta give Biden credit. This has been an Epic spring session for congress. Joseph Biden has steered, not one, but two transformative pieces of legislation through the House and Senate.

While the Republicans build memes and gaslight their party with tweets the Democrats were hard at work behind the scenes aligning their party members around the things that mattered: Infrastructure, Prescription Costs, Tax Fairness, Environment, Energy Policy.

View attachment 676476

What were the Republicans doing? Well, important stuff like defending insurrection, passing unconstitutional state laws against free speech, and celebrating a very undemocratic movement in red states to ban abortion against the majority wishes.

Biden so far:
Keep calling him sleepy or Brandon, or a vegetable… keep underestimating Biden.

(Supporting links embedded)
Yeah man, Biden is so awesome Dems are projected to get wiped out this Nov because voters are pissed at Democrats. Oh wait... :auiqs.jpg:
This week Joe Biden took out al-Zawahiri, saw Kansas say NO to abortion restrictions, made a deal with Manchin & Sinema, signed an EO to help low income women pay for abortion services & delivered a total beast of a jobs report.

The woke train is pulling outta the station folks. This has turned into one of the most substantive legislative sessions this century.
This week Joe Biden took out al-Zawahiri, saw Kansas say NO to abortion restrictions, made a deal with Manchin & Sinema, signed an EO to help low income women pay for abortion services & delivered a total beast of a jobs report.

The woke train is pulling outta the station folks. This has turned into one of the most substantive legislative sessions this century.

Oh, that will make people change their minds who they support when they are at the gas station filling up or paying for their groceries at the store.

One of the reasons you're going to suffer historic losses is because the Communist party is so out of touch with the working man they don't even know what's important to them.
One of the reasons you're going to suffer historic losses is because the Communist party is so out of touch with the working man they don't even know what's important to them.
It won’t be an epic loss. Dems are polling well with an improving supply chain, improved employment, huge legislative progress and lowering gas bills. In November gas will be at a low. There will be minor changes which will be an epic loss for Republicans.
It won’t be an epic loss. Dems are polling well with an improving supply chain, improved employment, huge legislative progress and lowering gas bills. In November gas will be at a low. There will be minor changes which will be an epic loss for Republicans.

You just keep that dream alive. Dementia has the lowest approval ratings in history and people are not going to forget because gasoline dropped from $5.00 to $4.00. After all, elections are just a little over 3 months away.
You just keep that dream alive. Dementia has the lowest approval ratings in history and people are not going to forget because gasoline dropped from $5.00 to $4.00. After all, elections are just a little over 3 months away.
Not liking Biden doesn’t equate to liking fucking moronic traitorous despots trying to implement a theocratic Handmaiden’s Tale government. I don’t think the needle will move much. Maybe a loss of house and maybe senate but it’ll be a tiny shift.
Not liking Biden doesn’t equate to liking fucking moronic traitorous despots trying to implement a theocratic Handmaiden’s Tale government. I don’t think the needle will move much. Maybe a loss of house and maybe senate but it’ll be a tiny shift.

It has nothing to do with liking or disliking Dementia. Most of us feel sorry for him actually. It's about what he turned this country into and his promise to do more damage. He hasn't had one positive policy for our country. We are getting invaded with illegals, the highest interest rates in 13 years, the highest inflation in 40 years, the highest gasoline prices in our history, and it's predicted to only get worse. Recessions don't last a couple of weeks or months. In their denial that we are in a recession, millions of people who planned on retiring now or sometime in the near future can't because withdrawing from their IRA would put it in jeopardy.

The majority care about issues that affect them, and abortion isn't one of them. It's what products cost, it's what rent and housing costs, it's what gasoline and other fuels cost. Now they say over 2/3 of our population are living paycheck to paycheck, and the left are bleeding Hispanic votes by the millions because of their antics. Believe it or not, some people don't like being referred to as Tacos.
It has nothing to do with liking or disliking Dementia. Most of us feel sorry for him actually. It's about what he turned this country into and his promise to do more damage. He hasn't had one positive policy for our country. We are getting invaded with illegals, the highest interest rates in 13 years, the highest inflation in 40 years, the highest gasoline prices in our history, and it's predicted to only get worse. Recessions don't last a couple of weeks or months. In their denial that we are in a recession, millions of people who planned on retiring now or sometime in the near future can't because withdrawing from their IRA would put it in jeopardy.

The majority care about issues that affect them, and abortion isn't one of them. It's what products cost, it's what rent and housing costs, it's what gasoline and other fuels cost. Now they say over 2/3 of our population are living paycheck to paycheck, and the left are bleeding Hispanic votes by the millions because of their antics. Believe it or not, some people don't like being referred to as Tacos.
Look. You see what you want. Facts are facts.

Policies aren’t driving inflation. Only simple minded think that. We are fully employed and have constrained supplies. That is what happens.

Fix the problem. Not your flag waving faux outrage like it’s a team sport. We need more immigration and improved infrastructure. Not bitching about oil production which is constrained by OPEC not the US which has increased steadily since Trump passed over a lower amount.

Look. You see what you want. Facts are facts.

Policies aren’t driving inflation. Only simple minded think that. We are fully employed and have constrained supplies. That is what happens.

Fix the problem. Not your flag waving faux outrage like it’s a team sport. We need more immigration and improved infrastructure. Not bitching about oil production which is constrained by OPEC not the US which has increased steadily since Trump passed over a lower amount.

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There is only one way to control inflation and that is to get rid of Dementia and put Trump or somebody in there that puts country before party. Inflation has nothing to do with constrained supplies because under Trump it was much more constrained when all the blue shitholes closed down their businesses. Inflation was fine. That's not to mention we have anti-gauging laws that prohibit companies from screwing people in such a situation.

Now their plan is to increase taxes which will make inflation even higher if it passes. Doubling the size of the IRS only expands government and they will now be able to focus on the little people like small businesses and the common working man and woman. Stay tuned folks because it's only going to get worse from here.
There is only one way to control inflation and that is to get rid of Dementia and put Trump or somebody in there that puts country before party. Inflation has nothing to do with constrained supplies because under Trump it was much more constrained when all the blue shitholes closed down their businesses. Inflation was fine. That's not to mention we have anti-gauging laws that prohibit companies from screwing people in such a situation.

Now their plan is to increase taxes which will make inflation even higher if it passes. Doubling the size of the IRS only expands government and they will now be able to focus on the little people like small businesses and the common working man and woman. Stay tuned folks because it's only going to get worse from here.
I know I’m having to deal with you not being very smart so I’ll try to explain slowly.

Under Trump demand was way down because of his shut downs AND supply was down. The demand was shut down. NOW demand is back near normal levels but supply isn’t. Guess what? Inflation.

Any mysterious blaming it on “policies” is moronic. You have no dad to
The Inflation Reduction Act should actually be called "The Manchin-Schumer Tax Hike of 2022"! just like Build Back Better was Build Back Broke!


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Biden, Manchin, Schumer & Obama all said you shouldn't raise taxes during a recession

i give Biden and the Democrats credit for being hypocrites

these aren't rich people they're raising taxes on, these are working people...all to subsidize "environmental justice"

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