BHO considered being gay.

So Oblama rejected a ghey lifestyle, but the real question is when is easy65 going to swear of the ghey lifestyle?
Interesting response - specifically how you chose to spell certain words......

Are you allergic to the word 'gay', Moon? can't spell it out? Afraid doing so might reveal too much, might 'infect' you with it, or reveal that you might be one of the homophobes in the DNC?

Poor snowflakes attempting to distract from the topic by attacking the OP. :p

quiet loon. the o/p is a moron.

at least you apparently get paid for the garbage you post. he's just braindead
I see you are suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome again today. Oh, that's right, you suffer from Obama Derangement Syndrome everyday. Nevermind.

'sup Vor? Afraid your ex-President might be a 'pole smoker'? Oh, that's right - Obama can't be ALLOWED to be or even thought might be homosexual because, as the DNC's hacked and released e-mails revealed, the DNC is filled with racist, sexist, HOMOPHOBIC, and anti-Semites. :p

Get a life asshole. All you do is post the same partisan hack bullshit day in and day out. You're pathetic.
^ that
So Oblama rejected a ghey lifestyle, but the real question is when is easy65 going to swear of the ghey lifestyle?
Interesting response - specifically how you chose to spell certain words......

Are you allergic to the word 'gay', Moon? can't spell it out? Afraid doing so might reveal too much, might 'infect' you with it, or reveal that you might be one of the homophobes in the DNC?

Poor snowflakes attempting to distract from the topic by attacking the OP. :p

quiet loon. the o/p is a moron.

at least you apparently get paid for the garbage you post. he's just braindead
Begone, Troll. If you don't want to discuss the topic, don't post.

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