Bible prophecy on destruction of Damascus

When the bible prophesies something happening outside the ME it may show some relevance, until then it's merely bronze or stone age tribal voodooism.
When the bible prophesies something happening outside the ME it may show some relevance, until then it's merely bronze or stone age tribal voodooism.
Every prophecy in the Bible, with the exception of those that predict events yet to happen, have come true. Every single one of them. If you disagree, perhaps you could give me an example that refutes this. I bet you can't
Neverending war in the middle east for thousands of years over religious nonsense, and every single generation a bunch of loons say “oh look! War in the middle east! This must be the biblical prophecy!!!”
Israel is not a nation again, after almost two thousand years. Something that was prophesied in the Bible. Also, many end time prophecies require the nation of Israel in order to be fulfilled. Do you see the pattern here?
Every generation has seen wars and rumors of wars. When there has been peace for a thousand years and there are wars and rumors of wars, prophesy will have meaning we can understand.
Every prophecy in the Bible, with the exception of those that predict events yet to happen, have come true. Every single one of them. If you disagree, perhaps you could give me an example that refutes this. I bet you can't

Every single one of Nostradamus' prophecies has come true. Every single one of them. If you disagree, give an example.

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