Beautiful photo/story, 2 dads w/newborn son

2 dads embracing newborn Milo photo gets social media love - Toronto - CBC News


People love a freak show

Here's another popular birth photo;

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Yes, I agree with "hating in others what they cannot control in themselves"
Very well stated, I AGREE it is control issues.

But that which they "cannot control" is not necessarily
sexuality as in orientation
but can be ANY issue of "control" -- ANY "mommy or daddy" issues.

So I see these as spiritual first, regardless how they manifest.
That seems to cover all the bases and cases I have seen.

The "control issues" may come from one incident, and project on another.

Another example: A friend of mine has been projecting on me "heterosexually" but he admitted to me it was coming from his need for approval he never got from his DAD.
Even though I am female, he was treating me as a "father figure" because the fights we have reflect "control issues with authority" in general.
He has issues with Christians he cannot forgive for abuses, and since he is not going to confront them, he substitutes me to work out these issues with "father authority figures."

Every person I know repeats patterns from their mothers and fathers.
So you are welcome to call this sexuality/orientation issues
but I see it as Spiritual, and it projects onto both political and religious authority,
as church-state issues collectively. I see it as a Spiritual process before a physical sexual one, which is a major area these issues show up in, but not the only level.
I find that we as humans are all struggling to restore harmony and balance between the "male and female sides of our SPIRIT" and this DOES manifest physically in sexual relations,
but the real issue is the internal balance between passive/proactive, follower/leader, teacher/student, or whatever you call the complementary roles, but it is not just orientation sexually.

Maybe you do the opposite because you are constantly addressing issues of sexuality/orientation, but I am used to addressing the broader spectrum of
projecting spiritual imbalance and control issues onto: racism, sexism, political divisions between groups based on labels, generation gaps, cultural groups, religious divisions,
division between science and faith or nontheist and theist views -- ANY version of "them vs. us" or "you vs. me" that people project their "control issues" onto -- NOT just orientation.

The manifestations and causes are diverse, but YES
I AGREE it IS control issues! Thank you, [MENTION=49586]Inevitable[/MENTION], at least we agree on that!

Only a complete pervert would see people caring for a child and create some make believe child molestation fiction.

It's strange how religious generated hatred can twist the human mind.

A person does not have to be "sexually perverted" to PROJECT judgment on others
concerning sexuality.

As long as they don't FORGIVE a certain person or group, they can PROJECT judgment.
It can be for any number of reasons.
I think you are mistaken [MENTION=22295]emilynghiem[/MENTION], I think people hate in others what they cannot control in themselves. You always seem intent on placing the locus of judgement outside of the self, this defies human nature. We are our own worst enemies. It has nothing to dowith forgiveness of others. Spiritual healing it's strictly and wholly dependant onthe forgiveness AND ACCEPTANCE of one's own self. Others aren't really even relevant in the equation.
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What I can also read in that man's expression
is the struggle of everyone else who has overcome great obstacles
to be able to hold a child,
to get to this moment in life, and what it took them to get there.

Even though I know he is crushed with joy, I also feel great sorrow and grief
for all the people I know who have suffered before him, and didn't get to know this joy.
It is very humbling to see his raw expression, like a baby himself crying openly.

If people have struggled "more than they could bear" to finally get to that point for themselves,
and they relate to this man's emotions, that may explain how deeply they respond to it.

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Have the Gay parents gotten divorced yet? Is there a custody battle going on?

bitter much????
people that delight in the suffering of others are true devils.

Dear [MENTION=49586]Inevitable[/MENTION]: If you find a copy of two books by Scott Peck
* People of the Lie
* Glimpses of the Devil
He studied the causes of evil personality disorders in CERTAIN patients,
that he found did involve "external spiritual influence" beyond just their own
choice and delusions in their minds. In order to "let these influences take over"
they DID have to make a CONSCIOUS free will choice to reject, rebel or "not forgive";
but after the "demonic obsessions" took over their free will, they could not "will these away" or control most of their choices after that.

So for THESE type of cases (not all) he found out it was true that the deliverance methods used by Christian healers DID work to remove the infesting demonic energies first, and then undo the process in reverse: get rid of the infecting negative obsessions, and then the person could work through their therapy to forgive and heal of whatever made them reject and start letting the negative spiritual influences take over in the first place.

GreenBean was calling this a choice to remain addicted, and still calling it mental illness.

There is not clear, agreed language for this spiritual process. The Buddhists address it with meditations on finer and finer levels of awareness; the Christians I know who do this healing just use religious symbols and don't try to explain the psychology of healing (except for Dr. MacNutt in his book on Healing that does a good job of explaining the process)

There is some point where people choose to judge and reject out of unforgiveness,
instead of forgiving; and to undo the negative conflicts requires going backwards
through the process to forgive, remove and heal all negative projections,
perceptions and memories.
I agree with you. Two loving parents are the best gift one can give to a child. May they remain a family for a long time to come. :)

Filthy, rotten people intentionally robbing a kid of the opportunity to be raised by his real parents. Scumbag, selfish homos.
So a child raised by their real parents but having no biological connect to them is Selfish? I take it you would rather have orphans and step children gassed.
They are REAL parents BECAUSE of that biological connect, not in spite of it. And every child in history has a specific mother and a specific father. To INTENTIONALLY deprive a child of the opportunity to be raised by its REAL parents is ignorant, rude, selfish and abusive.
Orphans are a result of extenuating circumstances, not a contrivance.
Homonazis need to be stopped.
Filthy, rotten people intentionally robbing a kid of the opportunity to be raised by his real parents. Scumbag, selfish homos.
So a child raised by their real parents but having no biological connect to them is Selfish? I take it you would rather have orphans and step children gassed.
They are REAL parents BECAUSE of that biological connect, not in spite of it. And every child in history has a specific mother and a specific father. To INTENTIONALLY deprive a child of the opportunity to be raised by its REAL parents is ignorant, rude, selfish and abusive.
Orphans are a result of extenuating circumstances, not a contrivance.
Homonazis need to be stopped.
And yet, a douche hater like YOU was raised by a mother and father? :lol:
Filthy, rotten people intentionally robbing a kid of the opportunity to be raised by his real parents. Scumbag, selfish homos.
So a child raised by their real parents but having no biological connect to them is Selfish? I take it you would rather have orphans and step children gassed.
They are REAL parents BECAUSE of that biological connect, not in spite of it. And every child in history has a specific mother and a specific father. To INTENTIONALLY deprive a child of the opportunity to be raised by its REAL parents is ignorant, rude, selfish and abusive.
Orphans are a result of extenuating circumstances, not a contrivance.
Homonazis need to be stopped.

We ARE the "real" parents.

You aren't going to "stop" anything...especially not your paranoid fantasies.
Until Sunni "man", I've believed about muslims the same as I believe about other groups - that there are good and bad, that they're not all ignorant and backward and vile ugly people. Maybe its just the men. Maybe the women aren't as vile and nasty as Sunni "man". One thing for sure, Sunni "man" is a waste of skin and I think its likely all male muslims are as well.

Being happy about a birth isn't raising a child, let's see if they are still good parents in a few years before applauding.

The same as with any and all other parents.

I know gays who are good parents and I know straights who are not.

Edited, a son, congragulations to the parents. Concluding pedophlia by orientation is both wrong and abhorrent.
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Filthy, rotten people intentionally robbing a kid of the opportunity to be raised by his real parents. Scumbag, selfish homos.
So a child raised by their real parents but having no biological connect to them is Selfish? I take it you would rather have orphans and step children gassed.
They are REAL parents BECAUSE of that biological connect, not in spite of it. And every child in history has a specific mother and a specific father. To INTENTIONALLY deprive a child of the opportunity to be raised by its REAL parents is ignorant, rude, selfish and abusive.
Orphans are a result of extenuating circumstances, not a contrivance.
Homonazis need to be stopped.
So what you are saying is that heterosexuals that don'traise their children are ignorant, rude, selfish, and abusive? Well I don't see why this has the least bit too do with homosexuals. If straight people valued their children, gay people couldn't adopt them. And we all know straight people despise children, they have managed to kill 54 million of them in the womb. Fill shelters for abused children and of course fill the streets with homeless children. Not to mention, get pregnant, have kids, divorce and remarry, have more children, cycle and repeat.

Seems your bitch is with heterosexuals. But you know, blame the homosexuals because it's easier than taking responsibility for your own failures.
2 dads embracing newborn Milo photo gets social media love - Toronto - CBC News


A photo showing the tearful joy of two Toronto dads embracing their newborn boy has become a social media sensation.

The photo by Gananoque, Ont., photographer Lindsay Foster shows BJ Barone and Frank Nelson holding son Milo, born to a surrogate, for the first time. The two dads are shirtless, making skin-to-skin contact with the baby shortly after he was born — something said to be beneficial to newborns.

The photo has earned at least 41,000 likes on Facebook.

Nelson told CBC News that the response to the photo has been overwhelming.

"Anyone who has any doubt in their mind that two fathers could love a kid as much as a man and a woman or whoever else … maybe that photo says something to them and they saw the love, and that love transcends everything."

The baby was born last Friday, during Toronto's World Pride celebration, to a surrogate mother not related to the couple.

That's beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
Yes it is, Howey! In a time when infants are abandoned by their straight parents and/or aborted to find two loving same-sex parents caught in the moment of emotion, tenderness, and closeness is really something to behold.

BTW, I heard this was your Website. Is it? Politikal Culture
Edited, a son, congragulations to the parents. Concluding pedophlia by orientation is both wrong and abhorrent.

it's also a lie used to try to vilify them by nasty bigoted homophobes.

Like Political Torch said, anyone who would look down upon a loving family, any loving family, is a sick person.
Filthy, rotten people intentionally robbing a kid of the opportunity to be raised by his real parents. Scumbag, selfish homos.
So a child raised by their real parents but having no biological connect to them is Selfish? I take it you would rather have orphans and step children gassed.
They are REAL parents BECAUSE of that biological connect, not in spite of it. And every child in history has a specific mother and a specific father. To INTENTIONALLY deprive a child of the opportunity to be raised by its REAL parents is ignorant, rude, selfish and abusive.
Orphans are a result of extenuating circumstances, not a contrivance.
Homonazis need to be stopped.

Ask any child raised by adoptive parents who their parents are and they'd point to the man and woman, two men, or two women that raised them with love. Not to a man who ejaculated into a woman.
Disgusting...sick bastards.
Yet another phoney conservative taking an extreme progressive position on this. But what is to be expected when the avatar of a conservative in name only is a liberal.

You people don't know what to think. You will just squawk "ditto ditto ditto" as you are lead off the cliff. And people wonder how a man like Obama can become president.

Read up on conservatism, you will realize you aren't.
What kind of a sick dement woman would birth a child and then immediately give the baby to a couple of homos?

Knowing full well that her infant son was going to be molested and sexually abused growing up by these two perverts. .. :doubt:
The point is that its wrong to ASSSume gay parents would molest their children because their children are wanted and loved. Not to mention that being homosexual IS NOT related to being a pedophile. Educate yourself.

Hmmm... Definitely gays want children. The word "loved" is open to interpretation. Gay icon Harvey Milk "wanted" the orphaned boys he took off the streets to officiate as their father figure/guarian while he "loved" them in the anus.

I think people have a problem with gays doing surrogacy or adopting because of the OP in this thread and the 1st photo in the OP:

Photos have an effect on people. They really are worth a thousand words. For that matter, the author of the OP misjudged radically the visceral reaction of readers here seeing two half-naked dudes groping onto each other as they hold a newborn baby.

Let's just say that if anyone was on the fence one way or the other about gay marriage, that picture just took and shoved them hard off that fence. Be sure you're certain about which direction that shove sent them: [Check out the poll results at the top of the thread]
Smh.... disgusting. I have never heard or seen the whole "rub your shirtless body on the baby"thing....Must be some kind of gay science thing....

2 dads embracing newborn Milo photo gets social media love - Toronto - CBC News


A photo showing the tearful joy of two Toronto dads embracing their newborn boy has become a social media sensation.

The photo by Gananoque, Ont., photographer Lindsay Foster shows BJ Barone and Frank Nelson holding son Milo, born to a surrogate, for the first time. The two dads are shirtless, making skin-to-skin contact with the baby shortly after he was born — something said to be beneficial to newborns.

The photo has earned at least 41,000 likes on Facebook.

Nelson told CBC News that the response to the photo has been overwhelming.

"Anyone who has any doubt in their mind that two fathers could love a kid as much as a man and a woman or whoever else … maybe that photo says something to them and they saw the love, and that love transcends everything."

The baby was born last Friday, during Toronto's World Pride celebration, to a surrogate mother not related to the couple.

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