Biden confuses Army and Navy, Iraq and Afghanistan in disastrous ABC interview

I read his response twice and honestly I can't figure out what he is trying to stay or if it even has a point.

Maybe I need to hear it instead of reading it but it just makes no sense to me at all.
Come on man, that was like 4 or 5 days ago...

He is actually trying to convince people that China is unhappy that we left. Who in their right minds believes that crap. I swear our country is full of brainwashed morons. When will Democrats wake up to the fact that they are being bamboozled by this administration and that they are compromised?
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He drove a semi...
Hit a game-winning homerun...
Can't remember that HE sent troops into Syria
Can't tell the difference between the Army and Navy now

He is obviously now mentally unfit to be Commander and Chief, running the military, at this point after the massive, humiliating disaster in Afghanistan.
God knows he doesn't need to be anywhere near the 'nuclear button'
And based on his domestic policy failures he can't be trusted with running the country on a daily basis.
"You go to hell, Mr President!" -Congressman Chip Roy-

...and one might wonder where's the wicked witch of the world they call Nancy "the thug" Pelosi?!?!? she is nowhere to be found along the maxine "bore" waters. ....nowhere in sight.
Full blown dementia.... probably stage 6, maybe late stage 5

Life expectancy at stage 6....2.5 years and is classified as severeA
Until another Democrat "election" is held and the Democrat workers stuff the ballot box for another Democrat President with a Democrat Congress and all the Democrats on the Supreme Court? Is that what you mean.
He drove a semi...
Hit a game-winning homerun...
Can't remember that HE sent troops into Syria
Can't tell the difference between the Army and Navy now

He is obviously now mentally unfit to be Commander and Chief, running the military, at this point after the massive, humiliating disaster in Afghanistan.
God knows he doesn't need to be anywhere near the 'nuclear button'
And based on his domestic policy failures he can't be trusted with running the country on a daily basis.
And apparently the idiots at the pentagon just went with his bullshit withdrawal plans. Unbelievable.

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