Being White Just Isn't Cool


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
[ame=]George Carlin on white people - YouTube[/ame]


Check out the media these days. Check out SNL. Check out George Carlin's description of whites. Many of the jokes that standups do is about how uncool white people are. Many of the stories in the news are about how white people are clumsy, stupid, too patriotic, fat, balding, and racist. Whites, for the most part, are backwards thinking reactionary dickwads with nothing on their minds other than trying to foil the best intentions of the first black president in our history.

What a bunch of low-lifes.

Best way I know to divest yourself from being a Caucasian is become a Democrat. That gives you a get out of jail free card and allows you to throw around racial slurs, allows you to call anyone a racist, or an Oreo because it's a right you've earned for being so compassionate and understanding of those who are different from you.

What political party is the epitome of whiteness. The GOP. Who is whiter than even the fat, balding racists in the Republican Party? The Tea Party of course.

White people are so uncool. They suck. They believe in family, sex between a man and a woman, separate gender based bathrooms, putting their hand over their hearts during he National Anthem, secure borders, pride in country, patriotism, the flag, NASCAR, country music, Thanksgiving, Christmas, smaller government, paying your bills, celebrating achievement rather than mediocrity, God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost.

I mean these people are really fucked up.

Whites have become the butt of jokes all over America. I mean, look at the way they dress. Check out online for Walmart shoppers. There are some real winners there.
Some of them could care less what they look like. Their idea of dressing up is wearing a new ball-cap. Some don't like to dance. Some couldn't dance if their lives depended on it. If they tried to dance it's because they're so drunk that they won't even remember it in the morning. They don't know who the Speaker of the House is but they can tell you the points totals for NASCAR or when and where this weekends' race will be held. And what's worse is many of them own guns. That pretty much will make any white look like a racist. Owning a gun is the signature of a racist. And NRA members, heh, don't get me started. Christians with their guns and their religion. What a bunch of egg suckers. Pathetic. A study was conducted in Australia and the UK and hands down, they thought that opposition to gun control was a direct indication of racism. So is opposition to the massive spending that's is going on. If you love guns and you hate the debt, you're a racist.

Well, even though half of my family is ether Native American or Black I must be a racist then.


Are you a racist if you own a gun? | Fox News
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I was searching Bing to see what would come up if I used the search phrase "Why it's not good or cool to be white", and this is what came up:

"The reason white people don't have a day like African Americans and Hispanics is because you guys are the majority. The whole country is yours, you run everything so its like you're just taking the time to notice and recognize the little people. We celebrate your heritage all year round, memorial day, veterans day, thanksgiving, valentines day, st. patricks day, fourth of july, labor day and all the "weeks" that are named after something. We all live in your world!! What would we celebrate or observed on White Month that we don't already celebrate on existing holidays.. All of the holidays the minorities have go uncelebrated by the country so to get just one month a year to aknowledge us is really not that bad... Its not like we get off work or anything... As for the white kids trying to be black, I think that's actually a problem with your culture. White kids are not being brougt up to be proud of their own heritage.
I hope this makes sense and doesn't offend anyone. Just trying to help."
Apparently it's "not cool" to have built all of modern civilization. The rise of the Western World just can't compete with gangstas and MS 13.
If you haven't noticed, there are alot of anti-white movies coming out of Hollywood.

42: The Jackie Robinson Story
The Help: The story of a racist white woman who wouldn't let her black help use the family's bathroom
Django Unchained: The story of an escaped slave bringing retribution against the whites who stole his wife
Amistad: Slaves on a slave ship

If anyone has been keeping track, none of these movies are based on present day. They're all based on days long gone but not forgotten. Thanks to Hollywood we can relive them, and maybe bring a little hatred for whites to the surface as well.
Evaluating whether a person is "cool" or "other than cool" is a profoundly sophomoric exercise. Anyone over 25 who even contemplates such an evaluation is emotionally retarded.

Talking about whether a group of a couple hundred million people are "cool" or "other than cool," is the product of immense, dumbfounding stupidity.

But I agree, every day is White People Day in America. Even the holiday honoring Martin Luther King, Jr., the very existence of which was a stupid mistake by the U.S. Congress.
If you haven't noticed, there are alot of anti-white movies coming out of Hollywood.

42: The Jackie Robinson Story
The Help: The story of a racist white woman who wouldn't let her black help use the family's bathroom
Django Unchained: The story of an escaped slave bringing retribution against the whites who stole his wife
Amistad: Slaves on a slave ship

If anyone has been keeping track, none of these movies are based on present day. They're all based on days long gone but not forgotten. Thanks to Hollywood we can relive them, and maybe bring a little hatred for whites to the surface as well.

Amistad was the biggest hunk of horseshit I have ever seen, but what can you expect from SpielBERG?

The anti-white shit has reached epidemic levels, it's everywhere especially in television advertising.
White people are so uncool. They suck. They believe in family, sex between a man and a woman, separate gender based bathrooms, putting their hand over their hearts during he National Anthem, secure borders, pride in country, patriotism, the flag, NASCAR, country music, Thanksgiving, Christmas, smaller government, paying your bills, celebrating achievement rather than mediocrity, God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost.

A few thoughts. The first is that worrying about "being cool" is for kids in high school. We're adults now and (as you know) what was often perceived as "cool" when we were kids (being an asshole, smoking cigarettes, etc) is just plain silly when you become a grown man. Who cares what George Carlin says? Black people (sadly) have a higher unemployment rate, income level, and higher education attendance than Caucasians (ie things that matter), so what are you worried about?

Secondly - those things above - I think you just posted your own beliefs and assumed that everyone else was with you. Not the case. And will also note that many blacks believe in those things and many whites don't. It's too general of a statement.

Finally (as sort of a bullet point to my "secondly"), not every "conservative" who believes in smaller gov't and fiscal responsibility is ALSO loves NASCAR (boring as f$%k in my opinion), is against gay marriage, and is a Christian. I think that's a bad stereotype to drive (that all conservatives are this one thing).

Just my few cents.
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White people are so uncool. They suck. They believe in family, sex between a man and a woman, separate gender based bathrooms, putting their hand over their hearts during he National Anthem, secure borders, pride in country, patriotism, the flag, NASCAR, country music, Thanksgiving, Christmas, smaller government, paying your bills, celebrating achievement rather than mediocrity, God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost.

A few thoughts. The first is that worrying about "being cool" is for kids in high school. We're adults now and (as you know) what was often perceived as "cool" when we were kids (being an asshole, smoking cigarettes, etc) is just plain silly when you become a grown man. Who cares what George Carlin says? Black people (sadly) have a higher unemployment rate, income level, and higher education attendance than Caucasians (ie things that matter), so what are you worried about?

Secondly - those things above - I think you just posted your own beliefs and assumed that everyone else was with you. Not the case. And will also note that many blacks believe in those things and many whites don't. It's too general of a statement.

Finally (as sort of a bullet point to my "secondly"), not every "conservative" who believes in smaller gov't and fiscal responsibility is ALSO loves NASCAR (boring as f$%k in my opinion), is against gay marriage, and is a Christian. I think that's a bad stereotype to drive (that all conservatives are this one thing).

Just my few cents.

"The first is that worrying about "being cool" is for kids in high school.'"

Aren't we talking about low-information voter mentality here? If it wasn't for false stereotypes the Democrats wouldn't have much to run on. And it seems to be important to the media that Obama is well liked. If he was a nerd, sort of like John McCain, he wouldn't be president.
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White people are so uncool. They suck. They believe in family, sex between a man and a woman, separate gender based bathrooms, putting their hand over their hearts during he National Anthem, secure borders, pride in country, patriotism, the flag, NASCAR, country music, Thanksgiving, Christmas, smaller government, paying your bills, celebrating achievement rather than mediocrity, God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost.

A few thoughts. The first is that worrying about "being cool" is for kids in high school. We're adults now and (as you know) what was often perceived as "cool" when we were kids (being an asshole, smoking cigarettes, etc) is just plain silly when you become a grown man. Who cares what George Carlin says? Black people (sadly) have a higher unemployment rate, income level, and higher education attendance than Caucasians (ie things that matter), so what are you worried about?

Secondly - those things above - I think you just posted your own beliefs and assumed that everyone else was with you. Not the case. And will also note that many blacks believe in those things and many whites don't. It's too general of a statement.

Finally (as sort of a bullet point to my "secondly"), not every "conservative" who believes in smaller gov't and fiscal responsibility is ALSO loves NASCAR (boring as f$%k in my opinion), is against gay marriage, and is a Christian. I think that's a bad stereotype to drive (that all conservatives are this one thing).

Just my few cents.


nuff said.
Aren't we talking about low-information voter mentality here? If it wasn't for false stereotypes the Democrats wouldn't have much to run on. And it seems to be important to the media that Obama is well liked. If he was a nerd, sort of like John McCain, he wouldn't be president.

Good point, I get it, but personally believe the low-information voter is going to be much more “won over” by a charismatic, well-spoken and convincing individual vs. a “cool individual”. Obama won over the American people not by smoking cigarettes, being an asshole to women, and riding motorcycles, but rather giving very convincing speeches and telling the people what they wanted to hear.

Romney and McCain simply didn’t have those same charismatic qualities, and I blame the Republican party more than the Obama (for the loss) for choosing such poor Candidates to become the figurehead of their party.

I am 100% confident that if the Republicans chose a more differentiated, fresher candidate with more charisma, and he really tore into Obama on the scandals in a way the American people could understand (ie the drone strikes and civilian deaths, the failure to prosecute any bankers, the failure to end the bailout, etc) they could have won the election by a 20% margin.

I’m beginning to think that the reason they didn’t is that the world is (at the core) run by the same people who more or less control both sides. It makes sense when you consider the constantly flip/flopping donors. There’s really no other rational explanation to be honest. Mitt was a freaking joke and he STILL got roughly 50%.
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Aren't we talking about low-information voter mentality here? If it wasn't for false stereotypes the Democrats wouldn't have much to run on. And it seems to be important to the media that Obama is well liked. If he was a nerd, sort of like John McCain, he wouldn't be president.

Good point, I get it, but personally believe the low-information voter is going to be much more “won over” by a charismatic, well-spoken and convincing individual vs. a “cool individual”. Obama won over the American people not by smoking cigarettes, being an asshole to women, and riding motorcycles, but rather giving very convincing speeches and telling the people what they wanted to hear.

Romney and McCain simply didn’t have those same charismatic qualities, and I blame the Republican party more than the Obama (for the loss) for choosing such poor Candidates to become the figurehead of their party.

I am 100% confident that if the Republicans chose a more differentiated, fresher candidate with more charisma, and he really tore into Obama on the scandals in a way the American people could understand (ie the drone strikes and civilian deaths, the failure to prosecute any bankers, the failure to end the bailout, etc) they could have won the election by a 20% margin.

I’m beginning to think that the reason they didn’t is that the world is (at the core) run by the same people who more or less control both sides. It makes sense when you consider the constantly flip/flopping donors. There’s really no other rational explanation to be honest. Mitt was a freaking joke and he STILL got roughly 50%.

Romney should be in government. He's not the joke the media made of him. He couldn't say anything without being ridiculed for it, and in the first debate he clobbered Obama. However, GOP voters are principled voters so it's harder to convince them than it is Democrat voters.

Romney, believe it or not is exactly what we needed. The problem is, where he stands on issues is a bit fuzzy. We needed him to fix the problems we're suffering from. I seriously doubt we would have had a shutdown if he was POTUS.

BTW, what's the difference between charisma and being cool?
Romney should be in government. He's not the joke the media made of him. He couldn't say anything without being ridiculed for it, and in the first debate he clobbered Obama. However, GOP voters are principled voters so it's harder to convince them than it is Democrat voters.

Romney, believe it or not is exactly what we needed. The problem is, where he stands on issues is a bit fuzzy. We needed him to fix the problems we're suffering from. I seriously doubt we would have had a shutdown if he was POTUS.

BTW, what's the difference between charisma and being cool?

I'm not saying Romney's bad for politics (he's very smart, business savvy, intelligent), I'm saying hes not not the best choice for a Presidential candidate. It's hollywood, and the best actor who captures the hearts of the American people (like a movie) wins the Oscar. Sucks, but it's the truth.

Regarding your last question, I would say go watch a video of Adolf Hitler. I'd say the guy definitely still has that charisma (to a modern audience), but wouldn't say he's all that "cool".

"Cool" is all about fads, what's in at the time, etc - it's much more materialistic. Charisma is timeless.
Romney should be in government. He's not the joke the media made of him. He couldn't say anything without being ridiculed for it, and in the first debate he clobbered Obama. However, GOP voters are principled voters so it's harder to convince them than it is Democrat voters.

Romney, believe it or not is exactly what we needed. The problem is, where he stands on issues is a bit fuzzy. We needed him to fix the problems we're suffering from. I seriously doubt we would have had a shutdown if he was POTUS.

BTW, what's the difference between charisma and being cool?

I'm not saying Romney's bad for politics (he's very smart, business savvy, intelligent), I'm saying hes not not the best choice for a Presidential candidate. It's hollywood, and the best actor who captures the hearts of the American people (like a movie) wins the Oscar. Sucks, but it's the truth.

Regarding your last question, I would say go watch a video of Adolf Hitler. I'd say the guy definitely still has that charisma (to a modern audience), but wouldn't say he's all that "cool".

"Cool" is all about fads, what's in at the time, etc - it's much more materialistic. Charisma is timeless.

What is cool is ever changing.
[ame=]White People Are Cool, Part 1 of 33 - YouTube[/ame]
What is cool is ever changing.

I think so. "Cool" is flimsy, meaningless, and what is "cool" can be manipulated. If the record companies push gangster rap to kids (or whatever), that will be "cool". Because of this, I'm not so concerned about what is or what's not (because it's so easily changeable).

However, you can't say a charismatic person isn't charismatic; they just are. They don't need the cigarette, or the flashy clothes, as anything that comes out of their mouth is believable regardless.
What is cool is ever changing.

I think so. "Cool" is flimsy, meaningless, and what is "cool" can be manipulated. If the record companies push gangster rap to kids (or whatever), that will be "cool". Because of this, I'm not so concerned about what is or what's not (because it's so easily changeable).

However, you can't say a charismatic person isn't charismatic; they just are. They don't need the cigarette, or the flashy clothes, as anything that comes out of their mouth is believable regardless.

I think you're a bit hung up on the word cool.

Ever meet someone who you thought was good looking until you got to know them better?

The job of the media is to make sure that the real Barack Obama is covered up and this false image of a guy that is polite and thoughtful is sold. Fact is, Obama swears alot and acts like a jerk. He's a cocky SOB, and after the he was re-elected he became even more cocky.

Fact is, Republicans have been demonized so effectively that most voters won't even listen to what they have to say once they discover they're a Republican. That is a high barrier to climb just to get your point across.
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