Beer carrying customer shoots robber 7 times...

What experiences would you be expecting, liar?

How regressive do you have to be that you can't even admit to knowing what Grinder is?

I dont know I have no idea what "Grinder" is. You do. But again, you're really off topic twice now. Once talking about Putin and once talking about your experiences on "Grinder". Can we get back on topic here?
You replied to yourself. What does Putin have to do with this guy shooting a would be robber? I think you're a little off topic here.
If you were capable of following the thread, it makes perfect sense and is very much in line with the topic and a direct response to your own question. Fucking mentally challenged lefty snowflakes.
That's because you don't have the intellect to follow a conversation.

That's ok.

I'm going to report my own posts as off topic flaming.

I'm sure your goal is to have the thread moved... And I'm not playing into it.

Good luck loser.
Yes you go ahead and report yourself. What a great idea.
Yes. He was likely still mobile. Why do you defend criminals?
Like I said before, it's only a matter of time before you screw up and end up in jail. But let me guess, you're another gun owner that doesnt know what you can and can't do legally with a gun.
Like I said before, it's only a matter of time before you screw up and end up in jail. But let me guess, you're another gun owner that doesnt know what you can and can't do legally with a gun.
I know I can defend myself. Not my concern if some fool dies. You care more about the rights of the criminal than the victim. You're mentally ill.
I'm not. I'm just saying if the robber was already shot and down, why shoot him again? I guess that will be up to the local prosecutor to decide.
Because he was still advancing and by doing so, still a threat. Any other questions. My only problem was that he didn't make a clean head shot with the first shot, saving ammo and that bottle of booze behind the counter.
Did the robber also need to be shot while on the ground after already being shot?
I think the DA will look into that as we can't see all the shots fired on video. Since we can't see that, he may have shot him all standing up until one of the shots took him to the ground. I am sure the robber was full of adrenaline and trying to flee the bullets. He, ( the store customer) also hopefully has full CCW insurance. The gun instructor told me its important to carry that with all the gun laws. Out of 7 bullets, 3 hit him.
Racist. Anyone is a threat. Many people carry. What do you do when a thug threatens you? Drop to your knees and unzip his crotch?
Yes, you view everyone as a threat. Again, further proof you'll eventually screw up and land yourself in jail.

As far as my personal experiences, I have been robbed once by two armed people. I did what they told me and dropped my wallet. They used my credit card at a gas station and I was fully reimbursed for it and I did not have any cash on me. So my financial loss was zero. Well, except for the cost of a new wallet. I also survived because I didnt have a fire arm. Let me guess in this particular scenario your first instinct would have been to bring out your gun and start shooting vs 2 armed opponents, right?

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