Being Catholic means putting up with a lot of shit


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
You have to put up with the fact that so many priests turned out to be child molesters and the bishops knew and let it happen.

You have to put with up with non-Catholic friends making jokes about pedophile priests and having no way to plausibly deny it.

You have to put up with the fact that most priests are too cowardly to tell their parishioners that they're not supposed to be having sex out of wedlock, using birth control, or committing sodomy, so Catholics go ahead and do this stuff and feel no guilt.

And now, we have to put up with a Pope who is so confused about what he's supposed to be teaching it's worse than having no Pope at all.

I went over to check out the Episcopalians, but they're even worse off.

And the evangelicals are nuts, can't join them.
The more I study the NWO. . . the more I am leaning toward the belief that it was all planned.

IMO? The Jesuit order, or Salesians of Saint John Bosco (SDB) are the most liberal of the orders, and they purposely promoted the more. . . how shall we say, "confused" men into these orders with an agenda in mind. They tend to be more effeminate, intellectual, and, well. . .


You should look into the politics of how the last Pope was forced into retirement, and the politics at play between Carlo Maria Viganò, Tarcisio Bertone, Salesians of Don Bosco, etc.

If leaders of the globalists could shake your faith? All the easier to merge the nations of the world, in faith, finance, and national allegiance. If you have ever heard of the prophecy of the popes, or the anti-pope, none of this should come as a surprise to you.

For many of the powerful men in the Church, it isn't about spirituality anymore, it is the same as with the global politicians, or the global bankers. . . it is just about raw power.

. . . in the end, just keep faith in what is important to you.

" Because of the seriousness of its contents, in order not to encourage the world wide power of Communism to carry out certain coups, my predecessors in the chair of Peter have diplomatically preferred to withhold its publication. On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this much: if there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth; that, from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish... there is no longer any point in really wanting to publish this secret message. Many want to know merely out of curiosity, or because of their taste for sensationalism, but they forget that 'to know' implies for them a responsibility. It is dangerous to want to satisfy one's curiosity only, if one is convinced that we can do nothing against a catastrophe that has been predicted." He held up his rosary and stated "Here is the remedy against this evil. Pray, pray and ask for nothing else. Put everything in the hands of the Mother of God." Asked what would happen in the Church, he said: "We must be prepared to undergo great trials in the not-too-distant future; trials that will require us to be ready to give up even our lives, and a total gift of self to Christ and for Christ. Through your prayers and mine, it is possible to alleviate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it, because it is only in this way that the Church can be effectively renewed. How many times, indeed, has the renewal of the Church been effected in blood? This time, again, it will not be otherwise. We must be strong, ... we must entrust ourselves to Christ and to His holy Mother, and we must be attentive, very attentive, to the prayer of the Rosary."

Three Secrets of Fátima - Wikipedia
I'll still be Catholic, but I'm reaching the end of my patience with the Catholic Church. Every other church is even further down the road of abandoning Christianity. So I'll probably just pray alone.
Why not let priests marry? How many great ones have been lost because of it? Ministers, rabbis, imams, even Orthodox priests can marry. Why not Catholic priests?
Bishops own the property of their diocese. The Church had to have a way to keep them from passing the property down to their heirs. The answer -- prevent from getting married.
Bishops own the property of their diocese. The Church had to have a way to keep them from passing the property down to their heirs. The answer -- prevent from getting married.

Pope Alexander Septus had at least five children.
I'll still be Catholic, but I'm reaching the end of my patience with the Catholic Church. Every other church is even further down the road of abandoning Christianity. So I'll probably just pray alone.
Where did Christ talk about this stuff?
You have to put up with the fact that most priests are too cowardly to tell their parishioners that they're not supposed to be having sex out of wedlock, using birth control, or committing sodomy, so Catholics go ahead and do this stuff and feel no guilt.
You have to put up with the fact that so many priests turned out to be child molesters and the bishops knew and let it happen.

You have to put with up with non-Catholic friends making jokes about pedophile priests and having no way to plausibly deny it.

You have to put up with the fact that most priests are too cowardly to tell their parishioners that they're not supposed to be having sex out of wedlock, using birth control, or committing sodomy, so Catholics go ahead and do this stuff and feel no guilt.

And now, we have to put up with a Pope who is so confused about what he's supposed to be teaching it's worse than having no Pope at all.

I went over to check out the Episcopalians, but they're even worse off.

And the evangelicals are nuts, can't join them.
I used to be a Catholic but my mum said I was about 4 when I started questioning it.

Ever considered Marxism?
Why not let priests marry? How many great ones have been lost because of it? Ministers, rabbis, imams, even Orthodox priests can marry. Why not Catholic priests?

Other religions have legacy ministers, rabbis or imams

My father was a rabbi, my grandfather was a rabbi.....I naturally became a rabbi

Refusing to allow priests to have a normal life keeps many from choosing the priesthood
Why not let priests marry? How many great ones have been lost because of it? Ministers, rabbis, imams, even Orthodox priests can marry. Why not Catholic priests?
Bishops own the property of their diocese. The Church had to have a way to keep them from passing the property down to their heirs. The answer -- prevent from getting married.
Hardly the situation anymore.
Used to be harder to be Catholic

Latin Mass, no meat on Fridays, no cremation on death, women had to cover their head at mass
You have to put up with the fact that so many priests turned out to be child molesters and the bishops knew and let it happen.

You have to put with up with non-Catholic friends making jokes about pedophile priests and having no way to plausibly deny it.

You have to put up with the fact that most priests are too cowardly to tell their parishioners that they're not supposed to be having sex out of wedlock, using birth control, or committing sodomy, so Catholics go ahead and do this stuff and feel no guilt.

And now, we have to put up with a Pope who is so confused about what he's supposed to be teaching it's worse than having no Pope at all.

I went over to check out the Episcopalians, but they're even worse off.

And the evangelicals are nuts, can't join them.
You have to put up with the fact that so many priests turned out to be child molesters and the bishops knew and let it happen.
I'll still be Catholic
the christian bible is a forgery and it is from its beginning the corruption has always been present as the book itself is the light those who promote its false message have used for centuries to persecute and victimize the innocent while the congregations have idly endorsed their nefarious undertakings - blacky is no different and willingly lives under its spell.
You have to put up with the fact that so many priests turned out to be child molesters and the bishops knew and let it happen.

You have to put with up with non-Catholic friends making jokes about pedophile priests and having no way to plausibly deny it.

You have to put up with the fact that most priests are too cowardly to tell their parishioners that they're not supposed to be having sex out of wedlock, using birth control, or committing sodomy, so Catholics go ahead and do this stuff and feel no guilt.

And now, we have to put up with a Pope who is so confused about what he's supposed to be teaching it's worse than having no Pope at all.

I went over to check out the Episcopalians, but they're even worse off.

And the evangelicals are nuts, can't join them.
Only protestants, doth protest too much.
I've always wondered why Catholic priests can't marry. I mean, they've already taken vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
Actually, most Catholic priests take a vow of celibacy, which is different than a vow of chastity.
I'll still be Catholic, but I'm reaching the end of my patience with the Catholic Church. Every other church is even further down the road of abandoning Christianity. So I'll probably just pray alone.
Keep in mind what is happening in your own parish, with your own priests. The priests in my parish are devoted to the word of God, to His church, to the people of the parish. They are focused in the present. Who faithfully cites the Word of God to us? It is the parish priest. Who inspires us to reflect on Biblical readings? It is the parish priest. The Catholic faith is a way of life, The Way Christ spoke of and lived himself. We each discern what God wants from us on our own small bit of this universe, and we make our own minute place more loving, our life and the lives we touch just a bit better.

The Pope needs to read Genesis, reflect on what ancient sages observed and passed down to us, their descendants. Beware of an undisciplined life; be aware that when sexual mores become undisciplined in society, we are a fragment who hold true and are faithful to our own ideals. It is the Pope's job, his duty to point to the ideal. When his eyes shifted from the ideal to human acceptance of 'good enough' he disappointed many. Even so, we are all called to forgive how many times?

Remember, the Pope was talking to secular governments. Jesus, if you remember, stayed well away from the political issues of his day, kept his eyes focused on the Father's will.
Why not let priests marry? How many great ones have been lost because of it? Ministers, rabbis, imams, even Orthodox priests can marry. Why not Catholic priests?
It wasn't until man became enlightened in the early 1970's that this became what it is. It started some years earlier though. The Church has incredible seminaries. They had trouble getting people to become priests in that era and after. They drove a class from my school to one where there were only 8 students at that seminary. And it was huge. There were priests before this that did those things. But it was like a tsunami after ward. Many of the seminarians may have had issues as children. Abused in different ways. They went into the seminary for the wrong reason even if they needed some help.

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