Belonging To The Democrat Party

Dem's keep minorities penned up in poverty. They spend all the tax money they rake in for the poor on themselves. How is that any different than forcing minorities to pick cotton??
Democrats want ever increasing taxes to create poverty....and then they use the money to buy votes in elections.
They take everything and give us crumbs in return.

What is increasing poverty is the lack of a meaningful raise for the working class for the past 40 years, while management received pay increases which amount to 1000% of their wages 40 years ago. CEO pay has gone from a few hundred thousand dollars to $20 million or more for corporations who pay their workers minimum wages. Taxpayers have to foot the bill for the shortfall.

The USA is the ONLY nation on earth where the working and middle class are expected to subsidize the poverty level wages for the lowest paid workers. Other nations require employers to pay their workers. Walmart pays $14 an hour in Canada, plus health care, mandated vacations and maternity leaves - all the things big American corporations say they can't afford, and yet Walmart still manages to be the most profitable company in Canada.

You're being conned by the owner classes. When you have the highest profits in American history, it's a total lie that you can't afford to pay your workers more.
Preach it Antifa communist terrorist.
Discover the Networks | Antifa
Dem's keep minorities penned up in poverty. They spend all the tax money they rake in for the poor on themselves. How is that any different than forcing minorities to pick cotton??
Democrats want ever increasing taxes to create poverty....and then they use the money to buy votes in elections.
They take everything and give us crumbs in return.

What is increasing poverty is the lack of a meaningful raise for the working class for the past 40 years, while management received pay increases which amount to 1000% of their wages 40 years ago. CEO pay has gone from a few hundred thousand dollars to $20 million or more for corporations who pay their workers minimum wages. Taxpayers have to foot the bill for the shortfall.

The USA is the ONLY nation on earth where the working and middle class are expected to subsidize the poverty level wages for the lowest paid workers. Other nations require employers to pay their workers. Walmart pays $14 an hour in Canada, plus health care, mandated vacations and maternity leaves - all the things big American corporations say they can't afford, and yet Walmart still manages to be the most profitable company in Canada.

You're being conned by the owner classes. When you have the highest profits in American history, it's a total lie that you can't afford to pay your workers more.
I fought against communist domination of the world during Cold War. You’re a lump of shit that needs to be deported to the utopia you promote...North Korea.
Warren couldn’t have said it better

There Is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there- good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to the market on roads the rest of us paid for….You built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea- God bless, keep a hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is that you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who is coming along.” Elizabeth Warren, 2011

Why did we give them a tax cut again?
To give them a free pass on their social responsibilities

It's pointless to try to explain economics to conservatives. They think that if you build the factory that's the only thing necessary. I mean you could go to some country without any taxation at all and build a factory there, but the work force wouldn't have the education to complete the work, and no one would have the money to buy your products.

Conservatives think that businesses shouldn't have to pay for infrastructure, education, or anything else, because they'll create jobs and their workers will pay taxes. Republicans are busy making the workers pay for everything - including the food stamps and Medicare for the workers who are paid so little they can't live on their wages. The owners classes are providing jobs for everyone - they should get a free ride.
I think most conservatives probably understand it......they just don’t care

They exist to exploit the workforce, minimize the social burden on the wealthy and ensure profits stay at the top
Dem's keep minorities penned up in poverty. They spend all the tax money they rake in for the poor on themselves. How is that any different than forcing minorities to pick cotton??
Democrats want ever increasing taxes to create poverty....and then they use the money to buy votes in elections.
They take everything and give us crumbs in return.

What is increasing poverty is the lack of a meaningful raise for the working class for the past 40 years, while management received pay increases which amount to 1000% of their wages 40 years ago. CEO pay has gone from a few hundred thousand dollars to $20 million or more for corporations who pay their workers minimum wages. Taxpayers have to foot the bill for the shortfall.

The USA is the ONLY nation on earth where the working and middle class are expected to subsidize the poverty level wages for the lowest paid workers. Other nations require employers to pay their workers. Walmart pays $14 an hour in Canada, plus health care, mandated vacations and maternity leaves - all the things big American corporations say they can't afford, and yet Walmart still manages to be the most profitable company in Canada.

You're being conned by the owner classes. When you have the highest profits in American history, it's a total lie that you can't afford to pay your workers more.

Wow, $20 million. No doubt there are some CEO's that are paid that kind of money. Although you should do something that resembles research before suggesting ALL CEO's receive $20 million/year and up.

Chief Executive Officer Salaries in the United States
Warren couldn’t have said it better

There Is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there- good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to the market on roads the rest of us paid for….You built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea- God bless, keep a hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is that you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who is coming along.” Elizabeth Warren, 2011

Why did we give them a tax cut again?
To give them a free pass on their social responsibilities

It's pointless to try to explain economics to conservatives. They think that if you build the factory that's the only thing necessary. I mean you could go to some country without any taxation at all and build a factory there, but the work force wouldn't have the education to complete the work, and no one would have the money to buy your products.

Conservatives think that businesses shouldn't have to pay for infrastructure, education, or anything else, because they'll create jobs and their workers will pay taxes. Republicans are busy making the workers pay for everything - including the food stamps and Medicare for the workers who are paid so little they can't live on their wages. The owners classes are providing jobs for everyone - they should get a free ride.
I think most conservatives probably understand it......they just don’t care

They exist to exploit the workforce, minimize the social burden on the wealthy and ensure profits stay at the top
Dem's keep minorities penned up in poverty. They spend all the tax money they rake in for the poor on themselves. How is that any different than forcing minorities to pick cotton??
Democrats want ever increasing taxes to create poverty....and then they use the money to buy votes in elections.
They take everything and give us crumbs in return.

What is increasing poverty is the lack of a meaningful raise for the working class for the past 40 years, while management received pay increases which amount to 1000% of their wages 40 years ago. CEO pay has gone from a few hundred thousand dollars to $20 million or more for corporations who pay their workers minimum wages. Taxpayers have to foot the bill for the shortfall.

The USA is the ONLY nation on earth where the working and middle class are expected to subsidize the poverty level wages for the lowest paid workers. Other nations require employers to pay their workers. Walmart pays $14 an hour in Canada, plus health care, mandated vacations and maternity leaves - all the things big American corporations say they can't afford, and yet Walmart still manages to be the most profitable company in Canada.

You're being conned by the owner classes. When you have the highest profits in American history, it's a total lie that you can't afford to pay your workers more.
Conservatives play a proper diversion

When workers complain about why their standard of living is decreasing, they point to poor people on welfare and illegal immigrants as the cause of their woes

Meanwhile.....the wealthy get richer
If communism was so great, why did people of Eastern Europe and Soviet Union reject it? This is what all communist deserve.
Dem's keep minorities penned up in poverty. They spend all the tax money they rake in for the poor on themselves. How is that any different than forcing minorities to pick cotton??
Democrats want ever increasing taxes to create poverty....and then they use the money to buy votes in elections.
They take everything and give us crumbs in return.

What is increasing poverty is the lack of a meaningful raise for the working class for the past 40 years, while management received pay increases which amount to 1000% of their wages 40 years ago. CEO pay has gone from a few hundred thousand dollars to $20 million or more for corporations who pay their workers minimum wages. Taxpayers have to foot the bill for the shortfall.

The USA is the ONLY nation on earth where the working and middle class are expected to subsidize the poverty level wages for the lowest paid workers. Other nations require employers to pay their workers. Walmart pays $14 an hour in Canada, plus health care, mandated vacations and maternity leaves - all the things big American corporations say they can't afford, and yet Walmart still manages to be the most profitable company in Canada.

You're being conned by the owner classes. When you have the highest profits in American history, it's a total lie that you can't afford to pay your workers more.
Conservatives play a proper diversion

When workers complain about why their standard of living is decreasing, they point to poor people on welfare and illegal immigrants as the cause of their woes

Meanwhile.....the wealthy get richer
I knew a woman who immigrated legally to the United States from Romania after the collapse of communism there. The thing she liked most about the USA was free-market capitalism and the fact that people here strive for success through hard work. People in socialist societies strive for mediocrity and government dependency. Communism was so popular in Romania, this is how they thanked their tyrant leader...
Warren couldn’t have said it better

There Is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there- good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to the market on roads the rest of us paid for….You built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea- God bless, keep a hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is that you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who is coming along.” Elizabeth Warren, 2011

Why did we give them a tax cut again?
To give them a free pass on their social responsibilities

It's pointless to try to explain economics to conservatives. They think that if you build the factory that's the only thing necessary. I mean you could go to some country without any taxation at all and build a factory there, but the work force wouldn't have the education to complete the work, and no one would have the money to buy your products.

Conservatives think that businesses shouldn't have to pay for infrastructure, education, or anything else, because they'll create jobs and their workers will pay taxes. Republicans are busy making the workers pay for everything - including the food stamps and Medicare for the workers who are paid so little they can't live on their wages. The owners classes are providing jobs for everyone - they should get a free ride.
I think most conservatives probably understand it......they just don’t care

They exist to exploit the workforce, minimize the social burden on the wealthy and ensure profits stay at the top

Dem's keep minorities penned up in poverty. They spend all the tax money they rake in for the poor on themselves. How is that any different than forcing minorities to pick cotton??
Democrats want ever increasing taxes to create poverty....and then they use the money to buy votes in elections.
They take everything and give us crumbs in return.

What is increasing poverty is the lack of a meaningful raise for the working class for the past 40 years, while management received pay increases which amount to 1000% of their wages 40 years ago. CEO pay has gone from a few hundred thousand dollars to $20 million or more for corporations who pay their workers minimum wages. Taxpayers have to foot the bill for the shortfall.

The USA is the ONLY nation on earth where the working and middle class are expected to subsidize the poverty level wages for the lowest paid workers. Other nations require employers to pay their workers. Walmart pays $14 an hour in Canada, plus health care, mandated vacations and maternity leaves - all the things big American corporations say they can't afford, and yet Walmart still manages to be the most profitable company in Canada.

You're being conned by the owner classes. When you have the highest profits in American history, it's a total lie that you can't afford to pay your workers more.
Conservatives play a proper diversion

When workers complain about why their standard of living is decreasing, they point to poor people on welfare and illegal immigrants as the cause of their woes

Meanwhile.....the wealthy get richer

When Reagan was elected, the working class owned 5% of the wealth of the nation, today they own 0% of the wealth, and many are dependent on income supplements. The middle class is now losing ground financially, and Trump's tax cut will accelerate the problem.

The American middle class is stable in size, but losing ground financially to upper-income families
You didn’t build that….the collective did!!!

7. “The collectivist agenda is antithetical to America’s premise, which is: Government- including such public as roads, schools and police- is instituted to facilitate individual striving, aka the pursuit of happiness.

Warren’s and Obama’s statements were footnotes to progressivism’s comprehensive disparagement of individualism and individual autonomy.

Warren and Obama asserted…that the individual depends on cooperative behavior by others….[but conservatism] understands society not as a manifestation of government but as the spontaneous order of cooperating individuals in consensual, contractual market relations.

American society, understood as hundreds of millions of people making billions of decisions daily, is a marvel of spontaneous cooperation.” George Will

At its most basic level, socialism is theft.
Contrary to the lie the atheist Leftist tell when they try to twist religion to their agenda, the Bible does not endorse socialism.

After all, how much of someone else’s wealth are you entitled to, socialists?????

One of the richest men in our history did a calculation…

Andrew Carnegie and the Socialist

Andrew Carnegie was once visited by a socialist who preached to him eloquently the injustice of one man possessing so much money. He preached a more equitable distribution of wealth. Carnegie cut the matter short by asking his secretary for a generalized statement of his many possessions and holdings, at the same time looking up the figures on world population in his almanac. He figured for a moment on his desk pad, divided his wealth by the number of people in the world, and then instructed his secretary,

"Give this gentleman 16 cents. That's his share of my wealth."

Bet you don’t know the figure in terms of earnings that puts one in the top 1%.

I do.
.The central belief of the Democrats, and of all iterations of the Left, is that only the state, the collective has rights.

That actually sounds a lot more like the Яepublican Party, these days.
Link or lie, dunce.

You asked.

Donald Trump Thinks Kelo-Style Eminent Domain is 'a wonderful thing'

Opinion: Trump seizing private property for his wall? Don't say he didn't warn you, GOP

Why the President Praises Dictators
Dem's keep minorities penned up in poverty. They spend all the tax money they rake in for the poor on themselves. How is that any different than forcing minorities to pick cotton??
Democrats want ever increasing taxes to create poverty....and then they use the money to buy votes in elections.
They take everything and give us crumbs in return.

What is increasing poverty is the lack of a meaningful raise for the working class for the past 40 years, while management received pay increases which amount to 1000% of their wages 40 years ago. CEO pay has gone from a few hundred thousand dollars to $20 million or more for corporations who pay their workers minimum wages. Taxpayers have to foot the bill for the shortfall.

The USA is the ONLY nation on earth where the working and middle class are expected to subsidize the poverty level wages for the lowest paid workers. Other nations require employers to pay their workers. Walmart pays $14 an hour in Canada, plus health care, mandated vacations and maternity leaves - all the things big American corporations say they can't afford, and yet Walmart still manages to be the most profitable company in Canada.

You're being conned by the owner classes. When you have the highest profits in American history, it's a total lie that you can't afford to pay your workers more. now you're an expert on business and finance???

Wages are already 30% of most companies overheads.
Raising wages only does one thing if everything else is going destroys job creation.
Dem's keep minorities penned up in poverty. They spend all the tax money they rake in for the poor on themselves. How is that any different than forcing minorities to pick cotton??
Democrats want ever increasing taxes to create poverty....and then they use the money to buy votes in elections.
They take everything and give us crumbs in return.

What is increasing poverty is the lack of a meaningful raise for the working class for the past 40 years, while management received pay increases which amount to 1000% of their wages 40 years ago. CEO pay has gone from a few hundred thousand dollars to $20 million or more for corporations who pay their workers minimum wages. Taxpayers have to foot the bill for the shortfall.

The USA is the ONLY nation on earth where the working and middle class are expected to subsidize the poverty level wages for the lowest paid workers. Other nations require employers to pay their workers. Walmart pays $14 an hour in Canada, plus health care, mandated vacations and maternity leaves - all the things big American corporations say they can't afford, and yet Walmart still manages to be the most profitable company in Canada.

You're being conned by the owner classes. When you have the highest profits in American history, it's a total lie that you can't afford to pay your workers more.
Conservatives play a proper diversion

When workers complain about why their standard of living is decreasing, they point to poor people on welfare and illegal immigrants as the cause of their woes

Meanwhile.....the wealthy get richer

When Reagan was elected, the working class owned 5% of the wealth of the nation, today they own 0% of the wealth, and many are dependent on income supplements. The middle class is now losing ground financially, and Trump's tax cut will accelerate the problem.

The American middle class is stable in size, but losing ground financially to upper-income families
You're crazy. If I own 0% of the wealth...then what is all of that money I have in the bank?
Nothing wrong with Democrats. Democrats are better for the greater society than Republicans are. Republicans are selfish.
Dem's keep minorities penned up in poverty. They spend all the tax money they rake in for the poor on themselves. How is that any different than forcing minorities to pick cotton??
Nope. Republicans keep minorities in poverty by keeping racism alive. This directly traumatizes minorities, and limits their ability to get jobs due to discrimination in the workplace.
Warren couldn’t have said it better

There Is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there- good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to the market on roads the rest of us paid for….You built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea- God bless, keep a hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is that you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who is coming along.” Elizabeth Warren, 2011

Why did we give them a tax cut again?
To give them a free pass on their social responsibilities

Why did we give them a tax cut again?
To give them a free pass on their social responsibilities

I would venture Business Tax Cut possibilities. A.) to grow, expand business, hire more, become Globally more competitive? B.) the FED GOVT is totally incompetent spending our money (1/2 wasted), better to leave it local. Giving them more funds is like feeding a Heroin habit.
Democrats made up a lie that taxing businesses is a good punishment for greedy rich people.
The problem is businesses are our job-creators.
This is designed to create a hostile environment for small businesses.....squashing the American Dream.
The tax cuts just helped monopolies to grow. Who will jack up prices, and bring down quality.

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