Berkeley reverses their decision to ban Coulter...


I don't know what she says or what her beliefs are.

I really don't care.

It seems you are the who hangs on her every word.

If you don't like what she says then ignore her.

Mostly, I do. I won't be in Berkeley trying to beat her up...

But I don't have a problem with people who will be... because she brought it on herself.
Because she says things you don't like.
Important that college and university students learn about anti-Americans like coulter but to actually pay a brainless hack like her to spew her crazy crap? Eeeeuuuuwwwww.

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I don't know what she says or what her beliefs are.

I really don't care.

It seems you are the who hangs on her every word.

If you don't like what she says then ignore her.

Mostly, I do. I won't be in Berkeley trying to beat her up...

But I don't have a problem with people who will be... because she brought it on herself.

No one will be touching her. They will be throwing rocks and bottles at citizens. They will be attacking people who did not speak at all. But only when they have them outnumbered.
Now that the mayor of Berkeley has been outed as antifa, the university is hoping Coulter will be killed and they will not have to have the issue any more.
And did they actually claim blacks were 3/5 of a person? Or was that strictly a census thing to limit the power of slave holding states?
It was a census thing demanded by the anti-plantation economy north in order to limit Southern representation, and had nothing to do with racism, which is a modern myth.

I don't know what she says or what her beliefs are.

I really don't care.

It seems you are the who hangs on her every word.

If you don't like what she says then ignore her.

Mostly, I do. I won't be in Berkeley trying to beat her up...

But I don't have a problem with people who will be... because she brought it on herself.

Oh we already knew you wouldn't be there. It could be in your town and you wouldn't be there doing anything.

I don't know what she says or what her beliefs are.

I really don't care.

It seems you are the 1 who hangs on her every word.

If you don't like what she says then ignore her.

Stalinists cannot ignore what is contrary to their ideology as they believe that they must achieve total control with all opposition destroyed utterly in order for them to roll out the Marxist Utopia of a pure World of Tomorrow.

The Democrats could actually start winning election over the next couple of decades and run the whole show, but they are too joined at the hip with these Marxist lunatics.

I don't know what she says or what her beliefs are.

I really don't care.

It seems you are the who hangs on her every word.

If you don't like what she says then ignore her.

Mostly, I do. I won't be in Berkeley trying to beat her up...

But I don't have a problem with people who will be... because she brought it on herself.

^Noted that JoeB131 is in favor of beating up a skinny blonde woman for her political views.
^Noted that JoeB131 is in favor of beating up a skinny blonde woman for her political views.
According to JoeBitch, disagreeing with a leftwing Nazi and then consequently having them assault you is 'bringing it on yourself'.

I love how free speech allows these fascists to openly self identify.
^Noted that JoeB131 is in favor of beating up a skinny blonde woman for her political views.
According to JoeBitch, disagreeing with a leftwing Nazi and then consequently having them assault you is 'bringing it on yourself'.

I love how free speech allows these fascists to openly self identify.
They might be upset and crying foul if a squad of five routs them from enfilade fire positions.
Hey, you wanted to go against the idea of America, deal with it.

Many more Americans are for free speech than there are Berkeley snowflakes and Antifa. True Story.
When the ANTIFA terrorists show up, will the cops be told to "Stand Down"?

One can only hope.

I honestly wonder how brave Coulter, Milo or that asshole who wrote "The Bell Curve" would be if they didn't have cops protecting them.
So you support mob rule. You think Liberals should feel free to silence opposition by enacting violence and riots in support of their cause?

Joe believes anyone who thinks differently than him should be bullied by government or by progressive asshats like himself.

He is a fascist prick.
And a lying criminal.
Because she says things you don't like.

Because she says things that are racist, stupid, or just plain obnoxious.

Sadly, when you are a conseravative, and you have to finally admit that libertarian and supply side and all your other bullshit doesn't work, all you really have left are trolls like Coulter playing on your nastier instincts.

No one will be touching her. They will be throwing rocks and bottles at citizens. They will be attacking people who did not speak at all. But only when they have them outnumbered.

Guy, again, I'm sorry your Nazi heroes are getting beaten up, but you all started it...

Don't come to an asskicking party and whine about getting your ass kicked.

I don't know what she says or what her beliefs are.

I really don't care.

It seems you are the who hangs on her every word.

If you don't like what she says then ignore her.

Mostly, I do. I won't be in Berkeley trying to beat her up...

But I don't have a problem with people who will be... because she brought it on herself.
violates the terms of your parole, I imagine.
Because she says things you don't like.

Because she says things that are racist, stupid, or just plain obnoxious.

Sadly, when you are a conseravative, and you have to finally admit that libertarian and supply side and all your other bullshit doesn't work, all you really have left are trolls like Coulter playing on your nastier instincts.

No one will be touching her. They will be throwing rocks and bottles at citizens. They will be attacking people who did not speak at all. But only when they have them outnumbered.

Guy, again, I'm sorry your Nazi heroes are getting beaten up, but you all started it...

Don't come to an asskicking party and whine about getting your ass kicked.
How did we start it? By speaking?

I don't know what she says or what her beliefs are.

I really don't care.

It seems you are the who hangs on her every word.

If you don't like what she says then ignore her.

Mostly, I do. I won't be in Berkeley trying to beat her up...

But I don't have a problem with people who will be... because she brought it on herself.

^Noted that JoeB131 is in favor of beating up a skinny blonde woman for her political views.
He's also big into mutilating poor black women and killing their babies. isn't having the intended effect.

Milo Yiannopoulos Plots Comeback at UC Berkeley
violates the terms of your parole, I imagine.

wouldn't know, i've never gotten anything more serious than a moving violation.

Project much?

How did we start it? By speaking?

By electing a Nazi with bad orange hair who told people to beat up protestors at his rallies...

He's also big into mutilating poor black women and killing their babies.

Naw, that would be stupid people like you who keep trying to appease your magic sky fairy by limiting a woman's right to choose. isn't having the intended effect.

Milo is desperately trying to not become a Trivial Pursuit Question... but his 15 minutes are up.
Now that the mayor of Berkeley has been outed as antifa, the university is hoping Coulter will be killed and they will not have to have the issue any more.
Are you SURE he's ANTIFA? I saw that article, but is it possible he's just monitoring the site? Cops here do that on FB all the time. Amazing how many probation violations and arrests can be made by scanning FB. LOL

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