Beck says Hillary will win in 2016

I'm not a Hillary-supporter, as I don't endorse either party BUT, she'd, no doubt, steam roll anyone that is currently in the GOP lineup. She's got the name recognition, political machinery already set-up, and the $$$.

Sadly that is all that is needed. She doesn't have one thing of note to qualify her for the position. I am thinking being 68 might do her in.

Oh, so how hard will that nose be pinched? You do know that Hillary isn't the only democrat?

Billy Clinton gave us a war, a recession, a military attack on civilians and free trade deals that have screwed the working man ever since.

I voted for Dubya twice. and at the end of it, I got a 20% reduction in pay, an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K. Dubya cured me of Republicanism.

So, no, I really won't have that nose pinched at all. In fact, i am probably going to enjoy the shit out of watching you wingnuts scream like little bitches for 8 years.
Why even hold elections. Just crown her Queen of America of be done with

She'll carry on destroying us where Obama left off

Oh, so how hard will that nose be pinched? You do know that Hillary isn't the only democrat?

Billy Clinton gave us a war, a recession, a military attack on civilians and free trade deals that have screwed the working man ever since.

I voted for Dubya twice. and at the end of it, I got a 20% reduction in pay, an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K. Dubya cured me of Republicanism.

So, no, I really won't have that nose pinched at all. In fact, i am probably going to enjoy the shit out of watching you wingnuts scream like little bitches for 8 years.

yeah right, you voting republican.

So democrats that controlled Congress by a pretty wide margin after 2006 have no culpability in what happened during their rein of power? Even though Congress is charged with regulation they have nothing to do with the crash in 2008, it was all Bush. Even though the one area where the democrats showed the most interest, housing, was the precursor for the 2008. Even with that the price of housing dropped from the bubble to where it would have been if the democrats would not have made conditions such that speculators inflated a bubble. So if you bought on the bubble, sorry for you but the signs were all there. Your 401K, if you just waited it out they all recovered. But remember one thing, anything related to the stock market is really only slightly better then betting in Las Vegas.

So now that you have expressed you opinion that you really don't give a crap about the Iraq war I will be expecting we will no longer see you post one criticism of the war.

Free trade agreemenst, Waco, lying under oath, their very vitriol nature cured me of any thought of supporting a democrat for any office.

In many elections voting against a candidate is more important than voting for a candidate. That is a sad fact of life, and it is that fact that got us two terms of obama. Until those on the right and center right understand that FACT, the country will continue to be run by liberal socialist democrats.

I'm not sure where you get this premise from.

Romney's whole campaign was based on voting against Obama. No one was really voting "for" Romney except his fellow Mormon Cultists.

The reason why you lost the last two elections and will probably not win the next one is because your party has alienated minorities, women and working people.

48% of the vote is no one? really? But you did make my point, many times its more important to vote against someone than for someone. If 3% more of the voters had grasped that basic truth, we would not be dealing with a second term of obama's incompetence.

your statement about minorities, women, and "working people" is total bullshit. Whats not bullshit is that 70% of americans think the country is on the wrong path under obama.
Billy Clinton gave us a war, a recession, a military attack on civilians and free trade deals that have screwed the working man ever since. Oh an yeah, the events that lead to 9/11.

oooooh!!! don't forget.., September 11, 2001AD :up: .... :up: ..... :up: .... :up:

You mean the thing that happened on Bush's watch.

The thing that happened a month after the CIA gave him a daily briefing that said "Bin Laden Determined to strike US" that specifically talked about hijacking airplanes, and Bush said, "Well, you've covered your ass" and went fishing?

That 9-11?

48% of the vote is no one? really? But you did make my point, many times its more important to vote against someone than for someone. If 3% more of the voters had grasped that basic truth, we would not be dealing with a second term of obama's incompetence.

your statement about minorities, women, and "working people" is total bullshit. Whats not bullshit is that 70% of americans think the country is on the wrong path under obama.

47% who voted "for" Romney were voting against Obama. Come on, guy, this is how it played out.

Pre- Nomination- YOu all didn't want Romney because he wasn't a real conservative. And a Mormon.

Post Nomination- Every argument you had for romney was a denouncing of Obama.

Post Election- Romney wasn't a "real conservative".

There was never any enthusiasm for Romney. Santorum or Gingrich would have gotten the exact same 47% of the vote.
Maybe a liberals could answer this for me. How hard will you have to hold your nose to vote for Hillary? After all she voted for the Iraq war and supported it throughout. Was the woman once married to the POTUS duped by GWB? Or are you so insincere in what you say that it really doesn't matter?

I can't speak for "liberals".

Here's my thoughts, though.

As the boys on South Park once observed, an election is usually a choice between a giant douche or a turd sandwich. SO it really is going to be the lesser of two evils.

The Republicans at the end of the day are probably going to run Jeb Bush. You guys will all huff and puff for Ted Cruz or some other crazy, who might even win a primary or two. Then you'll be bitch-slapped down and told who you are going to support and you better like it.

Well, if it becomes a choice between Hillary and Jeb, that's an easy one. Poppy Bush gave us a war and a recession. Dubya gave us two wars and two recessions. I don't want to go for three.

luckily for the country, idiots like you are a small minority. The country does not want another clinton or another bush. This country does not like political dynasties.

neither hillary or jeb will be on the ticket in 2016, Book it.

48% of the vote is no one? really? But you did make my point, many times its more important to vote against someone than for someone. If 3% more of the voters had grasped that basic truth, we would not be dealing with a second term of obama's incompetence.

your statement about minorities, women, and "working people" is total bullshit. Whats not bullshit is that 70% of americans think the country is on the wrong path under obama.

47% who voted "for" Romney were voting against Obama. Come on, guy, this is how it played out.

Pre- Nomination- YOu all didn't want Romney because he wasn't a real conservative. And a Mormon.

Post Nomination- Every argument you had for romney was a denouncing of Obama.

Post Election- Romney wasn't a "real conservative".

There was never any enthusiasm for Romney. Santorum or Gingrich would have gotten the exact same 47% of the vote.

I never said that Romney was a good choice, only that he would have been better than obama.
Billy Clinton gave us a war, a recession, a military attack on civilians and free trade deals that have screwed the working man ever since. Oh an yeah, the events that lead to 9/11.

oooooh!!! don't forget.., September 11, 2001AD :up: .... :up: ..... :up: .... :up:

You mean the thing that happened on Bush's watch.

The thing that happened a month after the CIA gave him a daily briefing that said "Bin Laden Determined to strike US" that specifically talked about hijacking airplanes, and Bush said, "Well, you've covered your ass" and went fishing?

That 9-11?

Nope, his vacillating foreign policy was the problem. And no, Bush inherited a recession from Clinton which he fixed without all the BS Obama used to not fix a recession.
Maybe a liberals could answer this for me. How hard will you have to hold your nose to vote for Hillary? After all she voted for the Iraq war and supported it throughout. Was the woman once married to the POTUS duped by GWB? Or are you so insincere in what you say that it really doesn't matter?

I can't speak for "liberals".

Here's my thoughts, though.

As the boys on South Park once observed, an election is usually a choice between a giant douche or a turd sandwich. SO it really is going to be the lesser of two evils.

The Republicans at the end of the day are probably going to run Jeb Bush. You guys will all huff and puff for Ted Cruz or some other crazy, who might even win a primary or two. Then you'll be bitch-slapped down and told who you are going to support and you better like it.

Well, if it becomes a choice between Hillary and Jeb, that's an easy one. Poppy Bush gave us a war and a recession. Dubya gave us two wars and two recessions. I don't want to go for three.

luckily for the country, idiots like you are a small minority. The country does not want another clinton or another bush. This country does not like political dynasties.

neither hillary or jeb will be on the ticket in 2016, Book it.

Where is Reagan when we need him?

yeah right, you voting republican.

Unlike you, some of us can learn.

So democrats that controlled Congress by a pretty wide margin after 2006 have no culpability in what happened during their rein of power? Even though Congress is charged with regulation they have nothing to do with the crash in 2008, it was all Bush. Even though the one area where the democrats showed the most interest, housing, was the precursor for the 2008.

they only BARELY controlled the Senate in 2006. by one vote, and only because two independents caucused with them, one of them being Joe Lieberman (D-Israel).

To the point, what law did the new Democrat Congress pass over Bush's objection that caused the crash?

And, no, enforcing regulations was the job of the executive branch, which Bush filled with cronies like Chris Cox.

Even with that the price of housing dropped from the bubble to where it would have been if the democrats would not have made conditions such that speculators inflated a bubble. So if you bought on the bubble, sorry for you but the signs were all there. Your 401K, if you just waited it out they all recovered. But remember one thing, anything related to the stock market is really only slightly better then betting in Las Vegas.

Yeah, it's all your fault, Mr. Working Guy, that you aren't playing the markets like we are! You see, the funny thing is, I didn't buy my house as an investment. I bought it as, you know, a place to live. Now I'm stuck with it, I can't sell it and move to a place where the job oppurtunities might be better.

Here's the thing. Before you boy Bush fucked it all up, we did pretty well under Bill Clinton. If this really is going to be "Clinton II vs. Bush III", then you guys are pretty much screwed.

So now that you have expressed you opinion that you really don't give a crap about the Iraq war I will be expecting we will no longer see you post one criticism of the war.

Again, being a hard core republican in 2003, I was all for the war at the time. But unlike you, I can re-evaluate and realize it was a terrible idea. Making mistakes is human. Not learning from them is stupid.

I do think that Hillary's support of the Iraq War was sort of cowardly, but she probably expected we'd defeat Saddam in a couple of weeks, and by 2004, no one would be talking about Iraq anymore since it would be long over. She probably didn't count on just how badly Bush could fuck things up when he really put his mind to it.

Free trade agreemenst, Waco, lying under oath, their very vitriol nature cured me of any thought of supporting a democrat for any office.

Okay- Except the Republicans are even more Free Trade than the Democrats are. The only guy who said, "Hey, Free Trade is a really bad idea" was Ross Perot and the Reform Party. And they quickly were consigned to political oblivion. So that doesn't hold water.

Waco- I'm sorry, Republicans had an investigation on that, and JOHN DANFORTH- Republican, sponsor of Clarence Thomas, came to the conclusion that Koresh and his bunch committed mass suicide. The same conclusion that state and federal investigations reached.

Lying under Oath about a blow job- bad. Lying about weapons of mass destruction? Okay. Hmmm. Did anyone die because of the blow job?

How did Clinton lying about a blow job harm you in any way?

Nope, his vacillating foreign policy was the problem. And no, Bush inherited a recession from Clinton which he fixed without all the BS Obama used to not fix a recession.

How was Clinton's policy "vacillating"? Exactly. I thought it was pretty clear, he would have killed Bin Laden if given the chance. And when he tried, republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog", because they were investigating important stuff like blow jobs.

Gosh, I would love it if my life could go back to the worst thing I had to worry about was whether the president was lying about getting a blow job.
Maybe a liberals could answer this for me. How hard will you have to hold your nose to vote for Hillary? After all she voted for the Iraq war and supported it throughout. Was the woman once married to the POTUS duped by GWB? Or are you so insincere in what you say that it really doesn't matter?

I can't speak for "liberals".

Here's my thoughts, though.

As the boys on South Park once observed, an election is usually a choice between a giant douche or a turd sandwich. SO it really is going to be the lesser of two evils.

The Republicans at the end of the day are probably going to run Jeb Bush. You guys will all huff and puff for Ted Cruz or some other crazy, who might even win a primary or two. Then you'll be bitch-slapped down and told who you are going to support and you better like it.

Well, if it becomes a choice between Hillary and Jeb, that's an easy one. Poppy Bush gave us a war and a recession. Dubya gave us two wars and two recessions. I don't want to go for three.

luckily for the country, idiots like you are a small minority. The country does not want another clinton or another bush. This country does not like political dynasties.

neither hillary or jeb will be on the ticket in 2016, Book it.

Where is Reagan when we need him?

turning over in his grave at what the USA has become.

48% of the vote is no one? really? But you did make my point, many times its more important to vote against someone than for someone. If 3% more of the voters had grasped that basic truth, we would not be dealing with a second term of obama's incompetence.

your statement about minorities, women, and "working people" is total bullshit. Whats not bullshit is that 70% of americans think the country is on the wrong path under obama.

47% who voted "for" Romney were voting against Obama. Come on, guy, this is how it played out.

Pre- Nomination- YOu all didn't want Romney because he wasn't a real conservative. And a Mormon.

Post Nomination- Every argument you had for romney was a denouncing of Obama.

Post Election- Romney wasn't a "real conservative".

There was never any enthusiasm for Romney. Santorum or Gingrich would have gotten the exact same 47% of the vote.

The bolded above is just pure left wing bigoted BS. Romney won the nomination before the primaries even hit Pennsylvania. I didn't want to support Romney because he was too LIBERAL not because of his religion and I know of no other conservatives that did. Making religion or race an issue is purely a liberal thing to do.

Nope, his vacillating foreign policy was the problem. And no, Bush inherited a recession from Clinton which he fixed without all the BS Obama used to not fix a recession.

How was Clinton's policy "vacillating"? Exactly. I thought it was pretty clear, he would have killed Bin Laden if given the chance. And when he tried, republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog", because they were investigating important stuff like blow jobs.

Gosh, I would love it if my life could go back to the worst thing I had to worry about was whether the president was lying about getting a blow job.

bullshit, Sudan offered OBL to clinton and he refused to act. Clinton castrated our intelligence services by not letting the FBI and CIA communicate and share info. 9/11 belongs to clinton.

Nope, his vacillating foreign policy was the problem. And no, Bush inherited a recession from Clinton which he fixed without all the BS Obama used to not fix a recession.

How was Clinton's policy "vacillating"? Exactly. I thought it was pretty clear, he would have killed Bin Laden if given the chance. And when he tried, republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog", because they were investigating important stuff like blow jobs.

Gosh, I would love it if my life could go back to the worst thing I had to worry about was whether the president was lying about getting a blow job.

did you lie under federal oath about it?

Nope, his vacillating foreign policy was the problem. And no, Bush inherited a recession from Clinton which he fixed without all the BS Obama used to not fix a recession.

How was Clinton's policy "vacillating"? Exactly. I thought it was pretty clear, he would have killed Bin Laden if given the chance. And when he tried, republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog", because they were investigating important stuff like blow jobs.

Gosh, I would love it if my life could go back to the worst thing I had to worry about was whether the president was lying about getting a blow job.

Here is a NYT article on this. Seems when Clinton can clearly bomb the crap out of someone into submission that he is all for. Other then that...... BTW, he is the one that really let OBL go.

THE CLINTON RECORD Foreign Policy Bosnia Policy Shaped by U.S. Military Role - New York Times

Overwhelmed and confused, Mr. Clinton pressed the French President to argue against a move in Congress to arm the Muslim-led Bosnian Government and to raise money to better protect United Nations peacekeeping troops in Bosnia.
Mr. Clinton kept the French entourage and his Cabinet waiting for nearly two hours while he arranged for Mr. Chirac to meet with Bob Dole, then the Senate majority leader, and Newt Gingrich, the House Speaker. When Mr. Chirac returned home, he announced derisively that the position of leader of the free world was "vacant."
Both impulses -- determination and desperation -- were part of two and a half years of uncertain diplomacy over Bosnia. It began with Mr. Clinton's accusations that the Bush Administration was doing too little, then shifted to the view that the conflict was largely Europe's problem, and ended with peace, but a peace so fragile that it may unravel when NATO troops withdraw at the end of the year.

The bolded above is just pure left wing bigoted BS. Romney won the nomination before the primaries even hit Pennsylvania. I didn't want to support Romney because he was too LIBERAL not because of his religion and I know of no other conservatives that did. Making religion or race an issue is purely a liberal thing to do.

You mean you forgot the whole 2008 thing, where Mike Huckabee asked if Mormons thought Jesus and Satan were brothers? And all these fundies wouldn't support Romney because Mormons were heretics.

And who do you think was supporting Santorum up to the last minute? All these funditards who couldn't stand voting for a Mormon- until rich people told them they were going to and LIKE IT!!!

Sadly, unlike this sensible atheist who realizes that people who think they are wearing magic underwear have no business near nuclear weapons, Fundies were able to overcome their hatred of Mormon Heretics....

...because there was a NEGRO in the White House, Dammit!!!!!

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