Being Liberal Makes You a Fascist

I thought the rightwing storyline was that being Liberal made you a Socialist

Now you say it makes you a Fascist

Other than the fact the Conservatives do not know the meaning of either one......How can you be both?

You know by now how conservative derangement works.

Real fascism?

How about Hitler rising to power surrounded by a brownshirted rightwing militia?
Old Rocks in the head, are you really that ignorant!

Ronald Reagan defines fascism

I posted this as another thread before I saw PoliticalChicks post here, sorry about that.

ur kidding, right?

It's a dimocrap. Of course it's that ignorant :dunno:


psychotic troll

He's the perfect example of who ends up in the conservative braintrust on political boards after the conservatives with enough sense to be embarrassed over how badly they lose every argument eventually drift off.

bedowin is now the smartest conservative on this board. I know it because no others will claim they're smarter than he is.
I thought the rightwing storyline was that being Liberal made you a Socialist

Now you say it makes you a Fascist

Other than the fact the Conservatives do not know the meaning of either one......How can you be both?

:lol: many have apparently bought that silly notion, as evidenced by the delusional bundy ranch apologists, but even 'the federalist' is laughing at those guys...

"before we venerate Bundy as a freedom fighter, we might stop to consider the facts..."
The Folly Of The Bundy Ranch Rebellion
Last edited: that you've mended your ways, and agree that Wilson was a fascist as well as a racist....and that Republicans forced him to provide women with the vote, it redundant for me to remind all of how the government functioned under fascist-Progressive Wilson?

Like this:

The Justice Department had its own quasi-official fascisti, the American Protective League, the APL. They has ‘Secret Service’ badges, and were charged with keeping an eye on neighbors, co-workers and friends, including reading neighbor’s mail and listening in on their phones with government approval. Membership exceeded a quarter million. Zinn, Howard, “The Twentieth Century: A People’s History,” p.89-92

a. In Rockford, Illinois, the army asked the APL to extract confessions from 21 black soldiers charged with assaulting white women.
Barry, “The Great Influenza,” p. 124.

b. The APL Vigilante Patrol cracked down on “seditious street oratory,” and as ‘head crackers’ against ‘slackers’ who avoided conscription.

"....keeping an eye on neighbors..."

Brings this to mind:
"The White House is now urging we, the people to turn against one another and report spreading what they deem to be "disinformation" pertaining to the health care debate. From the White House's own website, here is their tyrannical decree:

"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected]." Facts Are Stubborn Things | The White House "
[email protected] asks Americans to send them sources of disinformation in the health care debate - Omaha Sarpy County Conservative |

Another Liberal fascist?

Ah the blending of Liberal, Fascist, and Progressive, then mix in a hundred years of time and whala, a Progressive Racsict becomes a Liberal Fascist.

I think it was his daughter that made the difference in his stance on the 19th Amendment not Republicans.

"I think it was his daughter that made the difference in his stance on the 19th Amendment not Republicans."

Then you'd be wrong.

1. It was a Republican who introduced what became the 19th Amendment, women’s suffrage. On May 21, 1919, U.S. Representative James R. Mann (1856-1922), a Republican from Illinois and chairman of the Suffrage Committee, proposed the House resolution to approve the Susan Anthony Amendment granting women the right to vote. The measure passed the House 304-89—a full 42 votes above the required two-thirds majority.
19th Amendment - Women?s History -

2. The 1919 vote in the House of Representatives was possible because Republicans had retaken control of the House. Attempts to get it passed through Democrat-controlled Congresses had failed.

3. The Senate vote was approved only after a Democrat filibuster; and 82% of the Republican Senators voted for it….and 54% of the Democrats.

4. 26 of the 36 states that ratified the 19th Amendment had Republican legislatures.

5. Two weeks later, on June 4, 1919, the Senate passed the 19th Amendment by two votes over its two-thirds required majority, 56-25. The amendment was then sent to the states for ratification. Within six days of the ratification cycle, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin each ratified the amendment. Kansas, New York and Ohio followed on June 16, 1919. By March of the following year, a total of 35 states had approved the amendment, one state shy of the two-thirds required for ratification. Southern states were adamantly opposed to the amendment, however, and seven of them—Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, South Carolina and Virginia—had already rejected it before Tennessee's vote on August 18, 1920. It was up to Tennessee to tip the scale for woman suffrage.
Op. Cit.

6. The outlook appeared bleak, given the outcomes in other Southern states and given the position of Tennessee's state legislators in their 48-48 tie. The state's decision came down to 23-year-old Representative Harry T. Burn (1895-1977), a Republican from McMinn County, to cast the deciding vote. Although Burn opposed the amendment, his mother convinced him to approve it. (Mrs. Burn reportedly wrote to her son: "Don't forget to be a good boy and help Mrs. Catt put the 'rat' in ratification.") With Burn's vote, the 19th Amendment was ratified. Certification by U.S. Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby (1869-1950) followed on August 26, 1920.
Op. Cit.

7. President Wilson is the chief opponent of their national enfranchisement".[24] Another banner on August 14, 1917, referred to "Kaiser Wilson" and compared the plight of the German people with that of American women. With this manner of protest, the women were subject to arrests and many were jailed.[25] On October 17, Alice Paul was sentenced to seven months and on October 30 began a hunger strike, but after a few days prison authorities began to force feed her.[24] After years of opposition, Wilson changed his position in 1918 to advocate women's suffrage as a war measure.[26] Women's suffrage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now....more help in your understanding:
"Ah the blending of Liberal, Fascist, and Progressive,......."

Liberal, Progressive, Democrat, socialist, communist, and fascist....

Each and every one is a philosophy based on big government with the collective primary to the individual. To one degree or another, they all believe in the same doctrine: totalitarianism.

Liberals claim the center by placing socialism on the left and national socialism on the right, even though Lenin/Stalin and Hitler/other Nazis had much in common as they centralized power and preached hatred.

A more accurate spectrum would place totalitarians of many stripes on the left and defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom on the right. WORLD | Let's admit who we are | Marvin Olasky | July 17, 2010

Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.

Study, now.

There will be a short quiz....

It was still his daughter that made him have a change of heart towards the suffrage movment, not any of the events you mentioned.

You "liberal are Fascist" types are engaging in classic "Newspeak", grotesquely misrepresenting not only Liberalism but also Fascism as well.
Ah the blending of Liberal, Fascist, and Progressive, then mix in a hundred years of time and whala, a Progressive Racsict becomes a Liberal Fascist.

I think it was his daughter that made the difference in his stance on the 19th Amendment not Republicans.

"I think it was his daughter that made the difference in his stance on the 19th Amendment not Republicans."

Then you'd be wrong.

1. It was a Republican who introduced what became the 19th Amendment, women’s suffrage. On May 21, 1919, U.S. Representative James R. Mann (1856-1922), a Republican from Illinois and chairman of the Suffrage Committee, proposed the House resolution to approve the Susan Anthony Amendment granting women the right to vote. The measure passed the House 304-89—a full 42 votes above the required two-thirds majority.
19th Amendment - Women?s History -

2. The 1919 vote in the House of Representatives was possible because Republicans had retaken control of the House. Attempts to get it passed through Democrat-controlled Congresses had failed.

3. The Senate vote was approved only after a Democrat filibuster; and 82% of the Republican Senators voted for it….and 54% of the Democrats.

4. 26 of the 36 states that ratified the 19th Amendment had Republican legislatures.

5. Two weeks later, on June 4, 1919, the Senate passed the 19th Amendment by two votes over its two-thirds required majority, 56-25. The amendment was then sent to the states for ratification. Within six days of the ratification cycle, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin each ratified the amendment. Kansas, New York and Ohio followed on June 16, 1919. By March of the following year, a total of 35 states had approved the amendment, one state shy of the two-thirds required for ratification. Southern states were adamantly opposed to the amendment, however, and seven of them—Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, South Carolina and Virginia—had already rejected it before Tennessee's vote on August 18, 1920. It was up to Tennessee to tip the scale for woman suffrage.
Op. Cit.

6. The outlook appeared bleak, given the outcomes in other Southern states and given the position of Tennessee's state legislators in their 48-48 tie. The state's decision came down to 23-year-old Representative Harry T. Burn (1895-1977), a Republican from McMinn County, to cast the deciding vote. Although Burn opposed the amendment, his mother convinced him to approve it. (Mrs. Burn reportedly wrote to her son: "Don't forget to be a good boy and help Mrs. Catt put the 'rat' in ratification.") With Burn's vote, the 19th Amendment was ratified. Certification by U.S. Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby (1869-1950) followed on August 26, 1920.
Op. Cit.

7. President Wilson is the chief opponent of their national enfranchisement".[24] Another banner on August 14, 1917, referred to "Kaiser Wilson" and compared the plight of the German people with that of American women. With this manner of protest, the women were subject to arrests and many were jailed.[25] On October 17, Alice Paul was sentenced to seven months and on October 30 began a hunger strike, but after a few days prison authorities began to force feed her.[24] After years of opposition, Wilson changed his position in 1918 to advocate women's suffrage as a war measure.[26] Women's suffrage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now....more help in your understanding:
"Ah the blending of Liberal, Fascist, and Progressive,......."

Liberal, Progressive, Democrat, socialist, communist, and fascist....

Each and every one is a philosophy based on big government with the collective primary to the individual. To one degree or another, they all believe in the same doctrine: totalitarianism.

Liberals claim the center by placing socialism on the left and national socialism on the right, even though Lenin/Stalin and Hitler/other Nazis had much in common as they centralized power and preached hatred.

A more accurate spectrum would place totalitarians of many stripes on the left and defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom on the right. WORLD | Let's admit who we are | Marvin Olasky | July 17, 2010

Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.

Study, now.

There will be a short quiz....

It was still his daughter that made him have a change of heart towards the suffrage movment, not any of the events you mentioned.

You "liberal are Fascist" types are engaging in classic "Newspeak", grotesquely misrepresenting not only Liberalism but also Fascism as well.

um; no we arent; today's liberals are by and large Progressives. and intolerant to the point of obscenity.
Hitler was a great admirer of the Progressive movement in America
there is nothing liberal about today's liberal; except to liberally throw away trillion of other people's money

and nothing progressive about today's failed Progressives
um; no we arent; today's liberals are by and large Progressives. and intolerant to the point of obscenity.
Hitler was a great admirer of the Progressive movement in America
there is nothing liberal about today's liberal; except to liberally throw away trillion of other people's money

and nothing progressive about today's failed Progressives

fanatic rightwing extremists really aren't the ones to judge what anyone else thinks. you think the country thinks like you... no matter what evidence to the contrary.
I thought the rightwing storyline was that being Liberal made you a Socialist

Now you say it makes you a Fascist

Other than the fact the Conservatives do not know the meaning of either one......How can you be both?

:lol: many have apparently bought that silly notion, as evidenced by the delusional bundy ranch apologists, but even 'the federalist' is laughing at those guys...

"before we venerate Bundy as a freedom fighter, we might stop to consider the facts..."
The Folly Of The Bundy Ranch Rebellion

why are left-wingers such morons?

your premise that you cant be a liberal and a fascist rests only on the notion that you are truly liberal
you arent something because you say you are; because the dictionary says you are.

speech codes; blind intolerance of different opinions on "liberal" college campuses

not very liberal
um; no we arent; today's liberals are by and large Progressives. and intolerant to the point of obscenity.
Hitler was a great admirer of the Progressive movement in America
there is nothing liberal about today's liberal; except to liberally throw away trillion of other people's money

and nothing progressive about today's failed Progressives

fanatic rightwing extremists really aren't the ones to judge what anyone else thinks. you think the country thinks like you... no matter what evidence to the contrary.

what evidence to the contrary leftard?

what fanaticism?
what extremism?

you seem to ENJOY making a fool of yourself every day
um; no we arent; today's liberals are by and large Progressives. and intolerant to the point of obscenity.
Hitler was a great admirer of the Progressive movement in America
there is nothing liberal about today's liberal; except to liberally throw away trillion of other people's money

and nothing progressive about today's failed Progressives

fanatic rightwing extremists really aren't the ones to judge what anyone else thinks. you think the country thinks like you... no matter what evidence to the contrary.

what evidence to the contrary leftard?

what fanaticism?
what extremism?

you seem to ENJOY making a fool of yourself every day

It isn't a difficult task.

I'd debate these scumbag dimocraps but it wouldn't do any good.

I'd love to point out that Hitler was a socialist but it wouldn't do any good. A rightwing socialist, but a socialist nonetheless.

In fact, our resident dimocrap scum are so stupid, they actually believe that socialism and right wing are mutually exclusive? :lmao:

When the fact is, EVERY SINGLE SOCIALIST MOVEMENT in history either started out right wing or ended up right wing.

In fact, they're so stupid they don't even know what right and left mean.

I'd try to explain it but they'd just forget after a few minutes. IF they even digested the knowledge at all.

dimocraps are stupid and they're scum.

I thought the rightwing storyline was that being Liberal made you a Socialist

Now you say it makes you a Fascist

Other than the fact the Conservatives do not know the meaning of either one......How can you be both?

As usual, I'm only too happy to help you understand.

This, from post #40:

Liberal, Progressive, Democrat, socialist, communist, and fascist....

Each and every one is a philosophy based on big government with the collective primary to the individual. To one degree or another, they all believe in the same doctrine: totalitarianism.

Liberals claim the center by placing socialism on the left and national socialism on the right, even though Lenin/Stalin and Hitler/other Nazis had much in common as they centralized power and preached hatred.

A more accurate spectrum would place totalitarians of many stripes on the left and defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom on the right. WORLD | Let's admit who we are | Marvin Olasky | July 17, 2010

Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.

Study, now.

There will be a short quiz....

At your age, I hope this is not too you travel everywhere with a pair of cardiac paddles? One never knows....
Ah the blending of Liberal, Fascist, and Progressive, then mix in a hundred years of time and whala, a Progressive Racsict becomes a Liberal Fascist.

I think it was his daughter that made the difference in his stance on the 19th Amendment not Republicans.

"I think it was his daughter that made the difference in his stance on the 19th Amendment not Republicans."

Then you'd be wrong.

1. It was a Republican who introduced what became the 19th Amendment, women’s suffrage. On May 21, 1919, U.S. Representative James R. Mann (1856-1922), a Republican from Illinois and chairman of the Suffrage Committee, proposed the House resolution to approve the Susan Anthony Amendment granting women the right to vote. The measure passed the House 304-89—a full 42 votes above the required two-thirds majority.
19th Amendment - Women?s History -

2. The 1919 vote in the House of Representatives was possible because Republicans had retaken control of the House. Attempts to get it passed through Democrat-controlled Congresses had failed.

3. The Senate vote was approved only after a Democrat filibuster; and 82% of the Republican Senators voted for it….and 54% of the Democrats.

4. 26 of the 36 states that ratified the 19th Amendment had Republican legislatures.

5. Two weeks later, on June 4, 1919, the Senate passed the 19th Amendment by two votes over its two-thirds required majority, 56-25. The amendment was then sent to the states for ratification. Within six days of the ratification cycle, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin each ratified the amendment. Kansas, New York and Ohio followed on June 16, 1919. By March of the following year, a total of 35 states had approved the amendment, one state shy of the two-thirds required for ratification. Southern states were adamantly opposed to the amendment, however, and seven of them—Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, South Carolina and Virginia—had already rejected it before Tennessee's vote on August 18, 1920. It was up to Tennessee to tip the scale for woman suffrage.
Op. Cit.

6. The outlook appeared bleak, given the outcomes in other Southern states and given the position of Tennessee's state legislators in their 48-48 tie. The state's decision came down to 23-year-old Representative Harry T. Burn (1895-1977), a Republican from McMinn County, to cast the deciding vote. Although Burn opposed the amendment, his mother convinced him to approve it. (Mrs. Burn reportedly wrote to her son: "Don't forget to be a good boy and help Mrs. Catt put the 'rat' in ratification.") With Burn's vote, the 19th Amendment was ratified. Certification by U.S. Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby (1869-1950) followed on August 26, 1920.
Op. Cit.

7. President Wilson is the chief opponent of their national enfranchisement".[24] Another banner on August 14, 1917, referred to "Kaiser Wilson" and compared the plight of the German people with that of American women. With this manner of protest, the women were subject to arrests and many were jailed.[25] On October 17, Alice Paul was sentenced to seven months and on October 30 began a hunger strike, but after a few days prison authorities began to force feed her.[24] After years of opposition, Wilson changed his position in 1918 to advocate women's suffrage as a war measure.[26] Women's suffrage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now....more help in your understanding:
"Ah the blending of Liberal, Fascist, and Progressive,......."

Liberal, Progressive, Democrat, socialist, communist, and fascist....

Each and every one is a philosophy based on big government with the collective primary to the individual. To one degree or another, they all believe in the same doctrine: totalitarianism.

Liberals claim the center by placing socialism on the left and national socialism on the right, even though Lenin/Stalin and Hitler/other Nazis had much in common as they centralized power and preached hatred.

A more accurate spectrum would place totalitarians of many stripes on the left and defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom on the right. WORLD | Let's admit who we are | Marvin Olasky | July 17, 2010

Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.

Study, now.

There will be a short quiz....

It was still his daughter that made him have a change of heart towards the suffrage movment, not any of the events you mentioned.

You "liberal are Fascist" types are engaging in classic "Newspeak", grotesquely misrepresenting not only Liberalism but also Fascism as well.

I can but offer you the education so sorely needed, you may decline it.
"I think it was his daughter that made the difference in his stance on the 19th Amendment not Republicans."

Then you'd be wrong.

1. It was a Republican who introduced what became the 19th Amendment, women’s suffrage. On May 21, 1919, U.S. Representative James R. Mann (1856-1922), a Republican from Illinois and chairman of the Suffrage Committee, proposed the House resolution to approve the Susan Anthony Amendment granting women the right to vote. The measure passed the House 304-89—a full 42 votes above the required two-thirds majority.
19th Amendment - Women?s History -

2. The 1919 vote in the House of Representatives was possible because Republicans had retaken control of the House. Attempts to get it passed through Democrat-controlled Congresses had failed.

3. The Senate vote was approved only after a Democrat filibuster; and 82% of the Republican Senators voted for it….and 54% of the Democrats.

4. 26 of the 36 states that ratified the 19th Amendment had Republican legislatures.

5. Two weeks later, on June 4, 1919, the Senate passed the 19th Amendment by two votes over its two-thirds required majority, 56-25. The amendment was then sent to the states for ratification. Within six days of the ratification cycle, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin each ratified the amendment. Kansas, New York and Ohio followed on June 16, 1919. By March of the following year, a total of 35 states had approved the amendment, one state shy of the two-thirds required for ratification. Southern states were adamantly opposed to the amendment, however, and seven of them—Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, South Carolina and Virginia—had already rejected it before Tennessee's vote on August 18, 1920. It was up to Tennessee to tip the scale for woman suffrage.
Op. Cit.

6. The outlook appeared bleak, given the outcomes in other Southern states and given the position of Tennessee's state legislators in their 48-48 tie. The state's decision came down to 23-year-old Representative Harry T. Burn (1895-1977), a Republican from McMinn County, to cast the deciding vote. Although Burn opposed the amendment, his mother convinced him to approve it. (Mrs. Burn reportedly wrote to her son: "Don't forget to be a good boy and help Mrs. Catt put the 'rat' in ratification.") With Burn's vote, the 19th Amendment was ratified. Certification by U.S. Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby (1869-1950) followed on August 26, 1920.
Op. Cit.

7. President Wilson is the chief opponent of their national enfranchisement".[24] Another banner on August 14, 1917, referred to "Kaiser Wilson" and compared the plight of the German people with that of American women. With this manner of protest, the women were subject to arrests and many were jailed.[25] On October 17, Alice Paul was sentenced to seven months and on October 30 began a hunger strike, but after a few days prison authorities began to force feed her.[24] After years of opposition, Wilson changed his position in 1918 to advocate women's suffrage as a war measure.[26] Women's suffrage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now....more help in your understanding:
"Ah the blending of Liberal, Fascist, and Progressive,......."

Liberal, Progressive, Democrat, socialist, communist, and fascist....

Each and every one is a philosophy based on big government with the collective primary to the individual. To one degree or another, they all believe in the same doctrine: totalitarianism.

Liberals claim the center by placing socialism on the left and national socialism on the right, even though Lenin/Stalin and Hitler/other Nazis had much in common as they centralized power and preached hatred.

A more accurate spectrum would place totalitarians of many stripes on the left and defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom on the right. WORLD | Let's admit who we are | Marvin Olasky | July 17, 2010

Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.

Study, now.

There will be a short quiz....

It was still his daughter that made him have a change of heart towards the suffrage movment, not any of the events you mentioned.

You "liberal are Fascist" types are engaging in classic "Newspeak", grotesquely misrepresenting not only Liberalism but also Fascism as well.

I can but offer you the education so sorely needed, you may decline it.

then offer to quell the baseless partisan rhetoric and pretentious comments
um; no we arent; today's liberals are by and large Progressives. and intolerant to the point of obscenity.
Hitler was a great admirer of the Progressive movement in America
there is nothing liberal about today's liberal; except to liberally throw away trillion of other people's money

and nothing progressive about today's failed Progressives

fanatic rightwing extremists really aren't the ones to judge what anyone else thinks. you think the country thinks like you... no matter what evidence to the contrary.

" think the country thinks like you... no matter what evidence to the contrary."

Perhaps you should consider this:

Let's take the Congress to see where most folks' "agreement" lies-

It is, after all, the Senate, the one in which the small states have an equal vote with the more populous states, that is controlled by the Democrats.

It is the House of Representatives, the one that is apportioned according to population, that is controlled by the Republicans.

Appears you were in error, doesn't it.
PC ignores that fascism has left and right wings, both hooked into Big government and Big Business progressivism to change society through political, economic, social, and cultural Big Government activism.

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