Been Blocked

Auld Phart

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 3, 2013
for the last 8+ hours, (bad gateway)

Considering the lack of alerts, and new threads, is it safe to assume the rest of you had the same problem?
Yes, it was Bad Gateway all morning.
I went to another board and found a couple of old members, though. So that was fun.
They had to clear the cookies a disk drive defrag and redirect their plug into the motherboards inlets..
for the last 8+ hours, (bad gateway)

Considering the lack of alerts, and new threads, is it safe to assume the rest of you had the same problem?

I was wondering why I was here alone...

No, same here but did not really care... I figure Flacaltenn hit the wrong button again and blocked all of us...
To make room for FlatCan production of the invite-only forum, in which unwitting contestants will be cyberstalked and killed in a pool of their own electrons, protons are banned since they are gayp
Most of the liberals left when they realized Trump wasn't going to be impeached or removed from office and Mueller has nothing.... it caused a momentary hiccup at the USMB...but we should be OK for now..... They will return when Stormy pops her head back up....
for the last 8+ hours, (bad gateway)

Considering the lack of alerts, and new threads, is it safe to assume the rest of you had the same problem?

I was wondering why I was here alone...

No, same here but did not really care... I figure Flacaltenn hit the wrong button again and blocked all of us...
He really wants too..

Well will Will ever tell us what was the cause of no access to the greatest Message Board ever???


Will Will kill me with the damn suspense!?!

( My bet is death )

I thought it was something I was doing

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