Ben Carson on "highfalutin scientists"

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Ben Carson: Big Bang A Fairy Tale, Theory Of Evolution Encouraged By The Devil

“I personally believe that this theory that Darwin came up with was something that was encouraged by the adversary, and it has become what is scientifically, politically correct.”

This guy fits right in with other low-info RWs.

Hard to understand why anyone takes him seriously as a candidate for potus.
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Brain surgeons, long burdened with the onerous reputation of being among the smartest people in the world, are expressing relief that the Republican Presidential candidate Ben Carson is shattering that stereotype once and for all.

In interviews with brain surgeons across the country, the doctors revealed the enormous pressure they felt to live up to their profession’s inflated renown for intelligence before Carson entered the race.

“When people found out I was a brain surgeon they would always assume I was some kind of a genius,” said Harland Dorrinson, a neurosurgeon in Toledo, Ohio. “Now they are beginning to understand that you can know a lot about brain surgery and virtually nothing about anything else.”

Dorrinson said that acquaintances used to view him as a source of wisdom on a wide range of subjects, but added, “Ever since Ben Carson said that prisons make people gay, that’s really fallen off.”

The brain surgeon said that he would probably contribute to Carson’s campaign to keep him in the race: “every time he says something, it helps bring people’s unrealistic expectations about brain surgeons back down to earth.”

He said that he was cheered by Carson’s pronouncement over the weekend that Muslims should not be President. “Now you can cross politics off the list of things that people will expect me to be knowledgeable about,” he said. “I think I speak for a lot of brain surgeons when I say, ‘Thank you, Ben Carson.’ ”
Still head and shoulders above the disaster in the Whitehouse now.

So cutting the shit out of science and doing what the isis makes their children do is heads & shoulders better then Obama? Dumb.

1. He hasn't cut anything, and he isn't Caezar and can't cut by himself.
2. He isn't doing anything like ISIS.
3. Obama has killed business,
4. Obama has run up deficits.
5. Obama destabilized the Middle East.
6. Obama has weakened America globally in both reputation and economic strength.
7. Obama has allowed Iran to sponsor global terrorism.
8. Obama has made it easier for Iran to gain nuclear weapons.
9. Obamacare was a lie from the start and is a unmitigated disaster.
10. Obama dragged out the recession/depression, or whatever they are calling it, far longer than it ever should have lasted.
11. Obama has decided this country along racial lines more than ever before it was even warranted

He's the worst by far. There is no rational argument against that simple fact.
Still head and shoulders above the disaster in the Whitehouse now.

So cutting the shit out of science and doing what the isis makes their children do is heads & shoulders better then Obama? Dumb.

1. He hasn't cut anything, and he isn't Caezar and can't cut by himself.
2. He isn't doing anything like ISIS.
3. Obama has killed business,
4. Obama has run up deficits.
5. Obama destabilized the Middle East.
6. Obama has weakened America globally in both reputation and economic strength.
7. Obama has allowed Iran to sponsor global terrorism.
8. Obama has made it easier for Iran to gain nuclear weapons.
9. Obamacare was a lie from the start and is a unmitigated disaster.
10. Obama dragged out the recession/depression, or whatever they are calling it, far longer than it ever should have lasted.
11. Obama has decided this country along racial lines more than ever before it was even warranted

He's the worst by far. There is no rational argument against that simple fact.
Obama has killed business?
Here are the facts:
GOP senators block top Obama jobs initiative -
Eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses and start-ups
Increase minority access to capital
Establish a small business initiative for rural America
Create more public-private business incubators for poor communities
Create a small business tax credit to help with health premiums
Reimburse employer health plans for a portion of catastrophic costs
Reform the Small Business Administration's ability to respond after disasters
Raise the small business investment expensing limit to $250,000 through the end of 2009
The Deficit?
Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office
Destabilized the middle east? Sure, not nearly as much as Bush did.
He has weakened america globally? OMFG. LINK. LOL.
Economically? He led us through a disaster.
Barack Obama says U.S. has recovered from recession better than almost every advanced country
He allows iran to sponsor global terrorism? Are you fucking kidding me? What's your solution, nuke em? Obama is taking away most of their enriched uranium, he's making an historic deal, right wing voodoo doesn't change the facts of it either, cruz knows this well....
Ted Cruz says deal will 'facilitate and accelerate' Iran getting a nuclear bomb
What the deal will do

First, let’s recap what the deal would do. Broadly speaking, Iran would agree to accept strict curbs on nuclear technologies and intrusive access by nuclear-weapons inspectors for 10 to 25 years, with a pledge to abide by existing international treaties limiting its nuclear ambitions in perpetuity. In exchange, international economic sanctions against Iran would be lifted, as long as Iran doesn’t cheat. If Iran did cheat, sanctions could be reimposed.

Specifically, the deal requires Iran to give up 97 percent of its stockpile of highly enriched uranium, the kind needed to make nuclear weapons, as well as most of the centrifuges it can use to enrich uranium. In addition, Iran agrees to only enrich uranium to a level unsuitable for weapons for 15 years, and to cease production of plutonium, the other element that can be used to build a bomb. Known nuclear sites would be monitored for 15 years to confirm compliance, and inspectors would have the ability to enter undeclared sites suspected of nuclear use, though with possible delays of up to 24 days.

If Iran were to abide by these rules for 10 years, scientists say it would take them at least 12 months to build a weapon.
Obamacare is a lie and a disaster? Based on what measurements?
He has dragged out the recession? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.
Barack Obama says U.S. has recovered from recession better than almost every advanced country
He has divided us racially? LINK.
Still head and shoulders above the disaster in the Whitehouse now.

So cutting the shit out of science and doing what the isis makes their children do is heads & shoulders better then Obama? Dumb.

1. He hasn't cut anything, and he isn't Caezar and can't cut by himself.
2. He isn't doing anything like ISIS.
3. Obama has killed business,
4. Obama has run up deficits.
5. Obama destabilized the Middle East.
6. Obama has weakened America globally in both reputation and economic strength.
7. Obama has allowed Iran to sponsor global terrorism.
8. Obama has made it easier for Iran to gain nuclear weapons.
9. Obamacare was a lie from the start and is a unmitigated disaster.
10. Obama dragged out the recession/depression, or whatever they are calling it, far longer than it ever should have lasted.
11. Obama has decided this country along racial lines more than ever before it was even warranted

He's the worst by far. There is no rational argument against that simple fact.
Obama has killed business?
Here are the facts:
GOP senators block top Obama jobs initiative -
Eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses and start-ups
Increase minority access to capital
Establish a small business initiative for rural America
Create more public-private business incubators for poor communities
Create a small business tax credit to help with health premiums
Reimburse employer health plans for a portion of catastrophic costs
Reform the Small Business Administration's ability to respond after disasters
Raise the small business investment expensing limit to $250,000 through the end of 2009
The Deficit?
Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office
Destabilized the middle east? Sure, not nearly as much as Bush did.
He has weakened america globally? OMFG. LINK. LOL.
Economically? He led us through a disaster.
Barack Obama says U.S. has recovered from recession better than almost every advanced country
He allows iran to sponsor global terrorism? Are you fucking kidding me? What's your solution, nuke em? Obama is taking away most of their enriched uranium, he's making an historic deal, right wing voodoo doesn't change the facts of it either, cruz knows this well....
Ted Cruz says deal will 'facilitate and accelerate' Iran getting a nuclear bomb
What the deal will do

First, let’s recap what the deal would do. Broadly speaking, Iran would agree to accept strict curbs on nuclear technologies and intrusive access by nuclear-weapons inspectors for 10 to 25 years, with a pledge to abide by existing international treaties limiting its nuclear ambitions in perpetuity. In exchange, international economic sanctions against Iran would be lifted, as long as Iran doesn’t cheat. If Iran did cheat, sanctions could be reimposed.

Specifically, the deal requires Iran to give up 97 percent of its stockpile of highly enriched uranium, the kind needed to make nuclear weapons, as well as most of the centrifuges it can use to enrich uranium. In addition, Iran agrees to only enrich uranium to a level unsuitable for weapons for 15 years, and to cease production of plutonium, the other element that can be used to build a bomb. Known nuclear sites would be monitored for 15 years to confirm compliance, and inspectors would have the ability to enter undeclared sites suspected of nuclear use, though with possible delays of up to 24 days.

If Iran were to abide by these rules for 10 years, scientists say it would take them at least 12 months to build a weapon.
Obamacare is a lie and a disaster? Based on what measurements?
He has dragged out the recession? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.
Barack Obama says U.S. has recovered from recession better than almost every advanced country
He has divided us racially? LINK.

Look moron, I'm not here to discuss this with an idiot. I'm trying to educate you, you want to stay stupid, go ahead, I don't give a shit.
Still head and shoulders above the disaster in the Whitehouse now.

So cutting the shit out of science and doing what the isis makes their children do is heads & shoulders better then Obama? Dumb.

1. He hasn't cut anything, and he isn't Caezar and can't cut by himself.
2. He isn't doing anything like ISIS.
3. Obama has killed business,
4. Obama has run up deficits.
5. Obama destabilized the Middle East.
6. Obama has weakened America globally in both reputation and economic strength.
7. Obama has allowed Iran to sponsor global terrorism.
8. Obama has made it easier for Iran to gain nuclear weapons.
9. Obamacare was a lie from the start and is a unmitigated disaster.
10. Obama dragged out the recession/depression, or whatever they are calling it, far longer than it ever should have lasted.
11. Obama has decided this country along racial lines more than ever before it was even warranted

He's the worst by far. There is no rational argument against that simple fact.
Obama has killed business?
Here are the facts:
GOP senators block top Obama jobs initiative -
Eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses and start-ups
Increase minority access to capital
Establish a small business initiative for rural America
Create more public-private business incubators for poor communities
Create a small business tax credit to help with health premiums
Reimburse employer health plans for a portion of catastrophic costs
Reform the Small Business Administration's ability to respond after disasters
Raise the small business investment expensing limit to $250,000 through the end of 2009
The Deficit?
Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office
Destabilized the middle east? Sure, not nearly as much as Bush did.
He has weakened america globally? OMFG. LINK. LOL.
Economically? He led us through a disaster.
Barack Obama says U.S. has recovered from recession better than almost every advanced country
He allows iran to sponsor global terrorism? Are you fucking kidding me? What's your solution, nuke em? Obama is taking away most of their enriched uranium, he's making an historic deal, right wing voodoo doesn't change the facts of it either, cruz knows this well....
Ted Cruz says deal will 'facilitate and accelerate' Iran getting a nuclear bomb
What the deal will do

First, let’s recap what the deal would do. Broadly speaking, Iran would agree to accept strict curbs on nuclear technologies and intrusive access by nuclear-weapons inspectors for 10 to 25 years, with a pledge to abide by existing international treaties limiting its nuclear ambitions in perpetuity. In exchange, international economic sanctions against Iran would be lifted, as long as Iran doesn’t cheat. If Iran did cheat, sanctions could be reimposed.

Specifically, the deal requires Iran to give up 97 percent of its stockpile of highly enriched uranium, the kind needed to make nuclear weapons, as well as most of the centrifuges it can use to enrich uranium. In addition, Iran agrees to only enrich uranium to a level unsuitable for weapons for 15 years, and to cease production of plutonium, the other element that can be used to build a bomb. Known nuclear sites would be monitored for 15 years to confirm compliance, and inspectors would have the ability to enter undeclared sites suspected of nuclear use, though with possible delays of up to 24 days.

If Iran were to abide by these rules for 10 years, scientists say it would take them at least 12 months to build a weapon.
Obamacare is a lie and a disaster? Based on what measurements?
He has dragged out the recession? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.
Barack Obama says U.S. has recovered from recession better than almost every advanced country
He has divided us racially? LINK.

Look moron, I'm not here to discuss this with an idiot. I'm trying to educate you, you want to stay stupid, go ahead, I don't give a shit.
I've given you evidence refuting your ridiculous points, you're now running away. Feel free to ignore the fact that the GOP fights against obamas every move.
It's interesting how people we automically think are extremely smart often times aren't. For example, when people see someone in a wheelchair they assume it's not just their legs that don't work, but their brain has to be messed up. There's a utube video of a fellow, who due to congenital issues, is very affected physically. Yet, he's probably the brightest guy on the planet, a real genius like Einstein, Tesla, or Edison. Truly amazing individual. Love how preconceived ideas really mess with your head when you learn otherwise.
Still head and shoulders above the disaster in the Whitehouse now.

So cutting the shit out of science and doing what the isis makes their children do is heads & shoulders better then Obama? Dumb.

1. He hasn't cut anything, and he isn't Caezar and can't cut by himself.
2. He isn't doing anything like ISIS.
3. Obama has killed business,
4. Obama has run up deficits.
5. Obama destabilized the Middle East.
6. Obama has weakened America globally in both reputation and economic strength.
7. Obama has allowed Iran to sponsor global terrorism.
8. Obama has made it easier for Iran to gain nuclear weapons.
9. Obamacare was a lie from the start and is a unmitigated disaster.
10. Obama dragged out the recession/depression, or whatever they are calling it, far longer than it ever should have lasted.
11. Obama has decided this country along racial lines more than ever before it was even warranted

He's the worst by far. There is no rational argument against that simple fact.
Obama has killed business?
Here are the facts:
GOP senators block top Obama jobs initiative -
Eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses and start-ups
Increase minority access to capital
Establish a small business initiative for rural America
Create more public-private business incubators for poor communities
Create a small business tax credit to help with health premiums
Reimburse employer health plans for a portion of catastrophic costs
Reform the Small Business Administration's ability to respond after disasters
Raise the small business investment expensing limit to $250,000 through the end of 2009
The Deficit?
Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office
Destabilized the middle east? Sure, not nearly as much as Bush did.
He has weakened america globally? OMFG. LINK. LOL.
Economically? He led us through a disaster.
Barack Obama says U.S. has recovered from recession better than almost every advanced country
He allows iran to sponsor global terrorism? Are you fucking kidding me? What's your solution, nuke em? Obama is taking away most of their enriched uranium, he's making an historic deal, right wing voodoo doesn't change the facts of it either, cruz knows this well....
Ted Cruz says deal will 'facilitate and accelerate' Iran getting a nuclear bomb
What the deal will do

First, let’s recap what the deal would do. Broadly speaking, Iran would agree to accept strict curbs on nuclear technologies and intrusive access by nuclear-weapons inspectors for 10 to 25 years, with a pledge to abide by existing international treaties limiting its nuclear ambitions in perpetuity. In exchange, international economic sanctions against Iran would be lifted, as long as Iran doesn’t cheat. If Iran did cheat, sanctions could be reimposed.

Specifically, the deal requires Iran to give up 97 percent of its stockpile of highly enriched uranium, the kind needed to make nuclear weapons, as well as most of the centrifuges it can use to enrich uranium. In addition, Iran agrees to only enrich uranium to a level unsuitable for weapons for 15 years, and to cease production of plutonium, the other element that can be used to build a bomb. Known nuclear sites would be monitored for 15 years to confirm compliance, and inspectors would have the ability to enter undeclared sites suspected of nuclear use, though with possible delays of up to 24 days.

If Iran were to abide by these rules for 10 years, scientists say it would take them at least 12 months to build a weapon.
Obamacare is a lie and a disaster? Based on what measurements?
He has dragged out the recession? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.
Barack Obama says U.S. has recovered from recession better than almost every advanced country
He has divided us racially? LINK.

Look moron, I'm not here to discuss this with an idiot. I'm trying to educate you, you want to stay stupid, go ahead, I don't give a shit.
I've given you evidence refuting your ridiculous points, you're now running away. Feel free to ignore the fact that the GOP fights against obamas every move.
All of those issues have already been discussed at length in this forum. Your lies have been debunked, you have provided nothing worth further discussion. I told you what the deal is, you can learn or remain stupid. I don't care.
Still head and shoulders above the disaster in the Whitehouse now.

I keep looking outside to see this disaster all you cons are talking about. My business is good. My kids are working jobs making over $15 per hour and going to school. The way you guys act, Obama has brought us to the end of times. As I recall it, when Obama took office it was looking like the end of times, but hey, that's just my reality. Yours must be much different. Maybe you should move to Toledo so you can get a job. I know a number of places hiring.
Still head and shoulders above the disaster in the Whitehouse now.

I keep looking outside to see this disaster all you cons are talking about. My business is good. My kids are working jobs making over $15 per hour and going to school. The way you guys act, Obama has brought us to the end of times. As I recall it, when Obama took office it was looking like the end of times, but hey, that's just my reality. Yours must be much different. Maybe you should move to Toledo so you can get a job. I know a number of places hiring.

Yeah no one ever lies on the internet right?

So what if you are telling the truth about you? This isn't just about you.

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