Biden already created the best economy EVER

You whiffed on all your declarations except the business part. Our border was not protected as thousands of people lined up on the other side of our border, and that issue was not resolved. Energy independent? No, we still depended on oil, and to salvage our environment and alleviate the negative effect on the human body, we needed some alternative source of energy to support the oil alternative.
The "dude" you refer to did not increase gas prices. Do some research and you will become more enlightened.
President Biden has accomplished much with the vaccine as he and his team have organized the distribution, rather than dump it into the lap of the individual states.
You are not listening to my "bullshit"---you are not listening to the facts because your uninformed mind is already confused with false information that you have embellished.

Dementia didn't do shit for the vaccines. The commies put us another 160 billion in the hole to convince uninformed people like you that he did to steal the great accomplishments of President Trump. We had 3 vaccines before Dementia even took office, and were vaccinating over a million people a day. When J&J came out with theirs and as centers got more organized, we increased that number to over 2 million a day. He had absolutely nothing to do with it.
You whiffed on all your declarations except the business part. Our border was not protected as thousands of people lined up on the other side of our border, and that issue was not resolved. Energy independent? No, we still depended on oil, and to salvage our environment and alleviate the negative effect on the human body, we needed some alternative source of energy to support the oil alternative.
The "dude" you refer to did not increase gas prices. Do some research and you will become more enlightened.
President Biden has accomplished much with the vaccine as he and his team have organized the distribution, rather than dump it into the lap of the individual states.
You are not listening to my "bullshit"---you are not listening to the facts because your uninformed mind is already confused with false information that you have embellished.

Dementia didn't do shit for the vaccines. The commies put us another 160 billion in the hole to convince uninformed people like you that he did to steal the great accomplishments of President Trump. We had 3 vaccines before Dementia even took office, and were vaccinating over a million people a day. When J&J came out with theirs and as centers got more organized, we increased that number to over 2 million a day. He had absolutely nothing to do with it.
President Biden organized the distribution of the vaccine, where the blob failed miserably and did not have any vaccines in stock since he checked out after the election.
All I hear is that Biden is really losing his mind.
That is because you are listening to propaganda from people who don’t meet with Biden. I have a direct Republican source who physically met with Biden and said “any attack on his mental acuity is BS. Guy was really sharp. Spoke without notes and was completely coherent. Sharpest 78 year old I’ve ever met.“. They disagreed on policy of course.

Was he drunk when he met Dementia? Because we see the exact opposite nearly every time he gets in front of the camera.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

Screw all that ... He's about to cure cancer, and put a year's worth of Velveeta Shells and Cheese in every cabinet in America.

Our President is doing an outstanding job

Highest Stock Market in History
Most COVID Vaccines ever
Largest Stimulus check ever


He put us 2 trillion in the hole, mostly Democrat pork, in less than 2 months in the White House.

Who cares about debt?
You had no problem with the Republican $2.2 trillion COVID package or Trump running a $3 trillion deficit

As usual, Republicans call anything that helps working Americans “pork”
The only thing that is not pork is tax cuts to billionaires
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

I can hardly believe it all. In just a couple of months Biden fixed the economy and the Covid crisis, and all from his basement.


How did he do it you reckon?

I know, I know ... It's the most awesome thing EVER.
I even found a Cadbury Creme Egg in mailbox the other day ... Must have come from the President.

Our President is doing an outstanding job

Highest Stock Market in History
Most COVID Vaccines ever
Largest Stimulus check ever


He put us 2 trillion in the hole, mostly Democrat pork, in less than 2 months in the White House.
Democratic pork? How so?

COVID-19 stimulus bill: Joe Biden's plan explained in 6 graphics › in-depth › news › 2021/03/10 › co...

4 days ago — The $1.9 trillion COVID stimulus bill, known as President Joe Biden's American Rescue Plan, that the House approved Wednesday has been ...
Where is the "mostly Democratic pork"?
Who cares about debt?
You had no problem with the Republican $2.2 trillion COVID package or Trump running a $3 trillion deficit
How quickly they forget....

President Biden organized the distribution of the vaccine, where the blob failed miserably and did not have any vaccines in stock since he checked out after the election.


THURSDAY, Jan. 14, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- One month after the United States began what has become a troubled rollout of a national COVID vaccination campaign, the effort is finally gathering real steam.

Close to a million doses -- over 951,000, to be more exact -- made their way into the arms of Americans in the past 24 hours, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Wednesday. That's the largest number of shots given in one day since the rollout began and a big jump from the previous day, when just under 340,000 doses were given, CBS News reported.

That number is likely to jump quickly after the federal government on Tuesday gave states the OK to vaccinate anyone over 65 and said it would release all the doses of vaccine it has available for distribution. Meanwhile, a number of states have now opened mass vaccination sites in an effort to get larger numbers of people inoculated, CBS News reported.

Vaccinations were on a steady incline before Dementia got near the White House.

Our President is doing an outstanding job

Highest Stock Market in History
Most COVID Vaccines ever
Largest Stimulus check ever

Why is the largest stimulus ever winning? The vaccines were due to DJT. Even Biden said as much. Stock market is due to the stimulus that just added more debt to our balance sheet. Not sure what you’re celebrating.

Highest Stock Market in HISTORY

Are you tired yet of Biden doing so much WINNING?
President Biden organized the distribution of the vaccine, where the blob failed miserably and did not have any vaccines in stock since he checked out after the election.


THURSDAY, Jan. 14, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- One month after the United States began what has become a troubled rollout of a national COVID vaccination campaign, the effort is finally gathering real steam.

Close to a million doses -- over 951,000, to be more exact -- made their way into the arms of Americans in the past 24 hours, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Wednesday. That's the largest number of shots given in one day since the rollout began and a big jump from the previous day, when just under 340,000 doses were given, CBS News reported.

That number is likely to jump quickly after the federal government on Tuesday gave states the OK to vaccinate anyone over 65 and said it would release all the doses of vaccine it has available for distribution. Meanwhile, a number of states have now opened mass vaccination sites in an effort to get larger numbers of people inoculated, CBS News reported.

Vaccinations were on a steady incline before Dementia got near the White House.

View attachment 467588
Until it wasn't. The blob is one hell of a disorganized excuse for a president.
Dumping the covid response into states' laps with pharmacies to do the vaccinations.
Sure....And I am sure a 1.9 trillion stimulus bill won't higher our taxes either. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Not if you earn under 400,000 a year. Mark Levin, Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson and most of Fox news anchors are mad at it, they wont get anything, but new taxes.
Not only do I get nothing from this "relief" bill I get to pay for it.

Fuck you and your celebration
I seriously doubt anyone making $400,000 a year has time to sit around on an internet message board.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

Biden’s and the Democrats are barely 60 Days in those are some impressive economic indicators under their short watch. I sincerely congratulate and support them.

This also means that Democrats clearly own the economy. With these strong indicators in place, there is no blaming Trump for any challenges or economic failures they may have. Unlike 2008, there is no hiding behind the predecessor as an excuse for a delayed recovery.

Democrats are accountable for the ‘21 Economy and beyond. No excuses.
None needed.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

If you don't want to read this post.... here is a picture of it's content...

All I hear is that Biden is really losing his mind.
That is because you are listening to propaganda from people who don’t meet with Biden. I have a direct Republican source who physically met with Biden and said “any attack on his mental acuity is BS. Guy was really sharp. Spoke without notes and was completely coherent. Sharpest 78 year old I’ve ever met.“. They disagreed on policy of course.

Was he drunk when he met Dementia? Because we see the exact opposite nearly every time he gets in front of the camera.
And what did you see when the blob got in front of a camera? I know I know!
A photo op by a grifter, yes? No substance, just bull shit grifting.
Who cares about debt?
You had no problem with the Republican $2.2 trillion COVID package or Trump running a $3 trillion deficit

As usual, Republicans call anything that helps working Americans “pork”
The only thing that is not pork is tax cuts to billionaires

Shit, ... With President Biden's brilliant plans those good old working Americans will be billionaires by next week.

It's so awesome ... He sent them $1400 just the other day and that's practically a fortune in itself.
They should buy a new car with that, but probably wait until next year when President Biden's car that runs on water comes out.

Our President is doing an outstanding job

Highest Stock Market in History
Most COVID Vaccines ever
Largest Stimulus check ever


He put us 2 trillion in the hole, mostly Democrat pork, in less than 2 months in the White House.

Who cares about debt?
You had no problem with the Republican $2.2 trillion COVID package or Trump running a $3 trillion deficit

As usual, Republicans call anything that helps working Americans “pork”
The only thing that is not pork is tax cuts to billionaires
I don't mind spending money so US citizens can be employed.

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