Ben Bernanke Is Fed Up

The link you posted is written by an extreme left wing partisan. I get the week and it is a left leaning trump,hating rag. I have asked those gifting me the magazine to please stop. Only the New Yorker of the mags I read is farther left, and it is disgracefully leftist. Anyway the author of your article is intentionally Unobjective and not legit. Try again. Oh yeah, economic one, did you include all the oil and gas lease money from Louisiana in your calculations? I didn't think so!

Riiight. Facts are pesky little things eh.
Try some real facts for a change fig. Interesting that the five worse states are run by democrats, and that California, New York, Illinois, and Pennsylvania rank at the top of troubled states. Keep on propagating your myths.

Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition | Mercatus

Case closed

You are from Red Herring township and you are out to spread your seeds. So much easier than having to respond to facts about Kansas and Louisians I know.

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