Best Way To Get The "Black Vote"?


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
Seems Democrats think promising a lot of free stuff is the best way.

Is that racial profiling?
Really dude? Democrats are the racist party. They see groups.
Real Americans; see Americans.
Ah the old free stuff bait. Never heard that one before and deserving of a thread no doubt.
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Republicans are promising blacks jobs, I don't think that will work
The funny thing is that republicans promise that all the time and the exact opposite happens. *sad face*
Seems Democrats think promising a lot of free stuff is the best way.

Is that racial profiling?

thought this was a way to get the black vote: wave free weave and a white woman in the window. LOLOLOLO
Republicans are promising blacks jobs, I don't think that will work

They are not promising blacks jobs, or latino's or whites, they're promising american's good paying jobs from Mars. Now with that being said, the mentioning of jobs and blacks in one sentence is based on the notion, that a nigga at work represents a nigga that is less likely to rob, shoot or get shot by law enforcement, thus creating an environment free of rot and violence in the black community. However, what you white folk fail to realize, especially wm....a working class black man, is more likely to pick and chose your mops as spouses, keep that in mind. A new bm on a job, is like hunting season for ww:banana::banana::banana:
Seems Democrats think promising a lot of free stuff is the best way.

Is that racial profiling?

Get a 2 1/2 ton truck, load it with watermellons and Thunderbird wine and head for the Quarters.

No, no no no no........put a bunch of nasty looking ww in front of Dem headquarters and have em wave fake weaves around.....Look, I'm trying to help your party get the black me, it'll work, especially in the south
Huh, that's strange....all my threads have been moved and all of these threads stay in Current Events. Weird.
I thought we were all "post racial" and all that. Apparently that works when you are deluded or rich, poor blacks love to hate on and hurt each other and blame whites and racism. We need to get past the blame game. We worry about the lack of diversity at the Oscars ( Not me), but not the lack of diversity in the NBA? (don't care either). Disconnect. 'Click.
This chick opened and replied to a race baiting thread by complaining about....

I thought we were all "post racial" and all that. Apparently that works when you are deluded or rich, poor blacks love to hate on and hurt each other and blame whites and racism. We need to get past the blame game. We worry about the lack of diversity at the Oscars ( Not me), but not the lack of diversity in the NBA? (don't care either). Disconnect. 'Click.

First off, who's paying you to think? NEXT?
I like the jokes. What do you call a bus full of .......

Seriously, the jokes are great, that is what makes Americans great. We can make fun of ourselves. Look at some of the greatest comedians, they mocked people, made jokes about themselves, the people in the audience.

It is the politicians that do not want us to joke. You know who can't take a joke, Muslims. They would chop your head off for telling a joke about Allah.

Once we quit making jokes about one another, we are finished. But to listen to the news, to listen to the politicians, we are all racist bigots, we hate one another. Based on nothing more than a joke or lazy slang English.

Yea, we have had our problems, it is called human nature, it ain't something that originated with the USA, racism and bigotry is something that originated as soon as two or three or four humans learned of one another a million years ago.

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