Bernie Sanders Staffer Kyle Jurek..Cities will burn


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2013
"Gulags Weren't That Bad": Sanders Staffer Says Trump Supporters Will Need To Be 'Re-Educated In Camps' - The Daily Coin

An undercover operative for Project Veritas has filmed a rabid Bernie Sanders field organizer who claims that “cities will burn” if President Trump is reelected this year, and that Trump supporters will need to be reeducated in literal gulags, similar to what Germany did to ‘Nazified’ Germans after World War II.
The Sanders organizer also predicts violence if Bernie doesn’t get the Democratic nomination, and that “Milwaukee will burn.”

Trump winning is not an option for america, they must send a message. This dude is done after today after this video comes out.

Mainstream media will give it five minutes and that Sanders took care of it when he fires him. But, that cat will be out of the bag. Sorry Bernie, you can't have my country.
The Dimwinger Clown Car is full of Anti-America fuckwits.
The Dimwinger Clown Car is full of Anti-America fuckwits.
Anyone of them that receive funds from the DNC, must comply with the end game of death to America!!!! james O'Keefe has provided the evidence to that now.
The Dimwinger Clown Car is full of Anti-America fuckwits.
Anyone of them that receive funds from the DNC, must comply with the end game of death to America!!!! james O'Keefe has provided the evidence to that now.
conservatives are afraid of Bernie now that he has surged in the polls and is favorite to win the nomination
The Dimwinger Clown Car is full of Anti-America fuckwits.
Anyone of them that receive funds from the DNC, must comply with the end game of death to America!!!! james O'Keefe has provided the evidence to that now.
conservatives are afraid of Bernie now that he has surged in the polls and is favorite to win the nomination

Nancy is afraid of Bernie getting the nomination, which is why she delayed the senate trial, so that the senators can't campaign and Biden gets the nomination.
I hope Mitch does a quick dismissal so Bernie and Warren can get back out and campaign.

If Bernie gets the nomination Trump wins 45 states. Cities won't burn, where would all the druggies live?
Socialism/communism has a history of just that....

Hitler - national SOCIALIST
Saddam - Ba-ath SOCIALIST
Mao - communist
Stalin - communist

Those are four of the worst murderers in human history, all sharing basically the same ideology, Sanders' ....
The Dimwinger Clown Car is full of Anti-America fuckwits.
Anyone of them that receive funds from the DNC, must comply with the end game of death to America!!!! james O'Keefe has provided the evidence to that now.
conservatives are afraid of Bernie now that he has surged in the polls and is favorite to win the nomination
sure we are. Weren't you afraid of Trump? Aren't you still afraid of Trump? Your point doesn't make sense and isn't logical.
Socialism/communism has a history of just that....

Hitler - national SOCIALIST
Saddam - Ba-ath SOCIALIST
Mao - communist
Stalin - communist

Those are four of the worst murderers in human history, all sharing basically the same ideology, Sanders' ....
And his staffer just explained it to us.
And his staffer just explained it to us

Left wingers hate truth, freedom, including freedom of speech, and dissent.

They'd rather lock you up and "re-educate" you than debate you, because they'd lose the debate.....AND THEY KNOW IT.
under the leadership of Pol Pot, who radically pushed Cambodia towards communism

Same ol'....

Notice that there are no libertarians or small government folks on that list.

Indeed, close to the top of that list is W, who was just as bad and just as much of a BIG GOVERNMENT SOCIALIST who created HOMELAND SECURITY for the sole purpose of WIPING OUT 911 TRUTHERS.
Let’s see if bernie will fire them.. seeing his entire organization thinks This way probably not
And his staffer just explained it to us

Left wingers hate truth, freedom, including freedom of speech, and dissent.

They'd rather lock you up and "re-educate" you than debate you, because they'd lose the debate.....AND THEY KNOW IT.
facts aren't ever on their side that's why? Haven't been for the time Islam has been around.
The Dimwinger Clown Car is full of Anti-America fuckwits.
Anyone of them that receive funds from the DNC, must comply with the end game of death to America!!!! james O'Keefe has provided the evidence to that now.
conservatives are afraid of Bernie now that he has surged in the polls and is favorite to win the nomination

Oh yeah we be real skeerd of that stupid old coot who hasn't sense enough to pour piss out of a boot. Please, please, please make him your candidate.
So they want to abolish police and burn down their own cities.

Once the cities are burned down, there would be more "spending," and more opportunity for them to STEAL, which is what they are really excited about doing if Bernie wins....

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