Ben Carson's Word Salad On The Middle East

Carla is terrified of an Accomplished Black Man who has escaped from the Prog Plantation.
This is by far the most idiotic post on this thread and possibly today.:ahole-1:

In fairness, the dumbest post today was PoliticalChic who claimed that Muslim rape is now legal in Sweden.

The Prog Plantation posts are mostly just painfully boring.
Carla is terrified of an Accomplished Black Man who has escaped from the Prog Plantation.
This is by far the most idiotic post on this thread and possibly today.:ahole-1:

In fairness, the dumbest post today was PoliticalChic who claimed that Muslim rape is now legal in Sweden.

The Prog Plantation posts are mostly just painfully boring.

think how boring it would be if the RW's here weren't so freaking DUMB. They love being the center of stupidity and the brunt of the joke.
did Obama know the difference between the budget and national debt ?

Ben doesn't ...
Like obama is a financial genius. He spends our money like a street pimp with the keys to Fort Knox.

that must be why he cut the deficit from $ 1.4 T to $ .4 T

He did? Name one cut he proposed and signed into law.
I have never understood the righty inclination to expect Obama to propose all the legislation.

I thought it was congress's job to propose things, and Obama's job to veto it, or sign it?

We understand perfectly the left's inclination to credit Obama for things he doesn't deserve credit for. For example lower gas prices.
You blame him for higher gas
Carla is terrified of an Accomplished Black Man who has escaped from the Prog Plantation.
This is by far the most idiotic post on this thread and possibly today.:ahole-1:

In fairness, the dumbest post today was PoliticalChic who claimed that Muslim rape is now legal in Sweden.

The Prog Plantation posts are mostly just painfully boring.

You Prog Loon are completely oblivious to the consequences of your ideology. When countries cede control of areas within their own borders to Sharia, they are enabling the rape and abuse of women and children.
Carla is terrified of an Accomplished Black Man who has escaped from the Prog Plantation.
This is by far the most idiotic post on this thread and possibly today.:ahole-1:

In fairness, the dumbest post today was PoliticalChic who claimed that Muslim rape is now legal in Sweden.

The Prog Plantation posts are mostly just painfully boring.

You Prog Loon are completely oblivious to the consequences of your ideology. When countries cede control of areas within their own borders to Sharia, they are enabling the rape and abuse of women and children.
You are an ignorant moron.
Carla is terrified of an Accomplished Black Man who has escaped from the Prog Plantation.
This is by far the most idiotic post on this thread and possibly today.:ahole-1:

In fairness, the dumbest post today was PoliticalChic who claimed that Muslim rape is now legal in Sweden.

The Prog Plantation posts are mostly just painfully boring.

You Prog Loon are completely oblivious to the consequences of your ideology. When countries cede control of areas within their own borders to Sharia, they are enabling the rape and abuse of women and children.

I guess that is their problem, or a problem you imagine they have. Are you defending the claim that the Swedish Courts have made rape legal?
Carla is terrified of an Accomplished Black Man who has escaped from the Prog Plantation.
This is by far the most idiotic post on this thread and possibly today.:ahole-1:

In fairness, the dumbest post today was PoliticalChic who claimed that Muslim rape is now legal in Sweden.

The Prog Plantation posts are mostly just painfully boring.

You Prog Loon are completely oblivious to the consequences of your ideology. When countries cede control of areas within their own borders to Sharia, they are enabling the rape and abuse of women and children.

gas prices huh ?

Carla is terrified of an Accomplished Black Man who has escaped from the Prog Plantation.
This is by far the most idiotic post on this thread and possibly today.:ahole-1:

In fairness, the dumbest post today was PoliticalChic who claimed that Muslim rape is now legal in Sweden.

The Prog Plantation posts are mostly just painfully boring.

You Prog Loon are completely oblivious to the consequences of your ideology. When countries cede control of areas within their own borders to Sharia, they are enabling the rape and abuse of women and children.

I guess that is their problem, or a problem you imagine they have. Are you defending the claim that the Swedish Courts have made rape legal?
She is saying two very ignorant and stupid things. One that all Muslims live by full sharia law, which is completely untrue, and that all Muslims rape and abuse women and children: also completely untrue.
Carla is terrified of an Accomplished Black Man who has escaped from the Prog Plantation.
This is by far the most idiotic post on this thread and possibly today.:ahole-1:

In fairness, the dumbest post today was PoliticalChic who claimed that Muslim rape is now legal in Sweden.

The Prog Plantation posts are mostly just painfully boring.

You Prog Loon are completely oblivious to the consequences of your ideology. When countries cede control of areas within their own borders to Sharia, they are enabling the rape and abuse of women and children.

I guess that is their problem, or a problem you imagine they have. Are you defending the claim that the Swedish Courts have made rape legal?
She is saying two very ignorant and stupid things. One that all Muslims live by full sharia law, which is completely untrue, and that all Muslims rape and abuse women and children: also completely untrue.

I asked what the fox screenshot had to do with Carson.

Why, yes, you did. Then you failed to see - or perhaps just to acknowledge - the connection between the erroneous map and Carson's foreign policy experience.

That your only recourse is name-calling is not surprising.
It wasn't his map.

No one said it was. Correlation, analogy, metaphor are obviously not in your wheelhouse.

I fully expect your response to that to have something to do with boats...
Carson thinks the pyramids were grain storages for a fictional character in a book and that humans coexisted with dinosaurs. But some people think he should be in charge of our military. What a world.
Obama is a Muslim, I mean a Christian too.
And this one is the 2nd most idiotic post on this thr:asshole:ead.
fuck you esmo. Your whole life is idiotic. You win.
This is by far the most idiotic post on this thread and possibly today.:ahole-1:

In fairness, the dumbest post today was PoliticalChic who claimed that Muslim rape is now legal in Sweden.

The Prog Plantation posts are mostly just painfully boring.

You Prog Loon are completely oblivious to the consequences of your ideology. When countries cede control of areas within their own borders to Sharia, they are enabling the rape and abuse of women and children.

I guess that is their problem, or a problem you imagine they have. Are you defending the claim that the Swedish Courts have made rape legal?
She is saying two very ignorant and stupid things. One that all Muslims live by full sharia law, which is completely untrue, and that all Muslims rape and abuse women and children: also completely untrue.

View attachment 54485
This is another stupid, idiotic post that references nothing. Why would I be 'butt hurt' regarding your ignorance of this issue? It has nothing to do with me personally. I'm not a Muslim. You're a fool and an idiot.
I asked what the fox screenshot had to do with Carson.

Why, yes, you did. Then you failed to see - or perhaps just to acknowledge - the connection between the erroneous map and Carson's foreign policy experience.

That your only recourse is name-calling is not surprising.
It wasn't his map.

No one said it was. Correlation, analogy, metaphor are obviously not in your wheelhouse.

I fully expect your response to that to have something to do with boats...
Carson thinks the pyramids were grain storages for a fictional character in a book and that humans coexisted with dinosaurs. But some people think he should be in charge of our military. What a world.
Obama is a Muslim, I mean a Christian too.
And this one is the 2nd most idiotic post on this thr:asshole:ead.
fuck you esmo. Your whole life is idiotic. You win.
Seriously, you people are pathetic. You know nothing about my life. You're just pitiful regarding the posts you have made in this thread. Do you ever make a sensible post?
I asked what the fox screenshot had to do with Carson.

Why, yes, you did. Then you failed to see - or perhaps just to acknowledge - the connection between the erroneous map and Carson's foreign policy experience.

That your only recourse is name-calling is not surprising.
It wasn't his map.

No one said it was. Correlation, analogy, metaphor are obviously not in your wheelhouse.

I fully expect your response to that to have something to do with boats...
Carson thinks the pyramids were grain storages for a fictional character in a book and that humans coexisted with dinosaurs. But some people think he should be in charge of our military. What a world.
Obama is a Muslim, I mean a Christian too.
And this one is the 2nd most idiotic post on this thr:asshole:ead.
fuck you esmo. Your whole life is idiotic. You win.
Seriously, you people are pathetic. You know nothing about my life. You're just pitiful regarding the posts you have made in this thread. Do you ever make a sensible post?
According to ALL the libs on here, no I don't lol. I can't argue when someone says I'm stupid because all I can say is no I'm not.

Saying someone is stupid is the only way libs know how to debate so what do I do with that.
He sounds like Sarah Palin.

QUESTION: Dr. Carson, you were against putting troops on the ground in Iraq and against a large military force in Afghanistan. Do you support the president's decision to now put 50 special ops forces in Syria and leave 10,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan?

CARSON: Well, putting the special ops people in there is better than not having them there, because they -- that's why they're called special ops, they're actually able to guide some of the other things that we're doing there.

And what we have to recognize is that Putin is trying to really spread his influence throughout the Middle East. This is going to be his base. And we have to oppose him there in an effective way.

We also must recognize that it's a very complex place. You know, the Chinese are there, as well as the Russians, and you have all kinds of factions there.

What we've been doing so far is very ineffective, but we can't give up ground right there. But we have to look at this on a much more global scale. We're talking about global jihadists. And their desire is to destroy us and to destroy our way of life. So we have to be saying, how do we make them look like losers? Because that's the way that they're able to gather a lot of influence.

And I think in order to make them look like losers, we have to destroy their caliphate. And you look for the easiest place to do that? It would be in Iraq. And if -- outside of Anbar in Iraq, there's a big energy field. Take that from them. Take all of that land from them. We could do that, I believe, fairly easily, I've learned from talking to several generals, and then you move on from there.

But you have to continue to face them, because our goal is not to contain them, but to destroy them before they destroy us.

Read more and watch the video @

Watch Ben Carson Deliver A Bunch Of Word Salad On The Middle East
People are crazy in the Mideast
Why, yes, you did. Then you failed to see - or perhaps just to acknowledge - the connection between the erroneous map and Carson's foreign policy experience.

That your only recourse is name-calling is not surprising.
It wasn't his map.

No one said it was. Correlation, analogy, metaphor are obviously not in your wheelhouse.

I fully expect your response to that to have something to do with boats...
Carson thinks the pyramids were grain storages for a fictional character in a book and that humans coexisted with dinosaurs. But some people think he should be in charge of our military. What a world.
Obama is a Muslim, I mean a Christian too.
And this one is the 2nd most idiotic post on this thr:asshole:ead.
fuck you esmo. Your whole life is idiotic. You win.
Seriously, you people are pathetic. You know nothing about my life. You're just pitiful regarding the posts you have made in this thread. Do you ever make a sensible post?
According to ALL the libs on here, no I don't lol. I can't argue when someone says I'm stupid because all I can say is no I'm not.

Saying someone is stupid is the only way libs know how to debate so what do I do with that.
You are posting Obama is a Muslim. That is very ignorant because we all know he isn't. Reality is the evidence there. It's a known fact, a proven fact he is not a Muslim. It seems pretty stupid to me to choose to believe it when it has been proven to be a lie.
He sounds like Sarah Palin.

QUESTION: Dr. Carson, you were against putting troops on the ground in Iraq and against a large military force in Afghanistan. Do you support the president's decision to now put 50 special ops forces in Syria and leave 10,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan?

CARSON: Well, putting the special ops people in there is better than not having them there, because they -- that's why they're called special ops, they're actually able to guide some of the other things that we're doing there.

And what we have to recognize is that Putin is trying to really spread his influence throughout the Middle East. This is going to be his base. And we have to oppose him there in an effective way.

We also must recognize that it's a very complex place. You know, the Chinese are there, as well as the Russians, and you have all kinds of factions there.

What we've been doing so far is very ineffective, but we can't give up ground right there. But we have to look at this on a much more global scale. We're talking about global jihadists. And their desire is to destroy us and to destroy our way of life. So we have to be saying, how do we make them look like losers? Because that's the way that they're able to gather a lot of influence.

And I think in order to make them look like losers, we have to destroy their caliphate. And you look for the easiest place to do that? It would be in Iraq. And if -- outside of Anbar in Iraq, there's a big energy field. Take that from them. Take all of that land from them. We could do that, I believe, fairly easily, I've learned from talking to several generals, and then you move on from there.

But you have to continue to face them, because our goal is not to contain them, but to destroy them before they destroy us.

Read more and watch the video @

Watch Ben Carson Deliver A Bunch Of Word Salad On The Middle East
People are crazy in the Mideast
Really? Everybody is nuts eh? And you have lived there how many years?
In fairness, the dumbest post today was PoliticalChic who claimed that Muslim rape is now legal in Sweden.

The Prog Plantation posts are mostly just painfully boring.

You Prog Loon are completely oblivious to the consequences of your ideology. When countries cede control of areas within their own borders to Sharia, they are enabling the rape and abuse of women and children.

I guess that is their problem, or a problem you imagine they have. Are you defending the claim that the Swedish Courts have made rape legal?
She is saying two very ignorant and stupid things. One that all Muslims live by full sharia law, which is completely untrue, and that all Muslims rape and abuse women and children: also completely untrue.

View attachment 54485
This is another stupid, idiotic post that references nothing. Why would I be 'butt hurt' regarding your ignorance of this issue? It has nothing to do with me personally. I'm not a Muslim. You're a fool and an idiot.

Our forum nutters are so dumb. lol
Like obama is a financial genius. He spends our money like a street pimp with the keys to Fort Knox.

that must be why he cut the deficit from $ 1.4 T to $ .4 T

He did? Name one cut he proposed and signed into law.
I have never understood the righty inclination to expect Obama to propose all the legislation.

I thought it was congress's job to propose things, and Obama's job to veto it, or sign it?

We understand perfectly the left's inclination to credit Obama for things he doesn't deserve credit for. For example lower gas prices.
You blame him for higher gas

Is that what I said dimwit?

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