Biden* Considering Flying Migrants To States Near The Canadian Border

I've got news for you, illegal immigrants have been flowing into ALL the lower 48 states for many years. I was at a family reunion that was at a park in Wisconsin a couple years ago. Two Hispanic ladies walked up to my Father-In-Law and asked him if they could get a plate of food. He said sure and talked to them for a couple minutes. They came up from Guatemala and made their way to Wisconsin by a network of family and friends. The difference now is Biden's Homeland Security will be busing them where they want to go. And don't think for a minute that your state is too far from the border.
I've got news for you, illegal immigrants have been flowing into ALL the lower 48 states for many years. I was at a family reunion that was at a park in Wisconsin a couple years ago. Two Hispanic ladies walked up to my Father-In-Law and asked him if they could get a plate of food. He said sure and talked to them for a couple minutes. They came up from Guatemala and made their way to Wisconsin by a network of family and friends. The difference now is Biden's Homeland Security will be busing them where they want to go. And don't think for a minute that your state is too far from the border.
And now at taxpayers expense they get free flights to their destination.

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